My new OS concept

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My new OS concept

#1 Post by mysticmarks »

So after a crazy divorce, a struggle to stay financially afloat, and a period of recovery, I am happy to say I seek to be back up to date with the works!
I noticed that the build chains emerging FROM woof cross builds aren't very large. Has there been any particular reason? Barry, I've looked over T2's new material. It looks good. I'm going to restart my work on a new OS concept. A fully amorphous and looped FS...a skeleton key or survival OS of sorts. After review of every distro I've ever found, I did some hard thinking about the whole deal.
I feel that Puppy itself, Slitaz, and 2 others can be combined with puppy barebones to chain step through to a top level system with each stage being user/dev friendly. Combining this concept with a new decentralized package system i'm ready to begin work on, I intend on forging a new OS. The one that gobbles up all the rest. The one that has the flexibility and durability to truly be an amorphous OS.
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#2 Post by 8-bit »

Would this be in some ways like Saluki's ability to build a version with only the apps one wanted?
Also, while on that subject, I think any build should initially have ALL WIFI drivers included.
The main reason for this is to not have a cache-22 condition where the driver needed is available for download, but cannot be downloaded for lack of a WIFI driver to gain internet access.
I have ran into this very thing with a laptop that needed a driver that was not included with text to the effect that one could download the needed driver.
So what platform are you shooting for?
And how old of a PC is it to be made for initially?
Are you thinking of also trying to branch to the touch screen devices with their variety of processors?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Oh, and although I voted, you are not very clear as to what one is voting on. Is it our thoughts on this new project you are thinking of taking on?
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#3 Post by Aitch »

Any chance of a fork to Arm?

What would be useful to me, and no idea if do-able, is kernel tweaking on the fly.....driver/lib/settings/language/etc not included?, this script, then re-start...sorted....kind of idea...?

I'd love to see an OS that was just that....a small fast OS for ANY hardware.....
software is after...heck, why is it even running if I'm not using it...?
If I need it load, use, unload

n'est-ce pas?

btw...good to see you recovered.... :wink: :D

I would have voted for the 3rd option...but - it may all change

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#4 Post by mysticmarks »

Yeah guys! I noticed that a few versions of linux using aufs Layer the kernels! SOOOoo...if instead of our curent simple init scheme with just a few options, I'm thinking of a chipset and hardware step where puppy rolls through at boot. I need to get the PM system built. Im pretty sure THAT alone is going to change how linux is looked at. Its the core of the OS really.
Yes, ARM, x86, x64, SPARC. Ideally, we should be able to litterally boot on device A, instal OR migrate TO device B LIVE...then boot device B and run through either as new, or as the original. Is this making sense?
Iif you have it on a PC and want to embed the lowest level running version of the base on a device you do it; with that same lowest level, it should be able to aquire a connection on the new device and pull in the rest of the system again unaided. This is definitely doable.
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#5 Post by Aitch »


Can it be net-bootable/net-transferable, i.e X86 PC with base goes through boot/hardware recognition, then loads 'an OS image' the same time an Arm PC connects to a server to find the same image but for Arm base.... or is that what you meant or too big a leap??

I'm very interested in this concept, which has percolated a few times

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#6 Post by mysticmarks »

Exactly! Its AMORPHOUS in that way. Barry proved loop mounting with Puppy. Scripts and the bare CL interface will be the low content. Im thinking one superscript that is retained always. and executes with a universal purpose of migration.
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#7 Post by harii4 »

new decentralized package system
Don't want to sound trollish but it sounds like "reinventing the wheel" ? :?
or where you thinking about taking the best parts of each OS and putting it together?
sounds neat :D
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#8 Post by mysticmarks »

The later. I'm combining many unique characteristics from distros and software.
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#9 Post by nooby »

But if you combine a single user OS with several multi user OS
then the end result will be a multi user OS that maybe can chose
to be single if one want to or will it always be multi user :)

Some OS makes it impossible to be root.
What ideas do you have on that issue?

Edit Sorry, my poor grasp of English stumble over the interpretation
of you using the word amorphous.

