ultratiny html viewer - PuppyBrowser 0.5 + embeddedbookmarks

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#61 Post by PupMike »

Okay, I just checked the tab problem you mentioned. You are actually getting the tab index before the change is complete. change the signal handler to:

Code: Select all

    def note_page_changed(notebook : void*, index : uint)

       // var index = note.get_current_page()
The new tab index will be passed in index. Also remember that the tab index is zero based. Hope this helps.

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#62 Post by MU »

fantastic, so I can continue on the tabs this weekend.
Adding the rest should not be difficult :-)

Thanks Mike!
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#63 Post by ecomoney »

We are working on a version of puppy with kids educational programs that will liveboot, so parents will be able to leave kids unattended. We have removed seamonkey etc along with the network/ntfs/fat modules for the next version....but we have one problem...Viewing the CUPS interface!

would this be suitable for this job?

HanSamBen is here

Puppy Linux's [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=296352#296352]Mission[/url]

Sorry, my server is down atm!
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#64 Post by ttuuxxx »

ecomoney wrote:We are working on a version of puppy with kids educational programs that will liveboot, so parents will be able to leave kids unattended. We have removed seamonkey etc along with the network/ntfs/fat modules for the next version....but we have one problem...Viewing the CUPS interface!

would this be suitable for this job?

HanSamBen is here

ya it should work just fine if you reinstall Seamonkey, lol or use one of these http://dotpups.de/files/puppybrowser-tests/
http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/A-codecs/ <-- Codec Test Files
http://html5games.com/ <-- excellent HTML5 games :)
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#65 Post by Lobster »

Hi Mark
Broke out my crayon set (xaraLX and Mtpaint) to create a logo
based on your icon which I found amusing :)

Hope it is of some use
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#66 Post by dejan555 »

^Niiice 8)
Boot your pc and connect easily in couple of mins with puppy linux and puppy browser :D
puppy.b0x.me stuff mirrored [url=https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_Mb589v0iCXNnhSZWRwd3R2UWs]HERE[/url] or [url=http://archive.org/details/Puppy_Linux_puppy.b0x.me_mirror]HERE[/url]
sky king
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the artwork

#67 Post by sky king »

Very creative and COOL.
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#68 Post by Todd »

MU wrote:
fantastic, so I can continue on the tabs this weekend.
Adding the rest should not be difficult
Any news?

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#69 Post by MU »

yes sir :)

version 0.3 with tabs:

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 882#303882

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#70 Post by vovchik »

Dear Mark,

Thanks for version 3 (tabbed). It workes very nicely on my little Samsung NC10 with the acer 4.10 puplet. I wonder whether you could eventually creat a right click menu that would give a few options, such as open link in new tab? In any case, great work.

WIth kind regards,
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#71 Post by MU »

unfortunately I cannot add a right-click menu (I tried it).

The mozilla widget "grabs" the events, so if you add own ones, they are ignored.
This gives no error, but is ignored:

Code: Select all

moz = new MozEmbed ()
moz.button_release_event += on_moz_button_release_event

If you google for "dom_mouse_down" you'll see, that there are solutions in other programs, but they are not implemented in the Vala/genie vapi.

Such code will not work:

Code: Select all

moz = new MozEmbed ()
moz.dom_mouse_down += on_moz_button_release_event
I must google more in the next days, to find out, if it can be added somehow.

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#72 Post by trapster »

Dragging a link to a tab and dropping it on the page that opens, works.
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#73 Post by MU »

cool, great hint, trapster!
Did not know this myself yet :D

I uploaded version 0.4:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 882#303882

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#74 Post by Lobster »

I really like the toggle full screen (one of the bottom right buttons) and the other new features . . .
A few minutes and it was all obvious how to use . . . 8)

Everything seems a lot faster than using other browsers? :)
Is that possible?
How much of Seamonkey is it using?
Could it be packaged as an independent pet? How much space would be saved do you think?
Is the feature set complete?
What are your future intentions Mark?

Very exciting release :)
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#75 Post by MU »

A few minutes and it was all obvious how to use . . .
Fine, I think it is important to keep it simple.
I should add a help button, that explains the limitations that make the usage different from other browsers, e.g. how to download a file (with pwget).

