pWidgets 2.5.8

Window managers, icon programs, widgets, etc.
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#2901 Post by Ron »


Whoopie! Downloaded the new extras package and it works like a charm. So far, anyway, lol. I love having two instances of both weather and weatherx. Thank you for all the work. I'm happy now. Thanks for the pet; many of us users depend on them, being a little .tar challenged...

Is there still any point in still replacing imlib2 as well? I'm a little fuzzy on that. Oh well, if it's just a matter of replacing the old file with the new one, I guess that's simple enough.

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#2902 Post by 01micko »

If it aint broke don't fix it!


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#2903 Post by Ron »

If it aint broke don't fix it!
That's my motto as well, although I seem to forget it sometimes and end up breaking it anyway...

I hate to do this to you, but now that this one seems to be solved, may I bring up another problem that's been bugging me forever? Do you know anything about Calendar? There is a tool to change the week beginning with either Sun or Mon, but it's stuck on Mon and won't allow the change. Most normal calendars start with Sunday, at least in the US anyway, so this can be confusing if you're not careful.

What's weird is that I could have sworn that somewhere in the midst of all this upgrading and changing things around, that feature started working for me and I changed to Sun, but now it is stuck on Mon again, unless I'm hallucinating. I believe this was brought up once before but with no resolution that I can find. Any thoughts on that one?
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#2904 Post by 01micko »

Well Ron you twisted my arm! :lol:

Indeed the calendar for Sunday is broken and it is a simple logic error.

Note, my patch here will fix it but it does need to be rewritten for multiuser compatibility. Won't worry you though I don't think :wink: (maybe Sigmund! :lol: )

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#2905 Post by Ron »

Sorry to report that the Weatherx icons are gone again. When you first posted the extras 2.3 package, I installed it and the icons worked fine, but now they have disappeared in both instances. I even tried uninstall/reinstall both the Pwidgets and the extras package and even manually deleted all the remaining files after deletion using pfind (there are a lot). Seems strange that after manually deleting everything that pfind finds in "pwidgets" and "weatherx" there are still these remnant problems; even the last sidebar gets reapplied after a completely fresh install.

Also another question: How can I configure for no sidebar at all? I seems like if you install any sidebar, there is no selection for "none" unless I'm overlooking something.

Good news is that the calendar is still fixed!

Thanks a lot for your attention on these problems.

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#2906 Post by 01micko »

Sorry to report that the Weatherx icons are gone again. When you first posted the extras 2.3 package, I installed it and the icons worked fine, but now they have disappeared in both instances. I even tried uninstall/reinstall both the Pwidgets and the extras package and even manually deleted all the remaining files after deletion using pfind (there are a lot). Seems strange that after manually deleting everything that pfind finds in "pwidgets" and "weatherx" there are still these remnant problems; even the last sidebar gets reapplied after a completely fresh install.
No need to be sorry Ron! If there is something wrong we make our best endeavour to fix it :wink:

It has been running fine for me, the icon has dropped out, (text still there) but on the next loop, which takes 5 minutes, it returned. However, in the nature of the puppy work I do I reboot a fair bit. I could possibly install 5.1.1 and pwidgets on another machine that I could leave running to test over some days.

I need some more info from you.
1) is it just the icon dropping out or the whole widget, that is, the text too.
2) What type of installation do you run? Full/frugal/other? The reason is, that errors can creep into your drive without your knowledge and an 'fsck' (filesystem check :wink: ) may be necessary, there are different commands for full install and frugal installs. Imlib2 does not like errors on the disk!
3)Did you end up updating to the Ubuntu imlib2? By the way, the Luicid version is at version 1.4.2, that's what I use.
4)Make sure if you reinstall that you reinstall the extras pack last.. it has a different engine (version of conky) which is important to the icon functionality. Did you do that?


If you know how to do an fsck then go ahead and do that, it may fix your issue. I did find, mainly in Puppy-431 that 'stale-nfs-file-handle' error would bork the widget completely. An fsck fixes it. If you didn't update imlib2 maybe you should.

As for the sidebar, open the plugins > sidebar GUI and click "right" down the bottom and the Remove button. Click apply in the main gui and the sidebar should then be gone.


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#2907 Post by Ron »

To your questions:
1. The widget itself seems to be working fine; updating, has text, etc. Just no icons (both weatherx's).

2. I boot with live cd, so basically frugal, save file on my Widows partition.

3.. I had not updated imlib2, but I just now did, using petget to install the package (thank you petget). Is that all I need to do? It made no change that I could see but all I did is reapply.

4. I've always installed the extras second, then your patches.

I can't pinpoint what it is that makes it change, but it may have happened after I rebooted one time.

Right now, I have two computers running side by side, both on Lupu 5.1.1, and pretty much identical configurations. One is holding it's own with the icons so far, but I haven't rebooted it for a while. If you want, I could compare and edit some files using Geany, side by side. The two are running pretty much the same widgets but with some different skins. I could keep the original files separate so I could restore them after. Let me know; I'd be glad to help if I can. I won't make any changes to the working system until I hear from you. My father's Lupu system likewise still is displaying icons and it has not been rebooted for a few days and I haven't done any reconfiguring since I set up Pwidgets on it. It seems like if you leave the system alone, it continues to work. Unfortunately, that is not in my nature...

I thought I had tried the "remove" option on sidebars before, but anyway it worked this time. Thanks.
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#2908 Post by 01micko »

Hi Ron

Ok, it may be errors in the pupsave, that's my hunch. I have rebooted several times in 4 different window managers (jwm, openbox, icewm and xfce4) and still the icons are persistent! It is a very good thing that they remain persistent while the machine has been running several days.. it shows that the code for the weather information is working.

