Cloud Computing, a Huge Step Backwards

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#21 Post by mickee »

8-bit wrote:Want an example of Cloud for Puppy when the ISP drops some support of someone trying for a Puppy Cloud like experience?
go here.

So is that an example, or just a case of links not being updated by the maker of the site?
the idea is cool, but...
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#22 Post by OFC Dark Puppy »

thane wrote:Maybe I'm lucky, but I live in a community where I can ride a bus or a taxi without being robbed. I can put my money in an FDIC-insured bank and be reasonably sure I'll be able to get to it. I can leave my clothes at a dry cleaners and they don't get stolen. There are lots of people who choose to use these services exclusively, rather than owning a car, having a safe at home, or doing their own dry cleaning.

What makes computing as a service different? I think it has more to do with the current absence of proper legal regulation/recourse on service providers than it does with the idea of computing as a service. I understand that cloud computing today has the problems you've stated. My response is that stricter regulation (rather than simply not using the cloud) is a better answer to these problems.
Several things actually.

The first being that the internet blends together many communities.
The second being that that cloud operating system would completely useless offline.
Not everyone is privy to a broadband connection. What if someone needs to use dialup?

Another thing you've said is stricter regulation. More like de-regulation. You obviously don't follow techno politics.

Well I had to watch Julius Geinakowski (Or however you spell his name) from the FCC basically give over mobile and wired networks to Verizon and Google.

Saying, "here do whatever you want with them"

In a world without Net Neutrality, and I hope that the fights not over, but in a world without it, cloud is an even worse option.
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#23 Post by Cramps »

I enjoyed reading this thread, giving a decent heads up to clouding as it is new to me, too. I first became familiar with it when I tried Panda Firewall for XP. I dropped it soon after due to it being too complicated and using dial up made clouding unrealistic. Earlier this week I saw an add for Windows Cloud something or other, so it is being pushed more. I certainly don't like the idea. I don't even like akonadi that is now being used in KDE4.
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#24 Post by James C »

Totally not interested in cloud computing.At all. :)
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#25 Post by hanedal »

Some interesting views here. I'm a novice to cloud computing - got kind of interested after Apple announced its launch of iCloud. Chanced upon this cloud computing seminar by Amazon on 27 June but it's going to be held in Seoul (and probably in Korean):
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Cloud - Online Programs - Whatever!!!

#26 Post by sszindian »

Oh My... it must be the word itself (CLOUD) that has so many in disillusion!

To all who use Gmail, shop at Ebay, Amazon, use internet, read an online Newspaper, work on your online Banking and... You who VIEW THIS FORUM on your computer and post messages, guess what? 'You Are Using Cloud Computing' whether you realize it or not. 'Period!!!'

Cloud has 'Always' been used by everyone that owns a computer and goes online! The only thing that has changed is the NAME from 'Online Programs' to now... 'Cloud'. The only difference now is that Cloud is adding features that allow you to interact with a lot of different programs ONLINE without the need to install them on your personal PC, and to use many programs that you would would never be able to install on your PC and have them function at all.

If one can't understand this and you still don't like the name 'Cloud', just change the name to something you like and can maybe understand better!

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#27 Post by Cust0dian »

Good point about thin clients. Yes, it's similar. The only thing is that there is no one server in the so called cloud. The data is sliced in a number of chunks and then sent to several servers, that might be on different continents. The person owning those servers son't be able to recover data simply because he doesn't have whole data.

It's like if you cut dollar in three pieces and send it over different post offices to different people. They won't be able to use that 1/3 dollar pieces, but they can send them over to you, and you'll be able to recover that dollar.

The next thing is that if anyone gets three envelopes and it's not you, then he will use your dollar. But you can lock every envelope with special key pair, then no one will able to unlock it except from you. It's called cryptography. You know who exactly sender is, you know who delivered envelope to you, you know that no one have altered what is in that envelope.

Cryptography is a very powerful thing which guarantees that your's is only your's, but can be stored in the open place.

"Cloud" isn't Internet. "Cloud" can be Freenet or Netsukuku. Because we are people. When we collaborate, great things are happen. You can see this with Puppy. We are community, or "legion" — and that's great, we must use it, not turn around from it because we don't understand it.

So, summing everything up before you got too bored:
"Cloud" — distributed storage space and computer power, that available as service, as if you own it as one machine, with, actually, enhanced security and availability. I can't find anything similar to this in the real world, but think of it as on-demand taxi, which is actually really big bus with bodyguards and armored windows. Oh, and with bar too. And you see only yourself inside it. Something like this. :)
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Cloud's future?

#28 Post by sszindian »

For those still skeptical of the Cloud... Have a look at what's currently happening and then report back here whether Cloud isn't better than what you have now and isn't the future of computing? ... MP=rdr5387

I doubt you can call this a Step Backwards!!!

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#29 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Gee...
All your programs, all your data..on a server...under someone elses control..
Big Brother would like that..
A step backwards in personal freedom...
Give up your individuality...
Join the Cloud...

No thanks....
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Re: Cloud's future?

#30 Post by stu90 »

sszindian wrote:For those still skeptical of the Cloud... Have a look at what's currently happening and then report back here whether Cloud isn't better than what you have now and isn't the future of computing? ... MP=rdr5387

I doubt you can call this a Step Backwards!!!

Reading the blurb its hardly a step forward either considering you can do all this + more on a conventional laptop / notebook .

What happens if you don't have a wifi connection and are out of 3g signal range - Does the chromebook becomes a chrome brick?
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#31 Post by 2byte »

The Cloud. The Pied Piper is playing for you.

