what happened to WAG?

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what happened to WAG?

#1 Post by violetdream »

Is WAG still at 0.3.2? I'm assuming so because that's what's in Puppy now but it hasn't been updated in a while. It works for me, but I tend to get weird readouts. For example:
not using PCMCIA

no module loaded
dhcpcd not running
wifi-beta not installed

wlan0 enabled
wireless ip:
access point acquired
no signal from access point
Weird thing about this is that I am using PCMCIA and I am connected to a network with a signal from the access point. I also have problems loading the profiles - if I select autoconnect, it doesn't seem to register the change after it reloads.

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#2 Post by keenerd »

WAG is still at 0.3.2. I'll be combining it into Rarsa's ethernet wizard, although I'll probably do one more bugfix release, for 2.6 kernel and ad-hoc networks.

The "not using PCMCIA" is a 2.6 kernel thing, my autodetection code breaks. Edit the "/etc/local/WAG/wag.conf" file and change the slot number to reflect which slot your card actually uses.

Could you give me more details about the autoconnect?

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#3 Post by rarsa »

I'm currently uploading wag to the Subversion repository so we can restart working on the network wizard and WAG. Both were reasonably stable so I started working on other stuff.

Now with the addition of Perl it's seems the right time to add the long awaited ndiswrapper functionality.


I'll send you an email when it's ready.
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#4 Post by violetdream »

Thanks, could you post here too?

As for the autoconnect thing, when I try to load a profile, it looks like it's loading, but then when it goes back to the screen, it says "Autoconnect: no".

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#5 Post by keenerd »

It will always say that because it can not detect an AP called "Autoconnect". My fault on missing that exception.

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#6 Post by violetdream »

How do I manually set the card socket? I've tried going into /etc/WAG/wag-conf and putting in CARDSOC=1 (or 0) but it still says it hasn't been configured when it starts up.

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#7 Post by BarryK »

I'll just throw in a comment about /etc/networkmodules.
We need to get rid of this.

All of that info can be got from /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/modules.pcimap,
the modules inside /lib/modules/<kernver>/net/ and by using modinfo on them.
Maybe not so simple, but it can result in auto-generation of the equivalent to
/etc/networkmodules, so it doesn't have to be manually updated when I update
I can probably have a go at doing this.

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#8 Post by rarsa »

BarryK wrote:I can probably have a go at doing this.

The net-setup wizard is on the subversion repository:

You can get it from here using the userId and password I emailed you some time ago.

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