Barry Kauler announces his retirement from Puppy

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So long as we have this forum and community, the Puppy lives

#41 Post by Deacon »

simargl8 wrote:If Puppy Linux is so perfect as you claim then why is Barry Kauler quitting, he's not going to
"retire" as claimed in title of this thread, he is actually switching focus to phone-desktop
all-in-one hardware and that read between the lines, means he's abandoning Puppy Linux.
I don't talk much here (I'm one of those barely contributing, always here folks), but I think it's about time I said something I wanted to say here months ago, but didn't feel was appropriate. I feel it is now.

This group has always demonstrated that they are capable of amazing things. I am grateful to Barry for what he created-- and only part of that is software. A bigger part of that is the community he created. An anarchic group of hackers and computer geeks who have proven they are up to the demands of the ideals of Puppy linux with respin after respin, improvement after improvement.

I made a simple respin of Ubuntu called Colorwheel that I felt I had to abandon after a single release because it started to become popular-- and I was maintaining it alone, working on my second version with a nice touch-friendly interface when I just gave up, installed Puppy to the hard drive, and joined this forum regularly.

I'd like to take a moment to tell you why.

After crashing my system again developing Colorwheel (having not made a cent but having lost money in a time my family was pretty broke), I was reaching for my loading my "Puppy safety drive" when I thought "maybe I should keep looking for a new base for Colorwheel". I found that an old distro I had seen from my youth had miraculously survived, and rushed to try it out.

The results were more than disappointing. I felt like the Linux world had passed the code by; it was like playing with an ancient system even though I'd just downloaded it. And the window manager fried my netbook. It was, by and large, unusable. I plugged on, trying to see how software was installed (limited rpm installs, or compile). Whoever was on the forum was genuinely helpful-- and alone.

As I reviewed the forum I realized it was a "revived" distro, and that many people trying it had questions. One person was answering. And in a sudden flash of clarity, I saw my future-- and it scared me.

The next day I quit and decided that going lone-wolf doesn't help anyone in the Linux world and it was time to join a community as opposed to failing at creating one. It took all of fifteen minutes to decide.

Another netbook meltdown and Puppy boot later, I did once again that which I did for a few days a year before-- I downloaded Puppy to the hard drive. I then crafted a goodbye letter on the Colorwheel site explaining myself, without mentioning my experience. I was originally going to put my explanation here and link it, as a recommendation (I simply included a link and recommendation to the site)-- because I wanted people to have what I knew was here, and what I wanted for myself, and I am sure Barry wanted and wants as well-- a knowledgeable, caring community that contributes well past a man's lifetime.

The difference is that he succeeded where most Linux devs fail-- he was able to bring people together with a great idea, and, well everyone loves dogs (except that Catguy but he still loves the system ideals).

Never have we seen a distro encourage respins to the point of giving it its own section. And sometimes respin ideas make it to the core code. But more importantly, Puppy is a simple but elegant design.

So I don't understand how anyone here is talking about abandoning it because Barry is retiring. He's even built the backend by which future Puppies can continue to be made (remember Woof, folks?). God forbid he passes on, but every man's appointed to pass on, and I'm grateful Barry's given us a chance to hash this out now while he can still help us with direction.

Find the libraries, find the programs in the system, and whoever uses Woof can just do a new system update and add the deps and programs. And then, new Puppy version!

For a system called Puppy Linux, Barry has bred a lot of Puppies and many of us know how to do the same. It's as simple as organizing a project group, or more simply, someone who knows how to use Woof to make versions based on the base distro updates. I know there are folks who know how to do that. Occasionally update the various programs.

Will everyone be satisfied? Nope. :wink: And you know what we do here when we aren't 100% satisfied?

Thank you, Barry, for making arguably the most sane GNU/Linux distro around. I don't know about you people, but I plan to breed another Puppy using XPrecise (maybe I'm working on another Colorwheel-- ok fine I destroyed my development drive again; it was looking like a 32-bit distro that made FatDog look relatively thin. Good thing I finally have Puppy on my hard drive so my computer's fine).

As for the rest of us: I vote we have an experiment.
EDIT: This is apparently being done already with a transition group. So that's good.
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Re: So long as we have this forum and community, the Puppy lives

#42 Post by greengeek »

Deacon wrote:...and I am sure Barry wanted and wants as well-- a knowledgeable, caring community that contributes well past a man's lifetime.

The difference is that he succeeded where most Linux devs fail-- he was able to bring people together with a great idea
I just want to put in a good word for John Murga too, and his ongoing support of this forum. As well as Barry's efforts, the community is able to exist because this forum has reached a critical mass - both in terms of members but also in terms of quantity / quality of information available.

