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#41 Post by runtt21 »

Thats Itaskng. First install the How to make that shot. Menu-settings-shelves.Move the bottom shelf to the top left in the shelf settings window.Then make it transparent. Open the settings panel go over to extensions. Click on itaskng and add. Adjust settings from there Put it on the bottom, As noted by joel it looks like poop anywhere else.Get rid of the background box. It will load up with the default ibar icons you can change it to have it's own list.
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#42 Post by coolcantona »

@ puppyluvr

Of course Runtt21's answer is the definitive one, as this is his baby - but an alternative is just install wbar from the repos for the same effect. That's what I did.

Congratulations, this really is another lovely piece of work.
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macpup 511

#43 Post by jeffmitch »

Firstly, great job you guys (been hoping for a fast op system using Enlightenment ). Thing is, i have an odd problem with this one, whenever i click close or minimize, wether it be on a browser, a folder, or an application, my screen goes completely black for about 2 or 3 seconds, then comes back to normal, same thing happens when clicking okay or cancel on any notifications, such as, "do you want to install this" (when i downloaded Firefox), clicking "okay" the screen blacks out, then returns after 2 or 3 secs,
Yep i know it does the same thing when altering settings, but this ain't like that, as the desktop is exactly as it oughta be, before the black out, including any apps or folders etc. still being there ....... any ideas?

running, at the moment, live cd, on an amd64 dual core, 2 gig ram, an ATI graphics card ( series 5 xxx ) using the Vesa driver as the X-org driver gives me a totally black screen leaving me with the restart button as the only option?
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Midori - YouTube

#44 Post by P123 »

For some reason Midori is unable to sign in to my YouTube account, but so long as I do not try to do this it works fine & other browsers do not have the same problem.
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#45 Post by runtt21 »

Today is a good day . Fourth day of the new release and we are back up to # 5 at distrowatch. :D

Thanks to everyone for the kind words.

As far as Itaskng goes please wait for the Howto .It really is cool . In a few weeks when I have time I will try to recompile it with out the reflections cause that is what is messing things up for everyone.If I don't get to it ,I will when I build the next macpup.

jeffmitch I dont have access to a Amd64 machine, this is going to be hard for me to trouble shoot. I have run opera2 on a hp laptop that had that processor and it really had problems.Not like yours. The first thing I would suggest is to change wm's to icewm and see how it runs with that.

P123 remember this version of Midori is cut down and not really for the web I would recommend using something else.

FYI dont use arora with photobucket.
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Favorite menu

#46 Post by runtt21 »

This is the how to for the favorites menu. By default macpup doesn't have anything in the favorites menu cause that for your stuff. Open the settings panel,go to the applications tab and click on Favorite Applications. Then set things up just like the ibar.Pick what you want and set the order you want them and apply.


This will add the favorite applications to the main menu and also when you right click on the desktop.

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save icon

#47 Post by runtt21 »

How to make a save icon on the ibar. When you run puppy with a pupsave file it will give you a save icon on the desktop so you can save when ever you need to .I use this a lot when I compile stuff and I wanted one for use on the ibar. This is how you make it. First you need some info. Open rox and look in /root/Choices/Rox-filer and open Puppypin as text. Look at the last line above </pinboard>.


I am running a macpupsave file on a usb flash drive and puppys save option is /usr/sbin/save2flash.Yours may be different. Close rox.

Next open the settings panel ,go to the application tab and click on new application. This will open the Desktop entry editor. And this is how I set it up.


If you dont know where the executable is click on the button with the three dots and you will be able to go look for it.


Then switch to the icon tab and give it a icon. Then apply. Then add it to the ibar .It will be in the applications list near the bottom.


This is the way you would add a application or script you made. The .desktop file this makes is in /root/.local/share/applications
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#48 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
:mrgreen: Green with envy.. :mrgreen:
Actually, I`m thrilled for you dude, the success of the Macpup(s) has been amazing and well deserved..I, perhaps more than anyone realize and appreciate the time and talent you have put into this.. I am not minimizing Prit and everyone else...But dude, you must be obsessed...
.E-17 can be "frustrating" to build, at best..From the moment you saw E-17 on Puppy, you were hooked.. (Youtube)... 8)
Havnt had a lot of testing time as of late but so far this one has had been superb..
The only incident I can think of was once when setting a window over the top bar, E crashed, but clicking "recover" brought it back up, but reverted several settings, including moving the bar to the bottom and changing some icons!!..Reseting everything has held up thru several reboots now and I believe that the glitch may have been my machine`s onboard video ..
Anyhow, the Gimp functions well so far, I havnt installed a browser, as I always use a shared browser from /mnt /home with all my frugal`s but my Opera 10.61 and FF 3.6 both run fine..

