i18n-ed Gettexted Scripts In The PET and Hardinfo.

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#21 Post by L18L »

I have reverted to not translate date and memory
line 683 in hardinfo.po wrote:"Memory=...\n"
Both of them seem to be kind of very special things,
values are permanently refreshed
that are not just messages

same for
I see in modules/computer:
computer_get_formatted_uptime() :wink:
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#22 Post by esmourguit »

Bonjour à toutes et tous,

I made french hardinfo.po then .mo files, but there is a little difference between the two versions of hardinfo executables files.
The ancient (original Precise 5.4.3) hardinfo executable file displays date and time in french and no translations in french (that seems normal), but the new one (from BK blog from today january 20th) displays date and time in english, while all is in french.

And the second one recognize the Operating System...

Cordialement ;)
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Re: hardinfo

#23 Post by L18L »

rodin.s wrote:As far as I remember I didn't translate these items: memory, date/time, uptime, load average. I noticed that these items are not updated when translated so I left them in English and even switched that part of code to LANG=C.
uptime translated :idea:

coming soon :!:
hours and minutes translated
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#24 Post by rodin.s »

Did you add any additional gettext lines somewhere for this? I remember it was hard thing for me to do. It was a place where I should have used ngettext for correct translation but in that case it was necessary to rewrite all code in uptime.c. Also I wanted minimal changes to original code not to break something so I decided to leave it in English as well.
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#25 Post by L18L »

It was just try and try and try.... (never learned C)

Changes were made only in modules/computer/uptime.c
Do not forget to add this file in po/POTFILES.in
modules/computer/uptime.c wrote:/*
* HardInfo - Displays System Information
* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Leandro A. F. Pereira <leandro@hardinfo.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
/* TODO: done: 2012-01-21 ngettext for days, hours, minutes */

#include "hardinfo.h"
#include "computer.h"

UptimeInfo *
UptimeInfo *ui = g_new0(UptimeInfo, 1);
FILE *procuptime;
gulong minutes;

if ((procuptime = fopen("/proc/uptime", "r")) != NULL) {
(void)fscanf(procuptime, "%lu", &minutes);
ui->minutes = minutes / 60;
} else {
return NULL;

ui->hours = ui->minutes / 60;
ui->minutes %= 60;
ui->days = ui->hours / 24;
ui->hours %= 24;

return ui;

gchar *
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");

UptimeInfo *ui;
gchar *tmp;
ui = computer_get_uptime();

if (ui->days < 1) {
if (ui->hours < 1) {
tmp =
g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("%d minute", "%d minutes", ui->minutes), ui->minutes)

} else {
tmp =
g_strdup_printf("%s %s",
g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("%d hour", "%d hours", ui->hours), ui->hours),
g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("%d minute", "%d minutes", ui->minutes), ui->minutes)
} else {
tmp =
g_strdup_printf("%s %s %s",
g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("%d day", "%d days", ui->days), ui->days),
g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("%d hour", "%d hours", ui->hours), ui->hours),
g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("%d minute", "%d minutes", ui->minutes), ui->minutes)


setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"); //Load Average is not updated if locale is not C, swithc locale to C

return tmp;
Would you like to continue using ngettext with other modules ?
It is your baby, I am just the акушер :lol:
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Hardinfo and ngettext

#26 Post by rodin.s »

Thank you, it works great. I actually used ngettext in hardinfo/util.c, but now I understand that I have made a mistake there and printf doesn't work that way. Now I see that function seconds_to_string is used in modules/devices/battery.c. It will work OK with minutes, but there will be an error with hours and days. I guess I can use your code there directly.
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Re: Hardinfo and ngettext

#27 Post by L18L »

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Hardinfo new patch

#28 Post by rodin.s »

Ok, I have made a patch for Hardinfo with fixes in ngettext in util.c and added ngettext in uptime.c. I have also changed position of "LANG=C" for LoadAverage and Date/Time is now displayed in local language. I do not have a battery on my PC to test if util.c ngettext works correctly but I hope it does.
Hardinfo patched source is here.
Re-uploaded with small fixes
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Re: Hardinfo new patch

#29 Post by L18L »

rodin.s wrote:... I do not have a battery on my PC to test if util.c ngettext works correctly but I hope it does.
Same with me :)

Thanks for the patch (and the advice how to use it :) )

