Puppylinux on Phone/Tablets: the definitive thread

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#61 Post by greengeek »

Just throwing in a couple of quotes from Ted Dog on another thread:
here is a link to an little linux distro running as an app on android.

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#62 Post by Q5sys »

greengeek wrote:Just throwing in a couple of quotes from Ted Dog on another thread:
here is a link to an little linux distro running as an app on android.

Chrooting doesnt get you much though. You've been able to run debian on Android since like 2009. My original HTC Google phone has debian on it. But it only allows you to run Debian command line Apps from terminal.

In fact you can chroot most normal linux distros into Android. Because all you are doing is chrooting. My current Android Phone has Arch Chrooted.

The over head from running a full linux install chrooted on Android and then connecting into it via VNC is atrocious. When I do it on my phone, my battery life goes from 90% to 20% in about 15/20 minutes. Not to mention that it heats up alot.

For us though, this does nothing to put Puppy on a Phone. You'd be better off chrooting, say Debian, and then lauching the debian version of seamonkey.

You cant chroot Puppy on Android though due to our use of AUFS. Well You 'might' be able to if you'd custom patch and then compile your own android kernel.

thanks for posting that in this thread though. What thread is that from? I'm interested to read the other posts.
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#63 Post by greengeek »

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#64 Post by Q5sys »

greengeek wrote:From the pupngo2012 thread:

http://mail.murga-projects.com/puppy/vi ... &start=309
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Puppylinux on Phone/Tablets: the definitive thread

#65 Post by Jake »

Just so yall know where I'm coming from: there are three evil enities on the WWW-- MSFT, GOOG, & FB. None of which I use much, & ususally not at all [goog & fb not at all]. Puppy user since 98' maybe earlier. All my computers have at least three vers of Pups, Lucid, Slacko, & MacPup. I like Pups because they are simple, efficient, quick OSes, and I can use them to beat MSFT oses into submission and comply with my desires. Not gonna write about mphones, because they are an offense to all and I don't own one [FYI, an offense because people use them in public as if they were privately at home].

I bought a Blackberry Playbook & an Archos device to play with, since they are not computers in my opinion. In one sense they are spy devices for BB & Goog; goog because although there are many manufacturers, goog holds nearly all the cards [and has nearly accomplished what MSFT always wanted--my gmail @ googisonefascistbidness, which they let me have, and I'll never check]. The BB is the much better device as it almost does everything a real computer can do without having to buy APPs. APPs are another statement that tablets, android devices in particular, are not real computers with a real OS; to play DVD media you MUST buy a cinema plug in device--15 euros. After I root the Archos it should behave more as a true OS, or a brick.

From what I understand the Linux Kernel has had tablet functions built in since around 2.8, so that means Puppy and many Pups have the capability to run tablets [correct if wrong].

I want Puppy on a tablet so it's just like my Puppies on net/lap/desktop computers. I want to use Opera, not Opera mini, Geaney, Abi-Word, mplayer or VLC just as I would in a Puppy. Puppy uses less mem than both android [4.0.3] and the BB OS. Android recognizes nerdsticks and sd cards, my Playbook does not--some do.

I want to stop BB or Goog from spying on me. I want the OS of my choice. Those are the main reasons I want Puppy on a tablet.

I have read a post somewhere that stated: rooted and installed Puppy to my Toshiba Thrive; now I've got a real computer. Well, it's either true or not. Knowing the Puppy and Linux crowd, it's prolly true.
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Re: Puppylinux on Phone/Tablets: the definitive thread

#66 Post by Q5sys »

Jake wrote:Just so yall know where I'm coming from: there are three evil enities on the WWW-- MSFT, GOOG, & FB. None of which I use much, & ususally not at all [goog & fb not at all]. Puppy user since 98' maybe earlier. All my computers have at least three vers of Pups, Lucid, Slacko, & MacPup. I like Pups because they are simple, efficient, quick OSes, and I can use them to beat MSFT oses into submission and comply with my desires. Not gonna write about mphones, because they are an offense to all and I don't own one [FYI, an offense because people use them in public as if they were privately at home].

