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#1601 Post by Sage »

On a half-decent GF4 MX440 AGPx8 card, "Input Not Supported" to a recent 15" AOC lcd monitor. Default set far too high - related to previous observations. After all the coding is finished, best to release testing alphas/betas/gold with an 800x600/60Hz default, as previously agreed for other Puppies. State-of-the-art video cards and monitors should down-grade to that setting and it will enable the vast retinue of less fortunate incomers to view.
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Specto and I2P

#1602 Post by Dromeno »

Is this the right place to post requests for Saluki?

I hope so... I would like to have a specto pet or sfs

specto is a python dependent website monitor, gives a pupup notification when a website changes. Puppy does not have a webmonitor app yet afaik

request no 2 would be I2P

I2P is an alternative to TOR, I wonder how slow it is compared to TOR. An i2p preconfigured puplet is available at sourceforge but it is of puppy 421. I can not get my wireless working in puppy 421 on my Asus EEE 1215n machine
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Opera -- No Flash Problem when run from /mnt/home

#1603 Post by mikeslr »

Hi all,

Following the instructions posted by DaveS months back (a year ago?) I've always run Opera from /mnt/home. [Instructions: download Opera(tar.gz?)--whatever-- from Opera site & unpack it in mnt/home. Click opera executable in unpacked folder. It runs. Drag to desktop, give it an icon. To add to menu: create script in /my-applications/bin calling opera from /mnt/home. Code>
exec /mnt/home/opera/opera "$@"
Create desktop file (copy any webbrowser desktop file & rename, deleting superfluous arguments, changing to Exec=/root/my-applications/bin/opera and Icon='where-ever you've placed its icon'. Create Pet of these three files and use in future puppies.
At any rate, I've never run into the problem of Opera not recognizing whatever Flash was installed in Saluki, Slacko, Exprimo, Lupu or any other Puplet. It hasn't mattered whether /mnt/home was formated Ext3, Ext4 or on a USB Key formated Fat32.
As others have reported Flash problems when using opera.pets, my guess would be that something has changed in the source file as to how opera utilizes Flash but that change has not been reflected in the creation of the pets.

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#1604 Post by Sage »

Interesting comments, mslr.
I don't think the d/l s of Opera/Midori/w.h.y were ever the problem - for Opera, the .deb (Other) from their website has always worked oob. As for Flash, Adobe has been a real pain this last six months or so, what with moving their site, changing the compats. of their many releases (although there is guidance about this on their site), and most recently their alledged withdrawl from the Linux (others?) after another 5yrs in favour of HTML5.
For Saluki, I've gone with Midori, which is Jemimah's choice. She provided a new .pet last week of the FlashPlayer which works fine. Maybe someone could try this in Opera? On other distros, I have Opera working entirely satisfactorily.
Notwithstanding, it is necessary to decline the first auto-offer of Flash install with Saluki, Slacko & Racy if you intend to use eg BBC/iPlayer. Then refresh the PPM and pick up the .pet given by Jemimah. Folks who have already installed another (older) FlashPlayer may have to uninstall it first. But check that all fragments have indeed been removed!
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#1605 Post by jim3630 »

best to release testing alphas/betas/gold with an 800x600/60Hz default, as previously agreed for other Puppies.
Sage have a reference? have not seen it here in 107pgs.

GF4 MX440 AGPx8 card came out in 2002

suggest you study pg1 1st paragraph
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#1606 Post by Lobster »

Notecase is in the Saluki repo.
Thanks aragon and Smokey :)
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#1607 Post by DaveS »

Following the response from Sage I removed previous version of flash and downloaded latest from updated package manager. No change with Opera.
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#1608 Post by Tman »

I am getting the following errors with Midori in Saluki 13.

Code: Select all

MozPlugger: Error: Failed to execute m4.
Mozplugger: M4 parsing of config generated error
Apparently there is a new release of mozplugger at that has a fix for a segfault issue with mozplugger and webkit surf. But I have not compiled/tested it yet.

Also, I have created an Nvidia pet in Saluki-13.
Those with Nvidia cards, please test and provide feedback to make sure it works okay on your computer, as this is the first Nvidia pet I haved created. It should be okay, becuase I used other pets as a template to figure out what files I needed, but I need feedback to make sure. It works fine for my Nvidia GT 240.
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#1609 Post by jemimah »

Tman wrote:I am getting the following errors with Midori in Saluki 13.

