No sound from HP4150 laptop neomagic 256 card

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No sound from HP4150 laptop neomagic 256 card

#1 Post by goosemold »

Hi. After years of using various Puppys on my old HP 4150 laptop, including previous successful attempts at configuring sound on the neomagic card, I decided to try a full install of lucid puppy 5.0. Install went fine, got wireless working easily, and I generally love this distro. But, no sound.

In the past, I have been able to run alsaconf, search for legacy modules, and , using the cs4232 module with some tweaking, got sound up.

My problem this time: when I probe for legacy drivers, absolutely none are detected. Even after multiple attempts.

So, what do I do now? Is there some way I can grab the cs4232 module and set it up?

Any help would be appreciated.
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#2 Post by Armar »

wow, I was just about to post the exact same topic
this is the workaround that is mentioned:

I got this working on puppy 301 that uses ALSA 1.0.8
but I can't just use that old version because my wireless card doesn't work on it and you can't find any decent software anymore for the old puppy.
So now I'm using lucid puppy with ALSA 1.0.20

I tough downgrading the ALSA driver would fix this and would like to know how to do this. But manually configuring ALSA, as goosemold mentioned, might also work. I have already tried replacing the line in the modprobe.conf like the wiki said on lucid but it gave errors on bootup.

EDIT: I started an attempt to compile ALSA 1.0.8 but the readme sais it has to be compiled within the kernel or something. So I'll leave that to the experts before I mess up another install of Puppy :p

EDIT2: I decided to boot and test some puppy versions on this problem. The first one I tried actually worked !
On version 431 both my wireless and sound work (with the second workaround on the wiki page) even though it still uses ALSA 1.0.20
And this version isn't even that different from lucid and has more software preinstalled.
Hope this solves your problems too.
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Joined: Sun 06 Jun 2010, 01:16

#3 Post by goosemold »

Thanks for the input, Armar. As a matter of fact, I had previously used a full install of puppy 4 and was able to get sound up. If necessary, I may have to revert to that, but I was really hoping that some sound expert in the community could help me enable sound on lucid. I like a number of features of lucid that were previously unavailable, including the easy wifi setup, so I would like to make a go of it if possible.

So, any sound experts out there who can help with this tricky neomagic card? There ought to be a way to enable sound in this version of puppy.

Any help appreciated.
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Joined: Thu 15 Jul 2010, 20:20

#4 Post by Armar »

Yeah, it's not really a solution but it is working for me.
Or it was... the sound is not working anymore after a second reboot
but I hope it's just something I did and can just do a reinstall
will know soon...

EDIT: It appears that ALSA is adding this code to modprobe.conf after rebooting:
alias snd-card-0 snd-nm256
alias sound-slot-0 snd-nm256

and that overrides the edited code.
Anyone know how I can stop ALSA from reconfiguring itself?
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