pBurn 4.3.19

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#341 Post by zigbert »

Pburn Themes

Howto build a Pburn theme

No theme

Pburn-original (89 kb)

Frost (81 kb)

Mini (13 kb)
Last edited by zigbert on Thu 04 Nov 2010, 17:25, edited 2 times in total.
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#342 Post by zigbert »

I have joined your code. Dougal learned me how to read the output and don't use space as a deliminater.

Code: Select all

# move all files to the tempdir
ls -1 $TMPDIR | grep --extended-regexp ".mp3|.ogg|.wav|.wma$FLAC$MAC$FAAD" > $WORKDIR/pburn-tmp
while read I; do
    ln -s "${TMPDIR}/${I}" "$AUDIODIR"
done < $WORKDIR/pburn-tmp
here, spaces in filenames does not need to be converted. But please tell me. Why "${TMPDIR}/${I}" instead of "$TMPDIR/$I". What does the brackets mean.

Thanks a lot for your input!
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#343 Post by zigbert »

Version 1.9.2
See main post
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#344 Post by Nathan F »

The brackets are just habit of mine and probably not required in this case. And thanks for the tip about the spaces, I will try that method and probably end up using it in other such cases.

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Weird bug in 1.9.2

#345 Post by dinky »

Weird bug in 1.9.2....

Just installed it, and when I opened it the first few times, I get a dialogue saying "hei", and after clicking on "ok" pfilefind opens. After closing Pfilefind pburn opens normally, and looks great. The last time I did this I clicked "search", even though I had entered nothing to search. Exited without finding anything, and now when I start pburn it opens normally. What the heck is going on? I'm adding this to my TigerPup pupplet, and don't want to include something that opens pfilefind randomly the first few times it's opened... any thoughts on this? OPtherwise, looks great.

edit: possibly could be caused by not updating pfilesearch to 1.7... was originally using 1.5.

Another bug: couldn't fully test the dvd copy as I don't have a blank dvd at present, but when using 2 dvd drives, i.e. a dvd read only and dvd write, pburn won't initially recognize the disc in the dvd read only drive, but insists on it being put in the dvd write drive initially. After that, it's possible to take it out of that drive, put it in the read-only drive, and use the write drive to burn the copy... only I haven't tried the burning function yet. Looks good though. I really like the ease of use feature allowing you to use the same drive for burning as was originally read from, however it needs to be able to do both. Cheers
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#346 Post by zigbert »

Hei dinky :)

Hei is norwegian and means hello. I use it as checkpoints in the code to follow data flow. It is not intended to exist in released code, But this time it was useful. The 'hei' pointed to pfilesearch -i, which was introduced in pfilesearch 1.6.

I'll see if it is possible to check all optical drives for a valid DVD-video, and use that as the read-only drive.

Thanks for the report.
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#347 Post by dinky »

Hi Zigbert, still testing, but here is what I've found so far:

By default, your tmp file for dvd copying is /mnt/sda6/tmp. This does not exist on my machine, I had to set it to /mnt/home/tmp, where I had enough space.

Haven't tried it with burning from the same drive, but burning from 2 seperate drives doesn't work properly. Am assuming it would be the same for simgle drives, but I'll have to test that later. Basically the .vob file of the movie copies beautifully (playable both in mplayer and xine), but is not written to disc. All that is written to disc are the audio and video folders, with nothing inside them.

Hitting "Emergency Cancel" doesn't cancel anything except the gui, had to kill the vobcopy process by hand to get out of it. That's all for now.
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#348 Post by zigbert »

Hei Dinky

1. I'll set temporary storage to $HOME
2. Emergency STOP is fixed.

3. It seems that your DVD missed with the authoring of DVD-filesystem. Did you choose to shrink? Could you try to manually author the disc (see Pburn advanced tab for dvdauthor code). Does this work? Does it work with Pdvdrsab? The problem is that my system is so weak, that I have to do a DVD-copy manually - step by step, else it all freeze. This is rather troublesome when testing.

I'm very glad that you help testing Pburn.
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#349 Post by zigbert »

Version 1.9.3
See main post
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#350 Post by dinky »

Hei Zigbert, very happy to help with testing. My only remaining link with kde was k9copy, a truly awesome dvd/shrink authoring program. Pburn is very promising, and is well on the way to replacing about 80% of k9copy's functionality. I'm not in huge need of the rest.

