Weather Pwidget keeps exiting [SOLVED]

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Weather Pwidget keeps exiting [SOLVED]

#1 Post by tgeer43 »

I don't know why this started happening because it wasn't a problem before and nothing has been changed that I know of. Periodically and frequently my weather pwidgets just exits, or at least it stops being displayed on the desktop. All other pwidgets are functioning correctly.

Selecting: Desktop>Pwidgets and then clicking 'Apply' sets it right again but it happens too often not to do something about it. I haven't been able to track down the source of the problem but I'm wide open to suggestions.

Barring a proper fix, what do you think about a script run regularly by cron to check if the weather pwidgets is active and restart it if needed? Would one of you scripting wizards care to offer a few lines of code that would do the job? I'd like to look a few things up and either fix it or write the script myself because that's how I learn but honestly, finding the time is a real problem right now. If one of you already has any ideas then I'd surely appreciate any assistance you can offer.


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Weather Pwidget keeps exiting [SOLVED]

#2 Post by tgeer43 »

Well I did find the time. I didn't find a proper fix but the cron workaround turned out to be so easy that I'm red-faced for having asked for assistance.

The command that I put in cron is simply: 'fixwidgets' which is an existing script in /usr/sbin. I set the cron time to */5 * * * * * (every 5 minutes) and now it redraws the pwidgets at a regular interval. The widgets flash briefly during the redraw but it's not very often and totally acceptable.

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Like this?

#3 Post by Tweenman »

This isn't working (puppylinux 4.2).

*/5 * * * * /usr/sbin/fixwidgets >/dev/null 2>&1#
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Re: Like this?

#4 Post by tgeer43 »

Tweenman wrote:This isn't working (puppylinux 4.2).

*/5 * * * * /usr/sbin/fixwidgets >/dev/null 2>&1#
Well, first off your statement "This isn't working" is a bit vague, don't you think?
Try looking here to see how to properly post a question in a discussion forum if you truly want to get a helpful answer. Help us to help you!

Now to the point:
What exactly is not working and how do you know?
What's the purpose of the redirection to /dev/null?
If you insist on using the redirect then remove the trailing '#' otherwise you generate the bash error 'ambiguous redirect'.

Anyway, the only thing you need in your cron task command is: '*/5 * * * * fixwidgets'.
Always keep it simple, especially when you're having problems.
There's no good reason that this should not work unless fixwidgets is not installed but that shouldn't be the case.

The next time that your weather widget disappears try typing 'fixwidgets' from the command line and see what happens.

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#5 Post by Tweenman »

Vague, not at all...

Post #1: Is you complaining about the Weather pwidget.
Post #2: Is you posting a solution to the problem in post #1

...a forum search for the same problem brings me to Post #1...

Post #3: Is the a reply to Post #2. With 42 postings under your belt, you should be able to follow a three post thread.

As for your advice on how to post to a forum, I've been posting online ever since I purchased a Rat Shack 1200 baud modem
for $300.00. (That's a whole lot of summer ice-cream scoopin')

Ok, I've read your recommended posting reference; I don't think that it applies here, because its a two post thread:

1. you posting a question,
2. you stroking yourself for discovering the solution all on your own. (gratz)

Everything you need to know is contained in the first two posts, you know, the ones _you_ posted. If you really cared about
helping me help myself, and any of the poor Windoze refugees, you would've posted a clear solution suitable for sticky
preservation, you know, like this:

>Anyway, the only thing you need in your cron task command is: '*/5 * * * * fixwidgets'.

That is what you should have posted in Post #2 instead you posted this:

>The command that I put in cron is simply: 'fixwidgets' which is an existing script in /usr/sbin. I set the cron time to */5 * * * *

>What's the purpose of the redirection to /dev/null?

In FreeBSD

>-m mailto
> Overrides the default recipient for cron mail. Each crontab(5)
> without MAILTO explicitly set will send mail to the mailto mail-
> box. Sending mail will be disabled by default if mailto set to a
> null string, usually specified in a shell as '' or "".

I thought I copied a generic linux cron "no mailto" string, My mistake.

>Always keep it simple, especially when you're having problems.
or when you're posting solutions to your own posts.

Anyway... I followed your final instructions, and Weather pwidget is still just a blank spot on my desktop.
I don't see any signs of cron/crontab in Htop either. Sooo, if you can keep the signal/noise ratio to a minimum
I'd be willing to listen to you wax on about puppy linux's faux cron inner workings, which isn't posted under the
tech/development section.

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Re: ->[o0]<-

#6 Post by tgeer43 »

Gee Tweenman, I really didn't intend it so personally but in re-reading my #2 post, it appears that I did indeed come off as 'holier than thou' and a jerk to boot - my apologies. Now...
Tweenman wrote:[snipped]
Post #3: Is the a reply to Post #2. With 42 postings under your belt, you should be able to follow a three post thread.
I followed it just fine. It's just that I thought that you could have provided a little more information regarding your situation in regards to the problem beyond "This isn't working."
Tweenman wrote:[snipped]
Ok, I've read your recommended posting reference; I don't think that it applies here, because its a two post thread:
Vague, not at all...

Post #1: Is you complaining about the Weather pwidget.
Post #2: Is you posting a solution to the problem in post #1

...a forum search for the same problem brings me to Post #1...
1. you posting a question,
2. you stroking yourself for discovering the solution all on your own. (gratz)
In my post #1 I see a matter-of-fact statement that I'm having an unusual problem with the weather pwidget. What I don't see is any hint of a complaint.
Stroking myself, really? Was it when I stated, "I didn't find a proper fix but the cron workaround turned out to be so easy that I'm red-faced for having asked for assistance." Hmmm...
Tweenman wrote:Everything you need to know is contained in the first two posts, you know, the ones _you_ posted. If you really cared about
helping me help myself, and any of the poor Windoze refugees, you would've posted a clear solution suitable for sticky
preservation, you know, like this:

>Anyway, the only thing you need in your cron task command is: '*/5 * * * * fixwidgets'.

That is what you should have posted in Post #2 instead you posted this:

>The command that I put in cron is simply: 'fixwidgets' which is an existing script in /usr/sbin. I set the cron time to */5 * * * *
My instructions were concise and accurate. In the GUI cron interface the command and cron time are entered separately. The command is "fixwidgets" and the cron time is "*/5****'. If editing the cron file directly, it ought to be easy enough to put 2 and 2 together.
Tweenman wrote:[stuff about /dev/null snipped]
>Always keep it simple, especially when you're having problems.
or when you're posting solutions to your own posts.

Anyway... I followed your final instructions, and Weather pwidget is still just a blank spot on my desktop.
I don't see any signs of cron/crontab in Htop either. Sooo, if you can keep the signal/noise ratio to a minimum
I'd be willing to listen to you wax on about puppy linux's faux cron inner workings, which isn't posted under the
tech/development section.
Sorry to hear that it still isn't working. Have you tried entering "fixwidgets" at the command line when the weather pwidget dissapears as I suggested? If that works then there must be something amiss with your cron.
"wax on about puppy linux's faux cron inner workings"
What on earth are you talking about? My cron has always worked correctly. Irrelevant and uncalled for.

I've made my apology but you may have the last word, if you wish. Otherwise let's put this one to rest.


p.s. my first modem was an acoustically coupled 110 baud monster that set me back in the neighborhood of $700.00 - and I still have it in a closet! :lol:
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#7 Post by sirAlex » ... 1842744601
That helps to me
I have started jobs by command crond and added
/usr/sbin/crond -L /tmp/cronjobs.log
in my rc.local for future use :)
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