On the failing machine, boot 'puppy pfix=ram'. On the partition where your pupsave is right click some free area in the rox filer window and choose 'window >> terminal here'


Code: Select all

e2fsck lupusave-<whatever-name>.3fs
and accept all the defaults, answering 'y' where required. If there are lots of errors it may take some minutes! BTW ,whatever name is only if you gave your pupsave a name.. else it will be just lupusave.3fs (or 2fs :wink: )

Hopefully that will fix the problem. Reboot to your pupsave and see..

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#2909 Post by Ron »

I wasn't sure what you wanted me to do. If I boot to pfix=ram, i have no access to my home directory where the save file is, so what I did was not reboot, but ran fsck in mnt/home directory in rox as you described. I did have to respond to quite a few errors. When it was finished, I did reboot. Now I have the icons back. This does make sense, because the problem seemed to occur only after a reboot, so if the save file was hosed up, it would explain odd behavior. I never even considered that possibility.

I'll be embarassed if this has been an isolated problem. I assumed it was a bug and I thought I remembered the problem existing on the other system before, which was why I went to the "weather" widgets, but I'll take it anyway with gratitude for your efforts and I learned a few things in the process. Also, it's good to have fixed the calendar. I know some others had mentioned it too.

Is there a tutorial of some kind on how pwidgets works under the hood? It would be an interesting learning experience to develop a widget, if only for my own amusement. Even if it's just an outline of what modules do what, how they integrate in pwidgets and window managers, etc. All I can find is how to use pwidgets.

Thanks again. I'll "sing out" again if I need to, but I think I can leave you alone for now.

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#2910 Post by 01micko »

Hi Ron,

8) Good, you got it sorted, but don't feel embarrassed. What you did was prompt me to update that widget and that indeed was necessary. :) It should now be more stable for all, it's still running great for me, and as I recall it did have problems awhile back.

Cheers.. (and I'll be listening for your tune :wink: )
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#2911 Post by Ron »

Is fsck something that should be run periodically as a preventive measure?

Is there some kind of "manual" for writing widgets?
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#2912 Post by 01micko »

It is recommended to run fsck periodically.. I'm not sure on the interval though, I guess that would vary depending on how intensely you change files in your filesystem, but I think once a month would be fine, unless you notice problems, often it will fix them.

There is no manual, we did have some howtos on the old wikki. Sigmund did write a howto but it is buried somewhere in theis rather large thread! A search may turn up something. Include 'zigbert', 'pwidgets', 'howto' in any search string.


EDIT<---- here you go ... 468#257468


EDT2.. I just realised that that is old info. Plugins are now at /usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/plugins.. so it basically still applies but most of the paths are now
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#2913 Post by zigbert »

Version 2.3.1
See main post

- Puppylinux widget shows distro name (thanks to jrb)
- Extras pack is updated to work in a multiuser environment (thanks to 01micko)
- Minor improvement of Birthday-widget.
- Bugfix: sunday as first day of week in calender (thanks to 01micko)
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#2914 Post by zigbert »

I have upgraded the extras-pack in the main post to your latest

Thank you
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#2915 Post by Jim1911 »

Hi zigbert

Getting 404 not found messages for download links. Apparently, the older pets are being requested.

The requested URL /zigbert/ was not found on this server.

The requested URL /zigbert/ was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


Downloads fine now, Thanks for the updates.
Last edited by Jim1911 on Thu 04 Nov 2010, 20:12, edited 1 time in total.
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#2916 Post by zigbert »

I am a bit too fast today :)

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#2917 Post by chrome307 »

@ Zigbert

I'm using the PWidgets application ( current build Nov 2010 ) on a USB flash drive installation.

I have noticed that I need to reset the CPU plugin each time if I move from a PC that has single or multiple core.

Is there a way that it could identify automatically between the two options ie single core or multicore cpu?
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#2918 Post by gjuhasz »

All versions of pwidgets: if I switch to UTF-8, the Weather widget does not show Celsius/Fahrenheit after the number.
Something could be wrong with interpreting the degree character ° in case of UTF-8.
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#2919 Post by 01micko »

Hi Sigmund

Brown Mouse reported a problem with theming. I didn't get exact details but the widgets (except clock) lost all colour. I could reproduce the problem by just swapping out a widget but then I swapped them all out, refreshing, then adding them again the problem disappeared. I haven't looked too close yet but my hunch is maybe a bug in one of the themes?

Here is Brown Mouse' problem. It seems to be independent of which puppy version.

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Thank you for Pwidgets!

#2920 Post by tazoc »

Hi, Just wanted to thank you for the excellent work on Pwidgets. It is built into Lighthouse Pup 5.00G, with a few, mostly cosmetic modifications and works great in JWM, IceWM and even Xfce 4.

I modified Patriot's tweak for xonclock in Xfce in /usr/local/Pwidgets/func ~line 172:

Code: Select all

#	echo "ROX_DESKTOP=\`xwininfo -root -tree | grep 'ROX-Pinboard' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 2\`" >> $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/pwidgets-exec_xonclock
			if [ "`xwininfo -root -tree | grep '\"ROX-Pinboard\"'`" ]; then #101127 TazOC
			 echo "ROX_DESKTOP=\`xwininfo -root -tree | grep '\"ROX-Pinboard\"' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 2\`" >> $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/pwidgets-exec_xonclock #101127 TazOC
			else echo "ROX_DESKTOP=\`xwininfo -root -tree | grep '\"Desktop\": (' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 2\`" >> $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/pwidgets-exec_xonclock #101127 TazOC
I also reworked some CairoDock clock skins (attached below)
CD-LHP Analog Clock Skins
Place in /usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/clock_skins/
(99.72 KiB) Downloaded 357 times
[url=][b][size=100][/size][/b] [img][/img][/url] [url=]Lighthouse 64 6.02[/url]
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