Wbar: a fancy launchbar (using Imlib2)

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#101 Post by prit1 »

@mill0001: I am glad I could help. And thanks for that info about the panel addition. For me when I changed sleep 3 to sleep 5 before the wbar, it worked without the black background. And it didnt delay the loading of the desktop, but only the wbar.

is your sleep command like
sleep 5 && wbar .... ?

Try going to http://puppylinux.org/home/search and select software from the search page. Now search for thunderbird and you will find a couple. I am not sure if this is the latest version or not. Or on the search page, just search the site (not software) for thunderbird and you may come across discussions in the forum.
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#102 Post by jplagarde »

hiding wbar:
Is there a way to get the wbar to hide until you go to the bottom of the screen with the mouse? This is how the dock in OS X functions. Also I had to hide my bottom bar - forget what they call it - where the clock, open windows, start menu is located to get the dock useable in the bottom position.

Changing look/feel
To change the look and feel of puppy I have been using iceWM rather than JWM. Can someone explain what WMs do verus GTKs that apparently change the look of window menus and so forth? Where as the WMs change general coloring? What else can I do to change the appearance of puppy?

How to you change the icons on the desktop, the icons in the wbar, and the icons in the start menus? Is there an icon installer? I've used "desktop icon switcher" in the application menu but there's only 4 choices in pup 4. Where can i get these icons from? I've seen people reference the KDM website ... can you install icon sets from there? how does it work? What is KDM and is it hardware "needy"? How do I easily change the icons in the dock, add or subtract them or what? Does all that need to be done manually in the config file or has someone automated this?

Thanks so much!!

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Dell Inspiron 500mhz w/ 128 megs of RAM.
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#103 Post by CatDude »

Hi All
wolfwatcher51 wrote: Is there a (easy) way to move it up from the bottom a little? I think it would just look a little better to be up some. When I had the taskbar at the bottom and unhidden, I could not place wbar at the bottom because it was partially covered by the task bar.
Whilst looking for information on wbar, concernig changing font colours
i stumbled across a patched version of wbar-1.3.3 which allows exactly that.

I have tried this in a FRESH FRUGAL install of Dingo (400), and it worked OK.

It requires imlib2-1.4.0.pet as posted by Wolf Pup Here
  • NOTE:
    I have attached a copy below, as the original link appears to go nowhere.

    NOTE 2:
    I have added a different version imlib2-1.4.2.pet for use in Lupu (tested in 501)
    as the one mentioned above did not work in that particular Puppy version.
    It is a copy of the one aragon posted in this thread: Conky - System Monitor (tested in 4.3.1)
It will overwrite any wbar files already installed,
so you may want to make backups of /root/.wbar and your icons in /usr/share/wbar/wbar.icons

To make use of the patch, you need to add -offset (number of pixels)
to your launch command string, for example: -offset 30

This works if you have your wbar positioned at either the top or bottom of the screen.

I did try it using -vbar, but it just put it right down the middle of the screen. :roll:

Anyway i hope someone finds this useful.

Last edited by CatDude on Tue 15 Jun 2010, 14:29, edited 4 times in total.
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#104 Post by wolfwatcher51 »


Thanks so much for remembering my request and making the dot pet. I have it installed and it is the cat's meow. Sorry, could not resist that one.

I wish you success with the project you were actually looking up nformation for.

You are the Cat, Dude! Dude applying equally to a male or female, just in case.

Thanks, Chris.
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#105 Post by CatDude »

Hi wolf
wolfwatcher51 wrote: I have it installed and it is the cat's meow. Sorry, could not resist that one.
Glad to hear it worked for you. 8)
wolfwatcher51 wrote: You are the Cat, Dude! Dude applying equally to a male or female, just in case.
I be a Tomcat mate. :wink:

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#106 Post by Eyes-Only »

I was just sitting here thinking how neat you're avatar is CatDude. :) I don't ever recall it doing "that" before with the eyes! Very cool effect indeed my fellow friend! Normally I don't care for avatars that "do things" as a lot of people latch onto some that can be down-right gruesome (I have come to mind "everyone's favourite" the frustrated computerist bashing his head bloody on the keyboard---ghastly thing!) and even others with frame rates that can be dangerous for epileptics such as myself.

But yours deserves an award for being both tasteful and attractive. An Olympic Gold Medal from me CatDude and two thumbs up!

Amicalement/In Friendship,

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#107 Post by CatDude »

Hello Eyes-Only
Eyes-Only wrote: I was just sitting here thinking how neat you're avatar is CatDude. :) I don't ever recall it doing "that" before with the eyes! Very cool effect indeed my fellow friend!
Your absolutely correct my friend, it never used to, i got bored and thought i would add a bit of life to it.
The strange thing is, there appears to be a quick flash of white in the eyes, which is not part of the animation.
If you right click on the image and save it to your computer, then view it with mtpaint you will see that it does not
do the white flash, i suppose it must have something to do with the way the forum works. :roll:
Eyes-Only wrote: ...(I have come to mind "everyone's favourite" the frustrated computerist bashing his head bloody on the keyboard---ghastly thing!)...
I must admit that i did in fact find that particular avvy quite amusing. (But i do have a pretty warped/sick sense of humour :lol: )
Eyes-Only wrote: But yours deserves an award for being both tasteful and attractive. An Olympic Gold Medal from me CatDude and two thumbs up!
Thank you very much, i shall wear it with pride. :) :P

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#108 Post by wjaguar »

