What do you use besides puppy?

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#21 Post by ttuuxxx »

I use puppy 99% of the time, 0.75% of the time win xp only for Photoshop, I won't even go online with it. Because then I think about security, etc.
And 0.25% of the time I try the latest release of myah os, and react os.

Why Myah Os? http://myah.org/ well because Jeremiah Cheatham builds it from scratch, he does tons of testing and is actually a nice guy who returns pm and is very helpful. Its usually around 440MB for lxde version and 700MB for gnome or kde.

Why React Os? http://www.reactos.org/en/index.html well because over 100+ people at any given time are working on it, They've been trying to build a stable 100% free non-Microsoft NT compatible version for at least 6+ years. I usually test the latest release and try to crash it and report the issue on the IRC chat site. After 6+ years they are still in alpha stage, it just shows how difficult it is to make a windows compatible operating system. You got to respect a large group of people working together for years and years and still at a alpha stage.
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#22 Post by tubeguy »

All Puppy on the Toshiba laptop. One big partition formatted ext4, ext3 save file. That's the computer I use most at home.

HP DC5100 desktop with Win XP for photoshop/dreamweaver/audition and I also use it for helping my folks with their computer on a Crossloop connection. Mostly in Puppy on that though.

Also have a second desktop, a Compaq Presario with Win XP/various puppies for banging around on and guests.

At work it's all Windows, we have 98, 2000, XP and Vista machines, my job is to keep them running.
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#23 Post by sinc »

Wow.. I saw this thread and was reading through it and 4 posts up from here I saw puppyite. I was like "Holy crap, did he come back Image??!?" Then I saw his post was from over a year ago. Oh okay.

I use puppy 95% of the time.
On one machine I have windows 7, Lupu, and kubuntu (just cuz).
The other machine.. Win XP, and a slew of puppies.
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#24 Post by nooby »

I have dual boot on all my machines but I only use Puppy unless puppy totally fails such on this


Shardana Antivirus Rescue Disk Utility (SARDU) is software that can produce an ISO or an USB anti-virus bootable CD, a comprehensive collections of utilities, the most popular distributions of Linux Lite, and the best known Windows PE. It is freeware (it is licensed as an individual ISO / IMA).
Once the files are extracted Sardu creates a CD / DVD or USB bootable device with a handy menu divided into four categories: Antivirus, Utilities, Linux, and PE.

That one can only get installed using a Win OS machine

Very unfortunate. I don't want to so I wait for some time and hope somebody makes it Puppy compatible for install or a totally manual install of sardu!
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though
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#25 Post by 01micko »

DaveS wrote:Just a biro
DaveS wrote:Still just a biro.............

:lol: :lol: :lol: .. what brand?
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Re: Other Distros

#26 Post by RetroTechGuy »

Varmint wrote:Things have changed here. Currently:

IBM ThinkCentre P4/2.8ghz/2gb RAM w/Puppy 4.20, Debian 5.04, Slackware 13.1, & PC-BSD 8.1

Acer Aspire One ZG5 1.6ghz Atom CPU/1gb RAM w/WinXP, Lucid Puppy, & Slackware 13.1

Asus Eee 701D 900+mhz CPU/2gb RAM 32gb SSD w/Lucid Puppy, Ubuntu 10.04, Slackware 13.1

I had Backtrack 4.0 RC2 on the Asus unit, and sometimes use Helix on everything here just to check things out. There are also a number of other linux distros I keep on USB sticks to play with. The aforementioned PC's dhowever, use just what I have listed on them. I'm thinking of wiping WinXP from my Acer unit and putting Debian on it, as well as the Asus unit. I hear it works really nice on both. I like changing things around here from time to time, and will sometimes do so just to see what happens.
I run most/all of my internet access through Puppy.

Not counting my corporate supplied work desktop...
I currently have 3 machines with WinXP; 2 of which are laptops, both which dual boot in Puppy. I have 4 Win98 machines, 3 of which dual boot in Puppy (1 old laptop, and 2 desktop machines). The last Win98 is my PVR, which I still haven't gotten around to seeing if it can run KnoppMyth, or some something similar.

Well, one of the Win98 machines is actually a tri-boot, Win98, Puppy and Debian (though I never finished setting up the Debian install).

Everything is frugal install.

(well, then there are a couple "retired" machines, both of which are Win98 machines... And then there are some older machines that I'm working on to give away...)
[url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=58615]Add swapfile[/url]
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#27 Post by DaveS »

01micko wrote:
DaveS wrote:Just a biro
DaveS wrote:Still just a biro.............

