Lighthouse 64 5.15 Final

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#61 Post by meeki »

I too have no issue with Xine.

In 514 I had issues with some formats.

Now with 515 it plays every thing. I still use VLC player for most of my media needs.

Sorry you have an issue. If I had your vid card or cousin on hand I'd help.

I'd like to suggest something. If you think its card and driver related go out and get another card. I know this is not a fix of the current issue.

I do have 2 computers that Hate LHPUP and puppy in general. They both have on-board video cards. I have about 6 8meg to 16meg to 32meg pci video cards I use in issues like your having. I then see if the issue persists. If so I try another card. After 3 diff cards I tend to think its a software issue and not hardware.

Its hard to make an OS work on every thing,......



#62 Post by gcmartin »

OK, Let's approach this from a different angle since no-one tried to boot Live media to verify my problem. And, their no other requests for additional information from the tools in LH64-515.

I have never installed any additional video driver in LH64. When 514 was released, I have continued to use the original setup's vesa driver. This has been shown in all I've presented since working with this community.

Last night LH64-514
Just for grins, I booted the LH514 Mariner live media on this LAPTOP. It booted as expected and also setup with the original boot vesa driver.

I tried to start Xine and it starts to the desktop. (Expected for never had any problems with Xine before)

So, the Xine problem is UNIQUE to 515 and this laptop.

There is an incorrect allusion by a member here that he feels someone has addressed the ATI installation procedure issue. I find his allusion total inaccurate and irresponsible. Further in his irresponsible attempt to discredit, it appears he has not shown evidence with data of what he is purporting. That is coming as it is purported that there is something in this system that was manually added....not the case.

No one has confirmed or provided collaborative evidence of the procedure actually working when someone starts from Live Media. Further, anyone can compare my steps to see that I follow all on-screen messages in attempts to report the problem with the video card.

I do not have a problem with VLC as it works fine with the Video drive...same as it did in 514. Xine does not work fine.

I am enclosing the current system's PPM page and its Update pages. If someone spots a feature which they find ill place and probable cause of the problem, please report.

Refreshing prior LH64-515 information from X2 laptop.
Both LH64-515 Mariner and Base have been downloaded and MD5 checksum at conclusion of each downloaded ISO. DEVX has NOT been installed or used in either's Live media operations.
Xine Problem
  1. discovered Xine problem in Mariner. No VLC issue
  2. Rebooted Mariner without VLC. Still the problem exist.
  3. Switched to Base. Xine problem here too.
  4. Installed VLC on base. NO VLC problem. Still the Xine problem exist.
  1. Driver problem with LH64-515 base[/b]
  2. Added ATI PET to base. Cannot boot get thru installation procedure with the system
  3. using the ATI Proprietary driver when arriving at desktop.
Problem with Xine exist on all systems where I booted from LH64-515 Live media.
Any useful suggestions from anyone whose not trying to be funny or inflammatory would be appreciated. I have always been a willing participant in providing any and all useful information to resolve issues and problems with anyone.

Lastly, as is noted in all of my past, should I get something wrong in assumption, or procedure, I am quick to point it out. I do NOT get embarrassed should I report or do something wrongly. There are members in this forum who know that I operate in that vane. I would hope that the arrogance of the irresponsible individual can man-up, too. I will should I find myself in those shoes.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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#63 Post by meeki »

Ok I'll quit being lazy and try to replicate your issue with the same setup your running (IE Live media) minus the ATI. I'll do it SAT when I have some free time.

Also you and Q5 need to stop now please. I've seen it from both sides. Don't care who's right or who started it. I like both of ya so I'm not taking a side. Just move on for me please.


Xine problem does not exist IF I use these bootime parms

#64 Post by gcmartin »

Thanks Meeki
But, I have an UPDATE. I just rebooted the Mariner Live Media. I ONLY:
  1. At boot, I used "lhp pfix=ram,nosfs,pure64"
  2. Made the normal FirstRUN changes
  3. Followed normal instructions allowing desktop restart
  4. Started Xine
XINE Starts!!!

Now, to try to determine the element in the SFS loads that could be causing the Xine issue.

My only need was to see if others had used Live media and were experiencing the issue I find.

If I can nail the Xine issue I will. Now, to try to get better info about the driver loading problem.
Thanks to all
Normal FirstRUN changes
(92.41 KiB) Downloaded 807 times
Last edited by gcmartin on Fri 09 Nov 2012, 20:58, edited 1 time in total.

