QtWeb - fast portable browser

Browsers, email, chat, etc.

#61 Post by Dewbie »

zaivala wrote:
OK,am I supposed to download both files (-1 and -2) or just -2?
Just -2.

01 micko, who maintains the Ibiblio Puppy repo, said -1 has to stay there or some will get confused when it won't download from ppm (without an update).
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#62 Post by zaivala »

Got it. Works great. However... it is now the "previous version"... are we getting up update pet soon?

#63 Post by Dewbie »

zaivala wrote:
Got it. Works great. However... it is now the "previous version"... are we getting up update pet soon?
Have a look at musher0's post over here.
Since I run Wary (and older Pups), I had the same issues with those missing libs.
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qtweb 3.8.4-2 flash not working

#64 Post by sindi »

/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so (flash 11.2)
user agent opera (or firefox)
Flash works in opera and firefox, which I installed portably not as pets.
(Unpackaged in their own directories, cd to where the binary is located, ./opera).
I also simply unpackaged the qtweb pet tar -zxvf and start it the same way.

Someone reported it working in pulp03 with user agent opera and plugin as above.
Was this with portable or installed qtweb and opera?

Wary 5.5 runs so slowly on here it is not worth trying to make work with qtweb/flash but I think I had the same problem.
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Re: qtweb 3.8.4-2 flash not working

#65 Post by greengeek »

sindi wrote:Someone reported it working in pulp03 with user agent opera and plugin as above.
Was this with portable or installed qtweb and opera?
Hi sindi, that was my comment here:
http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 579#680579
I was definitely not using the portable version (as I don't know how to do that yet...).

It was a while ago so I don't remember the specifics of what I did (sorry), I just know I installed some version of qtweb from a pet. I may be able to work out what I did if you haven't already moved past the problem...
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portable qtweb

#66 Post by sindi »

I simply downloaded the 3.8.4-2 pet from ibiblio (the first 'here')
and unpacked it with tar -zxvf instead of installing it, to make it
'portable'. I then cd to the directory containing the binary.
This works for opera, firefox, seamonkey. I can then keep all the
browsers in one partition outside of the various puppies, and load
them by cd'ing to the location of the binary and ./QtWeb ./opera etc.
I make scripts to do this in /usr/local/bin. Keeps the save file
smaller and I only need to update one copy of each browser for
several puppy versions (or other linuxes).

If you do this, does flash still work for you with opera as user agent?

#67 Post by Dewbie »

greengeek wrote:
I was definitely not using the portable version (as I don't know how to do that yet...).
BarryK covered that over here.
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qtweb tested with various puppys

#68 Post by sindi »

QtWeb works with Youtube in wary 5.5, which loads programs and runs so
slowly that Youtube is too jerky to be watchable though cpu usage is
only 90%, and even after reducing resolution to 144p.

Works well with puppy 4.3.1 including Youtube.

With Pulp 03 (4.1.2) Youtube site cannot find Flash player, when
identified as any of the listed browsers. Does flash need newer
libraries from seamonkey 1.1.8 (as in Puppy 4.3.1) or 2.6.1 (wary 5.5)?
Pulp comes with a very old Firefox. ldd libflashplayer found nothing

Someone reported flash working with qtweb/pulp03. They installed all
their browsers. Mine are all standalone.
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#69 Post by linuxcbon »

I already asked that question, no answer, so I gave it up.
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#70 Post by greengeek »

linuxcbon wrote:- I cannot get flash to work if removing seamonkey ? anyone know where to set flash ? variables ? files ?
Hi linuxcbon - it might be worth trying this pet which loads the extra libs that QtWeb needs to play flash:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 073#612073
Without these libs QtWeb reports that it can't find the flashplayer which is installed in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
(but not all versions of libflashplayer.so will work in QtWeb even if the file is in that correct directory).
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Re: qtweb 3.8.4-2 flash not working

#71 Post by greengeek »

sindi wrote:Someone reported it working in pulp03 with user agent opera and plugin as above. Was this with portable or installed qtweb and opera?
I have made some further trials using Pulp03 with QtWeb and flash and have now added a tutorial to the Pulp03 thread.

I still haven't tested it as a portable version, but maybe my workarounds might help find a solution for that also?
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qtweb works in pulp 003 with flash 10

#72 Post by sindi »

Flash 10.1 and 10.3 work with QtWeb and Pulp03.

Flash 11 was the culprit. As the tutorial says,
older Puppies don't have the libraries it needs.

I also read that it does not work as well on
older hardware. Maybe I will now have fewer
freezes (which Adobe says to 'fix' by stopping
and starting the video).

Copy libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.
(Or symlink it from a location where several
puppies can share it, to keep save file smaller.)

QtWeb is 3.8.4 (second-most-recent) pet, unpackaged
portably (outside of the file system). To start it:
cd to location of the binary and ./QtWeb
(So yes, portable QtWeb works, so does later version.)

The tutorial for Pulp provides a library pet for
those who don't have SM or Opera (or recent FF)
installed. I use them portably not installed.
I add their location to lib path in /etc/profile
to provide libraries needed by flash.

Thanks for a carefully researched tutorial.

The 36MB or so of QtWebkit 4 libraries are provided
in yesterday's pet of Slimboat browser (1.1.44),
(along with glibc 2.11.3 libraries). Could in
theory be used with dynamically compiled QtWeb.