The Cloud, how wonderful it is. Let us put all of our knowledge and experience into the Cloud where it will be available to everyone everywhere at their very finger tips. Save the forests and the environment, no paper needed with the Cloud. No written books, no libraries, all of that is in the past. The knowledge of the entire world is instantly accessible at any time from the Google Oracle. Ask and ye shall receive. What an enlightened society it will bring.

Then the lights go out... and stay out.

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Cloud's future?

#32 Post by sszindian »

How you doing stu90? Haven't spoke with you lately...

stu90 wrote:

What happens if you don't have a wifi connection and are out of 3g signal range - Does the chromebook becomes a chrome brick?


Good point! and you are 100% right on... but... is it any different than your cell-phone? I'm sure you have one of those? doesn't everybody in this age!!! Pretty hard to be without one anymore. If Cloud stuff eventually goes all satellite (and I believe it will) the problems with dead-spots (like cell-phones, Google Chromebooks will have) will be a thing of the past. It's just a matter of time and it should be as affordable as cable, maybe even a lot less as it becomes more popular. I know our government is currently working on a plan to get the entire U.S. capable of wireless, high-speed Internet, there are even rumors of wifi inducted into electric lines... Wow... blows your mind.

Many are rambling on about 'Big Brother' watching us via the Cloud... I'll only say it once... since anyone has had a Land-Line or Cell Phone, Internet Connection (any type.. land-line, cable, sattelite, wifi) you have given up what used to be know as 'Privacy.' Especially since 911. Super Computers can now track 'everyone's Internet and phone calls in less than a minute, and that's for EVERYONE in the entire world! So don't even try to debate that issue!

What we are in people is a 'Technology BOOM' Not I, but the so-called experts predict that technology will advance 'More In The Next Year' than it has in the 'Past 20-Years' They say it will be more than our minds can keep up too... From what I see happening on a day by day basis, I can believe it!!! Thankfully, there are still enough 'Light' Puppy programs to fill our needs on the older hardware and probably so for years to come but that doesn't mean one should be turning his head the other way to new technology, In my tread in these forums on Cloud Puppy, I listed some Cloud programs (and Lobster listed quiet a few in his post there) All these can be used by ANY version of Puppy to enhance ones online experience with apps (in the Cloud) many that are not possible to install or normally use in any Puppy Version (except via your Browser.) If you can't call that 'A step Forward' I don't know what else there is, I certainly don't see anything better being developed for Puppy's future anywhere?

Oh.. 2byte... When the lights go out, no matter Cloud, Dial-up, WiFi... throw your computer out, we're all finished :(

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cloudy day

#33 Post by cowboy »

"The Cloud" doesn't particularly concern me, not in the "Big Brother" sense that most in the thread seem to fear. Like most things, you pays your money, and you takes your chances.

I'm worried that it is, at the end of the day, simply data lock-in that will be the worst thing about the cloud. (We've all fought that battle before) It will shake out to a few big corporations, and putting your data in any silo will mean it becomes increasingly more difficult to get out, either through lack of standards, or merely through inertia. Every tried to upload, or download, 75GB of photos? Imagine moving your data after 10 years of uploading pics, movies, docs, spreadsheets, etc. I shudder....
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Posts Deleted!!!

#34 Post by sszindian »

Looks like the last few post (mine included) from yesterday were deleted here !!! I haven't had that happen before.

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#35 Post by 2byte »

The Cloud is inevitable simply because that is where computer technology is headed. Witness the newest OS offerings. The only thing that will prevent it is if enough people simply refuse to use it, if that's possible. It will become reality because most people are inherently lazy and will always take the easy way, blind to potential consequences.

@Indian. and civilization will have a much harder time recovering if our accumulated knowledge vanishes with the lights.
Consider this; if your identity is totally in the cloud (all digital), all of your tax returns, business records, bank accounts, property deeds, birth record, everything, it becomes easy for the government, or whatever powers that be, to simply erase you if you become troublesome. You would not be able to prove you own your house, pay for anything, or even buy food. What if your identity simply vanished overnight, like your posts? Oops. :shock:

In case you can't tell, I love a good conspiracy theory! It doesn't have to be completely true to be good. :)

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Re: Posts Deleted!!!

#36 Post by alienjeff »

sszindian wrote:Looks like the last few post (mine included) from yesterday were deleted here !!! I haven't had that happen before.
Ask Flash. He's been known to have an itchy and sometimes errant trigger finger hovering over the delete key.
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Cloud Computing, a Huge Step Backwards

#37 Post by 2byte »

In case anyone still thinks the Cloud is a good idea

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#38 Post by Cust0dian »

Ah, again... People, please, read my post on it, carefully. Wisely engineered and implemented "cloud" is way safer than your personal computer even with fully encrypted drive.
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#39 Post by alienjeff »

Cust0dian wrote:Ah, again... People, please, read my post on it, carefully. Wisely engineered and implemented "cloud" is way safer than your personal computer even with fully encrypted drive.
...says the man who entrusts his email to a gmail account. :roll:


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#40 Post by Cust0dian »

Tell me why in the world Google is not good? Seriously, for collecting information about my interests? To show me ads that I might be interested in, and with this providing me free great apps? Yeah, Google is a badass! :)
Not saying about their investment in the open source development.

We are living in the world of money, Google trying to earn them a lot, yes, but they also doing great things. Project Hosting? I/O? SummerCamp? Android? Yeah, they are just making money out of nothing. Oh, wait, or was it Microsoft?

And, sorry, alienjeff, but this one — Critics: Google hides Gay Pride feature — just made me laugh. Let's not discuss such topics. :)
Last edited by Cust0dian on Fri 24 Jun 2011, 20:54, edited 2 times in total.
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