GeForce GTS 450 graphics card in Two-Headed Dog 528

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#21 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
After much struggling, finally got GLX going on my sons NVidia box..
My 4 yr old son loves Lugaru, a game battleshooter posted a while back...
But I wanted my laptop back... :D
I tried every pet available, to no avail, just nv and vesa worked.

His machine is a Sony Vaio Desktop
1.4g P4, 128mb ram, 512mb swap
NVidia geforce 400 video card...

Make sure you have about 200mb free space in your save file first..

1 Download the NVidia Linux package for your card.
For his it was :

2 Download the devx for your system.
His is Wary 5.10 so wary_devx.501.sfs.

3 Download the kernel sources for your system.
His was kernel sources

4 Enable both sfs files in the bootmanager, and reboot..

5 After rebooting, and making sure both sfs files are enabled..
Drop out of X to the command prompt and run the installer..
For his I typed:
Let the installer do its thing, and watch for any errors..
(If you have the wrong driver, which I did the first time around, the installer scans your card, and will tell you which package you need...)
When it is finished, reboot...
After rebooting, run xorgwizard, and choose nvidia..
Now his old machine gets way better frame rates than mine.... :shock:
And I get my laptop back.... 8)
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#22 Post by Peterm321 »

I'm not clear why the log file refers to vesa frequently, according to xorg.conf you listed the driver being loaded is nvidia, I should mention that my Xorg version goes back to 2007 though the puppy linux version is from 2010. Its a version intended to be kinder to older hardware, loads the nvidia driver for a GeForce4 and the log makes no reference to vesa.

There was one error (EE) in the logfile:

(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)

There seems to be some kind of mismatch with the glx module, however when I disabled the glx module and restarted X, I still had a functioning screen albeit without 3D acceleration (would affect games etc). I would leave that for later.

On the xorg.conf previously listed in this thread, the line (in the "screen" section near the end of xorg.conf) there is this line:

#Option "metamodes" "1280x1024_60 +0+0" #METAMODES_0

That line is commented out (preceded by a #)? You might want to amend 4 of these lines according to the following suggestions, (backing up xorg.conf first of course).

Code: Select all

Option         "metamodes" "1280x1024_60 +0+0; 1920x1080_60  +0+0" #METAMODES_0
   Subsection "Display"
      Depth       24
      Modes      "1280x1024"  "1920x1080"  
I hope this would provide two resolutions to choose from 1280x1024 and 1920x1080

Both modes 1280x1024 and 1920x1080 are specified at 60HZ (a tolerant frequency, may be flicker).

If that helps your problem you can see if you can run the resolutions at a higher refresh rate e.g. 75HZ:

Code: Select all

Option         "metamodes" "1280x1024_75 +0+0; 1920x1080_75  +0+0" #METAMODES_0
   Subsection "Display"
      Depth       24
      Modes      "1280x1024"  "1920x1080" 
BTW if you have it working in Ubuntu it may be worth looking at ubuntu's xorg.conf and log files, see also: ... 624AAA7lYQ
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#23 Post by bigpup »


Your problem is you need the proper Nvidia driver for your video card.

If the test in quickpet suggested using the Xorg-High driver, that is the best optional driver that comes readily available with Two Head Dog 528.
The Xorg-High driver adds more capabilities to the Vesa driver. Adds OpenGL and 3D.

You need to go to Nvidia driver support and see what Nvidia driver your video card needs.

You need to start over with a fresh install of Puppy.

If you do a frugal install.
Make the save file before trying to install a new video driver.
Minimum free space is 200MB to do a driver install. Nvidia drivers are big after being uncompressed.

You can find pets for some drivers in the Additional Software (Pets & Stuff)->drivers section of this forum.
Make sure the driver pet was made to work with Puppy 528
The thing to look for is what kernel it was compiled for.

I know I told you about this one before and you had problems installing, but I
would try it again.

If you try a driver and it does not work.
Need to follow these directions to try another one.

If you can not find an already made driver pet. You may have to do the driver compile method that is described above by puppyluvr.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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#24 Post by xsilvergs »

It works!

Many thanks to all who helped, eventually using bigpup's and puppyluvr's posts I downloaded the .run from Nvidia and now I have 1920x1080 displyed.

Thanks again.
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