Legacy OS 2 coming early 2011

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#21 Post by vivian »

I also expect the release for my old PC with no HD just stick.
please let me know
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#22 Post by john biles »

Hello those interested,
Fine tuning continues and last minute bug fixes and improvements plus life outside Linux has postponed this release until mid March.
These delays will result in a more usable Release.

For those using Puppy 4 and 5 series who have no interest in Legacy OS because of its Puppy series 2 base and think its too old and only want the latest and greatest, you may want to take a second look!

If you have an old computer that will run Legacy OS 2 as about 5% won't, I hope you take the time to try this Release. If the last release wouldn't boot on your hardware, it's unlikely this release will either.

Note: Through continuous testing the application "Dolphin" that appears in the screenshot posted on the 17th of Feb has been removed. It was found through fine tuning that Konqueror could display many file formats embedded while this Dolphin version couldn't.

Like so many Apps included in this upcoming release, you'll find some form of improvement in a large number of them not seen in previous releases.

Here's a fun theme created for KPatience (Solitaire)
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#23 Post by john biles »

Hello those waiting for Legacy OS 2's release.
Fine tuning continues that will bring a better end product to users.

One Example: Legacy OS 2 will now ship with ffmpeg 0.6.1 which replaces version 0.4.9

This brings up to date support for a number of multimedia formats.

Also other life commitments and the desire to keep improving this release have postponed it release.
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#24 Post by john biles »

Hello Everyone,
The desire to release the best Distro for the targeted "Legacy Hardware" Legacy OS 2 is aimed at has moved its release date once again. Annoying as it might be, please be patient. All I'll say is the release is expected sooner then later, when it's ready it will be released.

Why the delay?

I am amazed while watching family and friends on how they use their Laptops and PC's. I've seen them leave running laptops under bedsheets in beds till they glow red with screaming fans trying in vain to cool what can't be cooled. Shutting down their PC's by pressing the off button for 5 seconds. Unplugging the power lead for instant shutdown. The list goes on. This has got me thinking!

The average current Linux User without thinking about it, looks after their equipment far better then a Windows User. They know what's good for it and what's not.

The average Windows Computer user has no time or desire to learn anything more then needed to do what they want to do.

While Legacy OS 2 is for Linux Users not Windows Users, I still want to make it as easy to use as is possible. I'm currently searching and reviewing ideas and ways to do this.

I really want this release to appeal to Users and be installed longterm and used on a daily basis.

Lastly here's 2 of my testers. My small daughters using and testing Legacy OS 2. The smaller one can crash a computer faster then anyone I know!

This release has and is being tested on more Laptops and PC's then any previous release (Over 15 different models). It boots and runs fine on all of them. I know this release like previous releases won't work with all computer configurations. I do expect it to boot and run on at least 90% of the hardware Legacy OS 2 is targeted at. Hopefully your PC / Laptop will be one of them.
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#25 Post by jfkap »

Hello. Very good system for older laptops. Asked whether it is possible to add support for touch screens in such hardware as the Panasonic cf 28, Itronix ix550, ix250, ix260 and similar armored laptops. Together with a program to calibrate the screen. This system would be probably the best in the world for graphic designers and car drivers using GPS navigation. Sorry for the mistakes I used a translator. Greetings from Polish
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#26 Post by john biles »

Hello jfkap,
The Applications included in the upcoming Legacy OS 2 release have been finalized.
While touch screen support would be nice to include in Legacy OS 2. The computers Legacy OS 2 are targeted at 99.9% of them wouldn't have touch screens. I don't expect this or the next release will support touch screens, sorry!
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#27 Post by nitehawk »

john biles,....
LegacyOS will be good when you get it ready. I have a partition for it on my older computer (and that computer says it is happily patient, and will wait for when it is good and ready). Meanwhile,...I have the current Legacy on there. Great work!
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#28 Post by jamalexa »

Question, what will be the minimum specs or type of computers that can use the new Legacy?
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#29 Post by john biles »

Hello jamalexa,
Testing has shown that a Pentium III 350Mhz 192Mb's of RAM PC will run Legacy OS. It's usable, just! I wouldn't recommend anything older.
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TeenPup Mini 2010

#30 Post by oligin10 »

Hi John, not wanting to hijack this thread, but have you ever considered updating TeenPup Mini? I keep trying other Puppies or Linux distros, but still keep coming back to this. I have only updated to Opera 11 and installed Frostwire, and I can't seem to beat TeenPup for speed and usefulness. I understand you have your hands full right now, just looking ahead. Thanks, Rob
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#31 Post by john biles »

Hello oligin10,
Anything can happen but at the moment finalizing Legacy OS 2.
It's good to hear that TEENpup 2010 mini is being used.
Food for thought?
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#32 Post by jfkap »

Hello. I question whether this new system supports midi files?
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#33 Post by john biles »

Hello jfkap,
A this time there is not support for midi files, sorry!
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Timing for release.

#34 Post by SouthPaws »

Hey, JB I hope the new one comes out sooner rather than later... what are the current prospects?

Can you beat this deadline...?
http://www.familyradio.com/index2.html :shock:

Hey, if you happen to check out their commercial... it's got a cool effect with still shots (pseudo 3d)... would you know about a puppy that can do the same?
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#35 Post by john biles »

Hello SouthPaws,
Nearly there, But I think I wait until after "The End of the World" comes and goes so I don't waste my upload limit ! LOL!
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#36 Post by jamalexa »

I did not think that the May - End of the World idea stretched all the way there. I live in the area that that originated. Please forget that I'm waiting for the new version.
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#37 Post by john biles »

Hello everyone,
Almost there I promise! A four year old problem I've had with TEENpup / Legacy OS has been solved! I'm not going to tell you what it is as this isn't the point. All I'll say is that if I'd released Legacy OS 2 a month ago, this fix wouldn't have made it in to Legacy OS 2.

Details, details, details. I think I'm there lets release it! then I ask myself is it ready for release? Could it be even a tiny bit better? So I go over Legacy again and again looking at every detail. And like today I discover the answer to a 4 year old problem.

Legacy OS 2 will be coming in June no later. It's time to stop and release it. Anything else will have to wait until Legacy OS 3.
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#38 Post by issarad »

Great news, John! I can hardly wait. There's 2 desktops and a laptop here waiting for it. :)
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#39 Post by john biles »

Hello Everyone,
Creating Legacy OS has its highs and lows. You think its ready I've tested every apps works and discover the installer won't install grub, what have I done??

It turns out all Legacy OS apps had no problem with the updated "libcairo.so" I've installed except for grub so no one wouldn't have been able to install Legacy OS 2 on their hard drive.

The journey to release 2 is filled with stories like the one above. Any developer can relate to that pain. Nothing worst then releasing your work to discover a major problem.

As part of the process of creating Legacy OS, I test all the major Distro's see what I can learn. This testing also give you an idea of where Linux is heading. Even these so called big boys of Linux release finals with apps that don't work, segment fault.

I am happy to say that Legacy OS 2 will be released in June.

I think there's no show stoppers left. One final tweak and a week or 2 of testing and its all yours.

Here's a screen shot of Kontact which I feel gives you an idea of the quality of look and feel Legacy OS 2 will bring to it users.
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#40 Post by rcrsn51 »

john biles wrote:It turns out all Legacy OS apps had no problem with the updated "libcairo.so" I've installed except for grub so no one wouldn't have been able to install Legacy OS 2 on their hard drive.
Curious. Why would GRUB 0.97 need libcairo?
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