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#65 Post by Q5sys »

gcmartin wrote:OK, Let's approach this from a different angle since no-one tried to boot Live media to verify my problem. And, their no other requests for additional information from the tools in LH64-515.
How do you know no one tried to boot from live media to verify your problem. Is this more of your 'all-knowing' claims where you somehow are omniscient and know what every person has done on their system and is thinking? I have used live-meda to try to verify your problem. And I did so again further in this post.
gcmartin wrote:So, the Xine problem is UNIQUE to 515 and this laptop.
Which means no one will be able to help you resolve an issue with your hardware, since we cant replicate it. It's up to you to solve. Sorry, but unless I have your hardware I cant do anything to help since I cant replicate your problem.

gcmartin wrote:There is an incorrect allusion by a member here that he feels someone has addressed the ATI installation procedure issue. I find his allusion total inaccurate and irresponsible. Further in his irresponsible attempt to discredit, it appears he has not shown evidence with data of what he is purporting.
I can only assume your 3rd person sarcasm here is intended for me... so I'll just go ahead and respond to it. The ATI installation has been addressed. If you are unable to read the previous posts... I'll direct you to here and

But I guess you are unable to read and understand what people are saying since its not in a bullet point step plan... So here you go.

1.) Push the power button on your computer
2.) Put your LHP DVD/CD in the CD drive
3.) Boot your system with the LHP DVD/CD in the drive
4.) Wait for puppy to boot
5.) Once Puppy has booted click on the Update icon on the desktop
6.) Download and install the ATI catalyist driver
7.) confirm driver
8.) save and reboot

Now I'm sure you'll come back with some reply about 'that wont work for live media', so I'll go ahead and shut you down right now.
I had a friend over today who has an laptop with an ATI card.
So I decided to fire up a live DVD and install the driver. And guess what... it worked just fine.
But I'm sure you wouldnt believe me without proof... so here goes:

You're Xine issue has not been able to be duplicated by anyone else, so its impossible for us to provide further assistance.
You're ATI driver issue was not reproducable by TazOC (he uses ATI), and even after your sarcasm I still decided to try and help you out and see if I could replicate your problem. I was unable to, so again its impossible for us to provide further assistance.

You've claimed to have 40 years OS development experience. If you cant figure out how to install a driver properly... I dont see how any of us can help you. I've only got 14 years experience in the IT field.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I'm more than willing to help. But please stop with your grandiose claims about what everyone else is doing and thinking. People here are willing to help, but you've got to be willing to try and help yourself. If we cant fix your problem, you might have to fix it on your own. I seriously doubt anyone on this forum knows the solution to your problem and isnt providing it. This isnt some vast conspiracy against you. So far, the bugs you've mentioned cant be replicated by anyone else... so there isnt much we can do to resolve them.
gcmartin wrote: There are members in this forum who know that I operate in that vane. I would hope that the arrogance of the irresponsible individual can man-up, too. I will should I find myself in those shoes.
Please stop with the Martyr crap. I also am amused how you can me irresposible... You'll have to fill me in on that one. I also find the irony of you speaking out against me while at the same time asking for my assistance most amusing. I will continue to offer assistance in spite of how you are acting towards me. If insulting me makes you feel better about yourself... then feel free. Insult away.

gcmartin wrote:Thanks Meeki
But, I have an UPDATE. I just rebooted the Mariner Live Media. I ONLY:
  1. At boot, I used "lhp pfix=ram,nosfs,pure64"
  2. Made the normal FirstRUN changes
  3. Followed normal instructions allowing desktop restart
  4. Started Xine
XINE Starts!!!

Now, to try to determine the element in the SFS loads that could be causing the Xine issue.

My only need was to see if others had used Live media and were experiencing the issue I find.

If I can nail the Xine issue I will. Now, to try to get better info about the driver loading problem.
I tried to replicated this using live media and Xine still loaded fine. Have you checked the md5 hashs for all your SFS and base SFS? I dont see how, but an errant bit might be causing something to go wonky.


#66 Post by gcmartin »

Q5sys your ARROGANCE is appalling!!!


Edit: I responded before I saw your edit. Had I seen it I probably would have ignored the inconsistent comments before that edit. But, still you might want to try to understand that you are not the only one here as we work to achieve things.


ATI issues - Procdural Problem Pictures enclosed for viewing

#67 Post by gcmartin »

Using the desktop from before where system was booted with pfix=ram.nosfs,pure64.

The FirstRUn shown there will not be repeated here,as, its the same. The information that follows, here, is the same findings from before. The difference in this thread is that I am enclosing screens to show the procedural problem. This procedure is the same one as is document in for driver installation.

