How long we can keep a Puppy Slacko 5.7.0

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#21 Post by ttuuxxx »

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How long we can keep a Puppy Slacko 5.7.0

#22 Post by mekalu2k4 »

@rokytnji :
Very interesting post. I have never seen/ known this type of old computer being sold in lots. Amazing.

However, I would not buy any of these, as most of these are not working - as clearly stated in respective pages of ebay. As mikeb mentioned, only companies or individuals who are in business of repairing/ selling computers can buy these. As a simple user of a single computer, I would prefer to buy one laptop, may be expensive but in good working condition.

But as I stated, the post itself is very interesting to browse, read and to know.

There are some old computers at good specs being sold on e-bay. If my budget permits, I might try one of those.
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#23 Post by mikeb »

No I was talking about companies SELLING working machines they have bought as ex corporate job lots. Mine came with windows 7 and a battery with decent life for example. Thing is they state what you get , give a limited warrenty and are careful with what they say as they cannot afford many returns on their margins.

Some are wiped clean for security purposes hence the boot to bios but thats usually no problem...otherwise they bung say XP on it. I repartitioned the drive and the windows 7 is on another mahine for me to play with...using it right now.

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Having problem after 4 months - Nonstop use

#24 Post by mekalu2k4 »

Hello all,
Sorry, did (could) not check the forum, as I was away on vacation with my family all these days, just returned as kids need to go to their respective schools; their terms beginning next week.

Ok, all these days I left my Toshiba Qosmio 18.4 inch/X505-Q886/ i686- Intl i5 M450/ nVidia/ 4gb RAM/ 500gb HDD/ machine running. OS: Puppy 5.7 slako. Leaving the machine ON was required as I have one student renting my place and gets internet from this machine using wi-fi hotspot. Just kept a small table fan on to it to prevent any overheating.

Yesterday, when I came back the machine was fine - except some fine dust on it! I checked my emails, browsed a bit and then rested. This morning I thought it might be better to give it a bit rest and start again. Shut it down for 1hr and then started. It came up normally, but could not connect to internet at all. I tried with a live puppy version on a USB (which I kept as backup a few months ago), the machine worked fine, internet is fine was.

Cannot understand what went wrong. Did not have patience (Grrrr!) to post on this forum and pester everyone etc. So, formatted the HDD with grub, used universal installer within the live usb puppy and installed a fresh copy again.

Now all is normal. using the same machine again. I just wanted to share this with you guys. Someone may have academic interest. I have No complaints......
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#25 Post by rokytnji »

Make a backup of your save file before going away on vacation or before leaving it on for days for a neighbors hotspot.

No telling what sites that neighbor visited before you shut down and saved,
probably a corrupted save file by leaving it as a wifi hotspot.

Easier tha a reinstall. Just dlete save. Install backup.
Like system restore in Windows. I usually have 2 or 3 backup choices on my boot screen on a frugal install.

This is all just guesswork though from a scooter tramp puppy user.
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How long we can keep a Puppy Slacko 5.7.0

#26 Post by mekalu2k4 »

rokytnji wrote:Make a backup of your save file before going away on vacation or before leaving it on for days for a neighbors hotspot.
Do not know how to do this. In the past, I tried to follow the threads here to 're-master CD' but no success. May be I should try again, now that I have clean installation now.
rokytnji wrote: No telling what sites that neighbor visited before you shut down and saved,
probably a corrupted save file by leaving it as a wifi hotspot.
LOL! But, really my tenant is a young medical/ university student (female) and will be graduating next year as full doctor. She is not a gadget freak or computer geek. I do not think, as a female, she would have time to visit unwanted sites. But we never know, I do not know how to monitor the web traffic.

While installing I faced one problem. Could not create 'wifi sharing' had to struggle, even after reading my own threads in the past. Simply putting, I did it 6 months back with the help of seniors here and other threads, but forgot the sequence that worked finally.

The problems is:
So many threads are here, sometimes it is possible to get lost. Sometimes too many different solutions, not clearly written, dead links etc.

Solution: we should make a concise notes for each aspect we do. That is what I am doing now.