It scares me that the collected wisdom of lots of puppy contributors could one day be lost if John Murga goes under a bus.

I also want to commend John for allowing such a wide range of (sometimes offensive) viewpoints and behaviours to exist here. It truly is a community - warts and all. I don't think puppy would be the same without it...

Thankyou to John Murga and Deacon

#43 Post by darry1966 »

Yes I would like to thank John Murga as well he does an awesome job as part of the team. Thank you Deacon for sharing and summing up the way I personally feel - Puppy = open source = Community = Team
not just one man and I for one don't want to abandon it - it is awesome.

It is worth working on. I'm no coder not by a long stretch but I genuinly want to help users like myself to have a great working OS on their machines so I say the past was nice but I want to continue on as part of a community it isn't about keeping what you have all to yourself but about sharing - old RMS said it well about helping your neighbour.
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#44 Post by cthisbear »

The last 3 comments have been well thought out.

greengeek...darry1966 ...Deacon


" I also want to commend John for allowing such a wide range
of (sometimes offensive) viewpoints and behaviours to
exist here.

It truly is a community - warts and all.
I don't think puppy would be the same without it..."

Is that for my obituary >>gg???


For myself Puppy just makes me smile.

When I boot Puppy up I smile.

When I fix Windows problems >> same again.

When I hear detractors...well I just laugh.

Congrats to Barrry....and hello to John Murga.

I salute the past and present on this forum....too many great names
who have helped out...released community and their own Pups...
and have generally made this place a great site to visit.

Puppy will live on because it is a special beast.

And has always had special people getting it to work.

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#45 Post by greengeek »

cthisbear wrote:Is that for my obituary >>gg???
Not intentionally! But then maybe you've been a bit rude in posts I haven't seen yet.... (What do they say - "if the cap fits...")

I have noticed you using the words "Windows" and "Microsoft" at times - thats pretty offensive!
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#46 Post by Chili Dog »

Nobody likes a quitter!

#47 Post by Jasper »

Thankfully, success is measured by users, not by critics.

Chilli blows hot. Chilly blows cold. All wind blows.

Not funny - Barry's Great Work Ethic

#48 Post by darry1966 »

Chili Dog wrote:Nobody likes a quitter!
Hello Chili Dog I have to say I'm am not quite sure whether your are being humorous or not but I think Barry is actually quite brave and has the right to make a decision based on what he believes in deciding he had reached a fork in the road and made a choice based on what he believed was right which is hardly the mark of a quitter.

Better to bow on top having achieved what he wanted than stay on and run out of ideas comming up with below par work.

He has left a legacy - a wonderful operating system which is totally unique. He had a hell of a lot on his shoulders and the other day it blew my mind how much he achieved with his homemade approach and how many tasks he took on a team of people would normally do.

so to sum he is no quitter he reminds me of what sportsman were like in my small country who ploughed on regardless despite the odds against them. He took on hell of a lot and I'm sorry to say I think the nobody likes a quitter bit - I didn't find at all funny.
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#49 Post by Burn_IT »

Everyone is entitled to retire......
"Just think of it as leaving early to avoid the rush" - T Pratchett
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barry and puppy

#50 Post by bruno »

I hope Barry will change his mind, and come back, again..
And in the meantime, I hope everybody will continue to use and develop Puppy.

I don't have any training in software, but I enjoy using Puppy so much.
I think at this moment, Puppy is needed more than ever: soon millions of Pentium 4 PC's currently running on Win XP will be in need of new fast and stable OS, and Puppy is perfect for that.

And all those brand new PC's that are being sold now, running that horrible Win8, and infested with spyware... what is better than running Puppy on such a super fast machine?

The world needs Puppy now more than ever.
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My 5 cents

#51 Post by Volhout »

Maybe I should put a little oil on the fire....

In the puppy linux community Barry is God.

If even established developers like 01micko say that it is mandatory to use Rox in puppy linux, this is the closest I can see to the ten commandments as ever.

If we need to survive we need to change this mindset.
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Re: My 5 cents

#52 Post by jpeps »

Volhout wrote:
If we need to survive we need to change this mindset.
Puppy is linux, open source. You can choose whatever desktop you want, and that hold trues for most everything else..including what Gods you want to follow. I wasn't even aware of the Rox commandment, although it's my favorite.

Survival equates to period of usefulness. The biggest threat is that the underlying basis becomes increasingly less relevant as technology evolves. We still have a "save a kilobyte contingent" dedicated to reversion.

For that matter, you can still get DSL for an old computer. The question relates to period of active development more than survival.
Last edited by jpeps on Sun 29 Sep 2013, 16:47, edited 1 time in total.
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#53 Post by James C »

After reading through these very entertaining threads I have a request.