  1. Start Update from desktop icon (see pic)
  2. selected the items for update to provide (selections shown in pic)
  3. Update provided the installation steps (see pcis)
  4. The installation provides what is expected (see the instatllation's final pic)
  5. Installation completion returns to Update and update shows accomplishment (see pic)
  6. Desktop clobbered to console
  7. xwin in console
  8. Start FirstRUN from Menu>Setup to see current driver. It shows VESA. (see pic)
  9. Check PPM for subsystems installed (see pic)
    This shows that ATI is NOT configured into the system even though the PPM shows its installation. What I think is needed is how to get the system to recognized the driver in place of the VESA driver. (I feel some may be not understanding this or that the request is for procedure test, ID and corrections.)
"We looking to Understand A LH64-515 Procedure that will allow ATI driver installation on a system which is booted with these parms from Live media."

If there is a step missing, please acknowledge what you , too, have found should you have an ATI card or should you have a laptop with ATI onboard.

I'd be guessing to suggest that this procedure yields the same results on a desktop system. But, I am enclosing a Hardinfo report just in case there is something I may have missed in the bios report.

Should I go further and try to use Xorgwizard, I get into another circular loop which does not produce results. There is something missing in the procedures or wrong in installation.

Thanks in advance fro assistance and understanding

Here to help
Hardware report from currently booted LH64-515
(21.94 KiB) Downloaded 488 times
Just in case someone misses the start after pix=ram,nosfs,pure64
(92.41 KiB) Downloaded 790 times
Update before ATI installation.png
Update selections reqeust screen and 2 requests made
(186.88 KiB) Downloaded 795 times
Update after ATI installation.png
Update showing changes. Completion of driver installation.
(156.96 KiB) Downloaded 771 times
ATI request for desktop restart.png
ATI driver requested instruction to user
(13.51 KiB) Downloaded 769 times
After desktop restarted, check FirstRUN
(90.78 KiB) Downloaded 830 times
PPM after ATI from Update
(43.87 KiB) Downloaded 771 times

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ATI drivers

#68 Post by tazoc »

Maybe I missed it in a earlier post, but I need to know what brand and model designation display card you are installing the ATI driver on. (Menu -> System -> Report Video, and paste the output here please.)

Did you confirm that it is on the supported list?

If not, and it is a Radeon card please try Choose button and select the radeon driver in xorgwizard-puppy.

If it is a Radeon HD card, I have just compiled new drivers. They are available for testing only at:

Please check the new supported lists before trying them.
[url=][b][size=100][/size][/b] [img][/img][/url] [url=]Lighthouse 64 6.02[/url]

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#69 Post by Puppyt »

If I could make a request?

I'd like to see some more options for PDF management in 64-bit, LH environments. I tripped up somewhere in trying to get XPDF going - it looks a little 'raw' in presentation, but is customisable and my viewer of choice in 32-bit puppies (and it is really very fast in operation also)
Tecnosaurus has done some great work recently with his mupdf viewer ( ... 833#659833) but it had me royally chasing my tail in trying to keep it working in LH64 (5.14) - worked wonderfully to start off with, but I broke it somewhere (?). Would a pet compiled for LH be worthwhile yet, as it ia a work in progress but with loads of potential?
I very much want to have something in the LH stable along the lines of pdfshuffler (e.g., - dingo put a pet for Puppy3/ Puppy4 u somewheres but my internet has been choked and sorry can't find the link). There are probably other alternative pdf-editing solutions around, but I feel this is one area not hugely populated in the LH arsenal,
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Re: ATI drivers

#70 Post by Q5sys »

tazoc wrote:gcmartin,
Maybe I missed it in a earlier post, but I need to know what brand and model designation display card you are installing the ATI driver on. (Menu -> System -> Report Video, and paste the output here please.)

Did you confirm that it is on the supported list?

If not, and it is a Radeon card please try Choose button and select the radeon driver in xorgwizard-puppy.

If it is a Radeon HD card, I have just compiled new drivers. They are available for testing only at:

Please check the new supported lists before trying them.
At this point I'm guessing gcmartin has to have an older radeon card thats not supported by catalyst. But until he lets us know what card he's using... all we can do is guess.
Here is a video of the process installing the ATI drivers. I f you want to put that somewhere for reference... feel free. ... er-LHP.MP4 i copy the display drivers to the ISO before burining... so thats why I didnt have to download them. The system I was using is not hooked up to the internet so it was the only option.

