Basic Shell (Console) operation for beginners

Booting, installing, newbie
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#241 Post by Shep »

Bruce B wrote:

Code: Select all

read n1 a -p "Enter choice "
I think something didn't do right, so I decided to echo -n
I'd say that n1 could be the problem. I reckon -n 1 might work. :)

Bruce B

#242 Post by Bruce B »

As a technique to be applied to other puppies, this will only work if you can
be sure the contents of file PUPSTATE will adhere to identical syntax for all
puplets. Can you be sure of this? Otherwise, a more robust algorithm will be

After about seven years working with Puppy, I can be confident in saying,
'Barry changes things.' I'm certain I don't know what he will do in the future.

In this case, I might, (probably will), force an exit, with a printed comment,
for all versions I haven't personally tested.

It would also be a good exercise for this audience to test and rework existing
code, as needed.




Bruce B

#243 Post by Bruce B »

Boot sector backups

Sometimes we have data damaging problems. I'd like the reader to read the
linked article below, from our regular users section.

Download the script and run it.

If anything ever happens to a boot sector, especially a Microsoft boot sector,
you can be good to go in a matter of a few minutes. Boot sectors can be
damaged by the operator, malware and maybe even some shareware trying to
make sure you don't reinstall.

Can't mount NTFS partition in Puppy 5.1


Posts: 878
Joined: Sat 08 Nov 2008, 07:55
Location: Australia

#244 Post by Shep »

Bruce B wrote:After about seven years working with Puppy, I can be confident in saying,
'Barry changes things.' I'm certain I don't know what he will do in the future.
:lol: :lol:
It would also be a good exercise for this audience to test and rework existing code, as needed.
I have further polished the code I suggested for setting pupdir & pupfile a few posts back. Scroll back to see. It's now down to one line, so I probably can't reduce it much further.

Still pondering a one-line method for incrementing the suffix on a filename, to increment from file_a to file_b. Will post if/when I solve it.

Bruce B

#245 Post by Bruce B »

Numbering Lines

I decided to try posting scripts with line numbers for easy reference.
It is entirely feasible the reader will not understand some aspects of
of a script I post. By referencing line numbers I can explain easily,
things I think should be explained.

-) This is a script to number lines.

4) The variables don't know about the command line parameters.
$@ is how I pass the parameters to variables. Commonly you will see
"$@" as the way to do it. In this case, I'm only passing a filename. All
my file names follow Linux conventions, so there is no need to quote.

4-8) Are function calls from main. Somewhat like a goto command, but
goto is not necessary. The name of the function tells Bash to go to that
function and execute the commands within the function, then return to main
and execute the next line if there is one.

15-16) I exit with a error code of 1, if the tests are true.

22) grep can count lines by using the -c switch. What all lines have in
common is a beginning of the line. The ^ says to grep the beginning of
the line. This combination makes counting lines easy. The variable will be
used later in the script.

26) function get_format. I want to format my lines right justified.
I set a variable to help me do that, when later, I use the printf command.

By formatting the line numbering this way, it makes the numbered file
easier to read.

41) Will make a numbered file to be used later.

46) The printf command prints formatted and does many other things. Printf
probably means 'print formatted'

53) Introducing the external 'paste' command. It pastes two files side by
side, making the output joined columns. You can study the command in the
script. It uses the most basic command of paste.

58) Strips the path from my script and sets a variable called script,
which contains only the name of the script. I don't know how to pass $0 to
a function, so I did it outside a function. The variable called 'script'
can be used inside any function.

59) Main is the command to go to the function main and start executing the
commands inside the function.

The program flow in Bash is: execute from top to bottom. The same flow
exists when we use functions. But we can give the appearance of a
different flow with functions. And even gain flow control. But the execution
Bash uses is still top to bottom.

A function is not a command, Bash reads the file from top to bottom and
doesn't do anything until it runs into a command. The command 'main' tells
Bash to go to the function main. Main calls functions. When the last line in a
function is complete, Bash returns to execute the next command from where
the function was called.