May be I should post my new notes for each topic? Is that fine? Can someone/ senior assist or verify my posts so that new readers can get help?
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#27 Post by rokytnji »

Making a backup personal save file is covered in Puppy Well Minded search.

No need for remaster anything.

It is just a copy and paste of your personal save file to another location outside of your puppy install and you rename it just a little like bk1,bk2, etc....

During the bootup process. If backup save file is on a Windows partition.
The bootloader will see it and offer you a choice of using it or your original save file before it will complete the booting process.

I am not blowing you off or anything. I am walking wounded lately and my pain makes me not sit still for too long on anything or walk about too long either so I have no concentration going because pain is yelling it's head off at me.
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Re: How long we can keep a Puppy Slacko 5.7.0

#28 Post by neerajkolte »

mekalu2k4 wrote:The problems is:
So many threads are here, sometimes it is possible to get lost. Sometimes too many different solutions, not clearly written, dead links etc.

Solution: we should make a concise notes for each aspect we do. That is what I am doing now.
I have made a handwritten book of solutions for my previous problems. There is also one pet named threadget, I used it to pull some pages which contains answers from whole thread and keep them as backup.
rokytnji wrote:I am walking wounded lately and my pain makes me not sit still for too long on anything or walk about too long either so I have no concentration going because pain is yelling it's head off at me.
What happened brother. Did you crash your bike. Are you OK, more importantly is your bike OK.

- Neeraj.
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#29 Post by bigpup »

Shut it down for 1hr and then started. It came up normally, but could not connect to internet at all.
First thing to do is try a complete shutdown and reboot.
Sometimes the boot process does not complete properly.
A component does not power up properly.
Data is not properly read from the storage device.
A program does not load properly.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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#30 Post by bigpup »

The difference between Windows and Linux.

Windows comes out with a new version because:

The old version is not making them any new money :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:

The newest hardware is not being supported.

They have fixed this thing as much as possible and it still has problems.

If we make a new version, everyone will buy it, not just the people buying new computers. :shock: :!: :!: :!: :!:

We should provide support for the newest hardware, but if we change how Windows works and looks, we can make more MONEY! :twisted: :shock: :!:

Linux comes out with a new version because:

We need to provide support for the newest hardware.

This guy figured out a better way to do something or make this program work better.

What if we did stuff this way :?: :idea: 8) :D
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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#31 Post by mikeb »

Hmmm seemed like with Vista the aim of the new version was to obsolete older a deal with the hardware makers basically. Otherwise I did not understand since they had sat on XP and it sold well and continually just needing a service pack occasionally.

Funny part 2 is the way it works never its a 32 bit NT core/kernel (can build on 64 too) ..everything works around that. The ONLY significant kernel changes are simply to obsolete previous windows releases by preventing newly compiled software to work on them using dummy functions....only the gui and other peripheries really change. In the linux world that core changes weekly so remember linux obsoletes itself regularly so time rather than money has to be spent.

The IBM PC has had a long ride..... still hanging on in there and the knobs keep being twiddled/changed :D

I like how the world has been convinced that somehow software 'wears out' like say a car does .... thats one huge joke funny thats made several fortunes...phony engineers.

Just got the post urge :)

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#32 Post by rokytnji »

What happened brother. Did you crash your bike. Are you OK, more importantly is your bike OK.
No. Not a biker wreck. This happened in house where I was booby trapped by a blanket on the floor in the dark. Acting like a tripwire.

I flew and knocked my self out. Have a dent in my head. Some blood.
My good knee is the worst casualty. It finally settled down so I can stand and limp around. I am giving the knee 3 weeks to settle down before I go
to a doctor.

I have been cut on enough in my life time.
Bikes are OK but I can't ride for right now.
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#33 Post by mekalu2k4 »

@ rokytnji :

We do not know each other much. But after reading your post, I felt sorry for you. Hopefully you recover quickly.
bigpup wrote:The difference between Windows and Linux.
Yes, agreed to your listing with the reasons why Op systems and hardware change frequently. During my summer break, I met an employee from Microsoft he is like a lab tech. He told me most of the points raised by you as reasons. He made few more interesting comments:
1. Microsoft must change both HW and SW to prevent hackers. If any system is not changing over a good time, then hackers understand it well and break it easily.