You mean Modular or easy to change on the fly maybe?
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#10 Post by Aitch »

good question, nooby....amorphous is a slippy-slidey interpretative word :D

On the fly is good, IMHO....- personally I've never needed a 2nd user account/log-in...I just rename savefiles for friends... :wink:
That way it doesn't matter what they do....except reboot into my setup, which I ask them not to, or explain why I might kill them... :lol: :lol:

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#11 Post by starhawk »

Can someone explain to me what mysticmarks is thinking, only in plain (American) English? I'm afraid I never learned enough software stuff (programming, etc.) to understand this... and my education was not the best that my country could do (which would still be pretty lousy IMO).
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#12 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,

In simple terms, its a "one size fits all" loopfs which I think allows layering of different filesystems together, depending on the distro apps there..
Am I close???
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#13 Post by harii4 »

In simple terms, its a "one size fits all" loopfs which I think allows layering of different filesystems together, depending on the distro apps there..
Am I close???
yes - an fine paradox :D
Like full kde and gnome on an lite puppy linux - :twisted:
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#14 Post by starhawk »

...okay, one more important question...

What the *#&$ is a "loop filesystem"? I looked it up on wiki and got a whole buncha jargon gobbledygook that I couldn't understand because I'm not a hardcore Linux programmer... so if someone can explain in Simple English, I'd be rather appreciative.
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#15 Post by nooby »

No offence or offense maybe intended but what if the OP
just want to test if we get a joke? Some guys love to have fun?
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#16 Post by jemimah »

starhawk wrote:...okay, one more important question...

What the *#&$ is a "loop filesystem"? I looked it up on wiki and got a whole buncha jargon gobbledygook that I couldn't understand because I'm not a hardcore Linux programmer... so if someone can explain in Simple English, I'd be rather appreciative.
I'm pretty sure even the hardcore programmers here feel that way. :D
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#17 Post by mysticmarks »

In reguards to the Looping question: A union file system takes a basic boot image then "loops" in more file sytems.
The idea here is that this would be the skeleton key of computers. A elegantly simple yet robust methodology and application of one OS that has essentially scale factors based on the associated hardware. If you had an embedded refrigerator control PC that orders groceries go bad, you should be able to take a version of this and downsize to the appropriate scale. Make sense? A survival and survivable OS. Completely unique in purpose.
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#18 Post by sickgut »

if someone makes grub into a full OS that is instantly "there" on boot, (has anyone tried the grub space invaders game) and has a few simple linux commands like busy box then i would probably so excited, i would have a heart attack and die, then my stinking zombie corpse would log into here and dribble endlessly about it till i got banned.

grub is cool because you can boot any OS with it and the fact that there is a game called grub invaders or whatever (check ubuntu repos) means you can have commands and other things like graphics and sound without loading a full OS yet and it all goes away when you boot another OS
make it happen, plz
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#19 Post by Aitch »


see Barry's response here....[2005!]

see also Vectorlinux dev tools, which were used in early puppy development, I believe - though they seem to be following Slackware now

note 2005 comment by vector dev
vector wrote:Well for one maybe package management we have a modified checkinstall in VL that not only produces packages from source also finds the deps and makes a nice litlle slack tgz file that slapt-get can understand. As your distro matures you will find installing packages will become a much bigger deal than anticipated..WE have the tools already in place but i would like to see the niche players agree on a package management system we can all benefit from my vote is slapt-get (also gslapt) and the slackware tgz package system. Just my 2 cents worth.
It finally caught up....

/aside, but interesting...boot to gecko, by mozilla

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#20 Post by Puppyt »

As a non-programming end-user with a bit of a biological bent, what your description translates to me from "amorphous reiterative filesystem" is something like a digital amoeba that adaptively extends and retracts pseudopodia - that is, I/O resource allocation - as the user/context requires. The most efficient manner to code such activity in the natural world (I believe) is via fractals, or Mandelbrot sets, where the basic root formula is used in reiterative looping to massive effect in dictating energy allocation. Within limits, imagine an amoeba with unfurling and furling fern-frond-like legs... with the root formulae (reiterated loops) kinda what the philosophers Maturana and Varela refer to as "autopoiesis", or self-organization in the natural world...

And now I've just confused everyone...

I've always imagined archival engines/layered fs doing that sort of compression (along fractal lines) as a matter of course - but I'm probably over-thinking things.
Now I've probably muddied the waters, I'll just slide back under my primordial swamp-rock...
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