Main has the command 'exit'. When we use the command exit anywhere, Bash
does just that. This means that if there were a command after the main
command, it would be of null effect, because the function main exited the
script after its commands were finished.

Code: Select all

 0  #!/bin/bash
 2  main() {
 4      sanity $@
 5      count_infile_lines $@
 6      get_format $@
 7      make_numbers
 8      paste_files $@
 9      exit 0
11  }
13  sanity() {
15      [ ! $1 ] && echo "Enter filename to number" && exit 1
16      [ ! -f $1 ] && echo "File $2 doesn't exist" && exit 1
18  }
20  count_infile_lines() {
22      lines=`grep -c ^ $1`
24  }
26  get_format() {
28      if [ "$lines" -le "9" ] ; then
29          format=1
30      elif [ "$lines" -le "99" ] ; then
31          format=2
32      elif [ "$lines" -le "999" ] ; then
33          format=3
34      else
35          echo "Error, exiting"
36          exit 1
37      fi
39  }
41  make_numbers() {
43      [ -f /tmp/${script}.tmp ] && rm /tmp/${script}.tmp
45      for ((i;i<=${lines};i++)) ; do
46          printf "%${format}d \n" $i >> /tmp/${script}.tmp
47      done
49  }
51  paste_files() {
53      paste /tmp/${script}.tmp $1 > $1.nbr
54      echo "Numbered file saved as \"$1.nbr\""
56  }
58  script=`basename $0`
59  main $@

Bruce B

#246 Post by Bruce B »

Nesting Functions

My primary purpose in this post is to let you know you can nest
functions it. Also, explain a little more about functions.

Code: Select all

make_colors() {

    mag() {
        echo -en "\033[35;1m"

    cya() {
        echo -en "\033[36;1m"

You could also do like this

Code: Select all

mag=`echo -en "\033[35;1m"`
cya=`echo -en "\033[36;1m"`
The difference shows up in how either is used.

Defined as a function, we simply say mag or cya

Defined as a variable, we have to add the $ to use it as shown here:
$mag or $cya

The concept of the function I wish to share is: Bash reads the script
from top to bottom. Each time it encounters a command, it executes
the command. When finished, with the command, it executes the
next command down the list.

Functions are not commands. Although they contain commands.

What we are effectively doing is making programs or routines,
however you wish to call them. These are available, after read by
Bash. They exist in RAM. Bash will use them as commands, anytime
we say the name of our function.

After the script closes, all our little programs disappear.


Bruce B

#247 Post by Bruce B »

Save this session (y,n) ?

When running Puppy on a Flash Stick, it saves the session when
rebooting. Often, I didn't make any changes during the session I want
to keep. Sometimes, there might be changes I don't want to keep.

In this post, I show how the user can decide if he wants to save the

My $PUPMODE is 13. The version is Lupu 5.20. The code I want to
modify, I find in /etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown beginning at line 849.

Here is the original code

Code: Select all

0  13) #PDEV1 and PUPSFS and PUPSAVE
1  #/initrd/pup_rw has tmpfs, pup_ro1 has ${DISTRO_FILE_PREFIX}save.2fs file {cut out}
2  #the above are in unionfs at /.
3  echo "Saving session to $SAVEFILE (${SAVEPART})..." >/dev/console
4  /usr/sbin/snapmergepuppy /initrd/pup_ro1 /initrd/pup_rw
5  ;;
Here is the modified code : see lines 3-10, original lines 3 & 4 are now
at lines 7 & 8

Code: Select all

 0  13) #PDEV1 and PUPSFS and PUPSAVE
 1  #/initrd/pup_rw has tmpfs, pup_ro1 has ${DISTRO_FILE_PREFIX}save.2fs {cut out}
 2  #the above are in unionfs at /.
 3  echo -n "Save this session (y,n) ? " >/dev/console
 4  read ans
 5  if [ "$ans" = "y" ] ; then
 7      echo "Saving session to $SAVEFILE (${SAVEPART})..." >/dev/console
 8      /usr/sbin/snapmergepuppy /initrd/pup_ro1 /initrd/pup_rw
10  fi
11  ;;

Bruce B

#248 Post by Bruce B »

Customizing Your Terminal Emulator Defaults

First a little note on stderr and stdout

urxvt --help > urxvt.txt (doesn't work)

urxvt --help 2> urxvt.txt (works)

The reason why the first example fails is because urxvt --help prints to
stderr and not stdout

The first example is to redirect stdout to a file. After discovering
urxvt --help doesn't print to stdout, I changed the command.
Add the 2> and you're redirecting stderr.