All those who think that Barry Kauler will choose a successor ,be it an individual or a small group, that will fundamentally change Puppy Linux...... the underlying philosophy and the way it's built (Woof)..... raise your hands.

I don't think so...... with all the changes mentioned in these threads the result would be something not even resembling Puppy it or not, Puppy is known for JWM and Rox...... but naturally the final decision rests with Barry K.
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#54 Post by tronkel »

No matter what happens in the future with Puppy Linux - whether the project itself will be led by a single lead developer or not - its basic philosophy does not have to change, even if its implementation style does change. From its inception to the present day, its philosophy has always been: keep it minimalist, fast and full-featured. No reason to change this no matter what changes occur.

The other aspect of Puppy that has been the source of its success is the community and its main window to the world i.e. this Murga forum. Puppy is not only a piece of software but in fact is also a social networking area - c.f. Facebook etc.

Many of the regulars on the forum clearly prefer to spend their time online in the Puppy Forum rather than on say, Facebook. For these geeks, the forum is probably more important to them than even Puppy Linux itself. If Puppy Linux and/or its forum were to disappear, a lot of these people could experience a life-changing crisis.

So in short, Puppy during its existence so far, has indeed seen many of its users go through a part of their lives that might be described as formative. That's the case with me.
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#55 Post by Ted Dog »

I think he should turn the keys over to people like him background wise, even if they are not as technologically strong.
I feel the personality of Prof. Kauler, has as much to do with this successful effort, as is his unique take on technology. We have attracted remarkable out of the box tinkerers to this project so progress in the future could continue on unabated. But one or more Professor types (you know who you are...) should step forward to assume guidance role.
Lets face facts, IT people are mostly anti-social or lack what others call social skills, most out of the box tinkerers can not perform the dual role needed here. Most wild crashes of open source projects have been ego induced.
Clear and fair guidance from a likable IT professor (or group) would keep the ball rolling
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#56 Post by jpeps »

Ted Dog wrote: Clear and fair guidance from a likable IT professor (or group) would keep the ball rolling
Probably most are working on things like blades for touch devices at this point.
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#57 Post by 01micko »

After having a week or so to digest the fact that Barry is retiring I have formed some thoughts on how puppy can go forth.

Firstly, I was (and still am) a huge fan of the informal Benevolent Dictator model that has been in use by Barry since Puppy's inception. Only two other popular distros follow a similar model; Mint and Slackware, both still run by their original founders.

Secondly, let us not forget that this is Barry's baby and as a community we must respect that and any future changes must comply with Puppy's mission.


There have been many attempts by individuals and groups to organise Puppy, all failing. The forum is littered with several threads on this matter.

If we are to move Puppy forward, as an operating system and a brand, we as a community now have that chance, but, we only have one chance and it must be done right first go. It's a fickle world out there and any failure may see the demise of Puppy Linux.

There is no rush. Barry has stated that he will be around for a year or so and I imagine in that time that he will be in more of an "elder statesman" capacity to help steer any efforts to set up an organisation.

Remember there are two aspects to this. Woof and Puppy. There is already a VCS in place for woof, with Barry the sole committer at this stage.

It is not going to be easy. Herding cats isn't easy.

Of course every body has an opinion. I expect we will see a lot of those but the ones that matter are the ones that come from individuals that have a vested interest in Puppy Linux and have the time and capacity to do.
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#58 Post by jpeps »

01micko wrote:
Of course every body has an opinion. I expect we will see a lot of those but the ones that matter are the ones that come from individuals that have a vested interest in Puppy Linux and have the time and capacity to do.
Great..I'm glad you're interested (don't worry about the cats).
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#59 Post by greengeek »

01micko wrote:Remember there are two aspects to this. Woof and Puppy. .
Maybe also a third - ie: all the other "almost puppy" klingons and derivatives.

I've noticed a lot of complaints from contributors who would like Woof and Puppy to divert away from Barry's vision and become more "this" or more "that" depending on their personal preference.

I think it is important for some capable person or persons to clarify and define Barry's vision (he'll probably do this himself over the coming months...) and try to maintain that core, but also important for other tinkerers and contributors to keep on fiddling at the fringes - feeling free to diversify and expand puppy but without interfering too much with the nucleus that stays true to Woof and Puppy standards etc.
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#60 Post by Ted Dog »

jpeps wrote:
01micko wrote:
Of course every body has an opinion. I expect we will see a lot of those but the ones that matter are the ones that come from individuals that have a vested interest in Puppy Linux and have the time and capacity to do.
Great..I'm glad you're interested (don't worry about the cats).
Oh are we volunteering 01micko. :lol: :D :lol:
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