Quickset Wary-5.1.1-01q the Final Release

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#101 Post by gcmartin »

If @Mave is correct, sound like next Wary should benefit. It is rumored that next Wary will have latest Xorg 7.5. Is there a beta or RC available now or is there a test Wary-NLS that already has this somewhere?
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#102 Post by shinobar »

Wary-500m07 is out. See the top of this topic

The download size is 216MB.
The reason of this large is the 112MB additional language packages.
The lang_pack_all_0.1-w5.sfs is 76MB large, supports 100 languages.
The core 104MB is loaded plus only needed language pack is loaded at the boot up.
This system is realized thanks to the sfs_load on-the-fly technique. But I suppose next rerease is better to remove the lang_pack_all from the iso to make it smaller.
The Wary-500m07 has many fixes and updates almost the same as the Barry's Wary-501beta.

  • Improved initrd loads extra SFS's in the order written at the BOOTCONFIG
  • New sfs_load on-the-fly-0.4.
  • Improved extralang loads large sfs lang_pack on-the-fly
  • New lang_pack_all-0.1-w5, supports 100 languages
  • New puppyhelp GUI. Click the 'help' icon on the desktop.
  • The first desktop is now Xorg(vesa) instead of Xvesa.
  • Fixed firstrun- v1.8.2: was failed GMT+-n, avoid black screen at changing timezone
  • Fixed and improved pupsaveconfig-1.9d9.(rc.shutdown): was save to cd failed, (removing /mnt/*mnt/+.. does not work)
  • Fixed fixmenus_on_locale was got black screen in some occasion
  • Improved sound card recognition
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Puppyhelp GUI

#103 Post by shinobar »

Click the 'help' icon on the desktop.
The puppyhelp is gtkdialog'ed
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Pulldown menu is in the current language
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#104 Post by Bert »

Shinobar, just installed Wary-500m7. Wow, first impressions are very very good!

What surprised me is how snappy it is...two geniuses at work! (you and Barry)

I am now really motivated to finish the Dutch wary NLS translation!
Big Thank you from Europe 8) 8)
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#105 Post by Bert »

Running from live-cd:

First boot, after setting locale, etc: everything is localized, A save-file is made on internal sata HD. Seamonkey is localized too, in 'preferences'>'appearance', it says user interface language is English-US, while in reality it is showing a Dutch interface. It offered to change the setting from English to Dutch, which I did.

Second boot
: save-file has apparently not been created, Wary is back to its pristine state, without any locale adjustments or personal settings.
After choosing locale, everything is localized, but not Seamonkey.

Third boot: Save-file is now created, localization is correct for menu and icons, but I have to add the lang_pack-lupq to get the apps localization (Abiword, Geany, Gnumeric, etc)
Seamonkey is back in English-us, not offering to change to Dutch this time.

Hope this helps!
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The wary-500m live cd takes wrong wary-500.sfs on the HDD.

#106 Post by shinobar »

Thanks Bert for testing.

Ensure if you already have the wary-500.sfs on your HDD, remove it or overwrite it with the new one manually.
The wary-500m live CD takes the old or original wary-500.sfs on the HDD.

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Corrupted de-locale cups interface and no locale start side

#107 Post by mave »

Hi shinobar,

thanks for Wary5m - this is great!

Wondering why I had a corrupted cups interface (section 'printers'): so I looked for the locale cups-templates: after replacing your lang-pack version (/opt) with a original 1.3.11 template it was okay. See images.

So, there was no localized main page of the cups interface, because this side is NOT in (usr/share/cups/templates/XX but original inside /usr/share/docs/cups/XX. Copying this from 1.3.11-source forces getting a localized main page on localhost:631, otherwise there is always only english under Cups' "Home"-Button.

These /usr/share/docs/cups/XX files should be added to the language pack in /opt.

After replacing /usr/shared/cups/templates/de with template from original source 1.3.11...
(144.49 KiB) Downloaded 451 times
Corrupted printer section...
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Re: Corrupted de-locale cups interface and no locale start side

#108 Post by shinobar »

mave wrote:Wondering why I had a corrupted cups interface (section 'printers'): so I looked for the locale cups-templates: after replacing your lang-pack version (/opt) with a original 1.3.11 template it was okay.
Great, mave!
Confirmed some files are lacking in the lang_pack. I wonder why it occured... ah, maybe the lang_pack has the files of the different version cups.
I will upload corrected version of lang_pack.
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welcome screen wary 06

#109 Post by don570 »

I tried the German language in Wary 06 multilingual .

On first bootup I noticed that there was two welcome screens, one in
English , then another in German.

Since this Puppy is meant for people who are German rather
than English, I would suggest that it would be better
to make the English welcome screen a menu item and
keep the German welcome screen as an automatic popup
screen after 'firstrun' . Two automatic popup welcome screens
is just too much.

