Frugal USB Save File

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Frugal USB Save File

#1 Post by vaza »

Puppy 5
Frugal USB install
I would like to shutdown without saving my session. The first save after I get everything setup is good but I would like to shutdown without further saves. If I wanted to save the session would I use the save icon on the desktop?
If I have a session that messes up my good install I would like to shutdown without saving.
Once I deleted the save file and when I rebooted I had to redo my config.
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#2 Post by Jasper »


As you have a frugal install you could (if there is room in the same USB partition) make a new folder called backup and then copy your "save" file there.

Now when you reboot you should be able to choose either file. However , if you don't want to see both files you could rename the copy by say, typing zzz at the start of the name.

You could copy instead or as well to a different drive or partition. If something goes wrong just restore your copy to its original location (and delete the zzz if you had renamed the copy).

I am new to Puppy so someone may have a better suggestion, but the above method is quick and easy.

My regards

PS I save my documents and screenshots etc. to a separate folder outside of the "save" file because it may help if an error happens or on any fresh installation.

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#4 Post by vaza »

I want to stop the session save at shutdown. Right now it's in default auto save session mode.

Next and separate from save session at shutdown.

If the desktop save icon function is a default save every 30 minutes during the session then I also want to stop that. Changing to manual save mode would be good.
Thanks for the info.

I've been working on saving my original save file in a different place or name for restoring to my original setup if needed.
Good idea, thanks.

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#5 Post by vaza »

Thanks Sylvander,
For some reason your reply was not working as a link and I didn't understand. Working now.
Nice info.

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#6 Post by Sylvander »

I saved various tips...
[including the one for offering the choice to save or not (to a pupsave file) at shut-down]
...To a text file on a partition on a Flash Drive.

Here's a copy of that:
To be offered a choice of whether to save a session back to the pupsave file:
Edit a file = something like:
To [1st delete the existing 2 lines of code, then] add [replace with] the following code:
dialog --yesno "Save this session?" 0 0 >/dev/console
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Saving session to $SAVEFILE (${SAVEPART})..." >/dev/console
/usr/sbin/snapmergepuppy /initrd/pup_ro1 /initrd/pup_rw

#the above are in unionfs at /.

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#7 Post by vaza »

It worked on the first try. I have YES NO at shutdown and can use the desktop save option when I want. At last, at last.
Puppy 5 is working great. I've been trying different versions the past year and this is finally the one.
Thanks again

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#8 Post by Béèm »

vaza wrote:I've been trying different versions the past year and this is finally the one.
Don't say that. Puppy is moving very fast. :wink:
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