Trouble connecting Puppy through ethernet

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Trouble connecting Puppy through ethernet

#1 Post by mmm5307 »

I have Puppy Linux operating system. I am having troubles setting up an ethernet connection. I don't get it! It tells me the Network Configuration of eth0 was successful, but then I will go to the internet and it says "server not found, problem loading page!" I could use some advice, help, instructions!

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Re: linux troubles

#2 Post by RetroTechGuy »

mmm5307 wrote:I have Puppy Linux operating system. I am having troubles setting up an ethernet connection. I don't get it! It tells me the Network Configuration of eth0 was successful, but then I will go to the internet and it says "server not found, problem loading page!" I could use some advice, help, instructions!

Did you save the configuration?
Did you "Auto DHCP"?

That will generally take care of it (though I don't recall if "save configuration" only occurs under wireless...)

Also, depending on your browser, you may need to do some configuration on it's network settings (typically the "auto" setting will work, but not always).
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#3 Post by nooby »

If you check out Quirky 1.00 and use it's Simple Network System set up then maybe you have more luck. It at least helped me get it working.

Sometimes it helps if one describe if one use a Live CD/DVD or frugal install or full install and what ethernet card one use and what version of Puppy Linux one have.
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
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#4 Post by mmm5307 »

I am using Puppy Linux (Wary 030). I plug the ethernet cord into the laptop and reset the modem, so I know that's not the problem. On the desktop, I click 'connect'. Next, my options are either eth0 or wlan0. I select the eth0 interface. If I click 'test eth0', it says "Puppy was able to find a live network". I then click 'Auto DHCP'. A window pops up saying 'Network Configuration of eth0 successful!' I then select 'yes' on whether or not I want to save this configuration. Lastly I click 'Done'.

When I click on the browser, which is firefox, it comes up as 'server not found, problem loading page'. Am I missing something here??? What's going on I am frustrated!!

Thanks for the replies I appreciate it!!!
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#5 Post by nooby »

Yes sorry.

You belong to those that it still fails for. I would advice you to use the better search to find all the other threads with this problem.

That search is one of the best to use to find special puppy problems, the only problem is to guess what search words that best will find it.

The other way is to find a person that have had same problem with and ask how they finally got it working.

Sorry me gave you false hope of a quick fix.

Edit after rereading your description and after reading the question by rcrsn51 then I got curious on this bit.
I plug the ethernet cord into the laptop and reset the modem, so I know that's not the problem.
Could that mean you have a Dial up Modem or a ADSL or such.

Maybe you have to chose something else in the set up of network?
Last edited by nooby on Thu 17 Jun 2010, 23:08, edited 2 times in total.
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
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#6 Post by rcrsn51 »

Open a terminal and type: ifconfig

What IP address does it show for eth0?

Please describe your network setup and modem.
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#7 Post by looseSCREWorTWO »

On one old notebook, I had Wary 030 as a Full Install and there were problems with Wireless, Sound and Xorg.

When I switched to a Frugal Install, everything worked.

I wonder how your ethernet would work if you booted from CD ?
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#8 Post by sharad »

My problem is exactly as described by Matt.

I have an ADSL connection. I am using Puppy 5.0. The same computer and internet connection and functions functions when I boot in Win XP.
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#9 Post by looseSCREWorTWO »

People experiencing problems with the new Puppies should consider installing Puppy 431 or 431 Retro. These are only 6 months old and have been thoroughly de-bugged. If they don't run well, then go back another step to Puppy 421 or 421 Retro.

Puppy 431 ... up-431.iso ... d5sums.txt

Puppy 431 Retro (2 versions) ... modems.iso ... modems.iso ... d5sums.txt
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#10 Post by mmm5307 »

Nooby: the modem I have was provided by my internet, telephone, and cable service provider.. it says 'Arris' on the front of it.. I'm not sure what type of modem it is.. what do you mean by chose something else in the set up of the network?

rcrsn51: i did what you said and this is what happened.....