Localized Help:
my changed function in shell/callbacks.c wrote: void cb_open_online_docs()
Shell *shell;

shell = shell_get_main_shell();
if (shell->help_viewer) {
help_viewer_open_page(shell->help_viewer, "index.hlp");
} else {
gchar *help_dir;

help_dir = g_build_filename(params.path_data, "doc", NULL);

gchar *lang_ptr, *lang, *lang1, *lang2;
lang_ptr = getenv ("LANG");
lang = g_strdup_printf("%s", lang_ptr); /* ex: pt_BR.utf-8 */
lang2 = lang;
lang2 = strtok(lang2, "_"); /* ex: pt */

if (lang2 != "en") {
lang1 = strtok(lang, "."); /* ex: pt_BR */
help_dir = g_build_filename(help_dir, lang1, NULL);
if (!g_file_test(help_dir, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
help_dir = g_build_filename(params.path_data, "doc", NULL);
help_dir = g_build_filename(help_dir, lang2, NULL);
if (!g_file_test(help_dir, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
help_dir = g_build_filename(params.path_data, "doc", NULL);


shell->help_viewer = help_viewer_new(help_dir, "index.hlp");


Just insert the green text
and test
translated help in file /usr/share/hardinfo/doc/de/index.hlp
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#30 Post by L18L »

Found a way to change something (translation) in a static module
Example benchmarks
modules/benchmark.c wrote:ModuleAbout *hi_module_get_about(void)
static ModuleAbout ma[] = {
.author = "Leandro A. F. Pereira",
.description = "Perform tasks and compare with other systems",
.version = VERSION,
.license = "GNU GPL version 2"}
ma->description = _("Perform tasks and compare with other systems");
return ma;
Apply the equivalent for network.c devices.c and computer.c
green underlined line is translated now
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Hardinfo update

#31 Post by rodin.s »

I have made some changes to Hardinfo. Now it can display distro name and version number. I have also applied ideas of L18L above. Thanks.
I have made a pet with new2dir: http://ompldr.org/vaGpvbQ/hardinfo-0.5.2pre-i486.pet
Source directory: http://ompldr.org/vaGpveA/hardinfo-i18n.tar.gz
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Re: Hardinfo update

#32 Post by L18L »

rodin.s wrote:I have made some changes to Hardinfo. Now it can display distro name and version number. I have also applied ideas of L18L above.. .

Scripting Languages

do not translate :cry:

I have uploaded updated hardinfo.pot to PortableObjectTemplate Files

Benefit presented with recent HARDINFO update

#33 Post by gcmartin »

This helps community, at large. Hardinfo presents in its top 2 pages system identity information that was not present before on 32bit PUPs built with WOOF.

This is helpful when members post their system's behavior so that its known which distro & version is being presented.

In addition, the following terminal command creates a report, "PUPPY_System_Report.txt.gz"

Code: Select all

# hardinfo -r >> PUPPY_System_Report.txt.gz
when posted to forum helps those reviewing and providing assistance.

Thanks for this @Rodin.S

Hmmm?? Should Hardinfo has a dedicated thread?
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hardinfo tranlsations fixed

#34 Post by rodin.s »

I have fixed translations of Development section. Thank you.
The pet is re-uploaded here: http://ompldr.org/vaGtkdg/hardinfo-0.5.2pre-i486.pet
New patch to original source
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Re: hardinfo tranlsations fixed

#35 Post by L18L »

One idea leads to another:

Should not exist a choice for language in generated reports to be locale OR English (sent to developer)?

@BarryK, would you like to get Arabic reports? :wink:
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LANG=C hardinfo

#36 Post by rodin.s »

It is always possible to run

Code: Select all

LANG=C hardinfo
(like I did in my screenshot above).
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bug found in Hardinfo

#37 Post by rodin.s »

A small bug was found in Hardinfo on Russian Puppy forum. Display vendor and version information was not shown in Russian locale but it works in LANG = C.
I have set locale of that part of code to C. The modified file is /modules/computer/display.c
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i18n-ed Gettexted Scripts In The PET and Hardinfo.

#38 Post by Monsie »

Hi Sergey,

I would like to try your Hardinfo Pet in Wary 5.3 but the link is not working as apparently the web server is down. Is there an alternate location where I can download this?


EDIT: Maybe I will send you a PM if you do not see my post in the next few days...
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#39 Post by Bert »

Hi Monsie,

I found it here.

(Well StartPage found it for me :wink: )

Hope that's the one you're after.
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i18n-ed Gettexted Scripts In The PET and Hardinfo.

#40 Post by Monsie »

Bert wrote:Hi Monsie,

I found it here.

(Well StartPage found it for me :wink: )

Hope that's the one you're after.
Thanks, Bert

I will download it and see whether I need to hire a Russian translator... :lol:

My [u]username[/u] is pronounced: "mun-see". Derived from my surname, it was my nickname throughout high school.
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