jwm_tools-0.9 (was jwm_menu_create)

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#101 Post by 01micko »

I believe there is a feature request [of sorts] for <StartupCommand> integration... here .. if you're interested.
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#102 Post by L18L »

technosaurus wrote:...
If anyone has more bug/translation fixes ...
Tested jwm_para_gui in latest racy
did not work because no config file

A config file is being created by jwm_menu_create.

I have integrated this into jwm_param_gui together with adding the LANGUAGE parameter

Code: Select all

# create missing config file ~/.jwm/JWMRC and missing LANGUAGE parameter

Maybe moving the location of translation files
is a good idea?


NOTE, background image does not change
jwm_param_gui is just changing values in JMRC
remove .gz
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#103 Post by sc0ttman »

technosaurus wrote:I want to do a little experiment first ... export LANG=C after the translation variables are loaded to see if 1. Translations stick with proper characters and such, and 2. Test speed difference
I'm 90% sure that works.
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#104 Post by musher0 »

technosaurus wrote:It seems ok to a non-native speaker, but is it necessary to have "SESSION" in all caps? ..or is that based on a distro/puplet specific shutdown script?
Hi, technosaurus.

No, it could be "Session", but AFAIK there seems to be a consensus in Toutou's to have it in caps. Maybe to bring attention to this item, as if saying "this is where you control your session". I don't care either way, really.

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#105 Post by musher0 »

01micko wrote:
>Well for now would any native French users say Musher0's translation effort beats techno's google effort? If so I'll put it in Slacko.

If you use the Google one... at least make sure you have the "Calculate" item read "Calculs" and not "Calcus" -- which could as well be "Cactus"...(ouch) or even something vulgar...
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#106 Post by sc0ttman »

Support added for the XDG standard 'NoDisplay' option..
See lines marked #20120312 for changes.

Code: Select all

for DESKTOP_FILE in /usr/share/applications/* ; do
	#[ "$( cat $DESKTOP_FILE | grep -m1 ^NoDisplay=true)" != "" ] && continue
	ICON="" CATS="" NAME="" EXEC="" SKIP=false #prevent carryover #20120312, added SKIP
	while read LINE || [ "$LINE" ] ; do
		case $LINE in
			NoDisplay=true*) SKIP=true ;; #20120312
			Name=*|Name?${myLANG%_*}?=*) NAME="${LINE#*=}"'' ;; # sc0ttman... should use "Name[$myLANG]=" if found
#			Comment=*|Comment?${myLANG%_*}?=*) COMMENT="${LINE#*=}"''  ;; #jwm doesn't support tooltips on menu items yet ... 
			Icon=*) ICON="${LINE#*=}"''  ;;
			Categories=*) CATS="${LINE#*=}"'' ;;
			Exec=*) EXEC="${LINE#*=}"'' ;;
	done < $DESKTOP_FILE	
	[ "${SKIP}" = true ] && continue #20120312
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#107 Post by L18L »

sc0ttman wrote:Support added for the XDG standard 'NoDisplay' option..
See lines marked #20120312 for changes.

Running in Racy 5229 was not possible because no language files included. In normal cases a program would run English.....

Thus I have fixed some bugs and, for easier testing added the entry jwm_tools: Parameters in jwmconfig.
Thus launches jwm_param_gui where you can choose from the installed languages (Dutch added)

Have fun

edit: deleted 0.9.2.pet
.. and another language added
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#108 Post by L18L »

yet a bug in 1 of the scripts
value not "" but " " (always 1 space too much)
does not change SUBMENU and DRIVES

edit: here is a fix.

edit: bug located
choices were always overwritten by config file
quick fix:
search in file
and change every found into

thanks for testing
pet deleted : take version 0.9.3 next post please
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jwm_tools-0.9 (was jwm_menu_create)

#109 Post by L18L »

Please delete config file /root/.jwm/JWMRC
then install 0.9.3.pet

What´s new?

