lameSMBxplorer v0.2.2 beta

Under development: PCMCIA, wireless, etc.
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#81 Post by Béèm »

Patriot wrote:Hmmm .....

There were two issues reported previously which have been fixed and currently going through some internal test runs :

1. WinXP shares listing not found (Beem)
2. gencache reset error if copies are found (Will)

I have also requested Beem to help make a few test runs and now am awaiting the test results from Beem. The next update will be released once Beem have verified that the issue have been resolved ...

Update: Haven't heard anything from Beem after several days now, so I'm assuming it's working ok .....

I am sorry, but I have been unavailable for some time.

I downloaded the 1.8 beta and installed.

I did following test:
1 - I booted the windows PC without the external HDD (containing share partitions)
This time the shares weren't 'seen' as was the case previously.
So for so good.

2 - I did put the external HDD in the PC and booted.
The shared partitions on the external HDD were seen and could be accessed.
Very nice so.

3 - I rebooted the windows PC without the external HDD ( and thus the shared partitions)
Those shared weren't seen again.
So this is correct behavior.

It seems to me the issue is fixed.
I find smbexplorer is working really nice.

I did download now also the 2.0 beta. But I haven't looked at the quick mount yet.
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#82 Post by Patriot »

hmmm .....
Béèm wrote:..... I have been unavailable for some time. .....
That's alright, I understand that we all have our time constraints at times ... and thanks for confirming that its really resolved.
eden6000 wrote:...but I haven't been able to automount at startup...parameters are there, I rebbooted, waited some minutes (is there a way to shorten the 120 seconds?), but there was no share mounted on /mnt/network...
Ok, some clarification is in order. The 120 seconds waiting time is not a fixed delay loop but a dynamic one. On startup, the automount script waits for a valid local network to be configured (for up-to 120secs). Once a valid local network becomes active, it proceeds to mount the shares. If it times out, it just reports that network is unavailable. My tests indicates that a static network setup settles in just a few seconds but a dhcp setup may take up-to 20 seconds or more ...

The additional time delay option provided is a fixed delay loop. The additional delay loop is useful in cases where one have a wifi network as it may take anywhere between 5 to 30 seconds to establish the connection. (btw, I have reduced this option to 30seconds ...)

I looked at the automount script again and found a minor bug. If your share names have spaces in them or have overlapping names, then you may be affected. I've made some minor changes to it so it now prints out additional info if run from the command line :

# /etc/init.d/rc.smbqmsvc start

I'd be interested to know if the updated scripts helps to resolve your situation ...

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released: lameSMBqmount v0.1.1 beta

#83 Post by Patriot »

Hmmm .....

This bugfix release corrects one minor issue for the automounting script.

changelog for lameSMBqmount v0.1.1 beta:
- added (automounting): extra mount info will be printed if it's run from the command line.
- bugfix (automounting): mount list parsing for share names containing spaces or overlapping share names.
- changed (automounting): mount list is now retrieved directly from /proc/mounts
- changed (automounting): additional delay time option reduced to 30 seconds

Note: this update should only be applied to lameSMBxplorer v0.2.0b

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#84 Post by eden6000 »

No way, Patriot....automounting still doesn't work, but if I launch from the command line
# /etc/init.d/rc.smbqmsvc start
it regularly mounts the shares....
this is my bootsysinit.log, if useful (I don't see anything private, so I think I can post it):

Code: Select all

Waiting for interfaces to initialize...Loading "it" keyboard map... 
Loading /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/
configuring network interface eth0
cheching if interface eth0 is alive...MISC. DESKTOP STUFF

 setting acoustic management to 192
 acoustic      = 192 (128=quiet ... 254=fast)
cups: started scheduler.
smbqmsvc: Error (255) mounting //
smbqmsvc: Error (255) mounting //
Currently the smartmontools package has no init script for
the Unknown OS/distribution. If you can provide one or this
one works after removing some ifdefs, please contact
5 from
Debug, eth0: sending DHCP_REQUEST with xid 0x5b212aee
Debug, eth0: waiting on select for 17 seconds
Debug, eth0: got a packet with xid 0x5b212aee
Info, eth0: checking is available on attached networks
Debug, eth0: sending ARP probe #1
Debug, eth0: sending ARP probe #2
Debug, eth0: sending ARP probe #3
Debug, eth0: sending ARP claim #1
Debug, eth0: sending ARP claim #2
Info, eth0: leased for 518400 seconds
Debug, eth0: renew in 259200 seconds
Debug, eth0: rebind in 453600 seconds
Info, eth0: adding IP address
Info, eth0: adding default route via metric 0
Info, eth0: adding route to metric 0
Debug, eth0: writing /etc/resolv.conf
Debug, eth0: writing /var/lib/dhcpcd/
Debug, eth0: exec "/etc/" "/var/lib/dhcpcd/" "new"
Debug, eth0: forking to background
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#85 Post by Patriot »

Hmmm .....

Ah, yes ... the log is definitely helpful ... I can see exactly where it borks ... Thanks ...

Ok, to temporarily resolve this, you can just enable the "Add 30s delay" option ... The lo device route oversight is causing a premature mounting ... A bug fix should be ready within 24 hours ...

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#86 Post by eden6000 »

The lo device route oversight is causing a premature mounting
I supposed too it was something like this....btw I have no hurry, I can wait patiently for your fix :)
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released: lameSMBxplorer v0.2.1 beta

#87 Post by Patriot »

Hmmm .....

