Puppy Linux Windows Installer - LICK v1.3.3 released

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#161 Post by Aitch »


Check you have a puppy folder containing:
initrd.gz, vmlinuz, puppy_slacko.xxx.sfs, and slacko_save.2 or 3fs,
in your root [C:\] directory, and menu.lst....here's mine, - adjust yours to suit



title Puppy Linux 530 PAE

find --set-root --ignore-floppies /Puppy-Linux-530-PAE/initrd.gz

kernel /Puppy-Linux-530-PAE/vmlinuz psubdir="Puppy-Linux-530-PAE" pfix=fsck

initrd /Puppy-Linux-530-PAE/initrd.gz


title Puppy Linux 530 PAE - Do not load save file

find --set-root --ignore-floppies /Puppy-Linux-530-PAE/initrd.gz

kernel /Puppy-Linux-530-PAE/vmlinuz psubdir="Puppy-Linux-530-PAE" pfix=ram

initrd /Puppy-Linux-530-PAE/initrd.gz

and boot.ini
boot loader]



[operating systems]

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS.0="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

c:\grldr="Start Puppy Linux"
together with grbldr and grub_gui.gz

and you should be good to go... :D


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#162 Post by PenguinPupLin »

Thanks,Aitch,you're ever ready to help. Have checked everything you pointed out and found all in order;in fact,that's how I multi-boot my puppies with WindowsXP/Vista before doing it on my friend's computer.

As I've said,it's working fine until yesterday. Despite repeated tries,including clean install after wiping out all traces of previous installs, as well as troubleshooting WinXP with checkdisk, sfc.exe, full defrag, antivirus/malware scanning,etc -- all to no avail.

All this while,WinXP is running alright and I'm using the said PC to post my reply. A search on the web revealed a few Ubuntu/Linux Mint users have encountered similar problem and their solution was to replace the /root and /swap folder that can be restored from either found.000 or dir.0000 folders or the renamed root.disk chk0000.chk but,unfortunately,the aforementioned three folders/files aren't anywhere to be seen,not even as hidden files.

Well, I'll just have to wait and see, the computer world often throws up unpredictable and strange happenings,never ceasing to catch us by surprise. Meanwhile, I hope my two other computers(one WinXP notebook and one Vista desktop) with the same setup are not hit by this anomaly.
Last edited by PenguinPupLin on Thu 01 Mar 2012, 18:08, edited 1 time in total.
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#163 Post by ICPUG »

The error message suggests the file grldr has been deleted from the root directory of the Windows partition:

This is NOT grldr.mbr but a different file with no extension.
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#164 Post by Aitch »

That was my first thought....as pointed out in my more detailed list of necessary files - you may have overlooked it, checking menu.lst and boot.ini contents?
Aitch wrote:Check you have a puppy folder containing:
initrd.gz, vmlinuz, puppy_slacko.xxx.sfs, and slacko_save.2 or 3fs,
in your root [C:\] directory, and menu.lst.....and boot.ini ....together with grbldr and grub_gui.gz [EDIT: typo grldr not grbldr]

and you should be good to go... :D
I did encounter the same problem, earlier on a different PC, and fixed it [somehow?] by installing a different win32.exe file...I think I used 525?...which then got both of them working - maybe grldr got corrupted somehow?
I later deleted 525 and don't use it now as my hardware is SCSI based so slacko, and I have been so happy with that, I haven't even updated from 530 yet....

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#165 Post by PenguinPupLin »

The C:\grldr (and not grldr.mbr which may not be needed for WinXP, I think) is there all the time, and , thinking that it could be corrupted, I actually copied it over from another computer of mine with the same setup;not only that, I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling it a few times, to no avail.

Thanks,both of you for being willing to engage me on this unusual,tricky problem. As for Aitch's suggestion of using the windows installer for lupu525, I would give it a try later but have to be extra careful not to mess up my friend's WinXP.

Latest: Aitch, I just downloaded the lupu525.exe and installed it, first time in addition to Slacko531, second time uninstalled both and reinstalled only lupu525, still no joy.
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#166 Post by Aitch »

No problem
The beauty of the installers is, you can uninstall them...it doesn't adversely affect windoze at all...just like any other software, only better...tee hee

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#167 Post by noryb009 »

PenguinPupLin: That's an odd problem. It looks like it's running grldr.mbr, as Windows doesn't use "(hd0,0)" numbering, but it can't find the grldr file. Can you check your C:\boot.ini (it's hidden by default, just type in the name into notepad's open dialog) for references to "grldr.mbr" (which shouldn't exist on a XP install)?