Oh, more oddity....the pager clicking thru to the desktop...
It has happened a couple of times, and was only fixed by restarting X..
Once again, I attribute it to my i810.. (very glitchy, and I havnt installed Xorg high yet as I always test OOTB at first...)
Still playing with itaskNG, I think I will have to update my vid drivers to get the most out of it.. Now on to Conky... :arrow:
Be back...
Anyhow, great release... 8)
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#49 Post by joel »

I stumbled across this if you ever are interested in the composite issue. Its only a forum discussion but gives some info about how the composite module works (apparently on top of evas). Im sure once the final (can it be, is this actually happening finally?) version comes out they will have caught the issue. btw if you ever need some help at all with anything e related Runtt i am quite obsessed with it and know it inside and out. a bit of the deeply techincal aspects of it confuse me but still if you ever need some help with anything let me know.
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#50 Post by runtt21 »

Thank you joel , very much. I have always wanted macpup to work with both xorg and (x)vesa. I dont really like giving it features that are xorg only. So I will probably drop it from the next macpup.But Itaskng is fixable.(even though it really isn't broken :lol: )

Puppyluvr this e thing is all your fault. :lol: And look Distrowatch just updated. Cool.... :D
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#51 Post by Roy »

Quick report:

I downloaded Opera, & then Firefox from but neither one would install with the usual method of just clicking on the pet. Finally downloaded Chromium with the Puppy Package Manager and that worked. All of your themes installed and worked by simply downloading them and clicking on the pets. (Very nice themes!)

BTW, does Macpup contain Shinobar's PPOE fix? I don't use that function, but if I'm going to give CDs of Macpup away, I want them to always work.

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#52 Post by runtt21 »

Iron and opera both installed for me (using opera right now) The only strange thing was that after installing opera is said the menu entry was in utility and it wasn't .It was in internet where it is suppose to be .Ill take the .pet apart and look at it later But it is working.


The Macpup-511.sfs is a rebuild of the lupu-511.sfs ,it's not a remaster.All of the apps on the puppy side are exactly the same as lupu's . If lupu doesn't have it ,This macpup doesn't have it either.
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#53 Post by runtt21 »

I need to comment on something that has happened elsewhere on the forum.This is my build of e17 .I built it for this project,Macpup.I have put a lot of time into this pup and the whole project. I really dont appreciate someone trying to rip the guts out of it. People dont go and dismantle teenpup or tipsy or lighthousepup cause they want something.
Mu,Ttuuxxx & mick01 have all built versions of e before. Someone can get it from them without Jacking with my stuff.Macpup is Macpup.This one is built on lupu.It has all the same stuff as lupu.But it isn't lupu anymore.It's Macpup.Taking some files and links out isn't going to help.I am not saying anything else about this.
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#54 Post by runtt21 »

Currently test an update for Itask-ng. More info later....

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Macpup 511

#55 Post by jeffmitch »

@ runtt21
Hiya, still persevering here, Okay, this time i ran the live CD, (& just let it run it's course :) it booted to the desktop, everything working, internet connected, no screen blackouts, no flickering, played with it all afternoon, installed Chrome, still no probs, seemed rock solid ..... So i installed to USB Flash Drive, rebooted, perfect ( i thought ) did some stuff, installed Chrome again, changed theme to your "Bling" one, still no screen probs, So i shutdown, the using your button on the Ibar ( to be safe) but the screen went black & just hung there, doing i Re-started & up came the welcome screen etc etc etc ..... So nought is saved, i can't make a save file, ( although i thought that installing to a usb flash drive, i may not need one ........ yeah yeah i'm an ijittt ;) So what i need to know is, as this happens with the new lupu ( in progress) but didn't happen with lupu 5.10, nor did it happen with your last version of Macpup e17, on pup 4.3 (i think) ?? ... The comp is obviously waiting some input as to where or wether i wanna make a pupsave, but i just can't see it !!!!
Is it poss for me to somehow make a pupsave, without having to click restart or shutdown ... .... Exiting to Commandline is no better either, ( although i occasionally get a "monitor out of range" message )
P.S. thanks anyway, even if you can't help me outa this one, (from the 3 hours i spent on it this afternoon, it is absolutely fantastic)
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#56 Post by bwh1969 »

Amazing... It more or less looks like my pa's macbook air. I have an eee-pc 1201T with the amd athlon neo processor @ 1360x768 screen. Using the "high" xorg driver with the radeon card that is in this. REALLY sharp. I am wondering how to get that transparent dock two posts up:-) It looks a lot like "docky"
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#57 Post by James C »

I did a manual frugal install of Macpup 511 on my main Linux box and no problems at all. :)
Grabbed the new themes and installed Firefox,Arora and time to start tweaking.
Great job. :)
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#58 Post by txemijendrix »

I 've been testing Macpup 511 since it was released. I ran it live with virtualbox, made some installs (Lampp, Joomla, Firefox, Gimp) and rebuilt the iso. Then I did an usb install and I created a 1 Gb save file.
Later I installed flashplayer, customize the desktop (icons, wallpaper, selves, gadgets).
Everything has gone fine.
Now I have added the save2file button and I'm setting up Conky.
I send you a capture running on an Acer Aspire One ZG5.

All I want to say is a BIG thank you for sharing this great piece of software.

Txemi Jendrix
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#59 Post by runtt21 »

Thank you very much everyone for all your support. I do appreciate it a lot!! :D

@jeffmitch Yes you should be able to make a save file with 5.10 and set it up for macpup to use.Let me think about it a while before you try it. But first I want to to try something. Boot up the live cd.Don't add anything. Let it run for a few minutes and reboot. See if it will save now.I have seen reports that sometimes lupu wont make a svae file if you add stuff during the first run before rebooting.Try that first ,If not we will do something else.

@bwh1969 you already have a version of it.It is called Itask-ng But yours has reflections that dont really work right .I am fixing that.Read back through the thread I told puppyluvr how to use it. Once you set it up use the save icon before you shutdown. E might dump the settings when X exits.You could change the shelf to be transparent.

@txemijendrix Would you post how you set up Conky? I didn't think that would work.I know rokytnji was trying to do that.
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#60 Post by runtt21 »

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