If you haven't ran into this previously, you will in the future.

Rxvt and urxvt have a lot of options you can use to change looks and
behavior. Below are the options I applied. You will probably want other
options. Open the file ~/.Xresources and modify it according to the
formatting style below.

There is a file in Puppy /usr/share/X11/rgb.txt which gives loads of
color information, very helpful, if you want to apply colors by name.

Code: Select all


Here is, what I think is the entire list of urxvt options.

Code: Select all

  termName:           string
  geometry:           geometry
  chdir:              string
  reverseVideo:       boolean
  loginShell:         boolean
  jumpScroll:         boolean
  skipScroll:         boolean
  pastableTabs:       boolean
  scrollstyle:        mode
  scrollBar:          boolean
  scrollBar_right:    boolean
  scrollBar_floating: boolean
  scrollBar_align:    mode
  thickness:          number
  scrollTtyOutput:    boolean
  scrollTtyKeypress:  boolean
  scrollWithBuffer:   boolean
  inheritPixmap:      boolean
  transparent:        boolean
  tintColor:          color
  shading:            number
  utmpInhibit:        boolean
  urgentOnBell:       boolean
  visualBell:         boolean
  mapAlert:           boolean
  meta8:              boolean
  mouseWheelScrollPage:   boolean
  tripleclickwords:   boolean
  insecure:           boolean
  cursorUnderline:    boolean
  cursorBlink:        boolean
  pointerBlank:       boolean
  background:         color
  foreground:         color
  color0:             color
  color1:             color
  color2:             color
  color3:             color
  color4:             color
  color5:             color
  color6:             color
  color7:             color
  color8:             color
  color9:             color
  color10:            color
  color11:            color
  color12:            color
  color13:            color
  color14:            color
  color15:            color
  colorBD:            color
  colorIT:            color
  colorUL:            color
  colorRV:            color
  underlineColor:     color
  scrollColor:        color
  troughColor:        color
  highlightColor:     color
  cursorColor:        color
  cursorColor2:       color
  pointerColor:       color
  pointerColor2:      color
  borderColor:        color
  font:               fontname
  boldFont:           fontname
  italicFont:         fontname
  boldItalicFont:     fontname
  intensityStyles:    boolean
  inputMethod:        name
  preeditType:        style
  imLocale:           string
  imFont:             fontname
  title:              string
  iconName:           string
  saveLines:          number
  depth:              number
  buffered:           boolean
  transient-for:      windowid
  override-redirect:  boolean
  hold:               boolean
  externalBorder:     number
  internalBorder:     number
  borderLess:         boolean
  lineSpace:          number
  skipBuiltinGlyphs:  boolean
  pointerBlankDelay:  number
  backspacekey:       string
  deletekey:          string
  print-pipe:         string
  modifier:           modifier
  cutchars:           string
  answerbackString:   string
  secondaryScreen:    boolean
  secondaryScroll:    boolean
  keysym.sym:         keysym

Bruce B

#249 Post by Bruce B »

Exit Codes - && ||

Your program returns an exit code. You don't see it on screen, but Bash
sees it. An exit code of 0 is how Bash interprets a successful execution.
Or if you prefer: a true condition.

In our programming we can measure and/or see the exit code with $?

Lately, I've been using 'exit 1' or 'exit 0' in some of my script examples.
What I'm trying to do is set a good example.

If you don't specify an exit code, your script will, (in all probability)
return the 0 on its own, after successful execution.

You can test it like this: scriptname && echo $?

The && will only run the next command if Bash calculates the script
ran successfully.

Say for example, our command structure is: Do A and B and C.

The logic is: But only do B if A was successful. And only do C if B was

(Off subject for a moment. You do know about using the up arrow key
to get your last command back, I hope. Otherwise you have been
typing too much.)

