Guest access to Samba shares

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Guest access to Samba shares

#1 Post by paul1149 »


I've got Slacko 5.4 up and running from a hard drive, and am trying to get network sharing working now.

I installed Samba and created a share which is seen by Win7. In samba.conf I add guest ok = yes to the share, and Win7 still is queried for a password to enter in. My Windows credentials fail.

I then moved guest ok = yes to global, and the homes share continues to behave the same way it did before, the way the other share did.

Do I need to do some kind of Samba user routine somewhere? Thanks.

#2 Post by gcmartin »

... Do I need to do some kind of Samba user routine somewhere?...
No, you have everything you need.

Although I haven't setup SAMBA PET as of yet on 5.4 try this to see if it affects Windows access: Turn your firewall off and try again. If it still doesn't work with the f/w off momentarily, post your smb.conf?

And, did you install SAMBA from Slacko Repo via the PPM?

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Last edited by gcmartin on Mon 24 Dec 2012, 03:56, edited 1 time in total.
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#3 Post by paul1149 »

How does one copy from the console? That would make this easy. Thanks.
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#4 Post by paul1149 »

Ok, I found that out. Here's the testparm output:

server string = %h is a NAS
max log size = 50
domain master = No
dns proxy = No
idmap config * : backend = tdb

comment = "Home directory for %U"
read only = No

comment = Place to put public stuff
path = root/shared-items
read only = No
guest ok = Yes

comment = All Printers
printable = Yes
print ok = Yes
browseable = No
available = No
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#5 Post by 666philb »

have you tried

name: root
password: woofwoof
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#6 Post by paul1149 »

Ok, some more information and questions.

Samba was installed via the package manager.

Yes, I did try that root/woofwoof.

I dropped the firewall last night, and saw no difference.

When I originally set up the firewall, I allowed through. Last night I changed that to, and then Windows would only see the hostnmame, but would not show the shares without a login. This was a change in the wrong direction.

Today on rebooting Puppy is not seen on the network at all. I'm assuming Samba, now installed, is an autorun?

A scenario for a simple and successful SAMBA start

#7 Post by gcmartin »

Before beginning much of what I will share here is also posted in the forum here. Also I must say that I have NOT tested what I share on Slacko5.4, as yet.

The following ASSUMES you have NOT changed Microsoft's workgroup name from "Workgroup" which is what it ships with.

Scenario for Slacko 5.4
OK here are steps I offer you to follow:
Note: Leave your Puppy firewall off for this test
  1. Exit "X"

    Code: Select all

    Menu>Shutdown>Exit to Prompt
  2. Set the Linux password for the root ID (remember this password and use this password ALSO in the next step)

    Code: Select all

     type "passwd"
  3. Set the SAMBA password for the root ID (make this password the same as was set for the Linux root ID)

    Code: Select all

    type "smbpasswd -a root"
  4. Logout of the terminal

    Code: Select all

    type "logout"
  5. create the following 2 folders

    Code: Select all

    type "mkdir -p /mnt/Downloads  /root/Downloads"
    (one of these may already exist)
  6. start "X" to get back to the desktop

    Code: Select all

    type "xwin"
  7. Rename your current SAMBA config; to say, smb.conf.1 for backup
  8. Replace your SAMBA config with this one

    Code: Select all

    	server string = Samba Server
    	log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
    	max log size = 50
    	max protocol = smb2
    	dns proxy = No
    	workgroup = Workgroup
        max protocol = smb2
    	message command = /usr/local/bin/LinPopUp "%f" "%m" %s; rm %s
    # Delete the two following lines if you don't want clients to follow symlinks.
    	follow symlinks = yes
    	unix extensions = no
    # ============== File/Folder Definitions ================
    # Sharing Parameters tell what items this PC shares out to the LAN 
    	comment = Home Directories
    	valid users = %S
    	read only = No
    	browseable = No
    	path = /mnt/Downloads 
    	comment = A Central Download folder for all to use 
    	writeable = true 
    	guest ok = Yes
    	comment = A Central Download folder for all to use
    	path = /root/Downloads
    	read only = No
    	guest ok = Yes
    # ==================== Printer Definitions =====================
    	comment = All Printers
    	path = /var/spool/cups
    	guest only = Yes
    	printable = Yes
    	use client driver = Yes
    	browseable = No
    	path = /var/spool/cups
    	read only = No
    	guest ok = Yes
    	printable = Yes
    	printer name = Laser
    	browseable = No
  9. Restart SAMBA via the

    Code: Select all

    (there is an on-screen button to do so
  10. Test that SAMBA is sharing from a terminal

    Code: Select all

    type "smbclient -L localhost"
    (You will or should see all that Slacko is sharing)
  11. Go to any Windows PC on your LAN and let us know..
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Edited: Clarifying steps to avoid misunderstandings
Last edited by gcmartin on Wed 26 Dec 2012, 03:15, edited 5 times in total.
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#8 Post by paul1149 »

Thanks so much for all that effort, gcmartin. Sorry for the delay - I had a few Windows machines come in that needed to be dealt with.

I went through the procedure until getting back into X. I stopped there because in trying to set the SMB password, the error came back, failed to find entry for user root. I assume that needs to be dealt with before any progress can be made.

#9 Post by gcmartin »

I corrected step 3.
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#10 Post by paul1149 »

Ok, thanks. That went pretty smoothly. There was no menu item that I saw, but i restarted the two services via the command line. Then the test failed: NT login error.

But Win7 did see Puppy, and can write to it.

I'm wondering where the network access is on Puppy. And why when I look at root on Win7 it's a different folder structure than shows under root in the Puppy file manager.

Much thanks again for your help.

#11 Post by gcmartin »

paul1149 wrote: ... Then the test failed: NT login error. ... .
Can you share when you got this error. On which step number did you get the error?

Thanks in advance for your help with this.
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#12 Post by paul1149 »

gcmartin wrote:Can you share when you got this error. On which step number did you get the error?
It was at

Code: Select all

type "smbclient -L localhost"

#13 Post by gcmartin »

Check your PM for a question about your post, below.

Thanks in advance
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#14 Post by paul1149 »

Yes I did. I thought it best for safety. You've got to realize I'm a babe in the woods on this stuff.

I don't recall a password query on the linux side at all. The Win7 side, yes. And I entered the samba login in Windows. That's a little weird because Windows states that root is an account on the Win7 machine in the login box. But I knew linux was not going to recognize my windows login - or at least I suspected so.

#15 Post by gcmartin »

paul1149 wrote:Yes I did. I thought it best for safety. You've got to realize I'm a babe in the woods on this stuff. ...
OK, I understand. But some of the issues you are seeing is because you may be trying to start your trek from a position without following guidelines to get you started easily.

Once you're started, you can then begin to impose necessary changes to match any environmental needs you feel appropriate.

But, in actuality, I claim responsibility for not sharing that in getting you started, you really should have set BOTH the Linux and the SAMBA passwords to be the same so that all would go smoothly thru-out the initial setup and tests.

So, now, that you have an understanding of what it takes to get your sharing efforts going, you might want to turn your f/w back on.

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#16 Post by paul1149 »

Thanks again, you've been a big help. If I can get a working understanding of this, it will be easy to set up the next time, perhaps in a business environment.
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