I bought a Blackberry Playbook & an Archos device to play with, since they are not computers in my opinion. In one sense they are spy devices for BB & Goog; goog because although there are many manufacturers, goog holds nearly all the cards [and has nearly accomplished what MSFT always wanted--my gmail @ googisonefascistbidness, which they let me have, and I'll never check]. The BB is the much better device as it almost does everything a real computer can do without having to buy APPs. APPs are another statement that tablets, android devices in particular, are not real computers with a real OS; to play DVD media you MUST buy a cinema plug in device--15 euros. After I root the Archos it should behave more as a true OS, or a brick.

From what I understand the Linux Kernel has had tablet functions built in since around 2.8, so that means Puppy and many Pups have the capability to run tablets [correct if wrong].

I want Puppy on a tablet so it's just like my Puppies on net/lap/desktop computers. I want to use Opera, not Opera mini, Geaney, Abi-Word, mplayer or VLC just as I would in a Puppy. Puppy uses less mem than both android [4.0.3] and the BB OS. Android recognizes nerdsticks and sd cards, my Playbook does not--some do.

I want to stop BB or Goog from spying on me. I want the OS of my choice. Those are the main reasons I want Puppy on a tablet.

I have read a post somewhere that stated: rooted and installed Puppy to my Toshiba Thrive; now I've got a real computer. Well, it's either true or not. Knowing the Puppy and Linux crowd, it's prolly true.
Tablets are fundamentally a different world than PCs. For one there is no standard hardware spec to base a release off of.

Could Puppy be ported to a tablet? Absolutely. What would it require? A complete compiling of EVERYTHING in the system. Its not just flashing an existing Puppy to a tablet, you'd have to manually rebuild every single part of the system. Just compiling time alone will run you weeks. Someone could with ALOT of time and effort compile Puppy or any Linux OS to run on a specific tablet, but that does not mean it'll work on any other tablet. It means it'll work on THAT tablet.
It also means that you'll need to compile all the software you want to run yourself, possibly requiring you to tweak the source to make it work.
It also does not mean you'll get your typical tablet style interface that you'd want. It wont have touch capability beyond point and click; since the applications arent programmed for touch input. But if you like using your finger as a mouse... have fun, well right up until you need to right click and drag. lol

The biggest hurdle is the hardware problem. ARM6 soft float, vs ARM6 hard float. ARM6 vs ARM7. Not to mention ARM vs Atom. Or ARM vs VIA vs Tegra.
Until the industry starts to work off a single system, its going to be an uphill battle to try to get a single linux distro to work on multiple tablets.

Could someone do it, yes. Do I think its worth it? No. Will someone probably do it? You can count on it.

I still dont personally see any advantages over using a convertable notebook like the Lenovo Yoga But that's just me.

As for puppy and the Toshiba Thrive... the only thing I've found about it is a post from 2012 which went unanswered. http://www.thriveforums.org/forum/toshi ... hrive.html
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Re: Puppylinux on Phone/Tablets: the definitive thread

#67 Post by pupfiend »

Q5sys wrote:
Myth: 'The market is changing', and we must join in that change or we will be left out in the cold.

your answer is the problem. exclusivity. I recommend puppy to people all the time. your dismissive assessment of end users strikes me as defeatism and generalisation.
puppy has a great place on mobile devices and in fact, due to its size couldn't be better placed.
protip: people don't use what they don't know about.

you are also leaving out a major factor at the moment : google's implication in the NSA scandal and various scandals before it involving them hiding spyware even in apple's OS (they got fined 22 million dollars for it).

there's more to just showing what seems to me to be a contempt for end users and their use. there are 7 billion people in the world and I don't think anyone can predict what they'd do with tech. a light OS like puppy has been designed in a way that would marry with portable devices really well.

over the years I've noticed a clique mentality in the linux community generally. I once tried to tell them, as a musician, that making 50,000 mp3 players and ONE multitrack audio recording program is just plain silly. repeating the same apps over and over again and ignoring the need. that's one of the variables that the community doesn't take in. I got told off for my troubles. Interesting that the devs can think what they want is more important and relevant than the people they want to use the OS.. or was it just made for devs? Funny. i got a different impression. i remember when the first GUI versions came out to 'replace windows' .. well windows' main claims to fame are:

easy to use
loads of DIFFERENT free apps

Myth: "Desktops/Laptops are going away in favor of Mobile devices"

they're certainly being influenced them. i have a desktop i rarely use now. i repaired them for years and sure they're easier to fix than laptops but laptops don't chain you to a desk and make you fat from inactivity. latptops can move with you and now the tablets and laptops are becoming lighter, leaner, more powerful and cheaper (i pick up heaps on the side of the road that would have cost a bomb back in the day. using one now and it's fine!)

