Direction needed from the toughest Puppians on-board

Under development: PCMCIA, wireless, etc.
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I dreamed something last night ...

#21 Post by potchan »

Perhaps we try another thing:

Let's try to find a script in which the bootCD says:

"Hey BIOS, whatever U say there - I won't argue or try to change you. BUT ... I'm your 1st. HD you boot from, Kapish (understand)?"

Any thoughts ??? :wink:
Timmo', the potchan (=opener) team at - [url][/url]. Taste it, love it, code in it.
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#22 Post by amigo »

Huh??? Hey, we've taken the time to give you some well-considered answers that should at least lead you to a solution or an explanation of what is possible and what is not. Couldn't you at least take the time to study what we have suggested. It's nice to dream things, but when you want to do somehting in the real worls, then there will always be limitations to what is possible. What you dream of is simply not possible. Go study what we've hinted at for a few months or years and come back when you can pose a realistic question so we can give a realistic answer. What you suggest is that we 'wish' the computer into doing something. Sorry, we're not that advanced yet.
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#23 Post by hendrikus »

Aitch wrote:Timmo,

You might also look at the unetbootin method ... 40-windows
Does anyone get this working??? I tried it and get a nice screen to choose between default ir puppy, but both selections arent working, maybe I do something wrong?
It hasn't become popular - yet.......maybe for you is good?
Maybe because it's not working :P

In my opinion such a (working) solution would be great.
Download a file contain puppy, when you click on it, maybe HTML so it runs on every os, the question:
1 Burn a LiveCD
2 Create a PuppyUSB
3 Install on Harddsik
4 Install as optional OS on Harddisk

Just for dummies like me. :oops:
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#24 Post by Aitch »

Sorry, but that page seems to have disappeared [?]

Ah no, your link is different to mine!

try Unetbootin homepage, here

The fact you get a choice to boot shows you have the startup working, but it obviously isn't finding the puppy files [iso?]

see also, here ... netbootin/

Only other thing, maybe is check your bios, to see if USB booting is available/enabled

Hope you get it sorted, as I haven't used it myself, just seen several instances of mention by others

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#25 Post by hendrikus »

Aitch wrote:Sorry, but that page seems to have disappeared [?]

Ah no, your link is different to mine!

try Unetbootin homepage, here

The fact you get a choice to boot shows you have the startup working, but it obviously isn't finding the puppy files [iso?]

see also, here ... netbootin/

Only other thing, maybe is check your bios, to see if USB booting is available/enabled

Hope you get it sorted, as I haven't used it myself, just seen several instances of mention by others

Aitch :)
Sorry, I used the site to download the newest version, but when I make use unetbootin to create puppy on a flashdisk it start up the unetbootin selection screen, whatever I choose, default or puppy, it doesn't work.

Did you try it? Maybe I do something wrong, did it works for you? Or is their someone who has experience with this?

I succeed creating a workable flashdisk using puppy, so my computer and flashdisks are no problem.

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#26 Post by hendrikus »

amigo wrote:Huh??? Hey, we've taken the time to give you some well-considered answers that should at least lead you to a solution or an explanation of what is possible and what is not. Couldn't you at least take the time to study what we have suggested. It's nice to dream things, but when you want to do somehting in the real worls, then there will always be limitations to what is possible. What you dream of is simply not possible. Go study what we've hinted at for a few months or years and come back when you can pose a realistic question so we can give a realistic answer. What you suggest is that we 'wish' the computer into doing something. Sorry, we're not that advanced yet.
I'm sorry when my question seems a kind of dream.... it wasn't my purpose asking for impossible things
I'm just looking from the user point of view. And that's what I am, just a simple user.
I prefer Puppy above other distro's because it fits to my vision, KISS, Keep It Smart and Simple. A Linux guy copied a puppy ISO to a flashdisk , change some files and conf settings and it runs, the same i saw installing the slax distribution. I'm my simple thoughts it wasn't such a stupid question I started at ... 912#281912 , maybe that explain why I would like to have such a option.
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#27 Post by Aitch »

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A tiny remark

#28 Post by potchan »

Hi hendrikus and Team,

It feels me joy to see more people in community asking user's-POVed questions.

Keep that way, hendrikus. Your answer to amigo (in my place ?) matches my POV in general. Though, knowing his qualities - I would recommend your next posts to be more specific when he's around (even if you get some laughs on your behalf during your yellow brick road to glory).

BTW - I'm about to try some ideas from this discussion next week, when final packing my Potchan CD/DVD mode#1 about to complete and hopefully released.

Timmo', the potchan (=opener) team at - [url][/url]. Taste it, love it, code in it.
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Back with a new option (?)

#29 Post by potchan »

Hi Team,

You gave me a lot of good advices with a lot of kindness anf knowledge , :) , yet nothing fits to Potchan.

So I did a little round and found this at

Can it do the job of booting from a CF or USB or CD with or without BIOS support (i.e. innocent user needs no wconfiguing')?

I think of thr possibility of booting through the PLoP boot manager with Puppylinux defined on syslinux.cfg as default.

