Quirky 1.0 feedback

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#181 Post by broomdodger »

BarryK wrote:Yep, I agree. mp is very easy to use, vi is arcane.

But, there is a good case for dropping e3.
Please... at least remove these lines from /etc/profile
149 #v4.00 run e3vi whenever vi excuted...
150 alias vi=e3vi

It would give even vim users a bad day.
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magnetic windows

#182 Post by broomdodger »

Quirky 100

Windows now stick to each other and to the edges.

Is there a way to change just how magnetic they are?

In TinyCore they seem to be more magnetic.
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#183 Post by RetroTechGuy »

broomdodger wrote:
Iguleder wrote:Barry, I have some suggestions for you, from my experience with my own distro.
- e3 is very hard to use and can (I mean, should) be replaced with either the Busybox vi, which is easy to use too, or nano, a very easy editor. It depends only on ncurses, so it might be a good idea. Also, its' way better than MP ... 1 good editor to replace the existing 2?[/list]
I agree, both e3 and mp should be dropped now that tiny vi is available and quite good.
VI is the bane of newbies. It has all the power of edlin, with all the clarity of edlin (well, not quite true -- with edlin you always know what mode it's in)...

I immediately loaded "mg" from the Debian bundle


However, I also just tried mp and e3, and found both of them to be quite satisfactory.

(shall we start a VI versus Emacs war now?... ;) )
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#184 Post by RetroTechGuy »

BarryK wrote:
panzerpuppy wrote:Nooooo! (don't listen to these guys Barry)

'mp' is a *great* console based editor for editing xorg.conf and similar files when you exit from 'X'. The best I've ever used for that purpose. I wouldn't want to see it being removed and replaced with another 'vi'-clone.
MP is unique and only available in Puppy/Quirky.
Yep, I agree. mp is very easy to use, vi is arcane.

But, there is a good case for dropping e3.
Unless I'm missing something, e3 is 13K -- assuming it doesn't have a number of special libraries, it's hardly worth removing (I'm assuming that there are people using it).

(now for some fun,,, ;) ) -- you could save more space by removing VI...
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#185 Post by broomdodger »

RetroTechGuy wrote:Unless I'm missing something, e3 is 13K -- assuming it doesn't have a number of special libraries, it's hardly worth removing (I'm assuming that there are people using it).

(now for some fun,,, ;) ) -- you could save more space by removing VI...
The only thing you are missing is e3 fails to work in vi mode, and tiny vi part of BusyBox.

Try viewing a file with e3vi and scroll around.
The vim command for cursor down is "j" and up is "k".
At the bottom of console you will see a new 'error' message in blue with each keystroke. Even using any arrow key fails.
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#186 Post by gerry »

When I right click on a mounted drive icon, if the mouse moves slightly as I click then the icon disappears. Comes back if I restart X.

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#187 Post by dejan555 »

Anyone using onboard Intel 82945G Express Chipset Family ?
I have it on IBM PC with 19'' Lenovo monitor I'm using xorg 1280x1024x24
and it starts X and works without lag or anything but then it freezes all system I can't even CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE to get to command prompt.
Mostly freezes if I open browser with images or graphics on page or similar.

Now, this isn't specific to quirky happend with most other puppies.
I've searched forum for this card but haven't found much results.
Generally on internet there are reports of xorg freezing with this card and some drivers are mentioned - i810 and intel (I tried loading both in quirky as well as generic vesa driver but problem persists) I can't paste any logs because system totally freezes. Someone even reccomended adding acpi=off to kernel parameters but that slows down video and it lags.
Oh, Xvesa doesn't work either.
puppy.b0x.me stuff mirrored [url=https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_Mb589v0iCXNnhSZWRwd3R2UWs]HERE[/url] or [url=http://archive.org/details/Puppy_Linux_puppy.b0x.me_mirror]HERE[/url]
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#188 Post by RetroTechGuy »

broomdodger wrote:
RetroTechGuy wrote:Unless I'm missing something, e3 is 13K -- assuming it doesn't have a number of special libraries, it's hardly worth removing (I'm assuming that there are people using it).