How do I use Pdvdrsab, and manually author the disc? (what commands should I try?) I used the shrink function, and was copying from a pressed dvd (store bought release) to a single layer dvd-RW. Happy to help however I can!
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#351 Post by zigbert »


If DVD-copy is the only remaining link to kde, we need to sort this out. :) You say you played your vob in xine/mplayer, maybe you still got it? The filename should be 'NAME_OF_MOVIE-shrank.vob'. If you haven't saved your vob, it's important that it is moved from your /mnt/home/tmp. If this is Pburns temporary storage, it will be deleted when Pburn starts.

Now for the manually authoring:
1. mkdir /mnt/home/tmp/DVD
2. dvdauthor -o /mnt/home/tmp/DVD -t /mnt/home/tmp/NAME_OF_MOVIE-shrank.vob
3. dvdauthor -T

Please check after step 2 what it looks like in the /mnt(home/tmp/DVD/video_ts directory.

growisofs -use-the-force-luke=tty -Z /dev/cdrom -J -r -dvd-compat -pad -graft-points "/"="/root/.pburn/pburn-DVD/"

All these commands are just grabbed from Pburns advanced tab (in the burning dialog).

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#352 Post by zigbert »

I have right now copied a video-DVD (only 4 hours :) ), and everything works fine here. I wonder, Do you have enough temporary storage. Pburn first copies vob-file (around 4.4 Gb), and then authoring another 4.4 Gb. So the rule is: You need twice the size in tmp.

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#353 Post by dinky »

Hei Sigmund, am trying it again right now. Hmmm, possibly I ran out of space last time, I'm not sure. Am trying it now from a different partition, with 12 Gig of space left.

One potential problem is setting the temp folder to /root. /root is usually placed within the save file on a frugal install, which is advised not to go over 1.8Gb, well below what's needed for most dvd's. However, if you were to set it to /mnt/home/tmp (assuming it would then make and when it's finished delete the tmp folder), this problem, for frugal installs, would be fixed most of the time. It would still remain up to the person using the program to make sure they were using puppy on a partition who's /mnt/home folder was big enough, but as least most of the time it would be. Unsure what you should do for a full install, as I'm not sure there is a /mnt/home folder. Why would there be? Could the program detect which is which? Otherwise, I'd recommend setting it up for a frugal install, which Puppy is recommended for.

Also, is there anyway to bypass/minimize the need for a tmp folder when directly copying a dvd from one drive to another (when you have multiple drives)? Currently it seems to be the same process, using the tmp folder to write everything in first.

Will let you know how I go.

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#354 Post by dinky »

Bugs Sigmund, see below.
1. Firstly, burner device is set to /dev/cdrom; this doesn't exist on my machine, and I need to manually change it to /dev/hdc for this to work. Was set fine by default for earlier versions of pburn.
2. .vob file that's created is created as the_video_you_wanted7.vob
and is not renamed to the dvd title. Thus when pburn looks for the title to burn, it can't find it.

The Vob file appears to have copied fine, though when I add it to the burn panel on the right I'm told there is only 19 minutes there, while the film is 82. Am assuming this is just because it's shrunk, not actual. I'm trying the burning now, will post below results later tonight. Below is the output from trying to shrink/copy the dvd through the graphical menu:

Code: Select all

[Info] Cumulated size 5907787776
[Info] Successfully copied file /mnt/hdb1/the_video_you_wanted7.vob
[Info] # of separate files: 1

[Info] Copying finished! Let's see if the sizes match (roughly)
[Info] Combined size of title-vobs: 5907787776 (5634 MB)
[Info] Copied size (size on disk):  5907787776 (5634 MB)
[Info] Everything seems to be fine, the sizes match pretty good ;-)
[Hint] Have a lot of fun!
du: cannot access `/mnt/hdb1/GHOST_IN_THE_SHELL_SPECIAL_ED7.vob': No such file or directory
(standard_in) 1: syntax error
mv: cannot rename '/mnt/hdb1/GHOST_IN_THE_SHELL_SPECIAL_ED7.vob': No such file or directory
DVDAuthor::dvdauthor, version 0.6.14.
Build options: gnugetopt iconv freetype fribidi
Send bugs to <dvdauthor-users@lists.sourceforge.net>