Everything seems a lot faster than using other browsers?
Is that possible?
Well it just uses Gtk, while the Gtk support of Seamonkey / Firefox is not "native", but added "afterwards" to their internal widget-set.
This could well be seen in their older releases, when not all elements looked like a Gtk application.
I have read, that you meanwhile can extend the grafical interface of Firefox with HTML/Javascript.
Such a lot of functionality costs resources.
How much of Seamonkey is it using?
Just Gecko (the renderengine).
For this reason I also can not use right-click menus, as this would require to include the headers of other seamonkey libraries.
I was able to grab mouseclicks by slightly modifying /usr/share/vala/vapi/gtkmozembed.vapi
Like this:

Code: Select all

		public signal void dom_mouse_out (int dom_event);
		public signal void dom_mouse_down (int dom_event);
		public signal void dom_mouse_up (int dom_event);
		public signal void dom_activate (int dom_event);
		public signal void dom_mouse_click (int dom_event);
But this does not really help us.
To find out, what button was clicked, I would need:

Code: Select all

		public signal void dom_mouse_up (gpointer dom_event);
(defined by: /usr/include/gtkembedmoz/gtkmozembed.h)

The gpointer points to a special event from the seamonkey libraries.
As I don't know, how to include them, I used the "int" workaround.
Like this I can catch, when a button is clicked. But as I have not the event-pointer, i cannot use something like:
button = event.button

This means, I now have reached the limits of what can be done with gtkembedmoz.
Is the feature set complete?
What are your future intentions Mark?
More or less.
I might add a button, to download/view the source of a page.

Maybe add the support to execute shellscripts, that was discussed up earlieron with ttuuxx.

One other nice feature might be a "PuppysBrowser Presentation Language".
If a file with the suffix *.pbpl is loaded, the browser would run commands in it.


Code: Select all

cd /root/presentation

show page_1
wait 10
show page_2
Then you would see a buttonbar on the left side, that would allow to open a page directly, or if you click none, the presentation would run just like a slideshow.

As HTML files can display videos, pictures and such, this could be a nice replacement for Powerpoint presentations :)

And maybe add an option to run it without window border, as I did long ago here:

And of course try to use "Webkit" as alternative to Gecko.

And maybe an own option dialog to set default fonts or so.
But all this has no high priority, I might first concentrate on other Genie examples.

Glad, you like it :)

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#76 Post by Lobster »

Ah yes was going to ask about right button usage.
Maybe someone will work out a way of doing that?
(Could barely understand the explanation - needs
to be a Puppy with a full set of vitamin injections)
I might add a button, to download/view the source of a page
Yes I use that on occasion
With all the problems with browsers (I know you have had them) - it would seem this plus the gecko engine would be rather good . . .
One other nice feature might be a "PuppysBrowser Presentation Language".
If a file with the suffix *.pbpl is loaded, the browser would run commands in it.
That makes sense.
I have already done a Presentation in FullerScreen for Puppy 5 which comes with Woof (sorry can not find the link for that example)

So a browser and presentation package + removal of bloat
Sounds like the 'tiny html viewer'/Puppy browser is Puppydacious . . .
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#77 Post by vovchik »

Dear Mark,

The presentation language idea is brilliant - a poor man's powerpoint that would take absolutely no extra room on the disk. I checked to see whether there wasn't a Firefox extension that did something like this and did not find one, so you seem to be the first person to think of using a browser for this task. Great.

We are all waiting...and wish you success.

With kind regards,
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#78 Post by Lobster »


Question: If using "Webkit" as alternative to Gecko would that enable any potential speedup that Google was able to introduce?.

Here is the 5.x prototype presentation I mentioned with FullerScreen in Woof (Puppy 5)
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 262#303262

As far as I am aware Fullerscreen is also available for Firefox

However I feel Marks presentation language sounds much simpler
and being designed for Puppy . . . well . . . hope Barry adopts it :)

I believe we are now largely independent of Seamonkey
apart from having Composer - m m m . . .
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#79 Post by gposil »

Lobster Said
I believe we are now largely independent of Seamonkey
apart from having Composer - m m m . . .
Maybe it's time to do a bit of work on Kompozer..it is getting close to being a very credible competitor in the WYSIWYG html editor stakes...
[img]http://gposil.netne.net/images/tlp80.gif[/img] [url=http://www.dpup.org][b]Dpup Home[/b][/url]
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#80 Post by mowestusa »

vovchik wrote:The presentation language idea is brilliant - a poor man's powerpoint that would take absolutely no extra room on the disk. I checked to see whether there wasn't a Firefox extension that did something like this and did not find one, so you seem to be the first person to think of using a browser for this task. Great.
This is a great idea, but I believe it has already been done, using Javascript. S5 offers a simple way to produce slideshows using just an html file and some simple coding. Here is the link:


This would be a great thing to include in Puppy for Slideshows, perhaps some CSS guys could produce more templates too.
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