(now for some fun,,, ;) ) -- you could save more space by removing VI...
The only thing you are missing is e3 fails to work in vi mode, and tiny vi part of BusyBox.
And why would I want ANY editor to operate in "VI mode"?

"I've got a Maserati, and I really wish I could make it exhibit the performance of a VW minibus..."
Try viewing a file with e3vi and scroll around.
The vim command for cursor down is "j" and up is "k".
At the bottom of console you will see a new 'error' message in blue with each keystroke. Even using any arrow key fails.
OK, I just tried using e3 to scroll around. All of the arrow keys worked just fine, as did page-up and page-down.

So what features are broken?

If your arrow keys are not working, you apparently have chosen some non-standard keymapping (I have a default Puppy 4.3.1 frugal, in US keyboard mode) -- or possibly some much older hardware (very old keyboard?). Perhaps I'll see if I have an old machine with a DIN-5 keyboard to test Puppy on...

Or you may have changed your rxvt shell -- not all window managers and terminal shells map key controls the same -- which is why the more powerful editor "mg" reads initialization files: ".mg-<termtype>"...
Last edited by RetroTechGuy on Fri 14 May 2010, 15:30, edited 1 time in total.
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#189 Post by gjuhasz »

gerry wrote:When I right click on a mounted drive icon, if the mouse moves slightly as I click then the icon disappears. Comes back if I restart X.
My experience is the same in Quirky and also in Lupu. In contrast, I could not make the icons disappear this way in Technosaurus' Stardust.

There is a funny reason behind - exactly behind :) - this:
If you carefully right-click over the leftmost drive icon in Quirky, a "Remove item(s)" button appears at the same display position. Accidentally, the mouse can send more events, thus a right-click + move event can be detected as a few right clicks over neighbor positions of the screen - while the Remove button pops up and steals the last one(s).
Try to move the icon to the center of the screen. There, right click + move (or repeated right click) does not remove the icon but invokes the Edit item dialog, due to the popup position of that button.

Really funny. Quirky's joke of the day.
Last edited by gjuhasz on Fri 14 May 2010, 15:17, edited 2 times in total.
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#190 Post by jpeps »

dalderton wrote:Opera Lite is excellent. Lightning.
Regards Dennis
I compared with Firefox:

Initially, Opera keeps going to Welcome dialog, so loading getting to home page is much slower.
edit: Prefs "start with home page" doesn't work.
From Home Page (I use my own with links), clicked on Yahoo Finance:
Opera: 2
Firefox 1.1
Google News:
Opera 1
Firefox 1
From Google News:
Deadly Clashes: Opera got stuck trying to load a video link
Firefox loaded video link in 3 seconds (initially loaded with flashblock, so I clicked on it. There's no flashblock eqivalent in Opera that I know of.
Opera: Goes to "skip add" link. Clicking on link, nothing happens; never loads page.
Firefox: Goes to "skip add" link. Clicking on link, loads immediately.

Firefox has adblock, flashblock, so no ads appear. Opera I have to block ads.
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#191 Post by BarryK »

Quirky 1.1rc and Quirky-Retro 1.1rc are out, if anyone is interested...

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Quirky 1.0 feedback

#192 Post by Billtoo »

[quote="BarryK"]Quirky 1.1rc and Quirky-Retro 1.1rc are out, if anyone is interested...

Have already downloaded the iso and burned the disk :) Have to go out shopping now but will give it a go later.

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#193 Post by broomdodger »

RetroTechGuy wrote:Unless I'm missing something, e3 is 13K -- assuming it doesn't have a number of special libraries, it's hardly worth removing (I'm assuming that there are people using it).

(now for some fun,,, ;) )
And why would I want ANY editor to operate in "VI mode"?