i like the tablet idea. i'm a muso as i said and instead of carrying around books of lyrics for my songs (i've written so many i need a case full of books) i can have a stand (they make them you know) for a tablet and just tap up a song that is PERFECTLY lit for me to read, unlike balancing a torch on stage.

an entire symphony orchestra has just replaced paper notes with them because they can bluetooth or wifi the score to the entire orchestra in one go and even turn the pages for them.
this stuff applies to lecture notes as well, tutorial information that can be sent to a projector for students to see on screen as the lecturer's looking at it from the lectern... and he / she can send relevant files straight to the tablet the student's using.

but you see you don't seem to see that. you have your own uses for tech and seem to think everyone else is the same as you. we're not. so why are you deciding a devices usefulness for us when you don't know us? (playing the devil's advocate in this thread because it seems to be necessary from my experience)

the tablet is a small device, easy to use and convenient to carry. i didn't like them when they first came out (like a lot of people) as i thought they were a bulky mess that would have limited use. but guess what... i was WRONG! .. it's a sign of maturity to have the ability to be wrong and admit it. and i'm confident in what i say because i have experience and have tried one.

in a few areas the tablet WILL replace the IBM and mac PC.

and it's a GOOD thing.
it gets people off the chair and actually out in the world .. outside!

sure they won't do absolutely everything a desktop will do.. so who said they would or should? but they're certainly making a dent and puppy would be FOOLISH to get all snobby and snooty because a few hipster kids are flip with their use of them.

Myth: "Tablets are more useful, and easier to use."

see previous. for some applications YES THEY ARE!
and i'm only one person telling you my uses for them.
as for the person saying "maybe your problem is you treat them like more than a toy... wow! that's really patronising!" read what i just wrote. they're NOT a toy to a lot of people.
this is a demonstration of the snobbery i see in the linux community.
like some exclusive little of club where people can feel superior to others because they've got a little secret. that's pretty sad really.
you forget the objective of linux in the first place... giving MORE people MORE freedom than evil bill gates wanted you to have ... funny how that's no longer in the mix!!

also your 'myth' was poorly worded... and loaded.
as is your next one, hysterical to devalue the argument. a standard tactic and a weak one.

Myth: "If Puppy doesn't jump on the mobile wave, we will die"

you talk about FUD then use it yourself. a bit hypocritical don't you think?
after all you were the one who just framed that 'myth'.
if puppy doesn't jump on the mobile wave it will miss a great opportunity it seems tailor made (irony) to join.. it's a light weight operating system that can be run live, from USB or from other media... sorry but where is this NOT great placement for an operating system to be inserted into devices that are lean and mean on drive real estate?????

using catastrophic language to demean other peoples' arguments is pretty childish. it's a valid point that puppy is a fantastic operating system... with its faults but certainly wipes its orris on any other variant i've tried.. and i've tried MANY .. going all the way back to SCO XENIX 3.0 (think i still have it on 5.25 floppies and all the manuals).

for crying out loud android IS a linux based operating system but it's controlled by a company even WORSE than microsoft... GOOGLE! who've SHOWN they can't be trusted and are given free reign over the data of anyone in the world who uses a computer. .. a corporation having that much control isn't for me.

didn't we learn from standard oil? .. then microsoft?.. apparently not!
puppy has an UNIQUE positioning in the world where it could explode in popularity if you get over the 'secret little club' mentality. and don't tell me it's not rife in the linux clique because i've been observing it for years.