Here are some exercises to work on, if you want to, until you get the
grasp of using exit codes and the && or || instructions.

I will presume /dev/sda1 is mounted

cat /proc/mounts | grep /dev/sda1 > /dev/null && echo $?

You should see a 0 on screen. That is the exit code of the last
command in the string, which would be grep's exit code.

Now change to sda11 which I presume isn't mounted

cat /proc/mounts | grep /dev/sda11 > /dev/null && echo $?

You shouldn't see anything on screen. The && didn't allow the
following command to run, because grep didn't return a true find.

Now change the && to ||

cat /proc/mounts | grep /dev/sda11 > /dev/null || echo $?

You should see a 1 on the screen, that is grep's exit code for no
successful find match.

The && will allow execution on a true condition and the || allows
execution on false or OR condition, which is what the || means.

echo yes | grep yes >/dev/null && echo yes || echo not yes

Then change the first yes to something else, you will see exactly how
it works.

Summary: By using exit codes properly, we can sometimes control
execution flow without the need for if statements and tests. The exit
code in these cases is the test, the answer we need.


Bruce B

#250 Post by Bruce B »

An easier way

If you have been playing around with the different effects you
can make on Urxvt from this post, you have noticed you need
to restart X, after making your changes, for the new settings to take

Here is a shortcut you can use in order to see the results without
restarting X.

Code: Select all

xrdb -merge -nocpp /root/.Xresources

Bruce B

#251 Post by Bruce B »

Urxvt Title Tools

cdir sets your urxvt title to the current working directory

Code: Select all

printf '\33]2;%s\007' `pwd`

utitle set your own title, if you have spaces in the title, quote the input

Code: Select all

printf '\33]2;%s\007' "$1"

File attached:

Code: Select all

  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
       40  2011-05-06 03:14   utitle
       41  2011-05-06 18:35   cdir
---------                     -------
       81                     2 files
Note: I didn't figure how to do this - I learned it.

(379 Bytes) Downloaded 329 times

Bruce B

#252 Post by Bruce B »

Comment A Help File

Some executable files have lots of options and combinations of
options. Even pages full of options.

I like an easy way to build a script and have all the options available
to me in the script.

In the example, below I show how build a script for mp3blaster, having
all options available as you build the script. I choose mp3blaster for

Code: Select all


mp3blaster --option --option --option --option *.mp3

# Mp3blaster v3.2.4 (C)1997 - 2009 Bram Avontuur.
# Usage:
# 	mp3blaster [options]
# 	mp3blaster [options] [file1 ...]
# 		Play one or more mp3's
# 	mp3blaster [options] --list/-l <playlist.lst>
# 		Load a playlist but don't start playing.
# 	mp3blaster [options] --autolist/-a <playlist.lst>
# 		Load a playlist and start playing.
# Options:
# 	--downsample/-2: Downsample (44->22Khz etc)
# 	--8bits/-8: 8bit audio (autodetected)
# 	--config-file/-c=file: Use other config file than the default
# 		~/.mp3blasterrc
# 	--debug/-d: Log debug-info in $HOME/.mp3blaster.
# 	--status-file/-f=file: Keep info on the mp3s being played, in the
# 		specified file.
# 	--help/-h: This help screen.
# 	--mixer-device/-m: Mixer device to use (use 'NAS' for NAS mixer)
# 	--no-mixer/-n: Don't start the built-in mixer.
# 	--chroot/-o=<rootdir>: Set <rootdir> as mp3blaster's root dir.
# 		This affects *ALL* file operations in mp3blaster!!(including
# 		playlist reading&writing!) Note that only users with uid 0
# 		can use this option (yet?). This feature will change soon.
# 	--playmode/-p={onegroup,allgroups,allrandom}
# 		Default playing mode is resp. Play first group only, Play
# 		all groups, Play all songs in random order.
# 	--dont-quit/-q: Don't quit after playing mp3[s] (only makes sense
# 		in combination with --autolist or files from command-line)
# 	--repeat/-R: Repeat playlist.
# 	--runframes/-r=<number>: Number of frames to decode in one loop.
# 		Range: 1 to 10 (default=5). A low value means that the
# 		interface (while playing) reacts faster but slow CPU's might
# 		hick. A higher number implies a slow interface but less
# 		hicks on slow CPU's.
# 	--sound-device/-s=<device>: Device to use to output sound.
# 		Default for your system is /dev/dsp.
# 		If you want to use NAS (Network Audio System) as playback
# 		device, then enter the nasserver's address as device (e.g.
#; it *must* contain a colon)
# 	--threads/-t=<amount>: Numbers of threads to use for buffering
# 		(only works if mp3blaster was compiled with threads). Range is 
# 		0..500 in increments of 50 only.
# 	--version,v: Display version number.

