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#261 Post by goingnuts »

starhawk: You are indeed a persistent person in terms of getting pupngo at work - thanks!
ath5k - maybe I remember wrong but I think I got it working in the past in P410 or P411 but it would not work in P412. As pupngo is quite P412-centric it might be worth looking at drivers from the other two?
Edit: No P410 and P412 ath5k.ko are identical so I did remember wrong...
Sound - nice reference! xhippo uses mpg123 or minimp3 - have you tried playing with those from command line? X hippo is quite extensible. Another CD-player is grib - "pretty" and you get a CD ripper on top...
Have you tried if pmvol works?
goingnuts, would it be possible at all for me to convince you to give me a pUPnGO-compatible dotpet of GTK+?
Probably not 8)

For browsers the links-2.7 is plain but functional as Ibidem points out - I have a static build here
Or you might try out some of the (semi-)static builds found here
I think technosaurus posted a static version of Opera somewhere in the original pupngo thread...
For me dillo is "best choice" - and it has some potential for expansion/upgrade - if only one had the time :-(

And thanks for the very useful links to sound/wireless solutions!
Opps: Forgot to address the aumix - attached xmixer static build might suite your hardware better...?
fake .gz
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#262 Post by starhawk »

Seamonkey is probably the best choice, after all -- I want something that can access most webmail clients (QtWeb often has trouble with that) among other things.

Er... is there ANY chance of running Flash on this computer? Even the Flash7 version 'hacked' to lie about its age (lol) and claim that it's Flash 9?

Maybe there's a way to make it lie about being eg Flash 11?

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#263 Post by starhawk »

To address the other points --

I'll give pmvol, grip, and links-2.7 their fair chance :P

I don't see an attachment (yet?) for xmixer. EDIT: nvm, there it is.

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#264 Post by goingnuts »

Don´t know about flash but for web mail I prefer to use sylpheed - swift and lean - and kind of made for that stuff anyway.

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#265 Post by starhawk »

Sorry, forgot to post system specs -- this is The Infernal Dell again...

Dell CPi D300XT
300MHz Pentium II CPU
128mb RAM
NeoMagic graphics
Dell Optical-Drive Bay Module "hacked" to use a Combo Drive instead of a 24x CD-ROM drive (a vast improvement over stock)
4gb (but fast!) CompactFlash "hard drive" (CF card in IDE adapter)
IIRC there's a swap partition but I've long forgotten what size.
EDIT: duh... pmconky told me, swap is 383mb /EDIT

So... Flash or no Flash, that is the question :lol:

EDIT2: stupid question -- now that I've stripped the *.bz2 off the end of the Seamonkey TAR files, how should I unTAR them? IIRC there are a lot of CLI options for that... what do I use?

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#266 Post by goingnuts »

Do not know if its wise to remove the bz2...!
If inside pupngo play the guitar :D
Normal commandline(tar.bz2): "tar -xjf XXX.tar.bz2"
if tar.gz: "tar -xzf XXX.tar.gz"
but there might be variants...

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#267 Post by starhawk »

bzip2 = "invalid magic"


EDIT: wonder where that tag came from...?

Also, duh on "invalid magic" as I *did* bunzip2 it earlier... a simple rename ain't gonna fix that!

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#268 Post by starhawk »

OK, got Seamonkey 2 downloaded and un-TARBZ2'd. So where do I put the 'seamonkey' directory (it's in /mnt/home right now) and how do I 'install' it? Symlink something to something, I'm sure, but what?

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#269 Post by Keef »


You can just copy libgobject to get QTWeb working. Doesn't need the rest of gtk+.
Posting from it on pupngo right now.

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#270 Post by starhawk »

oh :oops: can you post it, please, so I don't have to go a-huntin'?

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QTWeb needed libs

#271 Post by Keef »

Here you go...
(libgobject-2.0.so.0.1400.2 plus a symlink) Taken from 412.
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#272 Post by starhawk »

Great, now I don't have to mess around with Seamonkey.

One last request, and that should be it for a while. Is there a way to show network status in the JWM tray? NOT having that is a real bother indeed!

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#273 Post by goingnuts »

Maybe this one will do... :)

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#274 Post by starhawk »


Going to make a fresh savefile, something weird's going on -- I have no idea why, but bash can't find the QtWeb binary. ls show's it's there (in green) so bash should be able to open it, but it won't.

Whatever. "We can rebuild him"... lol.

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#275 Post by Keef »

I feel your pain....
After a reboot QtWeb stated complaining about a missing libjpeg. It was working fine before.
It's about time I started from scratch again. Lost track of what I installed myself, and what was already there.