CatDude wrote:The strange thing is, there appears to be a quick flash of white in the eyes, which is not part of the animation.
If you right click on the image and save it to your computer, then view it with mtpaint you will see that it does not
do the white flash, i suppose it must have something to do with the way the forum works.
No, it is a bug in the animation. The frame #0 has eyes filled with transparent color, which the subsequent frames then draw over - and when animation gets cycled, such an area apparently gets cleaned to background, which in this GIF is set to white. Merge frames #0 and #1 to get rid of it.
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#109 Post by CatDude »

Hello wjaguar
wjaguar wrote: No, it is a bug in the animation. The frame #0 has eyes filled with transparent color, which the subsequent frames then draw over - and when animation gets cycled, such an area apparently gets cleaned to background, which in this GIF is set to white. Merge frames #0 and #1 to get rid of it.
Well spotted mate, done as you suggested and now it looks as it was intended to. 8)

Thanks from one cat to another :wink:

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#110 Post by Eyes-Only »

I noticed the white too guys---odd thing is that when I downloaded it to my computer and checked it in Mirage---no white flashy thing. How odd!? I wonder why?

Yeah, I know! I know! "Simple things amuse simple minds!" Well... ya just can't get more simple than MY MIND! :P LOL!



P/S: CatDude? Don't wear the "Gold" medal mate!---it'll rust. You think I can afford to pass out REAL ones? Sheesh! :twisted:
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#111 Post by CatDude »

Eyes-Only wrote: P/S: CatDude? Don't wear the "Gold" medal mate!---it'll rust. You think I can afford to pass out REAL ones? Sheesh! :twisted:
It will be fine, upon first recieving it i gave it several coats of laquer to keep it from tarnishing. Image

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#112 Post by CatDude »

Hello all

For those people who would like a different coloured font on their wbar
here are 19 (yes, nineteen) in various colour combinations to choose from.

Only the wbar executable is included (well 19 of them actually) :lol:

They were all compiled in Dingo using wbar-v1.3.3 with the offset patch,
the same one as posted Here

It requires the same imlib2-1.4.0.pet as posted by Wolf Pup Here

When extracted you will see the following directory:
  • wbar-v1.3.3-offset-patch-different-coloured-fonts
Inside of that directory you will find the following directories:
  • Black-Text-Coloured-Shadow



Also included is a README explaining how to use them.

Some of the colour combinations may not be to everyones taste,
but i included as many as i could.

Thanks go to Dougal for pointing me in the right direction as to what code to change.

I hope you find one that you like.

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#113 Post by battleshooter »

It seems that no one in this forum has had the same problems as I have in trying to get wbar going. I've got it going now, but I thought it was pretty strange.

Before I got wbar going, whenever I typed "wbar" into the console it gave me"

Code: Select all

Using /root/.wbar config file.
Using a Super Bar.
and I could see nothing. I looked at a couple different forums and I stubled upon the strangest fix: Just click where the bar should be, I did and it appeared! How weird is that? What did I do to get so strange a response? I used someone's patched pet file, sorry, I can't remember whose it was.

Edit: I remember! T'was CatDude's here
Not blaming CatDude in anyway BTW
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#114 Post by battleshooter »

I don't know why this wbar doesn't like me :(

I can't configure it or anything cause I keep getting after I type eg. -config conf-file :

Code: Select all

Using /root/.wbar config file.
Using a Super Bar. 
Then nothing happens. Sigh.
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#115 Post by battleshooter »

Oh, oopps :oops:

Right, I get it now, super bar runs cause that's the script that's running and the reason why I get it when I type in

Code: Select all

-config conf-file
is cause that's the mode it's running in. Right! I get it! Noob I know :oops:
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#116 Post by battleshooter »

Yes, I know I'm back again. Terrible I know, 4 posts back to back. I'd delete them if I could, I hope I'll not be hung as a spammer :lol:

This is just a yes or no question: Can wbar have shortcuts to directories? It doesn't seem to like me placing a directory on it. It says

Code: Select all

sh: /mnt/hda5: is a directory
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#117 Post by WhoDo »

battleshooter wrote:Can wbar have shortcuts to directories? It doesn't seem to like me placing a directory on it. It says

Code: Select all

sh: /mnt/hda5: is a directory
wbar expects something that can be executed. A directory cannot be executed. Remember, it's a "launch bar".

To do what you want you might try this...

Code: Select all

rox --dir=/mnt/hda5
I've never tried it myself, but something like that should open the directory you are seeking. If not, open a console and type rox --help to see the parameters needed.

Hope that helps. Don't worry about the noob questions; most of us have been there before. I'm just surprised you didn't get any response to your earlier posts. :shock:
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#118 Post by battleshooter »

*Big grin*

Sweetness! Thanks WhoDo! It worked! 'Preciate your empathy for my noobiness too :) Thanks!
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#119 Post by blacktulipgirl »

I installed the patched one, and it shows up like this:

I would like it to start up... BUT IT DOESN'T. I tried the help above and it doesn't come back when i click on the desktop after typing wbar into the console.

I'm still new at all this linux stuff, its v. exciting to be able to customize :) I


Thanks, B
Last edited by blacktulipgirl on Sat 30 Aug 2008, 07:24, edited 1 time in total.
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It works finally! I'm going to bed

#120 Post by blacktulipgirl »

I followed these directions and was finally able to have it work:


http://www.puppylinux.org/wiki/how-tos/ ... m-launcher


[b][color=darkred]"I'm shiny, Captain."[/color][/b] Kaylee on Firefly [i](my fave show of all time!)[/i]

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