This combined package is a bugfix release that corrects one minor issue for the automounting script where the lo device route (which should be excluded) causes premature automounting attempt.

The package have successfully gone through several rounds of automount tests in a static, dhcp, wifi and mixed network setup. If anyone still experiencing automounting issues, kindly post your bootsysinit.log (zip 'em up please) ...

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#88 Post by eden6000 »

Good work Patriot, now automounting works like a charm!
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problem accessing NASLITE server

#89 Post by ejb »

I am attempting to access a naslite server. Naslite does not require or use userids or passwords.
I am able to connect to the server with lameSMBxplorer v0.2.1 beta. I can see the directories
and files on the server. However, when I click on any of the files, I get a permission denied
message. Any idea how to get past this problem??? I can access the files on the server using
a web browser.

PS: I attempted to attach to the NASLITE server using linNeighborhood and it worked.
I noticed that linNeighborhood connected with filemode 644 and dirmode 755.
I don't know if that is relevant, but the result was successful.
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Re: problem accessing NASLITE server

#90 Post by Patriot »

Hmmm .....

Thanks for the feedback, ejb ... Please give me a bit of time to get a naslite testbed setup to do some connection tests ... I'm a bit short on spare time right now but hopefully I'll be able to resolve this by sometime next week ... (I do appreciate the note on the file access mode, thanks ...)

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NASLITE problem

#91 Post by ejb »


Thanks for the reply. I did some additional digging into the naslite logs
last night. I think my problem relates to the old version of naslite I was using.
I downloaded the current version, installed it and everything is now working

Sorry for the fire drill. Thanks for a great tool.
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#92 Post by moonguard12 »

This is working on eeepc 700 with Lighthouse connecting to local network Vista Public share, no user no pwd. Pnethood was not seeing the share. Thank you.
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#93 Post by toomuchcomputertime »

This looks very interesting, did I miss the download link? Where can I download the latest version? I saw the alpha in an earlier post, but you are talking about a beta version?

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#94 Post by Patriot »

Hmmm .....
toomuchcomputertime wrote:This looks very interesting, did I miss the download link? .....
It's on the first page of this thread, just scroll down a little bit more for v0.2.1 beta (combined pet of lameSMBxplorer and lameSMBqmount). Can't miss it ... Kindly let me know how it goes ...

Also my thanks goes to everyone who has provided all the recent feedbacks ...

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#95 Post by toomuchcomputertime »

Thanks, I have downloaded the most recent version. Pnethood has not been working for me. I used to use Linethood (I think) but that has not been working either.

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#96 Post by technosaurus »

I recompiled the main samba binaries (3.0.37) and cut the size about in half, but don't have a way to test them at the moment

... just expand the tarball in the /opt/samba/bin directory (if for some reason it doesn't work just get the originals from /initrd/pup_ro2/opt/samba/bin)
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#97 Post by Firewave »

I ran into a few issues with lameSMBqmount on Quirky:
- trying to mount the root share (equivalent to \\machinename in Windows) using "/" isn't working (I had this working with another Linux system at a time)
- you cannot remove that non-working "/" entry from the list of shares
- when you loose your network connection it will start to hang in a loop it seems and eats up CPU until you fix your network connection. It also prevents the shutdown of the machine (share set on automount)

Using SAMBA in Puppy and Derivatives

#98 Post by gcmartin »

@Firewave, Just saw your request and though i'd offer a simple explanation.

Currently, you CANNOT create and share a folder or a file from Puppy ton any Windows machines using Microsoft/IBM CIFS technology (that what SAMBA does) because Samba appears to have been inadvertently broken in a prior release.

This is one of the drawbacks with Puppy on a LAN network that also has Windows machines.

It is my understanding that this will be addressed as soon as the current version 5 products are upgraded over the next month or 2..

Once this is done, Puppies will have FULL functionality comparable to and beyond any Windows desktop.

This post, by me, to help you, is NOT to be construed as an official statement...but, from a couple of sources, this is my understanding.

I, too, am waiting for an upcoming release that does NOT contain the current crippled version of SAMBA (that instead, has the fully working version of SAMBA that has not had its guts ripped out),so that I can begin work in this area to build a "howto" document for those who want to share information from Puppy with the LAN users including Windows as well as Linux LAN users.
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#99 Post by disciple »

gcmartin - are you sure Firewave's problem has anything to do with yours? It sounds like their problem is specifically with mounting a particular samba share from Puppy using lameSMBqmount, whereas your problem is with sharing folders in the first place (although I'm not even sure from your description whether your problem is only with Windows clients, or with Linux ones as well).

gcmartin wrote:Currently...
What is currently?
The latest version of uPup?
The latest version of Quirky? (N.B. Firewave is using an unspecified version of Quirky)
Which previous versions?
Samba appears to have been inadvertently broken in a prior release
In what way is it broken? Presumably you have a link to somewhere this is explained? It must be fixable (maybe simply by installing a working samba server package instead of whatever one you installed... which I guess was from the package manager?)
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#100 Post by disciple »

Firewave wrote:- trying to mount the root share (equivalent to \\machinename in Windows)
I think you might be confused... you've confused me, anyway. In Windows you need to share particular drives or folders - since when was there a share that was just \\machinename?
Are you sure you didn't just have a filer that browsed Samba shares in the same way as windows? (i.e. a filer that shows you the computers on the network, and you can click on a computer to see its shares and click on a share to automatically mount it. This does not mean that a computer was shared as \\machinename - it just means that the functionality of a program like LameSMBxplorer was built into the filer.
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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