Pages won't load in SeaMonkey

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#21 Post by mikeb »

Breath held.

This dongle I have when on puppy looses the net in the first few minutes but after reconnecting its fine all day. It too was stubborn for a while and is occasionally marginal.

Same dongle on slax stays connected but it has inetd which I beleive would retry dchcpd if a connection is a cable is removed.

The normal behaviour for resolv.conf would be to get your ISP dns... usually if its a problem deleting it is enough and it gets renewed.

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#22 Post by watchdog »

Have you a modem-router or a dsl modem? Can you reset the modem-router? Can you play with modem-router settings? I think your ISP authomatically configures as it likes your modem-router. Another test you can do is to use Roaring Penguin PPPOE. But if it works the better thing is to do nothing.
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Seamonkey not loading

#23 Post by Bird Dog »

Just for the record after running a good year my Seamonkey 2.6.1 in Wary 5.5 requires repetitive clicks of the mouse to initiate. There are instructions for updating Seamonky in the Wary 5.5 thread ... 8&start=60 or if you are able (my solution) install precise 5.7.1 retro with Shinobars update ... 331#782153 you might be better off.
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#24 Post by Arlish Tharng »

Bird Dog,

I'll take a hard look at those threads and your solution, Bird Dog. Thanks.


I think you're right to say that the ISP overrides anything I do when it comes to trying to control the DNS environment, watchdog. And I have indeed reset my ADSL modem - I have a separate router - but without any luck. Always the same, I can ping the sites but they won't load. Yet every once in a while, maybe once in four days, I'm treated to a good old requited click at some news site or other and brought back for more of this endless torture. God hates me, watchdog. And He's making a list of those that are trying to help me. :-)


Looks like editing the DNS settings was of no consequence, mike. Somehow the ISP manages to reset. And when it hasn't, the new numbers haven't helped.
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Pages won't load in Seamonkey

#25 Post by Bird Dog »

Hi Arlish I posted before about my Wary 5.5 Seamonkey having trouble while clicking on links and back buttons etc. I switched my mouse from a usb to a ps2 (ibm) and the problem has gone away. One last possibility if your isp upgraded your internet without informing you and you have an older high speed modem. When I switched isp's my older high speed modem is unusable (so slow) with the new service. I posted this in the What puppy works with a p2 333 mhz.also.
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#26 Post by Arlish Tharng »

Bird Dog,

Maybe not such a shot in the dark concerning the modem, although I'd hate to admit it since it works with Windows, albeit a bit slower than it used to be. I mean the modem is 12 years old. But truth be known, Linux is now unusable on this computer owing to my being unable to load pages with it. I might as well be using the computer as a toilet. Within limits, I have to try something.

So here's a question for you - and for Mike, too. I have a 4 port Linksys router connecting these two guys and it, in turn, is connected to the ADSL modem, then to the wall, naturally. My first exposure to ADSL back in roughly 1999-2000 involved the ISP - a very small local company - providing at the start of service a router that also functioned as a modem. Two years later, I moved out of their service area and into one serviced by what is today one of the giants. They provided only a modem and were most disagreeable about providing access for home networks with multiple boxes without your paying for it. They've since calmed down about this, of course, or few experienced people would have used them as solutions were increasingly found. But, anyway, what's your take on the advantages and disadvantages of using a one rather than a two part setup, the combined router/moden vs. router + modem? Everything is wired here, very straight forward. Replacing the modem alone saves the cost of replacing both as I have no good reason to suspect the router in this SeaMonkey business. But if there is something defective in the router, a combined unit might save money overall, what say?
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#27 Post by mikeb »

combined unints works well but your arrangement is it seems providing the same function.

As far as a system is concerned its an ethernet connection that supplies an ip when asked...the hardware doing it is a bit on the irrelevant side.

Since it functions perfectly well on windows the problem to me is more about linux not working well on an older machine and perhaps the network card on that same machine (its driver).

If it was dns then you would never get anything at all (dns turns the domain name into an ip thats all) and defaulting to the isp nameservers is the expected behaviour.

just my view of all this

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Pages won't load in Seamonkey

#28 Post by Bird Dog »

Hi Arlish if you're renting that modem It won't cost you anything to have them send you a new and updated version. If its free thats the first place I would start troubleshooting. If its not free I would just buy a good high speed modem which is what I use. I'm not up to date on the latest security features but you must program it like a router (username and password) and there's a special protocol thats selected in the modem software so the router receives the information properly. If you need help I will check back here.
Last edited by Bird Dog on Sun 29 Jun 2014, 15:53, edited 1 time in total.
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#29 Post by Arlish Tharng »


Happy to have your "view of all this". Thanks.

