Lupu-508 save file problems

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Lupu-508 save file problems

#1 Post by Dogdaze »

Hi everybody!
I hope that I'm in the right bug forum. Testing Lupu-506/07/08. Just searched this forum and didn't find any thing like this. I don't know if anyone else is having this problem or not. When I make a save file and reboot, it loads the drivers to access the drives, scans my drives for puppy files and then promptly loads the .sfs files from the cd. I have had this same problem with 506 and 507. In the former ones, a hard shut down and then a cold bootup would allow me to choose a save file, but not with 508. Before making the save file, it would give me the option to pick which save file I wanted from the 506 or 507.sfs. But once a save file is made, that's the end of it. I save to a terabyte Iomega usb hard drive that has 3 partitions, the first is an vfat and the other 2 are ext2. I have saved in both ext2 and ext3 formats on all 3 partitions, but, no joy. The save-files are there, lupu just doesn't see them. I don't understand it, I've used this usb drive to remaster other versions of Puppy, so I'm confused. :? When I load up another usb drive as well, then I get the save-file choice. When I turn off the second usb drive, my choice is gone, it just loads the .sfs from cd to ram and runs a live cd with no boot parameters chosen.

When I load up the second usb drive, I get to choose the save file at bootup. However, if I choose "none" and enter "0" it prints that it is loading lupu-508.sfs main file to ram and then promptly boots to the desktop having loaded one of the save files of it's choosing. Seems that it loads lupu-508.sfs only from the hdd and not the lupusave. When I click on the mounted drive icon, Rox opens and displays the drive's content. Funny thing though, the mounted save file does not show in the "Home" dir. None of my pets are installed and no folders with any of my files or programs. When I click "/initrd/mnt/dev_ro2", which shows that it is mounted, reveils the content of the partition. That is, the lupu.sfs and lupusave.2fs and lupusave.3fs. "/initrd/mnt/dev_save" is empty and "/initrd/mnt/tmpfs" has "lupu-508.sfs" in it. Anyway if I right click to unmount the drive, naturally a dialog pops up and says that the drive is in use and can not be unmounted. On shut down or reboot, it asks if I want to save to file. Just like a live CD boot. When I bootup and choose a save-file, it loads and all is good. I find my installed pet files in "/initrd/pup_rw". The contents of the partition is displayed in "/mnt/home" and in "/initrd/mnt/dev_save". "/initrd/mnt/dev_ro2" and "tmpfs" are empty. I thought that it might be mentioned some where in this thread but I haven't found it yet.

One more thing that sort of keeps happening to me, is, when I right click on any of the drive icons that are just above the taskbar, I often accidentally remove the icon. The option "- Remove Item(s)" often times is right at the same level in the popup box as my mouse pointer happens to be when I right click on these icons. Bit of a nuisance. If I move the Icons up just a bit, I'm OK. The thing is to remember to do that! Ha,ha! Oh well, a quick "Ctrl+Alt+Backspace" "xwin" and all my icons are back. No big deal, just kind of a pesky thing. I guess I can move them up in the PuppyPin file. Maybe I could edit the popup box script if I could find it. I noticed that Fatdog64 does not have this problem. I don't know if this is happening to anyone else, but I expect that it might prove to be rather frustrating to Linux new comers. Might even induce a bit of panic. I hope that this helps in some small way.

Keep up the good work, Lucid is looking great. I love the improvements.
Your efforts and dedication are greatly appreciated.
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Re: Lupu-508 save file problems

#2 Post by Béèm »

Dogdaze wrote:Hi everybody!
One more thing that sort of keeps happening to me, is, when I right click on any of the drive icons that are just above the taskbar, I often accidentally remove the icon. The option "- Remove Item(s)" often times is right at the same level in the popup box as my mouse pointer happens to be when I right click on these icons. Bit of a nuisance. If I move the Icons up just a bit, I'm OK. The thing is to remember to do that! Ha,ha! Oh well, a quick "Ctrl+Alt+Backspace" "xwin" and all my icons are back. No big deal, just kind of a pesky thing. I guess I can move them up in the PuppyPin file. Maybe I could edit the popup box script if I could find it. I noticed that Fatdog64 does not have this problem. I don't know if this is happening to anyone else, but I expect that it might prove to be rather frustrating to Linux new comers. Might even induce a bit of panic. I hope that this helps in some small way.

Keep up the good work, Lucid is looking great. I love the improvements.
Your efforts and dedication are greatly appreciated.
$$ Don't buy a new computer $$, download a Puppy! :D
I have this also sometimes.
It is due to the fact that I slightly move the mouse while right-clicking and thus activating the remove item function.
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Re: Lupu-508 save file problems

#3 Post by Béèm »

hmmmm, double post.
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