Myth: "Puppy is perfect for the mobile space."

fact: puppy was and is designed for MANY types of hardware. i don't remember it being compulsory to have a .386 with no coprocessor to run puppy.. this is only your own bias speaking.

i run it on the latest equipment and have done so whenever new gear comes out. i used it on a brand new netbook when my ISP supplied some sloppy windows crippleware OS that ran like a cow on mandrax.
i slipped in the USB dongle with the OS on a MSD chip and it ran like a gazelle on meth.

stop making these assumptions that you know every use by every user on every bit of their tech. you don't. and attitudes like this undermine the value of the operating system.

you also throw up your hands and say "oh well mozilla's taking it all over" (to paraphrase) .. no .. it ISN'T .. but it WILL if you have that attitude.

oh and guess who mozilla's hand in glove with... .GOOGLE!
call me a conspiracy nut but why has firefox taken over 15 versions NOT to fix their massive memory leaks? ..hmmm ... what's that all about.. nice little well BIG pocket of mystery usage there. and google as the default browser? ... remember google's chrome browser? being caught AGAIN sucking up peoples' data?

(and if you don't think privacy's important give me all your banking information, where you live and when you're NOT home .. honest i won't abuse it.. you can trust me.. i'm from the internet... get the picture?)

puppy is an outpost and not affiliated to big corporations who are only answerable to themselves and their shareholders. the NSA has shown the disgraceful over-reach of one country's government (america) and a simple operating system like puppy is the PEOPLE'S way to fight back (inb4commie)

Myth: "Puppy is what people want on their mobile device."

i do! .. what's it got to do with 'fan boy'ism? .. what a patronising statement!

people want puppy because it's good and they like it.
so are you saying every time we like something we're being a 'fan boy'?
no. people find something that's good and they use it.. that's called having a BRAIN.

i have a tech friend who won't listen about puppy.. he has problems with viri and bugs and microsoft's shenanigans and i keep recommending puppy to him especially for internet use on a second partition and he won't do it.

like you he's resistant to change.
me: if i see something that does a good job .. better than what i'm using now i'll use it.
it's got nothing to do with being a 'fan boy' .. if a better operating system than puppy came along i'd use the thing!

i think the fan boy here is YOU! ... you're a fan of puppy and don't want it used in any way you don't approve of... that to me is being president of the fan boy club! .. jeez dude. get over it.

Myth: "Puppy could gain a mobile foothold."

your argument is complete nonsense. 'a market foothold' indeed. 'contacts' you say.. how do you think you get those things in the first place?
by making the tool AVAILABLE for crying out loud!
how can you sell something you haven't even got?
that's ludicrous. MAKE the thing and stop being sybil the soothsayer about how it won't work.. if it becomes popular it WILL work.
negative attitudes like yours GUARANTEE failure. like that old saying:

"if you try you have a 50% chance of failure...
if you DON'T try you have a 100% chance of failure!"

would you have predicted the success of software like 'winzip' for a random example? .. would you have said "nobody's using it so it won't work" before anyone even tried it? or knew about it? or before it even existed? .. that's your argument here.

Well... I think thats a good start to the conversation, hopefully everyone who commented before will jump on board, and we'll get some new people to join in the discussion.

you arksed for it ;)

i use lower case as it's the way of the future

i don't give a 3 legged dog's morning f4rt about typos and ending sentences with a preposition.

i use CaPiTaLs for emphasis like we did in ye olden days (when we used to write with the claw of a crow in fresh hot pitch.. so sue me)

i'm so random i use young people words like 'random' and i haven't used a message board in years so i'm rusty on formatting and i simply do not care, fey individual that i am.the opinion is what's important.. not being anally retentive about persnickety details.. so there

the rules to this board were written by yoda!
posting you cannot
horse-hockey this post .. is

no refunds ;)
and finally.... puppy is a fantastic operating system that isn't being used anywhere near as fully as it could be.

sure there are things wrong with it (well more the ancillary apps as mentioned.. dudes we've got enough mp3 players already)

suggestion: musicians are tending to buy iPhones and iPads more .. why?
because android has a great deal of trouble with LATENCY on multitrack software (the lag between hearing yourself record against other tracks) and also 'slippage' where the recorded material shifts.