Also, just for the sake of it, here is a little CLI typing tutor called "Repeat After Me" from http://litcave.rudi.ir/. Just copy what's on screen (random characters), and it gives speed and accuracy results at the end.
To keep it in pupngo stylee, it is statically compiled (with Musl), and it is about the limit of my capabilites so far. Keeps me off the streets anyway.
There is also a little CLI mp3 player on that site called minmad, which might be of interest - only 6380B stripped when compiled dynamically.
Repeat After Me - CLI typing exercise (not really a tutor) Remove the .gz
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#276 Post by starhawk »

QtWeb needs libjpeg (as you discovered) and libpng.

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#277 Post by starhawk »

Still having the problem of rxvt not seeing QtWeb. This is particularly problematic since I now can't figure out what symlinks I need to create to make it run!

I think I'm just going to reformat the CF card "HDD" and reinstall. Could be problems because the card is ext3 instead of ext2...

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#278 Post by greengeek »

Did you try the ./QtWeb syntax?

Sounds similar to the problem Keef helped me with here:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... &start=126
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#279 Post by technosaurus »

starhawk wrote:Is there a way to show network status in the JWM tray?
depending on what info you need we could adapt goingnuts' pnmmon for that, though it has been a while since I have played with inotify directly (after I found out glib/gio has a wrapper)... I wonder though if it would be better to take a look at jwm traybuttons (for the icon part) and the clock (because it changes) to add something similar to my "sit" program (simple icon tray) ... I don't know if Joe W. would be open to it though since inotify is linux specific AFAIK and I think some of the bsds keep a port (maybe if we could ifdef it?). The great part is that the latest jwm has svg support (though it adds cairo/rsvg dependency) which makes for much simpler tray applet construction.

RE: flash7 masquerading as flash11 ... you can as long as you are ok with a full crash if a site _actually_ requires flash8+ (this includes ewetoob) because that mozilla tree never got the plugin sandbox code (don't ask me to backport it though ... their source tree is ridiculous to navigate because it is large, unorganized and poorly named and the code is C++ which though not ideal is even more of a PITA because of the environment it is in - I swear the mozilla devs must have a meticulously tweaked IDE just to find the right headers .... though I think ttuuxxx was stubborn enough to brave those waters when he did firedog - it would be cool if he did a blog post or something on that experience)

Re: Opera
If anyone wants a nice light-ish browser/ftp/email/torrent client the Opera that I had posted was 9.27, but other static qt versio ... x86.tar.gz
http://arc.opera.com/pub/opera/linux/61 ... 86.tar.bz2
http://arc.opera.com/pub/opera/linux/75 ... en.tar.bz2
http://arc.opera.com/pub/opera/linux/85 ... en.tar.bz2
http://arc.opera.com/pub/opera/linux/92 ... en.tar.bz2
http://arc.opera.com/pub/opera/linux/96 ... 86.tar.bz2

wjaguar has patched recent versions of mtpaint to use up to 92 colors (vs. the former 64) so you can just use the latest release now (instead of the hacky patch I came up with)... On a side note I recent did some comparison between indexed png and xpm images and if the xpms are xz compressed (as on recent versions of squash) then they are ~5% smaller than the equivalent pngs

side note:
I've been working with the 3.8 kernel because it now has an added syscall called finit_module that will make it 10x easier to load modules in init from C (still need to figure out pthreads though so I can load modules in parallel with X starting), but the xz compressed squash and better arm support is also nice. ... This is for my own init replacement (yaknow - cuz there ain't enough already) that only does exactly what is passed on the kernel command line.
Check out my [url=https://github.com/technosaurus]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=http://bashismal.blogspot.com]blogspot[/url].

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#280 Post by starhawk »

Well, if EwwwwwTube (lol) requires a minimum of Flash8, why not hack Flash8 to report itself as Flash11...? ;)

Your first Opera link has a broken [ url ] tag ;)

EDIT: technosaurus, could you provide me with a libpthread.so suitable for that last Opera link, the 9.64 version? I can symlink as needed. It also complains (but ignores) that libjvm.so and libawt.so are missing.

Regarding the network tray icon -- something that shows that one is connected, and blinks occasionally on data transfer, would be about right -- sort of like in mainline Puppies. More specifically, it needs to show --
(1) connected but idle status (connected but no transfer)
(2) disconnected status
(3) connected "busy" status (connected and transferring data)
It would be nice (but not necessary) if there were further indication for --
(4) attempting to connect but not fully connected yet

Some sort of non-optical-media-centric music player (MP3/MIDI/WAV/etc) would be nice as well, since xhippo is mute.

Also, is there a way to get pUPnGO to play a sound at startup? I found and tried a PET called PStartupShutdownSound (phew) but it didn't work. It's for 431 and later only, apparently :(

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