INFO: dvdauthor creating VTS
STAT: Picking VTS 01

STAT: Processing /mnt/hdb1/GHOST_IN_THE_SHELL_SPECIAL_ED7-shrank.vob...
ERR:  Error opening /mnt/hdb1/GHOST_IN_THE_SHELL_SPECIAL_ED7-shrank.vob: No such file or directory
DVDAuthor::dvdauthor, version 0.6.14.
Build options: gnugetopt iconv freetype fribidi
Send bugs to <dvdauthor-users@lists.sourceforge.net>

INFO: dvdauthor creating table of contents
ERR:  No .IFO files to process
:-( /dev/cdrom: media is not recognized as recordable DVD: 10
edit: just tried to burn the .vob file with the graphical burning menus. It couldn't recognize the dvd-RW as blank, so I blanked it again, choosing "complete-blank". Tried to burn again, and got back error message "disc is not empty, please insert blank disc." Oddly enough, noticed while there appears nothing on the disc, it only has 443Mb of space free, not some 4 Gb....hmmm. Am blanking another one now, and will get back to you. Don't have any normal single-burn dvd's on hand or I'd try them.
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#355 Post by zigbert »

Hei dinky

1. Autodetection of burner drive is back on track. Thanks!!!

2. I think we better leave the temporary storage in /root/, even it will lead to problems with a large burn. This because Puppy is a live-CD, and when running from ram there is no /mnt/home (correct me if I'm wrong). To be sure it always point to a place with some free bytes, I think it's best to keep it inside the sfs filesystem. But yes, I agree that it is not the best location...

3. You're not the only one who want to use as less memory as possible. Doing DVD copy without having to use such a huge amount of space would be great. The problem is that I'm not a guru at all. I just make some gui-stuff. Also I'm on a such low-powered system, that tweaking DVD-copy commands would occupy my complete summer holiday. Here up in the north, the summer is short, so we better do other things than ONLY code 8) . But to look on the good side. - Pburns structure is very transparent, and gives user the possibility to look at, and manipulate command. Please, go ahead, - do some hacking and piping, and give better code back to the kennel.

4. Your vob file are named the_video_you_wanted7.vob. It seems that vobcopy didn't read title correct at first try. Strange...I have never seen this before. (but I haven't seen much :) ) Can you reproduce this with 'vobcopy -i /dev/hdc -I' which will show info of disc. The rest of the copy process would of course fail, since the title are present later in the executable.

5. If you made a 'fast blank', it will only erase the toc (table of content), so this would probably could give some issues.

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#356 Post by dinky »

Hei Sigmund. Point taken about the summer holidays... there is much more to life than code, thankfully. My main focus is my wife, two year old, baby on the way, and theatre company....lol. Linux takes a back seat to all that. I'm very happy to help test things, though I don't have heaps of time to spare either. Here's my response to your points:

1. VERY happy autodetection is fixed
2. That makes alot of sense, as Puppy is still primarily a live-cd distribution. Is it possible however to add something to the pre-burn dialogue, so the user is reminded to check the space available for their tmp file, and prompted to change this if not suitable?
3. Ah yes, coding. I'm going to have to give that one a miss, much as I'd enjoy jumping into it. It strikes me as possible to look at k9Copy's command structure, and look at mimicing that. That said, I just don't have the time, and pburn as it now stands is still a great project. Something to add to the to-do list for future releases.
4. Here's the output of 'vobcopy -i /dev/hdc -I', definitely looks like a bug in pburn.

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# vobcopy -i /dev/hdc -I
[Hint] You use -i. Normally this is not necessary, vobcopy finds the input dir by itself. This option is only there if vobcopy makes trouble.
[Hint] If vobcopy makes trouble, please mail me so that I can fix this (robos@muon.de). Thanks
[Error] Please don't use -i /dev/something in this version, only the next version will support this again.
[Hint] Please use the mount point instead (/cdrom, /dvd, /mnt/dvd or something)
Vobcopy 1.1.0 - GPL Copyright (c) 2001 - 2007 robos@muon.de
[Hint] All lines starting with "libdvdread:" are not from vobcopy but from the libdvdread-library

[Info] Path to dvd: /dev/hdc
[Info] Name of the dvd: GHOST_IN_THE_SHELL_SPECIAL_ED
[Info] There are 8 titles on this DVD.
[Info] There are 43 chapters on the dvd.
[Info] Most chapters has title 7 with 16 chapters.
[Info] All titles:
[Info] Title 1 has 4 chapters.
[Info] Title 2 has 1 chapter.
[Info] Title 3 has 12 chapters.
[Info] Title 4 has 2 chapters.
[Info] Title 5 has 2 chapters.
[Info] Title 6 has 2 chapters.
[Info] Title 7 has 16 chapters.
[Info] Title 8 has 4 chapters.