if puppy could make tablet and phone ready versions of the OS AND focus on a multitrack audio recording tool similar to REAPER (by cockos) which is PHENOMENALLY good (and isn't made for windows and apple and runs in wine but has trouble using the ASIO latency plugin)

in fact...that's a great idea! liaise with cockos to port it to puppy tablet and call the OS 'puppyPill' (a play on 'tablet')

there are GAZILLIONS of musicians (usually poor) who get REAMED by apple's pricing regime and usually use windwows because they're largely ignored by the linux community..and yes, i've tried AVLINUX and it's nowhere near as flexible as pup... good idea though.

there's a huge untapped market.

anyway ..gotta go earn some coin.

think about it.

my post is somewhat blunt and confrontational but that's because i have a lot of respect for puppy and barry's efforts and it galls me to see limited thinking and negativity when there are such great possibilities beckoning that could benefit MANY people.

i thought that was the idea of linux... freedom and accessibility in the hands of the people rather than limitations and corporate monopolies.

viva puppy and let's think laterally!
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Re: Puppylinux on Phone/Tablets: the definitive thread

#68 Post by pupfiend »

Q5sys wrote:
Jake wrote:Just so yall know where I'm coming from: there are three evil enities on the WWW-- MSFT, GOOG, & FB. None of which I use much, & ususally not at all [goog & fb not at all]. Puppy user since 98' maybe earlier. All my computers have at least three vers of Pups, Lucid, Slacko, & MacPup. I like Pups because they are simple, efficient, quick OSes, and I can use them to beat MSFT oses into submission and comply with my desires. Not gonna write about mphones, because they are an offense to all and I don't own one [FYI, an offense because people use them in public as if they were privately at home].

I bought a Blackberry Playbook & an Archos device to play with, since they are not computers in my opinion. In one sense they are spy devices for BB & Goog; goog because although there are many manufacturers, goog holds nearly all the cards [and has nearly accomplished what MSFT always wanted--my gmail @ googisonefascistbidness, which they let me have, and I'll never check]. The BB is the much better device as it almost does everything a real computer can do without having to buy APPs. APPs are another statement that tablets, android devices in particular, are not real computers with a real OS; to play DVD media you MUST buy a cinema plug in device--15 euros. After I root the Archos it should behave more as a true OS, or a brick.

From what I understand the Linux Kernel has had tablet functions built in since around 2.8, so that means Puppy and many Pups have the capability to run tablets [correct if wrong].

I want Puppy on a tablet so it's just like my Puppies on net/lap/desktop computers. I want to use Opera, not Opera mini, Geaney, Abi-Word, mplayer or VLC just as I would in a Puppy. Puppy uses less mem than both android [4.0.3] and the BB OS. Android recognizes nerdsticks and sd cards, my Playbook does not--some do.

I want to stop BB or Goog from spying on me. I want the OS of my choice. Those are the main reasons I want Puppy on a tablet.

I have read a post somewhere that stated: rooted and installed Puppy to my Toshiba Thrive; now I've got a real computer. Well, it's either true or not. Knowing the Puppy and Linux crowd, it's prolly true.
Tablets are fundamentally a different world than PCs. For one there is no standard hardware spec to base a release off of.

Could Puppy be ported to a tablet? Absolutely. What would it require? A complete compiling of EVERYTHING in the system. Its not just flashing an existing Puppy to a tablet, you'd have to manually rebuild every single part of the system. Just compiling time alone will run you weeks. Someone could with ALOT of time and effort compile Puppy or any Linux OS to run on a specific tablet, but that does not mean it'll work on any other tablet. It means it'll work on THAT tablet.
It also means that you'll need to compile all the software you want to run yourself, possibly requiring you to tweak the source to make it work.
It also does not mean you'll get your typical tablet style interface that you'd want. It wont have touch capability beyond point and click; since the applications arent programmed for touch input. But if you like using your finger as a mouse... have fun, well right up until you need to right click and drag. lol

The biggest hurdle is the hardware problem. ARM6 soft float, vs ARM6 hard float. ARM6 vs ARM7. Not to mention ARM vs Atom. Or ARM vs VIA vs Tegra.
Until the industry starts to work off a single system, its going to be an uphill battle to try to get a single linux distro to work on multiple tablets.

Could someone do it, yes. Do I think its worth it? No. Will someone probably do it? You can count on it.