:lol: :lol: :lol: .. what brand?
Parker, because it says Made in England on it, so its a bit of a rarity :)
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#28 Post by 01micko »

DaveS wrote: Parker, because it says Made in England on it, so its a bit of a rarity :)
Indeed I have owned 2 Parker pens (as diff to "biro" :wink: ) in my life.. one is gold plated and engraved, it's around somewhere (had it nigh on 29 years), the other is in my hot little hand and definitely says.. "MADE IN UK".. (is at least 10 yo)

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#29 Post by 2lss »

Main computer: Dual boot Ubuntu 10.04 and Vista (although I haven't booted Vista in about six months :D )

eeepc: Pupeee 4.4 (latest beta)

server: Freenas (subject to change)

I'm always playing around with images I make with Debian Live Builder as well.
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#30 Post by jadm »

desktop: puppy Linux 4.3, Ubuntu and winxp
laptop: win 7 and boot puppy 4.3 on usb (mostly win 7 because puppy will not detect my wifi :( )
trashed laptop: puppy and Ubuntu
carboredbox desktop: winxp .. changing to puppy soon :)
server:winxp only :(
plenty of other puppy versions on cds

#31 Post by stu90 »

One laptop run Puppy and Lubuntu - I use puppy most of the time and only really boot into Lubuntu to update it, over the few months i have had it installed it seems to have grown in size to around 10GB :shock:
All that had been added to it is:
1 new icon set
3 wallpapers
And an application launcher name escapes me begins with a Q i think.
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#32 Post by magerlab »

of course, I use not only puppy:)
i have NOP and Puppeee too!!!!

tried sidux and simply linux( alt linux 5.0 with xfce)
but they are too bloated for me :)
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#33 Post by obxjerry »

I found Linux and, after trying a few other distros, Puppy about a year ago. 99.9% of the time my wife and I use Puppy. It is rare we boot Windows. We use 431 on 2 desktops and 2 laptops, 421-retro on an old laptop that wouldn't run 431. Most people would say all of these computers are past their useful life.

I've been wondering what I missed and am thinking about trying some of the older Puppy versions. Other than that I have a really old laptop 90mhz, 8mb ram, 810mb hard drive. I formated a borked Windows 95 off the hard drive years ago. I've ordered an adapter, for another project, that would allow me to install an OS to that hard drive. I may be spending some time with some of the micro Linuxes.
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#34 Post by jadm »

obxjerry wrote:I found Linux and, after trying a few other distros, Puppy about a year ago. 99.9% of the time my wife and I use Puppy. It is rare we boot Windows. We use 431 on 2 desktops and 2 laptops, 421-retro on an old laptop that wouldn't run 431. Most people would say all of these computers are past their useful life.

I've been wondering what I missed and am thinking about trying some of the older Puppy versions. Other than that I have a really old laptop 90mhz, 8mb ram, 810mb hard drive. I formated a borked Windows 95 off the hard drive years ago. I've ordered an adapter, for another project, that would allow me to install an OS to that hard drive. I may be spending some time with some of the micro Linuxes.
obxyjerry that sounds like you might want to cheack out micro muppy or a really old version of puppy .. here is a link to some really old versions of puppy that i have on my site ftp://jadmlinux.dyndns-server.com/puppyLinux/
[img]ftp://jadmlinux.dyndns-server.com/onmsg.jpg[/img] if my server is online then ushould see a image here saying it is if it is all my links should work .. if its not on line please cheek again soon :D
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#35 Post by 37fleetwood »

been a while since I've posted but just thought I'd check in,
on my desktop I use Ubuntu 10.4 LTS, and on the laptop I'm currently running Kubuntu 10.4 LTS, however I may switch up the laptop. not sure where it will end up, maybe I'll try out Ubuntu with Unity, maybe Linuxmint or elive, I don't know, something fun.
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What do you use besides puppy?

#36 Post by yarddog »

computer one
puppy-431 remastered

computer two
windows xp professional (seldom used)

98% linux user

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#37 Post by DaveS »

Gone for diversification.... added a pencil for the New Year!
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#38 Post by tubeguy »

DaveS wrote:Gone for diversification.... added a pencil for the New Year!
AKA the universal character generator. :-D
[b]Tahr Pup 6 on desktop, Lucid 3HD on lappie[/b]
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#39 Post by WireWulf »

ofton depends on where I am as I do not attend a school in my home state, however just for kicks I will list both sets.
pentium 4 northwood - TinyCore linux 3.x or lunar
IBM i486 - old slackware install
IBM i386 - openBSD (was a pain still is a pain)
AMD Phonom II x6 - sabayon amd64 version

broken Mac - runs nothing I broke it oops
MSI a5000 laptop - Arch linux/tinyXP
westinghouse laptop - TinyCore current/lunar
asus netbook - CLI only based pup distro

(note not all listed computers travel with me as the listed desktops also server as servers they stay with a close friend and only 2 laptop make the trip with me however I am building the asus netbool for my current GF)
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#40 Post by enhu »

i'm still using slackware 12 with two puppies in separate partitions - lucid and quirky.

i dont use slackware often
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