Can you check any loaded non-C drives (USBs, CDs, ...) for a "menu.lst" file in the root?

Is if the NTFS partition compressed? I think you can check by going to "My Computer->right click on C:->properties". If so, it is probably why it is failing.

It would also fail if the grldr is fragmented. Use this tool to defragment the one file. Run: contig C:\grldr

You can also try to move grldr onto a USB and see if it finds it there.
grldr.mbr which may not be needed for WinXP, I think
Correct, winXP doesn't need it.
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#168 Post by PenguinPupLin »

(1) My boot.ini as follows:-

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

c:\grldr="Start Puppy Linux"

(2) There's no grldr.mbr, I understand it's not needed for WinXP, not anymore (since 2007?)

(3) My menu.lst:-


title Puppy Linux 531
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /Puppy-Linux-531/initrd.gz
kernel /Puppy-Linux-531/vmlinuz psubdir="Puppy-Linux-531" pfix=fsck
initrd /Puppy-Linux-531/initrd.gz

title Puppy Linux 531 - Do not load save file
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /Puppy-Linux-531/initrd.gz
kernel /Puppy-Linux-531/vmlinuz psubdir="Puppy-Linux-531" pfix=ram
initrd /Puppy-Linux-531/initrd.gz

[I've only one harddisk with one partition C:\, no other loaded non-C drives]

(4) No,my ntfs partition is not compressed, just a basic drive

(5) Run: contig C:\grldr , still no joy but thanks,noryb009,for the tip.

(6) Tried booting up with grldr on a USB flash drive (root) and see if it finds it there - nope, no luck.
In the error message, there was this line 'Try (fd0):invalid or null' -- I guess fd refers to flash drive as there is no floppy drive in my friend's PC.
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#169 Post by Aitch »


No (fd0) IS floppy drive, I believe

Check that your slacko531 folder on C:\ is labelled 'Puppy-Linux-531' to match your menu.lst.....otherwise it looks OK...

Strange about this grldr problem....? check properties and ensure it is executable, set read/write and its real directory is /initrd/mnt/dev_save

Did you defrag your windoze drive BEFORE installing the installer?
If not, I would suggest uninstalling, then run chkdsk, then defrag, then try installing again on the checked and defragged drive

I note you have other posts with similar problems....make sure you aren't mixing versions in your save files causing file errors - use pfix=ram to verify

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 157#606157

My only other thought is a bad download, maybe...?

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#170 Post by PenguinPupLin »

Aitch, I've done this twice before in two of my own PCs(one with Slacko.exe,the other with Lucid528.exe), this time I'm doing it for my friend's PC again with Slacko.exe. It's a clean install, the savefile I created was also backed up in his harddrive,no mixing his with mine, and the Slacko folder,Puppy-Linux-531,and menu.lst were created by the Puppy Linux 531.exe windows installer.

"grldr File 213KB" is how it's labelled in WinXP C:\.

The first time, I didn't defrag windows drive before installing Slacko531 and it was running fine until that fateful day. Then I tried various ways to get it working by uninstalling,reinstalling, with chkdsk(twice), defrag, sfc.exe (system file checker), scanned for viruses with Malwarebytes,SuperAnti-Spyware, Microsoft Scanner, installed AVG2012 then tried avast!Antivirus...

Bad download of Slacko.exe which I've used twice successfully,the second time on this very same PC? Well,I also tried lupu525.exe as you suggested earlier, downloaded from the 1st post,no md5sum to check integrity though -- the same outcome. Been searching the Internet for a solution and come across a few cases for Ubuntu users of wubi installer facing similar problem as mine;there was a case dated back 2007 and he claimed three years later still no solution. May be a bug with grub4dos affecting a miniscule number,hoped it will be resolved one day.
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#171 Post by noryb009 »

PenguinPupLin: Rename grldr to something else, then try to start puppy. What error do you get? Is it the same partition numbering (hd0,0)?
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#172 Post by PenguinPupLin »

noryb009, I renamed grldr as pupgrldr and 'Start Puppy Linux' upon reboot and got the following message:-

Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <Windows root>\system32\hal.dll.
Please reinstall a copy of the above file

So I went ahead to do it by booting into my WinXP CD (in drive D: in my case), selected Recovery Console and at the command prompt typed "expand d:\i386\hal.dl_ c:\windows\system32" (without quotes), then restarted the PC into Windows to let it finish the process of autodetecting all the hardware before trying to Start Puppy Linux again.

Well,still no joy,the same error message as previously,i.e. Try (hd0,0):NTFS5:no grldr...

Btw, another thing I tried yesterday was to restore WinXP to an earlier point when Slacko was working, no luck too.

