simple icon tray

Window managers, icon programs, widgets, etc.
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#21 Post by technosaurus »

It really wouldn't go with this project, but monitoring the /sys/block directory for IN_CREATE events would be a good place to start if you wanted to use this as a starting point, but it would be possible to just kill and restart sit for the added drive. There is already a program called inotifyd that does the monitoring and launching part. I would start there.
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#22 Post by seaside »


Thanks for the tip -

Code: Select all

Usage: inotifyd PROG FILE1[:MASK].
That seems much easier than inotifywait with pipes and loops.

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#23 Post by technosaurus »

btw it inotifyd is available as busybox applet now too
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#24 Post by technosaurus »

I have these 217 MIT Licensed icons roughly adapted for use in shell scripts:

... just the icons themselves for now, custom options (foregrounds, backgrounds, colors, text, etc..) can be added later.

my script itself is TPL
svgdraw iconname
(output is iconname.svg in current working directory)
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#25 Post by zigbert »

Wrong thread, sorry
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#26 Post by vovchik »

Dear technosaurus,

That is a great little script with the icons. I modded it a bit to add a usage bit and made it possible to change colours from the command line. Also, run without parameters, the program spits out a somewhat formatted and sorted list of available icons. Those bits can be improved, but this is what a few minutes of hacking yielded :)

With thanks and kind regards,
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#27 Post by seaside »


What a clever use of that javascript internet material. Well done.
Now possible to have a nice collection of icons at the ready on demand or easily pre-made with matching color schemes.

Thanks and regards,
(If Vovchik also works on it, you know it has to be good) :D
This line was really great-

Code: Select all

icons=`printf "%-20.20s %-20.20s %-20.20s\n" $(sed -n -e '/START/,/END/p' "$PROGDIR/$PROGNAME" | grep "=\"M" | cut -d'=' -f1 | sort)`
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#28 Post by vovchik »

@ seaside: thanks :)

Dear guys and gals,

I have really improved the input checking and other bits of this script. The icon list is now formatted nicely, and there is also a list for svg 'named colors'. I also changed a bit of the svg generation - modifying the viewBox and scaling so that it generates nominal 128px boxes and 128px objects. You cannot now try to use a non-existent icon or color - the program will tell you. There are two parameters (-i and -c) that will display icons and colors respectively. Have fun. I think technosaurus also deserves at least a few cold beers for his work.

With kind regards,
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#29 Post by 01micko »

Made a start with the temperature script. ... 030#635030
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#30 Post by vovchik »

Dear puppians,

I can't seem to get enough of a good thing. Here is a BaCon port I just did of the SVG generating script discussed above. It takes forever to compile (several minutes), but it runs circles around bash (gets compiled by gcc). I compiled in Lucid, so that it should work on all recent puppies. I also UPX'd the binary, so that it is much smaller than the bash version (100k v. 241k), apart from being inherently faster. Have fun....

With kind regards,

PS. Just unarchive and copy the binary to /usr/local/bin, for example. The source is also included. You need BaCon to compile, and don't think that the compiler is stuck in a loop. It will finish eventually.

PPS: UPDATED src and binary. 01micko picked up a little bug in my FIND routine. Kudos:)
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#31 Post by 01micko »

Hello vovchik,

So far it all works nice except that if I try to use lock as a parameter I get the clock! Curiously, I tried "ock".. got a clock!

Thanks for your work, oh, if it makes a difference I'm using fatdog with 32 bit compat and your binary (no bacon in fatdog as yet).
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#32 Post by vovchik »

Thanks 01micko!

There was a little bug in my FIND routine. It has now been fixed. It really pays to have people test. Thanks again.

With kind regards,
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#33 Post by technosaurus »

I wouldn't say the bacon version is inherently faster or smaller considering that it will likely be called from a script and ops can be done using only builtins (typically faster than sourcing and executing an external program)... Then considering that it will be on a compressed squashfs, the script will get compressed without the additional overhead. It's still good to have alternative though, for native bacon apps. A C only version is pretty easy to do, as it would basically only need strcmp and (f)printf. The things that I left stubbed out that would really improve the look, need some input from graphically oriented designers. Backgrounds that can help tie them together with a unified look and feel that also complement foregrounds that can be informative while being graphically appealing and unified. If I had written it in C I was afraid I would lose input due to inaccessibility.
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#34 Post by vovchik »