I've tried it on a CF and it booted OK only with USB-HDD. Also the program is not writable for some reason. I wrote to them a week ago, yet unanswered. Perhaps it's because I'm too shorthanded for this. :oops:

Back to U, then.

Comments ? :?:
Timmo', the potchan (=opener) team at - [url][/url]. Taste it, love it, code in it.
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#30 Post by Aitch »

hi Timmo

yes, I've recently been recommending people to try plop, though I only needed a boot manager for my old IBM 560/570 lappys, not now using them, as I'm on desktop/broadband

It seems like a good well supported site, and usefully, I note, they also offer a bios flashing service [for those people who don't fancy/can't flash their own]

Sometimes an updated bios [flash] will put new life in an old box - have you tried this?

also, puppy has had a lot of development since your earlier posts, maybe you could try a later, but retro puppy?

re-list your original hardware/problem, & I'll happily do a bit of research for you

Aitch :)
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#31 Post by potchan »

Hi Aitch and Team,

First I'll relate to retro's: If you mean to the Puppy retro ISO - I don't really focused on this possibility, since I run the Potchan prototypes (non retro) on 3 PCs, one of them is really old laptop DELL Inspiron 2600 with 122M RAM and 1000MHz CPU. It works fine on me (just heavier, acpi on/ off doesn't change a bit). So what is really the max raf' from a PC to run retro ? Another option comes to my mind is to give a menu to a one Puppy with a choice like "1. Puppy for regular PC, 2. P' for wrecks, something ..." like they do (too much) in Slackware on any step.

Back to booting CF without BIOS support: I'll do some more readings, however it's my hunch we're close with this FLoP thing than ever. Thanks for your willing to try it deeper. I'll be happy to compare my instruction followings with yours on our next posts here.
Timmo', the potchan (=opener) team at - [url][/url]. Taste it, love it, code in it.
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#32 Post by Aitch »


I've just recommended Joe/big_bass's Slaxer_Pup

Maybe this can help you?

Aitch :)
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Slaxer wish and PLoP wish

#33 Post by potchan »

Hi Aitch and Team,

I put here 2 screenshots of files & folders from my Mobile miniSD (Vfat,boot).

Enjoy, while I'm checking Slaxer for awhile. :roll:
(128.21 KiB) Downloaded 409 times
(191.25 KiB) Downloaded 420 times
Timmo', the potchan (=opener) team at - [url][/url]. Taste it, love it, code in it.
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#34 Post by Aitch »

Nice, Timmo :D :D :D :D

How's the potchan-to-mobile doing?

I've just acquired a Nokia N95 1st gen - will it work, or will I screw it up?

potchan-cloud-NokiaN95....too soon, am I?

Bah - new toys..... :?

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Yes it can ...

#35 Post by potchan »

Hi Aitch and Team,

As said on header, you should enable the possibility (common on new phones) to make SD behave as a plain flashdisk through mobile's USB.

Important: since you have a cable already from mobile to USB - avoid hubs, and stick it straight to PC's socket. In case you cannot enable "mass..." for any supplier limitation (technology can for years) - put SD inside a USB card adopter to get a similar response as it concerns the SD card, hoping for better shiny mobile next holiday ... or tomorrow !!! :roll: ... you know now for shure what to ask the dealer next time, don't U ?

BTW Another use of the mobile's USB cable is to detect alternate spot if you have it from your mobile service (3Gen'+) supplier and use it to connect. Soon all suppliers give fast connections as a standard for cheap (10-30% more than home networks).

So, basically- through rox (or windows, because the spooky SAMSUNG FS of mine didn't show on Puppy) - you copy all original SD content into some temp-dir on your computer, then you can format SD to vfat (16/32if>1Gb recommended) make SD sdx1 bootable, copy back files to SD THEN do puppy install wizard with default USB choices, not wiping the other info. Later you can replace the pup_421.sfs with the tiny one of Potchan + pup_save.3fs. Yes ! it can be done. :lol:

Now to the interesting part, and back to the point: I want to be free with my potchan to visit your house (example, DON'T PANIC :evil: !!!!) and like asking you if I can use your TV, perhaps I want to work with my computing device, never mind what your PC like, never try to mess with your BIOS, simple, as openning your TV. After I'm gone - you won't feel any difference in your settings whatever - EVEN IF MS' is inside your machine.

Imagine another (but unpleasant) scenario that your laptop vanishes ... so, it's only damn money !!! the ultimate opener always stays on the palm of your hand, since all Potchan on RAM already BUUUTTTTT!!! every 1,2 or 5, minutes they ask thief to touch a defined corner on laptop to biometrically-maintain session from hold-then-wipe RAM forever :shock: . ENDLESS CHOICES from one mobile you usually don't forget to take with U..

Well, good night for now, Ah! almost forgotten ...

... and I need this PLoP thing to bypass "your" BIOS, and to move the torch to Puppy rapidly as soon as it does it. What seen on pic works on USB-HDD mode and the PLoP menu is not changable for some reason they give of insufficient place on MBR I do not use anyway.

Thanks you asked :D
Timmo', the potchan (=opener) team at - [url][/url]. Taste it, love it, code in it.
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