The tool I made to make the comments is called commentp.

Code: Select all

sed 's/^/# /'
It is trivial enough you probably want to just type in the command,
rather than have a file to pipe the command.


Bruce B

#253 Post by Bruce B »

Find files in big repositories ( easily )

I have used Debian and Slackware packages quite successfully,
with Puppy over a long period of time. Generally, I use Debian files,
because I find what I want there and they work.

I install them as .deb packages, both directly and manually using
Midnight Commander.

This post is a how-to. How you can find files on these big
repositories, without actually going there and peruse directories.

Here is How-To

1) Make directory /var/repo

2) Download the files below

Slackware file at top level of ftp slackware directory
ls-lR.gz - about 1.3MB

Debian same file at top level of ftp debian directory
ls-lR.gz - about 6.9 MB - (55 MB uncompressed, but we
don't decompress it)

Save as


3) Download and unzip the attached script to your path


Script Comments

-) We use and carry to functions the quoted $@, the reason is when
using grep we might really need to send quoted input to the program.
BTW, many programmers always do it this way. It is a good practice.
I have reasons of my own not to quote, in many cases, but that is
off topic.

37) We use zcat to search inside the gzipped archive. You don't
want to uncompress it, because its a big waste of space.

39) Introducing "-s" for use in conditional tests. The test is true
if the file exists and is not empty. An empty files means our search
didn't give results.

43) In the read command you see the "n 1", this says act on one key
press. It helps with laziness, because you don't have to hit the enter

-) I'm only attaching the script for the Debian file. For practice,
take the same script and convert it to work with the Slackware archive.


Code: Select all

 0 	#!/bin/bash
 2 	main() {
 4 	    variables
 5 	    sanity "$@"
 6 	    searchfile "$@"
 7 	    exit 0
 9 	}
11 	variables() {
13 	    directory=/var/repos
14 	    file=debian-ls-lR.gz
15 	    tmpdir=/tmp
16 	    tmpfile=debian.txt
18 	}
20 	sanity() {
22 	    [  ! -f $directory/$file ] \
23 	    && echo -n "Required file: " \
24 	    && echo -n "$directory/$file doesn't" \
25 	    && echo " exist, exiting . . ." && exit
27 	    if [ ! $1 ] ; then
28 	        echo -n "You need to enter a search criteria"
29 	        echo " for archive \"$file\""
30 	    fi
32 	}
34 	searchfile() {
36 	    [ -f $tmpdir/$tmpfile ] && rm $tmpdir/$tmpfile
37 	    <$directory/$file zcat | grep -i "$@" > $tmpdir/$tmpfile
39 	    if [ -s $tmpdir/$tmpfile ] ; then
41 	        cat $tmpdir/$tmpfile
43 	        read -p "Save search results (y,n) ? " -n 1 ans
45 	        # note moving to other function depending on answer
47 	        [ "$ans" = "y" ] && saveresults "$@" || echo
49 	    else
51 	        echo No results for "$@"
53 	    fi
55 	    [ -f $tmpdir/$tmpfile ] && rm $tmpdir/$tmpfile
57 	}
59 	saveresults() {
61 	    # called from searchfile
63 	    echo
65 	    read -p "Please enter filename prefix: " name
67 	    mv $tmpdir/$tmpfile $directory/$name-$tmpfile
69 	    echo "Results saved as: $directory/$name-$tmpfile"
71 	}
73 	main "$@"
Attached file