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#110 Post by L18L »

bootet wary500m07 pfix=ram
no pupsave
loaded-on-the-fly lang_pack_de.sfs (selfmade from pet)
no restart of X :)

if "add a new printer" = yes then goto

Code: Select all


I have made manpages_NLS.pet for 13 languages,
from d e b i a n , extracted command which are in puppy and recoded to utf8. but cannot upload (8 GB) here.
See it in action here:
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Upload manpages

#111 Post by shinobar »

L18L wrote:I have made manpages_NLS.pet for 13 languages,
from d e b i a n , extracted command which are in puppy and recoded to utf8. but cannot upload (8 GB) here.
Get the IP address by clicking the followed. Copy and paste the IP address, '***.***.***.***', as the hostname for the gftp to upload. Username: pu**y, password: li**x
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upload manpages

#112 Post by L18L »

thanks shinobar

pman is included with small change
>> temporary file not deleted so you can change encoding in browser
maybe needs more testing:
was working OK in wary500m06

scripts included in usr/share/man where manpages-XX.deb install
unfatten: deletes files not in puppy
code2utf8: from codes found by trial

It was a nice exercise for me (my 2nd pet)
But do we need manpages_NLS.pet ???
Or just put the man into lang_pack ?

What do you think?
I am voting for "manpages in lang_pack".

- I have taken all available manpages from d e b i a n stable, which might be outdated
and I cannot check for maybe better or more complete translations in other languages.
With "manpages in lang_pack" every language maintainer
can update or upgrade how she likes.

- with future lang_pack-XX.sfs size will not matter
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Re: upload manpages

#113 Post by shinobar »

L18L wrote:pman is included with small change
>> temporary file not deleted so you can change encoding in browser
I am wondering when it disappears.
It must be deleted after the browser is closed... :roll:

By the way, pman is called from the puppyhelp, the 'help' icon on the desktop as for the wary-500-m07.
Last edited by shinobar on Sun 06 Feb 2011, 13:56, edited 1 time in total.
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#114 Post by L18L »

By the way, pman is called from the puppyhelp, the 'felp' icon on the desktop as for the wary-500-m07.
thanks for quoting this
I did not think to klick the help icon
I hope the menu help will result in the same action one day :)
In puppyhelp it was not clear for me that "Search manuals" is also an input field, maybe labeling input or select would be better.

changes in my pman (included in pet) are:

Code: Select all

     #TMPFILE=/tmp/$(basename "$FNDMAN" .gz | tr '.' '_').html
     if echo "$FNDMAN" | grep -q '.gz$' ;then
       zcat "$FNDMAN" | man2html > $TMPFILE
       man2html "$FNDMAN" > $TMPFILE
     #rm -f $TMPFILE # enables switching of encoding !important
At the moment I am running it, above code copied from running system puppy-manpages_NLS.pet loaded.
works this way from

Code: Select all

pman ls

which will be overwritten at next pman from console
but from puppyhelp it is:
which is immediately deleted

are there 2 versions of pman now? :roll:
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Re: puppy-manpages

#115 Post by shinobar »

L18L wrote: from puppyhelp it is:
which is immediately deleted

are there 2 versions of pman now? :roll:
Yes, 2 versions of pman for now,
I am wondering in what case the temporal file, /tmp/ls_1.html, is deleted, and found :!:
  1. Launch the browser and seach 'ls' from puppyhelp. The /tmp/ls_1.html is deleted.
  2. Close the browser, search 'ls' from puppyhelp. The /tmp/ls_1.html is still alive.
Well we are better to leave the temporary file as the pman in the pet.
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#116 Post by L18L »

Hi shinobar,
returning from the tests of SFS_Exec which had to be poweroff'ed by turn off the power
now there was at the boot screen a not surprising error message about a previously mounted partition.
In such cases I am used to use

Code: Select all

fsck /dev/XXX
But: see Subject description.
The partition now is accessable without my fsck
Any idea why fsck is missing?
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Re: wary500m07

#117 Post by shinobar »

L18L wrote:Any idea why fsck is missing?
maybe Barry forgot it...
There is e2fsck for ext2/3/4 but fsck is missing.

FIXED by Barry:
Here is util-linux-2.16.1-1-w5.pet.
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german usr_sbin.po/mo/pot and some modifications

#118 Post by mave »


attached a german usr_sbin.po (and mo, pot).

Also modified Floppy_Formatter (little changes in layout formatting) and video_upgrade_wizard, because entry title on the top wasn't gettexted in the script (usr_sbin.pot manually modified!)

usr_sbin.po/mo/pot, Floppy_Formatter, video_upgrade_wizard
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Wary-500m07 w/100 languages

#119 Post by L18L »

some minor revisions inclusive don570's error messages (thanks don570 :) )
+ tar.mo wget.mo xsane.mo

to make it work just extract and copy to /
Thanks to mave (see post above) who had the largest part we now are almost complete. :D
see post
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Next release

#120 Post by shinobar »

Thanks to all. For your information:
I will upload wary-500m08 in couple of days. It will be our beta stage.
See the TO DO
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