Would these facts influence your thinking regarding the ethernet card and driver, mike? The card is a 3COM which, in its day, was considered a quality offering. 3COM has since been bought out, I believe. The driver which Puppy hardware detection has selected is the right one for the card as far as I'm aware. Prior to my using it to install Puppy, this system had been dormant for roughly eight years, possibly more. Its last regular use came at around 2005-6 and involved installations of Arch Linux and later Damn Small Linux. Specifically, I can recall an introduction to Dillo which was DSL's main browser at the time and Sylpheed. Both functioned perfectly well with the hardware as things then were. I was expecting similar functionality from Wary 5.3 when I first installed it. Now I know a lot has happened to Linux in eight years, kernel development for example. Might that be playing a role here? Is there now perhaps an incompatibility between the card and the kernel which didn't exist with the older kernel? I've taken a look at the most recent available versions of Damn Small and have the same page loading problems I'm experiencing with Wary but I'm not sure which iteration of the kernel was used in Damn Small when it worked so well for me. The only hardware difference in the system today compared to 2005 is a new CMOS battery, the old one having died during the inactivity. Anything here to provoke interest, mike? I mean I could always swap out the NIC but the system reports that its functioning properly. Thoughts?
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#30 Post by mikeb »

hmm far as I know DSL has not changed for years so if thats noy working well now thet tends to suggest the operation system as such is not the problem here at least as far as recent changes go.

cmos battery... only would be a factor if some odd bios setting was needed to make the card happy and all that comes to mind is irq allocation. Saying that its not unknown for such as usb and network cards to interfere with each other on older hardware. I had problems with a mouse in a usb2 card which caused an X crash regularly for example.
Windows may be reallocating irq's and thus get around the problem as a possible explanation for the difference.

Again all just speculation based on the information available.

Don't suppose you still had the one you were given or could borrow a modem/router?

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#31 Post by Arlish Tharng »


Just got off the phone with AT&T tech support. They report my line being significantly slower than I'm paying for and with some errors they didn't like. Said the modem is likely OK, however. They did what I might call some "enhancements" to the line and things quickened up noticeably. I was getting about a third of the speed in Windows I was supposed to get when I called at first; its now up to about half. Did it have any effect on the Linux box? No, damn it, it didn't! Still can't load web pages or receive files from the Puppy Package Manager's ftp sites. They are having a technician come to check on the lines outside my house where they report the errors as originating.

The fact that the enhancements didn't solve the Linux web page loading problem concerns me. I'm now genuinely pessimistic about whether fixing the wiring difficulties they report will get this up and running for me. OK, so I'll have to turn my PII box into a urinal. I mean you have to do something with the space created when you remove the CD writer, eh? :-)
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#32 Post by mikeb »

Perhaps it could become a holder for defunct linux live CD's :D

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Pages won't load

#33 Post by Bird Dog »

Of course you tried to switch ports on your router.
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#34 Post by Arlish Tharng »

Bird Dog.

Yes. Tried new cable as well.
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#35 Post by Bird Dog »

Hi Arlish before you turn that p11 into a urinal I would first see how it runs with a live cd. If the same take out some memory to keep it under 378 mb (my p11 300 mhz only takes 256mb) and if that didn't work I would take out that promise controller and put in a 6 gb or so hd, although the live cd should illiminate the hd but the promise controller might be effecting something.

Thanks BD
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#36 Post by Arlish Tharng »

I'm at a crossroad at this point. With the AT&T tech coming out Monday to look at the condition of their set-up up the street, there is a chance that I'll have full capacity ADSL speed back on this line that day. That achieved, I'll have to assess the effect the change has on my ability to load web pages in Linux. Now AT&T's recent "enhancement" didn't do squat for the page loading situation so we're wait and see in this regard at the moment. Should the full fix solve the loading problem, we're out of the woods. If it doesn't, I've decided to take on some new hardware in hopes of remedying the situation. So a little counsel from the hardware guru's out there. I'll be replacing my NIC, my router and - if I go with a combined unit - the ADSL modem. What should I buy? The whole set up is wired here, and there will be two computers on the network, no more. I'd be looking for your basic 10/100 NIC for this old motherboard and while I'm familiar with Linksys, would have to say that if the problem can be traced to the router I'd be apt to look elsewhere as I've already replaced their 4 port device twice in the last eight years and that's too frequently. Biggest decision: Whether to do a combined ADSL modem/router or just replace the router. Your comments and recommendations are solicited.
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Pages won't load

#37 Post by Bird Dog »

If your windows machines work fine with your modem router why would you buy new ones?

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