Dear technosaurus,

The BaCon is certainly faster at coming up with the icon and color lists at the moment, but those bits could be optimized in bash. What I am interested in most is collecting more of these simple icons for inclusion and including a few more arguments (scaling and gradients come to mind), as well as text generation (with a few effects). It would really be possible to code a little SVG Factory. And it might just be useful to implement object overlays/compositing. Just food for thought :)

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#35 Post by technosaurus »

I made a quick mod of the code to incorporate the ICON= into a case statement which both speeds it up and reduces memory usage. Also added color support based solely on positional parameters $2, $3... I need to find one of my old examples to incorporate text. For colors, I assume svg can use anything in rgb.txt.. or hex values of course. The backgrounds I am thinking could be an exported VAR so they can unify across the platform. I saw that vovchick had upscaled the image, I guess I should add a parameter to allow that to be adjustable (gtk doesn't do a great job scaling)
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#36 Post by technosaurus »

Forgot to upload.

decided it would be better to use stdout for the icon, that way it can be sent anywhere - got everything but the background complete (unless you export the applicable environment variables to valid SVG code)... todo
but execution time is still <0.05s

Edit: no time to sort through these, but it may have links to some usable icons:
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#37 Post by seaside »

Is this going viral?

How about a GUI to try out the icons in the notiification area - but then I guess we'd have to call it SIN (get's more attention
that way :D )

Code: Select all

# based on bash svgdraw by technosaurus (as
#			modded by vovchik) and raphaeljs by
#			Dmitriy Baranovskiy (copyright 2008
# GUI seaside -requires sit2 and bsvg
cd /tmp

 iconsel=`bsvg -i |tr " " '\n' |sed -e '1,/(225):/d' `
  for i in $iconsel; do ICONS="$ICONS<item>$i</item>";done
 colsel=`bsvg -c |tr " " '\n' |sed -e '1,/(148):/d' `
 for i in $colsel; do COLS="$COLS<item>$i</item>";done  
 makeicon()  {
cp /tmp/$ICON.svg /tmp/siticon.svg
 export -f makeicon
 echo '<svg width="128" height="128" viewBox="0 0 128 128">
	<g transform="scale(4.0)">
		<path style="fill:aliceblue;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:aliceblue;fill-opacity:0.75;stroke-opacity:0.75;stroke-width:1pt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-linecap:butt;"
		d="M19.275,3.849l1.695,8.56l1.875-1.642c2.311,3.59,1.72,8.415-1.584,11.317c-2.24,1.96-5.186,2.57-7.875,1.908l-0.84,3.396c3.75,0.931,7.891,0.066,11.02-2.672c4.768-4.173,5.521-11.219,1.94-16.279l2.028-1.775L19.275,3.849zM8.154,20.232c-2.312-3.589-1.721-8.416,1.582-11.317c2.239-1.959,5.186-2.572,7.875-1.909l0.842-3.398c-3.752-0.93-7.893-0.067-11.022,2.672c-4.765,4.174-5.519,11.223-1.939,16.283l-2.026,1.772l8.26,2.812l-1.693-8.559L8.154,20.232z" />
</svg>'  >/tmp/siticon.svg

  sit /tmp/siticon.svg &
  export MAIN_DIALOG='
      <label>Icon Select::</label>
      <label>Line Color</label>
      <label>Fill Color</label>
   <button ok>
   <button cancel>
      <action>killall sit</action>

gtkdialog3 --program=MAIN_DIALOG

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#38 Post by vovchik »

Dear seaside,

I like the gui very much. Thanks. I see that you use bsvg, so I just made a new version that outputs to stdout if you use "-" as the last argument after the color args (run without parameters and bsvg will show you how). No need to copy to and from /tmp now, just redirect. Also, I have simplified your parsing by adding "-C" and "-I" parameters. They output unformatted lists (1 item per line). The archive contains a new UPX'd binary and the revised source.

It is going viral indeed, and nicely!:)

With kind regards,
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#39 Post by seaside »

Technosaurus and Vovchik - thanks for those simplifications and additions. Much better.

It seems to me at this point that the icon draw files should be separate from the icon creation mechanism. If more icons are brought in or existing ones changed, considerable extra work is involved with updating.

A simple "grep firefox raphaeljs.txt (holding the draw files)" seems reasonably quick and perhaps might be considered as a way to have any number of "draw" files at the ready.

Best regards,
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#40 Post by seaside »

Here's a version that seems reasonably responsive. (I'm sure technosaurus would make it absolutely fly :D )Placing the svg draw in a separate file (svgs).

