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Bill Gates likes Puppy!

#1 Post by sszindian »

Last evening I logged in to the Puppy Forum... Generally I never check to see who's logged in but I did... Saw the user 'Bill Gates' - checked his profile... sure enough he was for real, his picture and all... He must find Puppy interesting... Wonder if he uses it?


#2 Post by Dewbie »

He's not the only celebrity Puppy user.
Bill Gates likes Puppy!
And the Pope likes to shit in the woods. :wink:
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#3 Post by neurino »

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Hate Eugenic-Billy

#4 Post by eee »

But i don't like satanic freemason Eugenic-Billy who wants to poison all children with mercury vaccines.

Bill Gates Talks About Vaccines to Reduce World Population

Bill Gates wants a Billion Dead! Vaccines and Health Care will do the Job!
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#5 Post by sickgut »

you can have a few billion people burning coal etc, just not 6 or 7 billion more like 2 or 3. lets convince 90% of the world to sterilize themselves via a free healthcare service (radiation, nut cracker, use of wifi etc etc...) and the population will shrink thus reducing the co2 emissions. Also plant 20 trillion trees and it will fix itself. The now sterile people need to do something to keep busy instead of looking after kids = plant trees. Also this would reduce famine etc in countires where there is ay too many people and not enough food or organization to get food to people etc. could you imagine population prob that we would have if china didnt introduce the one child per couple thing? Maybe all countires need to do that, and maybe only select couples and maybe all the childred that arent getting looked after can get the care they need from the couples who want to have a child. Lets look after the children that are already alive rather than make more.

i think controlling the birthing of more people to be more practical than mass culling. Maybe better to avoid the inevitable = countries getting desperate for resources and resorting to wars and dropping huge bombs on other mass populated countries. I think most the worlds probs can be solved via population control.
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#6 Post by harii4 »

More like it:
An asteroid strike on Earth could end life on Earth or a Solar flare actually destroy all life on the Earth.

My money is on the NUKES :twisted:
all useful in population control.

But hey - planting trees might take your mind off it.
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#7 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
Bill_Gates has been a Puppy member since 2007, longer than me... :wink:
Guess he aint such an idiot after all.... :wink: :wink: nod nod
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#8 Post by Dewbie »

EDIT: Ahhhh, never mind...not relevant.
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Re: Hate Eugenic-Billy

#9 Post by mickee »

eee wrote:But i don't like satanic freemason Eugenic-Billy
satanic freemason? 2 words that cannot exist together. IMO
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#10 Post by disciple »

I thought freemasonry simply requires belief in a supreme being of some sort? So presumably that would not exclude billy if he either 1) believes in a supreme being, but chooses to worship satan, or 2) believes that satan is the supreme being (yes, there are people who believe this).

Also, one could take "satanic" to mean "of satan" rather than "worshipping satan"...
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#11 Post by bignono1 »

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Re: Hate Eugenic-Billy

#12 Post by JJohnson »

eee wrote:But i don't like satanic freemason Eugenic-Billy who wants to poison all children with mercury vaccines.

Bill Gates Talks About Vaccines to Reduce World Population
FYI, Bill Gates intention is to improve the likelihood of children surviving to become adults. In many parts of the world, people have a large number of children to ensure that some will survive.

I have no knowledge to comment on the seemingly unrelated 'untested vaccine dumping' allegations in the linked article.

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Re: Hate Eugenic-Billy

#13 Post by disciple »

JJohnson wrote:
eee wrote:But i don't like satanic freemason Eugenic-Billy who wants to poison all children with mercury vaccines.

Bill Gates Talks About Vaccines to Reduce World Population
FYI, Bill Gates intention is to improve the likelihood of children surviving to become adults.
Apparently because he believes this will reduce world population, which is a somewhat twisted motivation for doing it.
But whether or not he also wants to harm people with the vaccines is different question.
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vaccines to reduce population

#14 Post by ausvirgo »

I'm no fan of either Bill Gates or indiscriminate vaccination, however there is a possible logic here:

If you believe that the vaccines will help people, it goes like this - vaccines increase chances of children becoming healthy adults = more healthy adults (and less unhealthy ones) per child = higher standard of living = reduced birthrate.

I think that for once Bill Gates is actually trying to do the right thing!

Having read the referenced article, and another linked article, it seems that is a conspiracy theorist website.
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#15 Post by disciple »

I think that for once Bill Gates is actually trying to do the right thing!
Maybe so, but like I said, apparently for the wrong reason.

You're saying we should improve health and living standards (the aim) which would reduce population growth as a side effect.

Billy seems to be saying that we should reduce population growth (the aim), and improving health and living standards just happens to be the way that he's trying to do this. He's got it backwards... assuming they're quoting him correctly.
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#16 Post by Bill_Gates »

Puppy is great! I fell in love with Puppy Linux when I discovered it didn't take 10 minutes for my laptop to boot when running puppy.

I am still learning this "linux stuff" and often seek the help from those brighter then I on this wonderful board.

Thanks All!

By the way - nancy reagan and I are great friends!

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#17 Post by omskates »

puppyluvr wrote::D Hello,
Bill_Gates has been a Puppy member since 2007, longer than me... :wink:
Guess he aint such an idiot after all.... :wink: :wink: nod nod
Bill it seems you joined Ubuntu forums in 2007 as well. Most of your questions regarding Virtual Box and boot times :wink:
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#18 Post by Bill_Gates »

puppyluvr wrote:Bill it seems you joined Ubuntu forums in 2007 as well. Most of your questions regarding Virtual Box and boot times :wink:
Yes that's right puppyluvr! And don't forget FireFox crashes! I continue to be plagued with that one! :roll:

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#19 Post by omskates »

Bill_Gates wrote:
puppyluvr wrote:Bill it seems you joined Ubuntu forums in 2007 as well. Most of your questions regarding Virtual Box and boot times :wink:
Yes that's right puppyluvr! And don't forget FireFox crashes! I continue to be plagued with that one! :roll:
Bill, you gave puppyluvr credit for my post :? That's OK, once you manage more than 150 posts you'll start to catch on :wink:

Simple fix: Stop using the Windows version of FireFox = no more crashing :P
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#20 Post by disciple »

Or maybe disable the evil Flash plugin = no more crashing.
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