Code: Select all

MozPlugger: Error: Failed to execute m4.
Mozplugger: M4 parsing of config generated error
Apparently there is a new release of mozplugger at that has a fix for a segfault issue with mozplugger and webkit surf. But I have not compiled/tested it yet.
It is ok working for me. What website did you go to that you got this error?
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#1610 Post by Tman »

jemimah wrote: It is ok working for me. What website did you go to that you got this error?
I get the error messages when I run midori from the terminal and am surfing the murga forum. The odd thing is that sometimes Midori crashes, and sometimes it doesn't. When it crashes it gives an additional 'segmentation fault' error message.
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#1611 Post by don570 »

Here is Bacon recorder and quicklaunch for saluki
Try it out and see what you think.

Bacon recorder and quicklaunch for saluki
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#1612 Post by jemimah »

don570 wrote:Here is Bacon recorder and quicklaunch for saluki
Try it out and see what you think.

I've added these to the repo.
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#1613 Post by Geoffrey »

Here is a icon extractor for png's from icons, dll, exe files needs wine, also a new XMenu Entry Maker for TESTING, added wine to the list of OpenWith options,
it should create a working wine menu entry, I've tested it with wolfenstein enemy territory that is installed on my windows partition, works fine for me, also works from the Desktop launcher.

EDIT: Updated XMenumaker fixed fault in code.
fixed spaces in icon path handling, previous version failed if there were spaces in the icon path directory names.
extract and copy to /usr/sbin/
(5.42 KiB) Downloaded 210 times
Sample png extracted from exe file
(348 Bytes) Downloaded 1038 times
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#1614 Post by DaveS »

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#1615 Post by Sage »

GF4 MX440 AGPx8 card
Changed that for an much older ATI Rage Pro which signed up immediately at correct resolution, etc. Seems to be the nV issue back again, rather than the ignorant postulations of jonny-come-lately s.

#1616 Post by elroy »

Hello all (johnny-come-lately's included...),

I've built a Free Pascal Compiler pet for Saluki that I need help testing out. If you have any kind of Pascal experience, and the extra time, please check it out and pm me with any feedback that you may have.

I’m hoping to get a version of Lazarus for Saluki up and running and I need to know if this FPC build is up to snuff. Included is the terminal based (old school, Borland style) IDE. Just open a terminal window and enter ‘# fp’ to fire it up. Or you can use a text file (i.e. Geany) and compile from the command line with fpc. Your choice.

Thanks in advance.

FPC pet url:
Last edited by elroy on Thu 08 Mar 2012, 19:40, edited 2 times in total.

#1617 Post by elroy »

Sage wrote:
GF4 MX440 AGPx8 card
Changed that for an much older ATI Rage Pro which signed up immediately at correct resolution, etc. Seems to be the nV issue back again, rather than the ignorant postulations of johnny-come-lately s.
First of all, to qualify things, I probably suffer from more over-exuberance and foot-in-mouth disease than anyone on the Saluki forum (can't help it; I'm a big believer). And I'm very much a "johnny-come-lately", although I've been involved in computing since 1984 (admittedly only since 2010 on the Linux side of things).

So, in reference to the above quote, is this a tacit admission of being wrong? Of jumping the gun and lashing out before knowing what the true root of the problem is? Perhaps instead of completely alienating everyone that is fairly new to the forum it would be better (and more classy, not to mention wise (as in sage)) to temper your future
comments instead of immediately doing a reflex “scorched-earth
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Saluki Pascal compiler

#1618 Post by Marv »


Thanks! I did a lot of pascal in one of my former lives. I'll see if any of those brain cells still live. I can pull up some of my oldcode and see it it compiles.
Pups currently in kennel :D Older LxPupSc and X-slacko-4.4 for my users; LxPupSc, LxPupSc64 and upupEF for me. All good pups indeed, and all running savefiles for look'n'feel only. Browsers, etc. solely from SFS.

#1619 Post by elroy »

Thanks, Marv. Much appreciated. As are all of you on this forum. Especially jemimah. She has the patience of a saint. And that's no lie...
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#1620 Post by jemimah »

Saluki 14 has been released. This is a release candidate.

New in 014:
The custom builder now shows which packages are missing dependencies and includes the zdrv cutter.

Frisbee updated
Pupdial - UI updated

Various bug fixes and minor enhancements
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