[Info] There are 8 angles on this dvd.
[Info] All titles:
[Info] Title 1 has 1 angle.
[Info] Title 2 has 1 angle.
[Info] Title 3 has 1 angle.
[Info] Title 4 has 1 angle.
[Info] Title 5 has 1 angle.
[Info] Title 6 has 1 angle.
[Info] Title 7 has 1 angle.
[Info] Title 8 has 1 angle.
[Info] Using Title: 7
[Info] Title has 16 chapters and 1 angles
[Info] Using Chapter: 1
[Info] Using Angle: 1

[Info]  Disk free: 1562 MB
[Info]  Vobs size: 495 MB
5. Odd about the blanking. It's possible I needed to press the 'refresh command' button on the advanced tab, and didn't, so didn't blank it properly, but I was trying to do a complete blank. Just inserted disk again, and here's the output of attempting to run a 'fast blank' on it, after refreshing the command.

Code: Select all

* BD/DVD±RW/-RAM format utility by <appro@fy.chalmers.se>, version 7.0.
* 4.7GB DVD+RW media detected.
- media is already formatted, lead-out is currently at
  4590208 KiB which is 100.0% of total capacity.
- you have the option to re-run dvd+rw-format with:
  -lead-out  to elicit lead-out relocation for better
             DVD-ROM compatibility, data is not affected;
  -force     to enforce new format (not recommended)
             and wipe the data.
Have refreshed the command now, and am running a complete blank. If this doesn't work I'll try a fast blank with one of the options mentioned above. Currently it seems 'refresh' needs to be pressed in the advanced tab for your command choice to be noted... most people aren't going to want to mess around with the advanced settings, is it possible for this to happen automatically a choice is selected?

Finally, the output of the dvd-shrinking worked perfectly, and I've got the whole movie as a vob file at 5.5 Gb. Unfortunately this is still too big for most dvd's. Did a bit of research, and single layer write once only (most common) dvd's only have 4.7Gb, with generally 4.4Gb available.... so, while 5.5 Gb is great, if that's the size most videos get cut down to, it's not going to fit on most dvd's. Any other thoughts with how to shrink it further, or is it just luck of the draw with which dvd will actually fit? Both Shrinkdvd (windows) and K9copy are able to shrink them down, though I'm unsure how.

Will let you know how I get on with erasing the dvd-RW.
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#357 Post by dinky »

Ok, no luck erasing the dvd-RW. In thunar I'm told it's blank, but there is only 443.2 Mb available. When I try to burn it in pburn, I'm told the disc isn't blank. Have tried erasing it with commands from complete blank and fast blank with medium set to both dvd and cd. Have tried it with dvd for fast blank appended with '-force' and '-lead-out', both work (need one of these or it won't do it, says it's already blanked) , but neither fix the problem, pburn still won't recognize it's blank, and Thunar says it's only got 443.2Mb free, and nothing on the disc. Weird problem with dvd fast blankk by the way, the window tellingyou what's happening expands across the screen getting bigger until it fills current workspace, and two on either side (using compiz-fusion, windows just run over around the cube to other workspaces).

So it's possible these dvd's aren't compatible, wen I get ahold of some others I'll try them. If I get a chance over the next few days I'll also try them in k9Copy under Mandriva, and see it they work there. Thanks for all the work you're putting into this matey,
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#358 Post by zigbert »

I'm laughing quiet while I make my statement. Sometimes I feel like in a wilderness of mirrors (Puppies)....

Bugs that I can't reproduce on my system with the latest stable Puppy, must be checked close. There are other possible error-sources than the Pburn-code. If things seems to work ok on my system, there must be a reasonable probability that the bug doesn't occur because of other sources, so...
- Use the latest stable Puppy release.
- Burn with a new disc.
- Copy at least 2 different discs.
- If possible, try it with other hardware.

Happy burning! :D
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#359 Post by dinky »

Mmmmm. Good point. Will give it a go and see what I come up with. Will also try it in k9copy, and see if I can scrounge any code to add to pburn. Do you want me to keep testing pburn and let you know about any other bugs I come up with?
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#360 Post by zigbert »

Yes, of course
Please report all kinds of bugs and suggestions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm only talking about when I'm not able to help, because I can't reproduce the exact same bug on my machine.
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