HOWTO Puppy supercomputer !!!

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HOWTO Puppy supercomputer !!!

#1 Post by Master_wrong »

i got pdf about supercomputer from above site few month, now i try to apply to puppy knowing that puppy has significant speed advantage over ubuntuy.
i try to apply, but always has error, regarding port...
(.deb package is not working, get the slackware instead on page 2)

is anyone know how apply this to puppy ?

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#2 Post by Lobster »

is anyone know how apply this to puppy ?
You need mad geniuses who like nothing better than
turning a glut of clutter into a Turing Cluster

This seems a worthy project as we can have
a thread 'my cluster is faster than yours'
and 'my cluster has more nodes than yours'

. . . now it is true we can join internet clusters
but to have a supercomputer in ones basement
computing the emergence of time anomalies
- sounds essential to me . . .

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#3 Post by Master_wrong »

You need mad geniuses who like nothing better than
turning a glut of clutter into a Turing Cluster
no, its not, the pdf was straightforward easy to follow.
its setting the port or python in puppy confuse me.
This seems a worthy project as we can have
a thread 'my cluster is faster than yours'
ans 'my cluster has more nodes than yours'
thank you.
. . . now it is true we can join internet clusters
but to have a supercomputer in ones basement
computing the emergence of time anomalies
- sounds essential to me . . .

i was thinking about lesser goal, to understand more about supercomputing.
anyway thanks for your comment.

I found what is wrong, for root, mpd.conf shoud be in /etc instead of home.

mpdboot now run without problem.

mpdtrace still has problem, i need to put password into mpd.conf, how i put password for puppy ?
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#4 Post by Master_wrong »


here is the step needed

1. install package
2. install ( ... ackages-2/)
3. edit /etc/hosts on each computer attached according to its address
from localhost puppypc pc2 pc3 pc4
to localhost puppypc superwoof1 -------------->set according to computer pc2 pc3 pc4

4. create /home
5. run terminal type
tinylogin adduser superwoof

6. inside /home/superwoof ---->create of all computer attached----> address:processor ----> )
7. inside /home/superwoof ---->create .mpd.conf (secretword=password)
8. set user of .mpd.conf ---->type in terminal : chown superwoof .mpd.conf also make only user can open it from properties
9. inside /home/superwoof ---->create /home/superwoof/bin ---->for program, set path too
10. in terminal type
login superwoof

have a nice day...
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#5 Post by Lobster »

Well done Master_wrong :)
I am not 100% sure what we can do now . . .
Any plans?

Congratulations, very cool.

Who has 5/6 computers to create a supercomputer?
Let us know how you get on :)
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#6 Post by Master_wrong »

Thank lobster
I am not 100% sure what we can do now . . .
Any plans?
let me see....
wait...wait i see somethin...

designing new nuclear warhead ? :lol:

btw i'm still trying to keep my /home folder after remaster, it seem they were not copied into new iso.

perhaps i should create my puplet...

superwoof, cluster puppy ?

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#7 Post by Lobster »

Go for it!

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#8 Post by Master_wrong »


i just want to clarify...

puppy didnt have sshd installed, and the ssh in the package is wrong, cannot use it.

btw i already try installing sshd, set using root and try for real, it is running now.

see there is 2 cluster
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#9 Post by RetroTechGuy »

I love it!...
[url=]Add swapfile[/url]
[url=]WellMinded Search[/url]
[url=]PuppyLinux.US Search[/url]

Suggest an application for your SuperComputer

#10 Post by gcmartin »

@Master_wrong. I have read much over the years about Clusters from an architectural standpoint. All seems within reason, architecturally.

My missing understanding is in how it manages, dispatches, and then displays workloads. This comes from my base where I come from an Multi-Processor (MP) world with a single OS into a cluster world from an application(s) standpoint. MPs such as Intel/AMD/PowerPC etc sit within a single frame where the bus in integrated for the MPs operation.

Where I get a little tussle is when trying to describe to a Windows/X-desktop user, how work is accomplished in a disparate configuration. Maybe you can help by describing
  • whether the cluster console is or can be an X-windows desktop session?
  • Whether X-windows Linux applications are currently designed for cluster environments?
  • Whether Puppy OS "sees" all processors in such a way that if I ran TOP (the application) it would report/manage "all combined tasks" running across the cluster?
  • And, finally, can I run a multiuser X-windows sessions on a cluster system for as many users as I have logging in?
Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on these for me.
P.S. Recognizing that the answers might take up a lot of space in this post, you are welcome to PM me with the answers
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#11 Post by Master_wrong »


thanks for asking me, i didnt know myself, all i did was read pdf for ubuntu which i try to do in puppy linux.
but i can answer some of your question

- whether the cluster console is or can be an X-windows desktop session?
sorry i have no idea
- Whether X-windows Linux applications are currently designed for cluster environments?
not all but yes, dvd::rip is gui and can use cluster, but very few gui application have cluster capabilities
- Whether Puppy OS "sees" all processors in such a way that if I ran TOP (the application) it would report/manage "all combined tasks" running across the cluster?
i wonder that too
- And, finally, can I run a multiuser X-windows sessions on a cluster system for as many users as I have logging in?
the point of cluster is using networked computer to assist doing 1 task on the server, the idea is if 1 task is done 1 hour with 1 computer then i can be done 0.5 hour with 2 computer, 0.25 hour with 4 computer. etc
for your question... i dont know

the problem is i got too excited last night and run remaster before closing cluster which makes the remaster fail. so i have to do it all over again.... grrrrr
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#12 Post by Master_wrong »

Finally i can remaster...
i will set my puplet soon

sshd i used is found here,
on first post.
after all files installed

then only thing important is setting
/etc/mpd.conf ---->for user root
/home/user/.mpd.conf ---->for user non root

as mpd has strict rules:
1. all .conf files in all computer has to be private only file (rw access only to owner)
2. setting address inside /etc/hosts and mpd.hosts files in all computer has to be arranged similiar :

if any of them is not correct you will get error 415, 407, 420, and headache because sometimes you cannot trace error.