I still dont personally see any advantages over using a convertable notebook like the Lenovo Yoga But that's just me.

As for puppy and the Toshiba Thrive... the only thing I've found about it is a post from 2012 which went unanswered. http://www.thriveforums.org/forum/toshi ... hrive.html

yeah.. it will require work by people with brains bigger than mine and yours but it took work to get puppy to work on all the devices it works on now.

think of all the architectures and devices it's been made to work on in the past. it seems to have managed quite well.
if there's enthusiasm and effort and possibility thinking it can happen.
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Re: Puppylinux on Phone/Tablets: the definitive thread

#69 Post by L18L »

Jake wrote:... Puppy user since 98' maybe earlier....
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Samsung Galaxy Tab - puppy friendly?

#70 Post by Dromeno »

Is this something to look out for? The Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1" tablet has

- an intel chip and
- a micro SD slot.

I have no clue how the BIOS looks (does it have a BIOS? I suppose so...) but this might be a tablet capable of booting in puppy from a micro SD card, am I correct?
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Linux on x86 tablet test article

#71 Post by Dromeno »

No mention about a "right click and drag" problem here. But indeed, it is not puppy. Still it looks promising:

http://www.techradar.com/news/software/ ... om-1162825
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precise puppy on lenovo yoga

#72 Post by valery »

Just wanted to let you know that precise puppy 5.7.1 works great on lenovo yoga, which is not exactly a tablet, but may be used as a tablet (touchscreen). The only issue was the wifi driver (rtl8723au-master) I could not install, while I succeeded immediately with Ubuntu and Debian. Finally, with dvx_precise_5.7.1.sfs AND kernel_src-3.9.11-patched.sfs loaded, the wifi driver can be installed (make, make install). The touchscreen seems to work too, although not with accuracy. The wifi driver is available here : https://github.com/lwfinger/rtl8723au Thanks a lot for this amazing distro !
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#73 Post by nooby »

Thanks valery for that info.

Lenovo Yoga look impressive indeed.
It is not cheap though. Where I live the
pro 2 version costs us 1 518 U.S. dollars
plus minus depending on the retailer?

Here is a nice test that find Ubuntu
and OpenSuse to work best on a
Acer Iconia W500 tablet.

but it is too expensive for me.
1 030.59 USD they cost more in Sweden
than in USA. They installed these Linux OS distros

Kubuntu Active

Both Ubuntu and OpenSuse got 5/5 score
but they preferred OpenSuse over Ubunto

So there exists tablets out there that can use Linux

you only know how to find them :) Don't ask me
I just found this review and test by google pure luck.
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though
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#74 Post by edoc »

I have an Acer Iconia W500P on which I have both a MS version of windows and both a 32-bit and 63-bit version of Puppy running.

The problem is that the form-factor is too large for the intended application - so I'm looking to downsize to a 7" or 8" device.

I have been offered a Samsung Tab 4 SM-T230NU in trade but it's a native Android device rather than native MS - which (as this thread indicates) - presents a challenge.

For whatever reason the folks at Cyanogenmod have chosen to ignore the 7" & 8" Tablets - for no sensible reason that I can discern - since they are very popular.

Meanwhile, the folks at forum.xda-developers.com have developed a clean process to Root the device - clearing out the Google & Samsung bloat & spyware and rendering operation far more efficient.

http://forum.xda-developers.com/tab-4/g ... 264/page25

Once Rooted it's far more useful but not friendly to a Linux boot & access to Linux apps.

There is an Linux-on-Android project:

http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthr ... ?t=2161234

It's primarily focused on Ubuntu - but several have asked for a Puppy or other tiny distro rather than the bloated & less resource-intensive Ubuntu.
[b]Thanks! David[/b]
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#75 Post by greengeek »

edoc wrote:I have an Acer Iconia W500P on which I have both a MS version of windows and both a 32-bit and 63-bit version of Puppy running.