Hmm...I thinking whether I should try fixmbr and/or fixboot even though WinXP is working fine; somewhat hesitant, after all it's not my PC and my friend uses it mainly for Adobe Photoshop, am afraid to mess it up though I think it's safe to do so.
Last edited by PenguinPupLin on Sat 03 Mar 2012, 14:27, edited 1 time in total.
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#173 Post by Aitch »

Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <Windows root>\system32\hal.dll.
Please reinstall a copy of the above file
That sounds like a classic virus on your windoze system...best run an updated virus checker on it...that would also possibly explain your other problem, as the virus spoofs the fat table on the hard drive, to re-route the boot to a specified virus address, not windoze boot.ini

I'd seriously consider a save what you need/reformat/re-install route...if you really need windoze, then re-install pup-installer on a clean windoze setup

Check all PCs you have copied files to/from with updated virus checker, quickly

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#174 Post by PenguinPupLin »

But WinXP is intact all the time. I've checked and rechecked for malware using a number of software,eg AVG, avast, Microsoft scanner, Super-Antispyware, Anti-Malwarebytes - all returned clean. Also used ccleaner, glary utilities to test for system errors,clean up the registry, etc.

As for the drastic reformat/reinstall or clean install WinXP route - that will be the last resort since WinXP isn't the problem; a lot of work involved, backing up data, etc... have to check with him;he might prefer to leave well alone.

Thanks everybody.
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#175 Post by Aitch »

hal.dll is one of the 1st files boot.ini points to, on a windoze boot
I can only assume the repair you tried failed to load it, or corrupted just that file, then...else, your boot.ini got changed somehow and couldn't find it

Another way to check a windoze install is to go menu/run cmd then type SFC.exe/SCANNOW


Yes, a reformat/re-install is a last resort, but sometimes it's quicker to do that than go round in circles never finding the cause of errors....and having a slow bad install of windoze [which is what many tolerate...because that's what windoze does..... :( ]

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#176 Post by PenguinPupLin »

Thanks,Aitch,for your continued interest and help.

In fact, running sfc (system file checker) was among the first things I tried whenever I suspected any system file corruption/damage as mentioned in my earlier post.

A few hours ago, I also manually downloaded WinXP SP3 (the service pack) and reinstalled it as auto-update won't do since SP3 was already installed; well,no miracle cure.

I agree a clean install with reformat will certainly work but I'd have to seek his agreement to it. We'll see about it. Thanks. As for me, I'm still as happy as ever playing with my puppies.
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#177 Post by ICPUG »

The hal.dll missing message is the error message you SHOULD get when Windows cannot find grldr!

It is bogus and there is nothing wrong with hal.dll or Windows.

What is wrong is that the Windows boot.ini file is calling up c:\grldr and grldr is not there.

Quite why you get the message you stated in your first post is intriguing. Noryb0009 makes it even more intriguing by suggesting the drive numbers are wrong!

Actually, I've just realised the whole message is a bit crazy. If it mentions things like (hd0,0) it is a grub message. grldr is searched for by Windows so we should get a Windows message (the missing hal.dll). How can you be searching for grldr from grub?????

The only thing I know of from grub that searches for grldr is gldr.mbr. Can you think of how you might be calling that. You should not have grldr.mbr on Windows XP????
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Slacko 531 windows installer in WIN7 64-bit OS

#178 Post by PenguinPupLin »

I installed Slacko 531 windows installer onto my nephew's Acer M1640 desktop that just had Windows Vista upgraded by clean install to Win 7 64-bit. But when I select "Start Puppy Linux" and choose to run slacko in ram mode the first time as there's no pupsave created yet, I keep getting " Slacko_puppy_531.sfs not found. Droppng out to initial-ramdisk console #" and hangs there.

Thought it could be a bad download, so extracted slacko that I 've checked before that was good into the same directory and still no joy.

Noticed there is a 100MB reserved partition which is normal, so C: drive is recognized by grub as (hd0,1)... Everything seems normal, this is the 5th rig (previously WIN98SE, WinXP Home Edition, WinXP Pro, Win Vista 32-bit) based on my fave (preferred) setup for puppy frugal install in a multi-boot with Windows environment, so I'm fully aware of what I'm doing.

What gives,any advice and help greatly appreciated. TIA.
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#179 Post by noryb009 »

533 and 533 PAE have been uploaded, sorry about the delay.

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#180 Post by shinobar »

noryb009 wrote:533 and 533 PAE have been uploaded
mirrored, but could not get the md5sum's. Will you paste them here?
Downloads for Puppy Linux [url]http://shino.pos.to/linux/downloads.html[/url]
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