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#71 Post by Q5sys »

Puppyt wrote:If I could make a request?

I'd like to see some more options for PDF management in 64-bit, LH environments. I tripped up somewhere in trying to get XPDF going - it looks a little 'raw' in presentation, but is customisable and my viewer of choice in 32-bit puppies (and it is really very fast in operation also)
Tecnosaurus has done some great work recently with his mupdf viewer ( ... 833#659833) but it had me royally chasing my tail in trying to keep it working in LH64 (5.14) - worked wonderfully to start off with, but I broke it somewhere (?). Would a pet compiled for LH be worthwhile yet, as it ia a work in progress but with loads of potential?
I very much want to have something in the LH stable along the lines of pdfshuffler (e.g., - dingo put a pet for Puppy3/ Puppy4 u somewheres but my internet has been choked and sorry can't find the link). There are probably other alternative pdf-editing solutions around, but I feel this is one area not hugely populated in the LH arsenal,
So would you like Xpdf? If so... here you go.
pdfshuffler requires python... which is not a strong suit of mine... I'll see what I can work out when I've got some spare time.

You may need the following t1 lib package as well. Dont install it unless you need it.
Last edited by Q5sys on Sat 10 Nov 2012, 22:54, edited 1 time in total.

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Radeon Xpress 200M

#72 Post by tazoc »


OK, I dug into the hardinfo report I missed earlier. It seems to indicate Radeon Xpress 200M. That card is not supported by the proprietary ATI Linux driver.

Best bet is to uninstall the ATI_Catalyst-11.8-k3.0.3-L64 via PPM (if installed previously,) reboot, exit to console, type xorgwizard-puppy and press Choose, select radeon OK.

So you'll need to either try that Xorg radeon driver or stick with vesa.

I'm not having any problem with Xine starting here.

[url=][b][size=100][/size][/b] [img][/img][/url] [url=]Lighthouse 64 6.02[/url]


#73 Post by gcmartin »

Thanks TaZoC and everyone.

I did find that the XINE porblem was probably caused by something that was associated with the installation of VLC from a PET that was used versus the SFS.

XINE works when I use all from Mariner, pristine.

I had (for the first time) tried to take the \BASE and add all PETs to replicate the Mariner SFS via the PPM (using its REPOs). Turns out that it seems to have created the XINE problem.

Reason for that attempt was to position the BASE for a remaster with all packages included before Layering.

Oh well.

Mariner, live media works. I will try over the next several days to put a small guide to show how Live media Mariner can be used in a way to not stop for "SFS confirmation" during the subsequent boot process.

Great packaging. (I think you saw JamesBond's comment about my Repo concern.)

ALSO, I will report back as soon as I have a change to determine the procedure, along with the messages to expect when upgrading to the ATI Radeon driver which works for Mariner/BASE.

Again XINE is not a problem, per se.

Again, ATI is a procedural issue using the correct driver in the Mariner/Base system.

Thanks everyone for looking at this.
EDIT: Typos
Last edited by gcmartin on Sat 10 Nov 2012, 20:33, edited 1 time in total.

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#74 Post by Puppyt »

Q5sys - many thanks indeed for your assistance! I regret that I have probably removed a critical file or installed something in the recent past that has confounded my LH 5.14 setup. I don't *recall* removing any python files, as running your XPDF from console returns: "error while loading shared libraries: no such file or directory" - I'm very much betting that in recent weeks I've scotched something. Since installing SoftMaker Office 2012 for Linux I've seen fleeting pages and pages of new error messages on regular shutdown, but that could be entirely incidental - I have the Midas touch for turning things into Foster's beer lately (not a complimentary phrase).
I'm really looking forward to upgrading to 5.15, but will have to wait next weekend when I can devote myself properly to the matter.
Again, I appreciate you swift action on the matter very much :)
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#75 Post by Q5sys »

Puppyt wrote:Q5sys - many thanks indeed for your assistance! I regret that I have probably removed a critical file or installed something in the recent past that has confounded my LH 5.14 setup. I don't *recall* removing any python files, as running your XPDF from console returns: "error while loading shared libraries: no such file or directory" - I'm very much betting that in recent weeks I've scotched something. Since installing SoftMaker Office 2012 for Linux I've seen fleeting pages and pages of new error messages on regular shutdown, but that could be entirely incidental - I have the Midas touch for turning things into Foster's beer lately (not a complimentary phrase).
I'm really looking forward to upgrading to 5.15, but will have to wait next weekend when I can devote myself properly to the matter.
Again, I appreciate you swift action on the matter very much :)
No worries. Can you run this from Shell:

Code: Select all

ldd /bin/xpdf > ldd_xpdf.txt
Paste the contents of that txt file here. That'll let me know what you're missing on your system, so I can cobble together the libs you need.