Code: Select all

# based on bash svgdraw by technosaurus (as
#			modded by vovchik) and raphaeljs by
#			Dmitriy Baranovskiy (copyright 2008
# GUI seaside -requires sit2 
 while read l; do A="$A\n <item>${l%=*}</item>";done </mnt/sdb6/svgs # svgs file
 ICONS=`echo -e  $A | grep -v  '#' | sort`

 aliceblue antiquewhite aqua aquamarine azure beige bisque black blanchedalmond \
 blue blueviolet brown burlywood cadetblue chartreuse chocolate coral           \
 cornflowerblue cornsilk crimson cyan darkblue darkcyan darkgoldenrod darkgray  \
 darkgreen darkgrey darkkhaki darkmagenta darkolivegreen darkorange darkorchid  \
 darkred darksalmon darkseagreen darkslateblue darkslategray darkslategrey      \
 darkturquoise darkviolet deeppink deepskyblue dimgray dimgrey dodgerblue       \
 firebrick floralwhite forestgreen fuchsia gainsboro ghostwhite gold goldenrod  \
 gray green greenyellow grey honeydew hotpink indianred indigo ivory khaki      \
 lavender lavenderblush lawngreen lemonchiffon lightblue lightcoral lightcyan   \
 lightgoldenrodyellow lightgray lightgreen lightgrey lightpink lightsalmon      \
 lightseagreen lightskyblue lightslategray lightslategrey lightsteelblue        \
 lightyellow lime limegreen linen magenta maroon mediumaquamarine mediumblue    \
 mediumorchid mediumpurple mediumseagreen mediumslateblue mediumspringgreen     \
 mediumturquoise mediumvioletred midnightblue mintcream mistyrose moccasin      \
 navajowhite navy oldlace olive olivedrab orange orangered orchid palegoldenrod \
 palegreen paleturquoise palevioletred papayawhip peachpuff peru pink plum      \
 powderblue purple red rosybrown royalblue saddlebrown salmon sandybrown        \
 seagreen seashell sienna silver skyblue slateblue slategray slategrey snow     \
 springgreen steelblue tan teal thistle tomato turquoise violet wheat white     \
 whitesmoke yellow yellowgreen none None "

  for i in $colors; do COLS="$COLS<item>$i</item>";done
 makeicon()  {
 ICOND=`grep $ICON /mnt/sdb6/svgs|cut -f2 -d=`
echo '<svg width="'${SIZE:-32}'" height="'${SIZE:-32}'" viewBox="0 0 '${SIZE:-32}' '${SIZE:-32}'">'$CUSTOM_BG'
<g transform="scale('${RATIO:-1.0}')">
<path style="fill:'${FILL_COLOR:-gray}';fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:'${LINE_COLOR:-black}';fill-opacity:'${FILL_OPACITY:-0.75}';stroke-opacity:'${STROKE_OPACITY:-0.75}';stroke-width:1pt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-linecap:butt;"
d='$ICOND' />
</svg>'  > /tmp/$ICON.svg

cp /tmp/$ICON.svg /tmp/siticon.svg

 export -f makeicon
 echo '<svg width="128" height="128" viewBox="0 0 128 128">
	<g transform="scale(4.0)">
		<path style="fill:aliceblue;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:aliceblue;fill-opacity:0.75;stroke-opacity:0.75;stroke-width:1pt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-linecap:butt;"
		d="M19.275,3.849l1.695,8.56l1.875-1.642c2.311,3.59,1.72,8.415-1.584,11.317c-2.24,1.96-5.186,2.57-7.875,1.908l-0.84,3.396c3.75,0.931,7.891,0.066,11.02-2.672c4.768-4.173,5.521-11.219,1.94-16.279l2.028-1.775L19.275,3.849zM8.154,20.232c-2.312-3.589-1.721-8.416,1.582-11.317c2.239-1.959,5.186-2.572,7.875-1.909l0.842-3.398c-3.752-0.93-7.893-0.067-11.022,2.672c-4.765,4.174-5.519,11.223-1.939,16.283l-2.026,1.772l8.26,2.812l-1.693-8.559L8.154,20.232z" />
</svg>'  >/tmp/siticon.svg

  sit  /tmp/siticon.svg &
  export MAIN_DIALOG='
      <label>Icon Select::</label>
      <label>Line Color</label>
      <label>Fill Color</label>
   <button ok>
   <button cancel>
      <action>killall sit</action>

gtkdialog3 --program=MAIN_DIALOG
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