The problem is that the form-factor is too large for the intended application - so I'm looking to downsize to a 7" or 8" device.
Hi Edoc, do you still have your W500? I am making a touch friendly puppy for that model, based on 01micko's Slacko without automatic xorgwizard - he has designed it to be very good at activating the touchscreen and i'm looking for testers for my .pet enhancements.
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#76 Post by cthisbear »


" to my surprise I can use my wacom tablet with quirky alpha "

Quirky pre-alpha on Raspberry Pi2 and 3

http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 463#924463

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What i am looking for

#77 Post by invisideath »

I don't have a ton of experience in linux, so i wouldn't be much help on development, but what i would be looking for is this:

I would like an alternative to google or apple to run as an OS on my phone that i can make calls and send texts. Thats really it. I think as more and more information comes out about Government interference with google and apple and cell phone in general, more people will be looking for Open Source options. While there are rumors with ubuntu touch and plasma and sail fish and Firefox OS... none of these are great options because they are very device specific. My favorite thing about Puppy is how small and forgiving it is about hardware. Would be happy if it just turned on and allowed me to use the internet/make calls/and text.

Tor would be a pretty cool thing to.
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Re: What i am looking for

#78 Post by souleau »

invisideath wrote:I don't have a ton of experience in linux, so i wouldn't be much help on development, but what i would be looking for is this:

I would like an alternative to google or apple to run as an OS on my phone that i can make calls and send texts. Thats really it.
What you need is this:


Lots of people who prefer to communicate anonymously have a so-called burner phone on the side.
It's a phone with an anonymous pre-paid sim-card, without GPS, wifi, or datalogging apps.
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Puppy on a Windows 7 Oak Trail tablet, 1.5GHz 2GB RAM

#79 Post by Puppyt »

Thanks for initiating and contributing to this historical thread, good to see Nooby's comments here - seems I will be always following in his footsteps...

So I inherited a rugged tablet, a CL900 with N-Trig instead of Wacom touch functionality. 2011 is already ancient history for such products but it is My First Tablet. Unsure that I could get a Linux distro working as "well" as the native Win7, I have first persevered with doing as many tweaks as possible, updated all BIOS and hardware drivers etc etc, contemplated Tiny7 and similar cutdown modifications, even toyed with ExoPC UI and other methods to have tablet-functionality as reliable and comfortable as is (sometimes) claimed on the tin. Consulted sites like "Gizmos Freeware" for the latest and greatest in security and basic productivity etc etc. Really all I need is with basic BT/browser functionality to check emails, is to open multiple pdf files and annotate on the fly. So I threw out all Adobe, MacroShaft Office and have Xournal and FlexiPDF, PaleMoon or SlimJet on. Not having the multiple workspaces of Linux is a major, major drag for Win7 tablets, I think.
Now after over 12 hours of running one of those *essential* "antivirus" programs on a 64GB HDD that is not even half full, I am more than ready to dua-boot with any Linux distro just so I can have the true flexibility and control I am used to from Puppy.

I've got a few options, but each will take some nutting out. The BIOS limits booting to cd/dvd, floppy, hdd and usb key - maybe Plop 5 on the hdd will let me boot multiple test distros from USB and SDcard, with less risk than dual-booting on the Win NTFS drive...
OOTB tablet-friendly linux distros seem to have moved away from 32-bit already (e.g., Black Lab, others I can't recall), but of those that might work here (e.g., Zorin 12.1core, Mint 18.1 xfce, PhoenixOS, Bodhi 4.1), they all look a tad on the large side. Maybe N-trig will 'just work' in those with more recent kernels. On the Puppy side, Lighthouse 5.03G (thanks g.c. martin for the heads-up) would seem to be a good match, and I'm interested also in testing LxPupXenial 16.08.2, and LxQtPup-14.12.01. Who knows, maybe ninotix's PRER 5.5.3 (Racy) and even Lupu 5287 might be go-ers. Has anyone had experimented on similar tablet hardware they might like to post some sage advice please?

UPDATE: Happy break -"usb key" doesn't mean 'keyboard' as I supposed, so I'm able to boot natively from USB. (Learn something every day.) As I write the tablet is going through a bootup process for Lighthouse 5.0.3, the last 32-bit version Tazoc was able to complete before his debilitating illness. I actually found Smokey's (and Co.) Multipup r24 http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 185#941185 and am trying that on a 2GB stick I had spare. Unfortunately I realise now that I should have included a swap partition on the USB drive, as loading to RAM is a *bit slow*. Fingers crossed...