"I've got a Maserati, and I really wish I could make it exhibit the performance of a VW minibus..."
My girl friend and I have no 'performance' problems in our Vanagon ! :D

BTW I found the problem with e3vi, it is NOT compatible with using
Rxvt.geometry: 88x44+3+33
in .Xdefaults

But if I change the console window size AFTER starting e3vi there is no problem.

I have not had a problem using geometry with any other terminal app.
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#194 Post by amico »

I have installed quirky on hard disk traditional installation and is working,with vesa driver,but i can't watch videos on youtube because is too slow and processor is too hot.
I need return to puppy.
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#195 Post by `f00 »

Just noticed this oddness of popup data for freememapplet_tray in q100 with jwm..

..other than that, jwm492 works very well - and finally is functional once again along with other wms in a murgaLua plogout switcher-window :D .

@broomdodger - "magnetic windows" is the snapto setting, I believe (window-to-window, window-to-edge etc) and varies with wm. In your jwm personal or the template, hth
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#196 Post by broomdodger »

`f00 wrote:@broomdodger - "magnetic windows" is the snapto setting, I believe (window-to-window, window-to-edge etc) and varies with wm. In your jwm personal or the template, hth
I found the place to edit and snapto does work in jwm. AND found the place to change the double click speed, 400ms was too fast for me.
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Wireless connection worked with Quirky

#197 Post by bones01 »

At last, I've been able to connect with wireless. Had all kinds of unexplained trouble with Deep Thought, but Quirky, with the Simple Network tool, seems to have done the job.

Thanks Barry, for doing what you do.


(I might need to make this my default puppy)
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#198 Post by hokal »

eeepc901, 2GB RAM , 4GB SD boot drive and 64GB Runcore SD drive

Hi there!

switched over from puppeee to quirky. Although puppeee is streamlined for ASUS eeepc's (very fast booting!), it's also overloaded with programs I never needed. But biggest problem is, that puppeee's old cups version is a pain (according Jemimah) and upgrading cups to 1.3.11 is impossible, since all embedded programs are loosing their printers.

With Quirky 1.2 CUPS I have another problem:
My networkprinter will be setup by copying kmps.pl into /usr/lib/cups/filter, then add printer and provide the correct ppd-file during setup. Having done that, and trying to print the test page, CUPS complains: :(
"usr/lib/cups/filter/kmps.pl failed". kmps.pl definitively got the correct rights (chmod 755). Could it be a collision with gtklp ?? In older puppy versions 4.2 and 4.3 (with upgraded cups to 1.3.11) this always worked fine. Any suggestions to solve this problem are welcome. :idea:
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#199 Post by rcrsn51 »

hokal wrote:But biggest problem is, that puppeee's old cups version is a pain (according Jemimah) and upgrading cups to 1.3.11 is impossible, since all embedded programs are loosing their printers.
Go here and read the section Printing from Applications.
With Quirky 1.2 CUPS I have another problem:
My networkprinter will be setup by copying kmps.pl into /usr/lib/cups/filter, then add printer and provide the correct ppd-file during setup. Having done that, and trying to print the test page, CUPS complains: :(
"usr/lib/cups/filter/kmps.pl failed". kmps.pl definitively got the correct rights (chmod 755). Could it be a collision with gtklp ?? In older puppy versions 4.2 and 4.3 (with upgraded cups to 1.3.11) this always worked fine. Any suggestions to solve this problem are welcome. :idea:
Could you describe what printer you have and what kmps.pl is?

Where did you originally get the driver for this device?
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Quirky 1.2

#200 Post by GullyProber »

have just used Quirky 1.2 - delighted that Radio NZ (wmv stream) connected no troubles, and my other main pleasure is BBC on flash - set up all in less than 5 min. Many thanks all for your great work.
I will try the retro on my pentium lll which at present only works with puppy retro4.2.0 - the original Win98 wont reinstall. My Asus 701SD flies with retro - although I appreciate the Xandros was trying to be idiot-proof I felt I was in handcuffs till I got Puppy running on it.
Have a nice day. I will have fun puddling around with Quirky. :P :lol:
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