2. If Microsoft (or any firm) makes a new product and releases into market, there are plenty buyers ready to line up in front of shops and buy, test, review, compare and critique etc, besides having them as genuine end users. Sales are always there, no matter whether the product is good or bad. There is no 'great product' yet - in fact any product, which could continue to get sold over 3 years can be a 'good product'. Customers always want variety and new stuff.

3. In SW or HW, not a single user reads EULA, everyone simply clicks 'Yes' or 'I agree' button.

4. For many people (at least in US, Canada, UK) shopping for electronics and then selling the old time on e-bay/ Amazon is a routine habit.

5. Most companies depend on customers to provide testing results and then modify the products!

I tried to explain him about my budgetary constraints and other expenses and then told him about several problems that I faced with Windows. He got irritated literally when I suggested about Linux (I did not have guts to say that I am Linux user now, he might have lost his cool and then may be hit me too?), he told if anyone has concern about personal data, family pics, files etc then Windows is the best and safest solution. I argued that extra payments for new machine, and then for MS office licenses etc, then my bandwidth used by Adobe, Norton, Office and any software for that matter. His position was best systems are not cheap and this is why all of America lives, and he would not care if one of his app wants to update by itself (and use his Bandwidth) to keep the machine clean and safe.

At the end, we departed on graceful terms, I played a bit non-techie role and have shown respect to him. Because, I do not want to lose my temper, appear as argumentative that too in front of my kids and wife. But he could not respond to some of the points.

This discussion continues......

But for now, I am back home, we are using our old machine like breeze, with the Puppy Slako5.7 and my tenant is getting wireless internet from the same machine, we all check emails, watch videos, I do my office documentation (word and Excel), kids doing their homework - no issues.

My wife's family brought a dell 18.4 tablet early this year(they have seen our old 18.4 machine that is working like a solid rock even now, so got inspired) with Win 8; but they were not able to use for some reason, and ended up giving that to us as gift. Now the big tablet is with us, I need to work on it to see if I can put Puppy on it
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#34 Post by cthisbear »


Best wishes from me mate.

No joke but....maybe touch an electric fence in a week or so for a second....
the 12 volt type only.

The charge might help release your knee.

Happened to me with my ankle playing tennis....years ago.

Fell down after lobbing a shot back.

Hobbled around for weeks with a gumboot on the bodgie ankle.

My mate wanted to go fox hunting on his farm and others.

I just went along...but not using a firearm.

Went through a fence...didn't see a second strand.

A Frank Zappa>> Zapper moment so to speak.
You have never seen me move so fast.

Swelling went down though.

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#35 Post by neerajkolte »

@rokytnji, get well soon mate.

@cthisbear, that's one hell of a therapy you suggest.
If only I had thought of trying that earlier on my right knee, bad football injury (that's soccer for my US friends).

@mekalu2k4, beware of windows, beware of windows guy.

- Neeraj.
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#36 Post by mikeb »

he told if anyone has concern about personal data, family pics, files etc then Windows is the best and safest solution.
....if this was a religion that would be classed as a cultist attitude and therefore heavily in denial and misplaced beliefs not consistent with reality ...

but its not

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#37 Post by 8Geee »

I ran away from M$ in 2008, and I haven't looked back. No tears of regret either. Recently I started using slacko57-ff23, a "turn-key" version of slacko 5.7 non-pae.It fits quite well on an old netbook, with an odd screen rez. I noticed the orig. post stated lots of extras like wine, VLC, etc. That does make puppies quite large. If you or a family member does a lot of just general surfing around, its a good small version.

Personally, when I want to do Office stuff, and and need Java, Flash, etc. I prefer slack0-5.5XL which has LibreOffice 4.x. It does a great job for office work, playing the simpler flash games, youtube, etc. Of course, I need a bit newer netbook. Used ones 9" or 10" w/Atom are pretty cheap, and OK. Heck, I bought one with a dead HDD cheap, no problem ... run off USB stick :P

Puppy is what you want Puppy to do. Just about that simple.
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