How to install Ntop and dependencies?

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#21 Post by Semme »

Pup don't do multi-user is problemo numero uno. It needs additional work aboard Pup. No icon, but you can create one.

Your browser's which? What messages are offered after running: ntop in a terminal?

Is it looking for any directories that aren't there?
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#22 Post by wirwav »

OK.. its sorted

I guess it was the lack of a desktop icon, together with the package manager appearing to freeze (but actually not), and the lack of knowledge of linux.

Basically, I followed the threads here:

then after issuing a password and re-starting. it appeared to hang with some message about library, right at the end.

But if you then start the seamonkey web browser and enter the iface IP address followed by port 3000, all will be well.

Nice... Now I will re-install WINE and The Dude.

Thanks One and All for your swift help.
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#23 Post by Semme »

Oh yeah- good! Sure- anytime..
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#24 Post by wirwav »

good stuff this linux OS, but a little hard to understand for an old timer!

Finally I got Ntop to start up as a daemon each time the PC starts from cold.

After much confusion as to where to stick the script, I finally got sense in the startup directory, but I really could do with a 2 line explanation of the differences between that directory and /etc/init.d

My next task is to try and start the seamonkey web-browser after reboot like:

http// (default ntop port)

and after the script to start the deamon... I suppose I can add a delay period after the call to start ntop. And then the last line of the script starts the web-browser.

Can anyone offer 5 mins to point me in the right directions?
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#25 Post by wirwav »


So ntop 3.3 worked out the bag ( so long as every trace of every other aborted ntop install was removed)

Is there a way to upgrade Ntop from within a working shell without having to download a 5.01 tar.

Or is there a specific guide for the install of V5,xx, , I havent yet come across a guide that details the dependencies that are needed in a Lucid 5.28 environment.

Has anyone made a self install?
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#26 Post by Semme »

If it ain't @ your fingertips, you probably need a new one. Whether they bumped libc is anybodies..
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