Boot problems surface after a Save-session in 515

#76 Post by gcmartin »

There is a media problem that is occurring in using LH64-515. Others who may have experienced it may not have articulated it.

Because I feel its answer can help all PUP distro developers, I have posted it here.

Here to help

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Re: Boot problems surface after a Save-session in 515

#77 Post by Q5sys »

gcmartin wrote:There is a media problem that is occurring in using LH64-515. Others who may have experienced it may not have articulated it.

Because I feel its answer can help all PUP distro developers, I have posted it here.

Here to help
gcmartin wrote:This problem, now, has raised its head in LightHouse64 515. The 514 media boots without issue (but, I have not used the laptop to write a save-session, yet.)
replied in that thread. Can you also please confirm whether or not LHP514 has the same problem?

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#78 Post by Puppyt »

Thanks Q5sys - here are the contents with the missing innards:

Code: Select all =>  (0x00007fff969ff000) => not found => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f1b8d994000) => /usr/X11R7/lib/ (0x00007f1b8d635000) => /usr/X11R7/lib/ (0x00007f1b8d3df000) => /usr/X11R7/lib/ (0x00007f1b8d1d6000) => /usr/X11R7/lib/ (0x00007f1b8cfc7000) => /usr/X11R7/lib/ (0x00007f1b8cdb9000) => /usr/X11R7/lib/ (0x00007f1b8cbb1000) => /usr/X11R7/lib/ (0x00007f1b8c999000) => /usr/X11R7/lib/ (0x00007f1b8c67e000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f1b8c379000) => /lib/ (0x00007f1b8c0f4000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f1b8bedf000) => /lib/ (0x00007f1b8bb38000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f1b8b922000) => /usr/X11R7/lib64/ (0x00007f1b8b710000) => /usr/X11R7/lib64/ (0x00007f1b8b507000) => /lib/ (0x00007f1b8b304000) => /usr/X11R7/lib64/ (0x00007f1b8b0eb000) => /usr/X11R7/lib64/ (0x00007f1b8aee8000) => /lib/ (0x00007f1b8ace4000)
	/lib64/ (0x00007f1b8dc35000) => /usr/X11R7/lib64/ (0x00007f1b8aab5000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f1b8a88c000)
-that 'ldd' has to be up there as a top-10 console command for uber-noobs. Thanks for reminding me,
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#79 Post by Q5sys »

Puppyt wrote:Thanks Q5sys - here are the contents with the missing innards:

Code: Select all =>  (0x00007fff969ff000) => not found => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f1b8d994000) => /usr/X11R7/lib/ (0x00007f1b8d635000) => /usr/X11R7/lib/ (0x00007f1b8d3df000) => /usr/X11R7/lib/ (0x00007f1b8d1d6000) => /usr/X11R7/lib/ (0x00007f1b8cfc7000) => /usr/X11R7/lib/ (0x00007f1b8cdb9000) => /usr/X11R7/lib/ (0x00007f1b8cbb1000) => /usr/X11R7/lib/ (0x00007f1b8c999000) => /usr/X11R7/lib/ (0x00007f1b8c67e000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f1b8c379000) => /lib/ (0x00007f1b8c0f4000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f1b8bedf000) => /lib/ (0x00007f1b8bb38000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f1b8b922000) => /usr/X11R7/lib64/ (0x00007f1b8b710000) => /usr/X11R7/lib64/ (0x00007f1b8b507000) => /lib/ (0x00007f1b8b304000) => /usr/X11R7/lib64/ (0x00007f1b8b0eb000) => /usr/X11R7/lib64/ (0x00007f1b8aee8000) => /lib/ (0x00007f1b8ace4000)
	/lib64/ (0x00007f1b8dc35000) => /usr/X11R7/lib64/ (0x00007f1b8aab5000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f1b8a88c000)
-that 'ldd' has to be up there as a top-10 console command for uber-noobs. Thanks for reminding me,
LDD just isnt for noobs. It's a massively powerful tool for everyone.

Here is a pet of the missing libs. This may solve your problem. If you have further issues, let me know.

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#80 Post by meeki »

has any of the nvidia guys tested the drivers? ... 2&start=45

Tazoc cant add it to the Repo until we know its tested and stable

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