jwm_param_gui can be launched from JWM configuration

known bugs are fixed

menu has an alternative for translations now
no more inside /usr/share/applications/*.desktop
but simply in 1 file, ex: /usr/share/locales/de/names
/usr/share/locales/de/names wrote:s%"Abiword wordprocessor"%"Abiword Textverarbeitung"%
s%"FFConvert multimedia converter"%"FFConvert Multimedia-Konverter"%
s%"Mixer generic sound mixer"%"Mixer Sound-Mischpult"%
s%"Pmount mount/unmount drives"%"Pmount Laufwerke ein-/aushängen"%
Copy this file (170 program names from racy, extendable) into your locales and you can translate everything very quick (momanager needed more than 1 minute for each word and I think this is much better)


edited 2012-10-18
downloaded 164 times
deleted jwm_tools-0.9.3.pet
use jwm_tools-0.9.4.pet please :)
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#110 Post by technosaurus »

J have been working on some C projects lately and haven't gotten the stuff done here that I wanted to, so I am posting a quick, updated todo list. - let me know if I am missing something
  • sync up with patches - thanks guys
    finish support for multiple custom trays, including app trays, swallow and all other niceties.
    have option for drives as a menu instead of a tray (then jwm -reload will update them on the fly)
    remove the %* from the execs in the menu - jwm does not support drag and drop, so %U, %s, %f and whatever are meaningless
    (NOTE: what if there is an rxvt -e with a printf "%s...", ...)
    add tools for viewing pdf and other doc types that can be converted to images to reduce resource usage similar to the image viewer (mubusy in mupdf will do pdf and several other formats, abiword's cli can do others, etc...)
    Explain the purpose of unix-ifying the tools and general documentation.
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#111 Post by maxerro »

You might consider using data from /sys/block (instead of /sys/dev/block) in that lite drive-detector, and get it all organized even easier (and slightly faster). Partitions could be displayed as sub-menus. (And every partition could have its own sub-menu, if you want to add more options like mount/unmount/open-in-fm/info/[dare to blank/format/backup/play]/...)
Also consider displaying partition size next to the name (since it's handed on a plate):
size = /sys/block/drive/queue/hw_sector_size x /sys/block/drive[/partname]/size

Wanted to suggest something else too, but can't remember... It'll strike me later...
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#112 Post by maxerro »

OK, forget that little size formula.
It appears that on newer hard-drives (after 2010) you may need to check /sys/block/drive/queue/logical_block_size or physical_block_size.
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#113 Post by technosaurus »

There is a nifty little trick for that.
[ -f "file" ] && Var=$(<file)
Then use
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#114 Post by maxerro »

These are the values that should be used:

/sys/block/drive[/partname]/size * 512 (in bytes)
/sys/block/drive[/partname]/size / 2048 (in MBytes)

... for all drives (for now).

Anyone who buys one of the new Advanced-Format HDDs and gets the wrong size reading, please report here (kindly).
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#115 Post by technosaurus »

I have built a static version of jwm 579 against musl libc and tinyx11 - confirm, icons, png, xpm and jpeg enabled. No Xinerama or Xft, but should work on just about any distro and only uses 1.6Mb RAM with a solid background.

Looks like garbage with the builtin font (DejaVu Sans is not supported) so I set all the fonts to:
... and it looks pretty good.
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#116 Post by 01micko »

I made a patch for jwm_menu_create to show icons that have entries in the .desktop file that don't have an extension, presuming they are .png format. I have kept it pure bash, there may be a better way though.

See here.
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#117 Post by technosaurus »

I am glad you brought that up, I had forgotten that non-compliance.

I'll add a todo to patch jwm - looks like its in image.c @
ImageNode *LoadImage(const char *fileName) {
it could just try to add the suffixes after the first pass to fileName and retry

still need to remove the %U %f etc from the execs though
I think it can be fixed in command.c by doing a s*printf and using NULL values prior to exec (maybe using strstr 1st to see if it has a %*) ... the problem with % is that it gets special treatment compared to normal characters.