Whether Puppy OS "sees" all processors in such a way that if I ran TOP (the application) it would report/manage "all combined tasks" running across the cluster?

YES,memory was doubled too, interesting...
but it stay that way even after i disconnect, maybe false report

have a nice day
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#13 Post by CoronelN »

I have 4 computers at home 5 if i count the 386 they gave me in for my work... I wanna try try try! uhmm.. what can i do with it ?

awaiting the puplet
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#14 Post by dogle »

uhmm.. what can i do with it ?
That's what was in my mind, and surely it's the point?

HOWTO on what to do with a Puppy supercomputer?
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#15 Post by Lobster »

HOWTO on what to do with a Puppy supercomputer?
One of the exciting Puppy places is pioneering and leading edge. Docs and pics and stories of your setup and experience are always of great interest. :) What will you call your first Puppy Supercomputer? Will you put a Puppy sticker on each node. How many nodes do you need to appear on this list? You might start with the worlds smallest supercomputer but what will you inspire . . . :D
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#16 Post by Master_wrong »

Whether Puppy OS "sees" all processors in such a way that if I ran TOP (the application) it would report/manage "all combined tasks" running across the cluster?

YES,memory was doubled too, interesting...
but it stay that way even after i disconnect, maybe false report
Damm i was wrong, my comp is dual core and the increase might be swap afterall, sorry :oops: :oops: :oops:
have 4 computers at home 5 if i count the 386 they gave me in for my work... I wanna try try try! uhmm.. what can i do with it ?

awaiting the puplet
Thank CoroneIN, for now the best idea i can think is to learn cluster programming with it... @ reduced hassle and difficult setting-up
That's what was in my mind, and surely it's the point?

HOWTO on what to do with a Puppy supercomputer?
for ppl who need to learn about supercomputing or programming and many of them may need distro which easy to boot and setup so they can just learn just to program or even need help to setup one themself, that's what to do with puppy on supercomputer.
surely this will not help casual user, but every distro has its great point, and i find puppy has a great advantage on this sector... at least for a learning tool.
One of the exciting Puppy places is pioneering and leading edge. Docs and pics and stories of your setup and experience are always of great interest. Smile
Thank lobster,
yes I think puppy is perfect for future computing, just few decades ago ram was just barely megabyte... so next few decades who know how much terrabyte ram we will have, and most of that ram will surely goes unused by todays program.
What will you call your first Puppy Supercomputer? Will you put a Puppy sticker on each node. How many nodes do you need to appear on this list? You might start with the worlds smallest supercomputer but what will you inspire . . . Very Happy
just simple luci245 look, atm.
i wont even dream of entering top500 :lol: cmon lobster...
but maybe you can learn to program them using puppy :D

i'm still try to create small luci245, it really has great adventage...
1. setting hostname at bootup that's really really great thing you know, the hostname and the list of /etc/hosts must correspond .
2. can install from multiple distro package

My goal for the project is
1. make puppy cluster computer ---> half done, cluster are connected but having difficulty compiling program and running.... may need gcc and setting the path... since file mpicc are exists in usr/lib/mpich/bin but rox says not found

2. setting all cluster from server ----> half done, i have set scp but since i forgot to include /etc/mpd.conf then it doesnt work, if it was included then it will run.

3. automatic setting maybe scan port 22 then scan 1 by 1 each cluster and set their setting without asking password.

but now you have to edit each cluster for the data.
thank you.
Last edited by Master_wrong on Sat 01 Jan 2011, 04:28, edited 1 time in total.
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#17 Post by Master_wrong »

ok anyone know what is the devx for luci245 please?

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luci devx 245

#18 Post by Lookinglass360 »

Hi Master_worng
I find this very interesting but far over my head.
The devx is the same as luci 246 I think.
Good Luck with this!
Merry Christmas!
Sorry that was 244 :roll:too much eggnoog :oops:
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#19 Post by Master_wrong »


Thank lookinglass

Merry Christmas for you too...

btw i have try the devx, it compile ok and run... well sort of...
at first try i forgot to put the files in the cluster computer....
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#20 Post by Master_wrong »

Finally it success !!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D


here is the recipes....
mpich2-1.0.8-i486-goa.tgz at

python25, tcl, tk, db... at ... &start=317

also my script

and you also need password less sshd ... 532#482532

remember to extract my script to root/my-program....

edit data inside /root/myprogram/clusterdata/ etc and home according to your comp ip and hostname....

run auto --------> this set data into your server, should run at startup.
run superwoof ---------> this initiate passwordless-ssh (in my setting) and copy data from server to all node.

if nothing is wrong then the system is set to run mpd

thank you
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