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0F:1F:15:FE:43
RX packets:58224 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:3794526 (3.6 MiB) TX bytes:2260 (2.2 KiB)

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:0 erors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

A few questions:
I'm not sure what yous mean by 'network setup'?
What is a frugal install?
What does it mean to boot from CD?

Thanks people ! I appreicate it!
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#11 Post by mmm5307 »

Also, for work (when I can actually get on the internet wirelessly!!!), I need to install Adobe AIR. When I start the installation, it reads: "Sorry, an error has occurred. Adobe AIR could not be installed. Either gnome-keyring or Kwallet must be installed prior to installing Adobe AIR." Any thoughts and advice??

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#12 Post by looseSCREWorTWO »

G'day mmm5307,
Booting from CD means to start the computer from a Puppy CD. You put a Puppy CD in the CD/DVD Drive, re-start the computer and (if necessary) change the Boot Order so that the computer starts from the CD rather than the Hard Drive. There have been reports on this Forum where people couldn't get Puppy to run Wireless from a Hard Drive boot-up, but it ran OK when they booted from the CD.

A Frugal Install is one way of installing Puppy to the Hard Drive. The other way is a Full Install. Either way should result a full-operational Puppy operating system, but they work differently inside the computer.

I had Wary 030 installed (both Full and Frugal at the same time) to an old Pentium 2 laptop with 96mb of RAM. I did this to see if the laptop worked faster one way than the other, but on that PC there was no difference in speed between the Full and the Frugal.

However there was a BIG difference in other aspects. The Full Install couldn't remember settings, so every time I booted into the Full Install I had to go through the steps of setting-up the Monitor, the Audio and the Wireless. Everything would then be OK for the rest of that session, but next time I booted into the Full Install, I had to re-do these settings all over again.

The Frugal Install didn't have this problem. In fact it didn't have any problems. I did the settings one time and that was it - next time I booted into the Frugal Install the settings were remembered and used by Puppy, so I didn't have to re-do them again.

If you have Puppy installed to hard drive sda1, then you click on the Mount icon on the Desktop and you can see what files are in sda1. If you have these files:
- initrd.gz
- vmlinuz
- wary-030.sfs
that means you have a Frugal Install.

I would try booting from CD and then try the Ethernet connection.
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#13 Post by patjr »

my wireless setting wouldn't stick after a reboot until I went through the puppy wizard wizard to set the network then it came backup like it was set.

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am I going nuts? :)

#14 Post by fadster »

hey everyone,

impressed by the willingness of everyone to help... i have been surfing this and many other forums trying to get a resolution to my problem, which is very similar to the one posted here.

i am about to ditch the puppy, just thought before i do i would see if anyone has a solution...

firstly, i am reasonably new to linux, totally new to puppy.

installed it on an old Acer desktop, did the full installation on the hard disk and it boots well. can't connect to the internet & i have tried a few methods, all suggested in these forums. I am using an ADSL router connect to the computer via LAN cable.

the problem is that when I go to either 'connect' on the desktop, or through the wizard and try to connect to the internet, it recognises eth0 when i test and tells me the connection is live.

* when i try to connect using auto DHCP it goes for a while saying 'broadcasting for a lease' and then seems to time out and returns an error "network configuration of eth0 unsuccessful".
* when i try the static IP and load the values it tells me the config was successful, but then I try to launch a browser and it returns an error "can't download. connect to the internet."
* so i tried the PPPoE method and supplied all the required info, and it saves to a config file. however, when i try to launch a browser it again times out and returns an error message.

what am I doing wrong?? :(

i tried connecting the router to my laptop (which I am using to post this!) and it is running Windows. this laptop didn't need any config to connect to the internet and works fine, so it isn't the router I don't think.
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#15 Post by looseSCREWorTWO »

you should re-post your question as a New Topic here:
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#16 Post by Béèm »

looseSCREWorTWO wrote:you should re-post your question as a New Topic here:
fadster posted already as a new question in Beginners help.
Time savers:
Find packages in a snap and install using Puppy Package Manager (Menu).
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