#73 Post by Dewbie »

sindi wrote:
Flash 11 was the culprit. As the tutorial says,
older Puppies don't have the libraries it needs.
Have you tried from here?
I haven't tested it with QtWeb, but it's the last one that works with my older Pups.
(Anything later in 11-series, forget it...)
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#74 Post by greengeek »

Dewbie wrote:Have you tried from here?
I haven't tested it with QtWeb, but it's the last one that works with my older Pups.
Are you able to list some of the pups this worked with? I have a feeling Pulp03 lacks a lib or two that are present in other pups of the same vintage and I'm keen to try to track down which pups might have a suitable donor lib.
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qtweb not working at some sites

#75 Post by sindi »

Yesterday flash stopped working again. I also had some odd behavior while trying to view http://www.tomshardware.com - froze up, messed up video, unable to exit. Today I discovered that plugins were now disabled under Privacy. Unchecking that fixed flash again. I was poking around the menu trying to figure out why http://www.centurylink.com (internet provider) works fine with lynx but won't load with QtWeb by turning on cookies - I get three cookies from the site but no webpage. Several other pages looked like they were loading but nothing appeared onscreen. This is NOT going to be my main browser.

QtWeb and flash work with the Opera 10.6 which comes with KLP linux (updated 4.3.1 puppy) and Flash 10.1 or 10.3 but I can play only ONE video, after which I cannot enter a search term (clicking in that box does nothing - no blinking vertical line) or play any of the other suggested videos - it acts like the mouse is nonfunctional. I upgraded glibc to 2.11.2 (used a deb package) and upgraded Opera to 12.15, with the result that the newer Opera would not do flash at all. (The older Opera I think still plays one video).

KLP linux is klp-006.iso at 4shared.com. You can sign in with a Google account.

Last I checked, QtWeb/Flash worked with Puppy 4.3.1 retro kernel (the one used by pulp linux - both standard in 4.1.2). I did not check it with the standard 4.3.1 kernel 2.6.30, which is also used by KLP.

Supposedly Youtube can be viewed with an HTML5 browser instead of with Flash,
but Opera is still missing some capability required. Can QtWeb play Youtube using HTML5?
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Websites do not load with QtWeb and adblocker

#76 Post by sindi »

http://www.htmlgoodies.com/html5/tutori ... utube.html

This site acts just like centurylink.com - the address area turns blue but the page remains blank white. I had checked and centurylink was not in the adblocker list. This time I turned off adblocker, and the site loaded, as did centurylink.

I then right clicked on one ad at centurylink, chose adblock, and told it to block that one ad (after shortening it and adding a *). The site reloaded but took quite a while. The HTML video site won't load now. I checked, and adblocker is reenabled, with the entire list of strings to block. Centurylink site is still loaded. If i reload it (with adblocker on) I get a blank page again using Ctrl-R. One tiime I did Alt-D, Enter and it loaded, but I cannot reproduce that.

I added centurylink.com to the Exceptions area - still won't load.

Neither page will load now. I checked Block Ads, did a Remove All, unchecked block ads. Disk cache is not enabled. 'remove history items' can be set to 'manuall' but I don't see how to remove manually.

This browser is still beta in my opinion.
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qtweb not displaying certain sites

#77 Post by sindi »

I exited QtWeb savings all tabs including one for Youtube. I had stopped the video there.
I restarted QtWeb. I was at the View HTML5 site. I could hear the sound from the Youtube site and had to stop that video again. Both the HTML5 and the centurylink sites loaded immediately - one at startup and one when I clicked on it.

Since QtWeb does load quickly, I now have a way to view the sites that do not load.
Uncheck adblocker, reload, if they still don't load, exit and restart QtWeb, and view those sites full of ads.

Maybe the Windows version works better?

#78 Post by Dewbie »

I wrote:
Have you tried from here?
I haven't tested it with QtWeb, but it's the last one that works with my older Pups.
greengeek wrote:
Are you able to list some of the pups this worked with? I have a feeling Pulp03 lacks a lib or two that are present in other pups of the same vintage and I'm keen to try to track down which pups might have a suitable donor lib.
OK, I’ll have to qualify that...
Flash 11.1.102 works as-is with Puppies back to 4.3.

I don’t have any of the 4.2 series.

It will install in 4.1 series, but the built-in SeaMonkey 1.1.11 doesn’t see it.
However, if I install the official binary for SeaMonkey 1.1.19 in /usr/local and use that instead, it will see it.

Same applies to 3.01 and 2.14x.
(However, I remastered both of those .sfs files, replacing the built-ins with SeaMonkey 1.1.19.)

So I put all plugins in either:
/usr/lib/seamonkey (3.01)
/usr/local/seamonkey (2.14x)

Then I made usr/lib/mozilla a symlink to those.
(Because 2 and 3 series both have issues accessing the plugins.)

I haven’t tested all of these Puppies with YouTube.
However, unlike later Flash 11-series, 11.1.102 doesn’t crash SeaMonkey when it’s launched.

During installation, 4.12 generates a missing lib error.
I’ve attached the lib below.
(see "Description" instructions)
Delete the ".zip" at the end after downloading it.
(It's a fake .zip.)
(91.65 KiB) Downloaded 531 times
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#79 Post by greengeek »

Thanks Dewbie - I'll try some combinations.
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QtWeb in Wary 5.5 on DELL Inspiron 2500 won't load

#80 Post by sindi »

QtWeb works in Wary 5.5 on a DELL Latitude D600, and plays Youtube fine.
It won't even load on the Inspiron 2500. Unable to detect the current GTK+ theme, illegal instruction.... This laptop has a screwy i815 integral video that required hand editing xorg.conf (and copying it to puppy 4.3.1 retro to get X working there). Wary installed X at max 800x600 automatically.

Opera 11 plays Youtube videos on here (but has screwed up video in Preferences, and exits on a whim). Opera 12 won't play Youtube here.

This laptop is a challenge. Maybe QtWeb will work in some other Puppy version on here. I was looking for something less cpu intensive.
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