I think I'd do this though:

Code: Select all

Icon=*.xpm|Icon=*.png|Icon=*.jpg||Icon=*.jpeg) ICON="${LINE#*=}"''  ;;
Icon=*)ICON="${LINE#*=}.png"''  ;; 
here is some tentative code for doing desktop icons using *.desktop files in $HOME/Desktop (useful for systems, including virtual machines with as little as 4Mb of RAM)

Code: Select all


[ -f ${HOME}/.jwm/JWMRC ] || cp /etc/JWMRC ${HOME}/.jwm/JWMRC
. ${HOME}/.jwm/JWMRC
[ -f ${HOME}/.jwm/jwm-icons ] && mv -f ${HOME}/.jwm/jwm-icons ${HOME}/.jwm/jwm-icons~ && echo "<JWM>" >${HOME}/.jwm/jwm-icons &
{	#localization block
[ $myLANG ] || myLANG=${LANGUAGE%% *}
[ $myLANG ] || myLANG=${LANG%_*}

[ -f /usr/share/locale/$myLANG/LC_MESSAGES/jwm ] && . /usr/share/locale/$myLANG/LC_MESSAGES/jwm

#should make check for display, but we can also set MAX_X in the JWMRC
[ ! "$MAX_X" ] && SCREEN_WIDTH=`xwininfo -root |awk '/geometry/{print $2}' |awk 'BEGIN{FS="x"}/x/{print $1}'` && MAX_X=$(($SCREEN_WIDTH-75))


for A_FILE in ${HOME}/Desktop/* ; do
ICON="" CATS="" NAME="" EXEC="" LINE="" COMMENT="" #prevent carryover from previous file
case "$A_FILE" in
	while read LINE || [ "$LINE" ]; do
		case $LINE in
			Name=*|Name?${myLANG%_*}?=*) NAME="${LINE#*=}"'' ;;
			Comment=*|Comment?${LANG%_*}?=*) COMMENT="${LINE#*=}"''  ;;
			Icon=*.xpm|Icon=*.png|Icon=*.jpg|Icon=*.jpeg) ICON="${LINE#*=}"'' ;;
			Exec=*) EXEC="${LINE#*=}"'' ;;
	done < $A_FILE	

	[ "${EXEC}" ] && wait && echo '<Tray layout="vertical" x="'$XPOS'" y="'$YPOS'" layer="0" border="0" width="50" >
	<TrayButton popup="'${COMMENT:-$NAME}'" icon="'${ICON:-mini-dog.xpm}'">exec:'$EXEC'</TrayButton>
	<TrayButton popup="'${COMMENT:-$NAME}'" label="'${NAME:0:6}'">exec:'$EXEC'</TrayButton>
</Tray>' >>${HOME}/.jwm/jwm-icons &
[ $XPOS -gt $MAX_X ] && YPOS=$(($YPOS+75)) XPOS=25
*)echo "$A_FILE" not supported >/dev/stderr;;	#todo xdg-open it?
												#find $ICONPATH -iname $A_FILE*

wait && echo "</JWM>" >>${HOME}/.jwm/jwm-icons
here is a screeny with jwm providing the desktop... sortof
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#118 Post by disciple »

Does JWM/fixmenus/jwm_menu_create/whatever handle applications with "Terminal=true" in the .desktop file correctly?
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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#119 Post by technosaurus »

I could, but unfortunately it probably would not work on all puppy's hacked desktop files... normally they would end up running
in older Puppy this would typically end up being
rxvt -e rxvt -e sh -c command args
(newer Pups have terminal=false set when the exec= already has been modified with the terminal)

I'd rather it be compliant and fix issues that it identifies rather than try to work around them though, but I'd need to look at the spec.
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#120 Post by technosaurus »

I wish I had never started looking at this, Puppy has a _lot_ of non-compliant behavior that could actually be simplified if it were (well it could be simplified without making it compliant too, but why bother with that?)

For instance I doubt we need 4 instances of delayedrun... or about 100 variations of autostarting sfs files on mount:
instead implement autostart

The menu generator in ALL standard directories

Create icons for each of standard icon names (look into patching jwm for imlib2 like icewm ... then it would also be pretty cool to implement my simple icon tray directly in jwm - just need to inotify watch each image and redraw on change)

Include these standard categories and add an OnlyShowIn support for jwm (and Rox?)

implement a better default handler (that does not depend on ROX-Filer) using mime info from desktop file entries including Trash and thumbnail support if possible (basically xdg-open lite)

shift jwm tools to using recently released xsettings spec

In order to do this programatically I will be going to 1 include file per operation: menu, install, tray, desktop, theme, temp (for notify, imageviewer, etc...) This will allow things like seamless jwm -refresh upon program installation (one for main menu and one for slower install menu) or operations on drive trays being inserted/removed to trigger jwm -refresh ... as well as some experimental features such as controlling desktop icons, drive menus, viewing images, notifications etc...
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