UPDATE 2: Well when I pulled the plug on it, I saw that behind the blackout/hibernation, it had loaded up to the Xorg select and test stage. But I shrunk the drivespace to put a swap partition on and hopefully accelerate future boots. I can boot with usb keyboard and usb-puppy install on a hub! I did not know that was possible, maybe a feature in more recent Grubs that I thought wasn't available earlier.
The main issue is that dual-booting on a tablet may be complicated without BT or touchscreen ability for the level of the bootloader/GRUB. I even attempted to load Plop5 as a way of an alternative approach to load puppy or other distros from a sd-card. (Windows gave me a bluescreen of death on shutdown, so something to sort out there.) I would still need to have a usb keyboard to enable choices, however, which is cumbersome. Looking for options currently on that particular front.

UPDATE 3: Hmmm so it doesn't look like the Win7 bootloader supports touch, unlike what I see reported for Win 10 at least. And there doesn't appear to be any real interest in getting touch support going in Grub, from what I can see. So I'm clueless as to how to proceed from here - perhaps the Chuwi-type tablets with Android and Win 10 might have some clues... or maybe there's a touch-supported bootloader somewheres, or even a mini kernel (something the Win10 bootloader appears to be). Otherwise, a usb keyboard looks like being required whenever dual-booting Win7 with something - which is not a viable solution for a tablet with bluetooth capabilities, I think.
Can't get a decent display from the Lighthouse503-era Xorg. Looks like I should try Tahr and work my way backwards etc.
Search engines for Puppy
[url]http://puppylinux.us/psearch.html[/url]; [url=https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=015995643981050743583%3Aabvzbibgzxo&q=#gsc.tab=0]Google Custom Search[/url]; [url]http://wellminded.net63.net/[/url] others TBA...
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Location: Moorooka, Queensland

#80 Post by Puppyt »

Spent way longer on this project than intended to get dual-booting on a Motion CL900 tablet. All the usual trip-ups: imperfect iso downloads I skipped MD5 verification on; forgetting to make a swap partition available; and, re-using flakey old USB sticks for testing were probably the most frustrating issues. Some discoveries:
+ the latest Bodhi 4.1.0-32 works, live. Touchscreen working from the get-go, but to a new user spoiled with Puppy the opportunities to rummage under the hood just aren't there (getting hardware settings etc),
+ unetbootin just wouldn't see my intended USB drive, in Puppy. Even when I reformatted to Fat32. It's a drawback that unetbootin won't work with ext2 etc formats. Used the dd command for non-Puppy ISOs.
+ good to know that for this hardware I can boot from a USB hub with keyboard and mouse in the chain too
- major drawback at present is lack of touch support or BT keyboard capabilities either at the Grub, or Windows 7 boot manager level. Looking for a bootloader with such features enabled, otherwise without a usb keyboard you can't choose to change the system booted into.

I guess that one solution might be is that after booting into the default system, and go back into the boot manager to edit the boot order, then reboot into the new selection. I have to leave this project now due to time constraints, but I might test a few other USB Puppy isos through the week.

UPDATE: Notes to self - remember to blacklist the i915 module, as bigpup explains here http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 777#925777, and remember to track Insomniacno1 and greengeeks [and Pelo's] similar efforts to have a working Puppy tablet...

UPDATE TESTING 16May (32-bit only, live, OOTB function):
Non-puppy distros (using dd command on a ext2 usb):-
Zorin 12.1 core, works/touchscreen issues
Mint 18.1 mate, works
Bohdi 4.1.0, works

Puppy (slotting iso contents into Multipup r24-prepared structure on ext2 usb):-
Slacko-700 b3, touchscreen unfocussed, n-trig stylus good, no bt yet
LighthousePup-5.03-G+Mariner sfs, no touch, no bt

PuppyTahrLite6.1.1-Legacy-64GBRAM (discontinued)

Search engines for Puppy
[url]http://puppylinux.us/psearch.html[/url]; [url=https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=015995643981050743583%3Aabvzbibgzxo&q=#gsc.tab=0]Google Custom Search[/url]; [url]http://wellminded.net63.net/[/url] others TBA...
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