(668 Bytes) Downloaded 302 times

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for i in `ls *.deb`; doesn't work in my lucid puppy 525

#254 Post by ausvirgo »

for i in `ls *.deb`; do undeb $i; shift; done

doesn't work on my puppy (Yes, I know I'm not in 4.21).

for i in *.deb; do undeb $i; done

works (quotes around "*.deb" seem to be optional).

for i in `ls *.deb`; do echo $i; shift; done

returns "ls zynaddsubfx_2.2.1-2.1_i386.deb" instead of "zynaddsubfx_2.2.1-2.1_i386.deb"

presumably the "ls" is the problem.

You might want to edit the original post, as this is a stumbling block in following your tutorial.

I'll try to provide more feedback as I go through the tutorial.

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Re: for i in `ls *.deb`; doesn't work in my lucid puppy 525

#255 Post by technosaurus »

ausvirgo wrote:presumably the "ls" is the problem.
I rarely use ls for file operations anymore, just string manipulation and filetype checks with recursion as necessary

here is a modified version of my recursive space replace script for example:

Code: Select all

[ $1 ] && [ -d $1 ] && cd $1
for x in * ; do
	y=${x// /_}
	[ "$x" != "$y" ] && mv "${x}" "${y}"
	[ -d $y ] && $0 $y &
... the title may be basic shell, but bashisms creep in from time to time because frankly some of them are useful ... string arrays for instance, or bracket expansion - its difficult to distinguish sometimes unless you intentionally check
Check out my [url=]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=]blogspot[/url].

Bruce B

#256 Post by Bruce B »

ausvirgo wrote:for i in `ls *.deb`; do undeb $i; shift; done

doesn't work on my puppy (Yes, I know I'm not in 4.21).

for i in *.deb; do undeb $i; done

works (quotes around "*.deb" seem to be optional).
The example you posted which I bolded is the way I would do it.

1) *.deb does the job and is a conventional way of specifying your

2) "*.deb" is as you noted optional. Except if your .deb packages
have spaces in them and perhaps weird characters. A .deb package
shouldn't have spaces or weird characters. My way is - not to quote.
The reason is I want the script to bomb out to alert me there is a
filename I want to change.

3) About the shift in the first example. The "for loop" does its own
ausvirgo wrote: for i in `ls *.deb`; do echo $i; shift; done

returns "ls zynaddsubfx_2.2.1-2.1_i386.deb" instead of

presumably the "ls" is the problem.
It may be.
ausvirgo wrote:You might want to edit the original post, as this is
a stumbling block in following your tutorial.

I'll try to provide more feedback as I go through the tutorial.
It is not my post to edit. And it isn't my topic. I simply make a lot of
posts. Personally, I appreciate the feedback, regardless of who's post
it is.


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Moose On The Loose
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#257 Post by Moose On The Loose »

works (quotes around "*.deb" seem to be optional).
A simple version of the rule:

"this is one string that gets wildcarding *"
'this is one string that doesn't get wildcarding *'
this is ten strings one of which gets wildcarding *

Bruce B

#258 Post by Bruce B »

After thinking on it

Code: Select all

for i in *.deb; do
    undeb $i
» The space is the delimiter field for commands

» Debian follows the right rules, so one doesn't need to
take into consideration any spaces

» There is no user input

» The 'for loop' would be able to process the input files,
properly, even if they had spaces. Any potential need
for quotes is not in the *.deb

» If the files did have spaces in them, the output wouldn't
work, unless the $i was quoted.

That's all.


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#259 Post by jpeps »

I did like the cute substitution example though :)

Code: Select all

for x in * ; do
   y=${x// /_} 

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#260 Post by technosaurus »

jpeps wrote:I did like the cute substitution example though :)

Code: Select all

for x in * ; do
   y=${x// /_} 
for small substitutions it is quick and doesn't require sed or tr, but works in ash and other small posix compliant shells. (the strings can be multiple character too, making it a good little trick to use in init scripts)
Check out my [url=]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=]blogspot[/url].

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