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#101 Post by rufwoof »

hi rufwoof,

why don't you share your version with us?
Here you go - threre's a ... sp=sharing - vmlinuz and ... sp=sharing initrd.lzo pair of files where initrd.lzo holds puppy sfs inside. Of those two initrd.lzo is the big one - around 400MB

Those can be used with grub4dos, I suggest a entry something like

Code: Select all

title Puppy 533t-310
root (hd0,2)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=atahd pfix=ram ramdisk_size=500000 nouveau.modeset=0 nouveau.noaccel=1 radeon.modeset=0 i915.modeset=0
initrd /initrd.lzo
note that the kernel command line wraps around in the above extract, but it should all be on one line in grub4dos.

You'll need to adjust the root (hd0,2) according to whichever drive/partition you use to store the two files (they count from 0 being the first)

That's Slacko 533t, adjusted and re-remastered a lot. Updated from 3.01 to 3.10 kernel so supports later hardware

The normal puppy menu has been shifted to only be accessible via right mouse click on the desktop and the taskbar menu replaced with another menu. Includes Libre and latest Firefox and is relatively easy to swap out from a older to a later firefox as/when they become available. Firefox is also set to load up with zoom, no script, you tube downloader and is also set to view youtube videos as HTML5 videos instead of flash (which isn't installed). You do have to set the noscript to allow youtube for the video to display.

Also includes PXE server so any other PC's in your local LAN can boot puppy using net boot. you'll have to change /root/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg directory contents to point vmlinuz and initrd.lzo to wherever those files are on your system i.e. symlink. Then start up the server (main menu PXE choice) and set other PC's to net boot - i.e. typically turn of secure booting in windows, reboot and hit <esc> during the initial startup and select net boot (or maybe F12 during boot up).

In the root directory there's a file called INITRD_LOCATION, that will likely need to be edited to point to where your initrd.lzo is stored. Remastering uses that as the pointer for which initrd.lzo to replace.

Remastering is slower on that version as the puppy contains Libre Office and Firefox which doubles the puppy size, so around a minute to remaster on my single core system. Main Menu (taskbar), Config, Remaster will kick that off.

It all runs in ram, only touching the HDD as that's where initrd.lzo and vmlinuz are loaded from, if they were stored on CD then you wouldn't have to touch HDD at all. Once booted you can unmount all drives.

Needs I guess at least 1GB of ram to work ok as puppy is stored uncompressed inside initrd and hence is stored uncompressed in ram once loaded.

There's no save files, nor is it intended to be run with a save file, just store data/docs outside of puppy space and if you want to make changes then reboot a clean/fresh version, make the changes and then remaster

You'll probably have to set the network up (click on the network tray icon) and sound (right click desktop to being up the puppy menu and select setup, setup puppy, wizards wizards .... etc).

Whilst the personal main menu includes "config" options, they're mostly just links to the files that need to be manually edited. Puppy is basically vmlinuz kernel, initrd initial ramdisk and puppy sfs main linux and desktop - where the desktop is fundamentally a xml text file(s) (ROX) and jwm provides a menu using text files to provide a graphical way to access programs. After any changes you need to run fixmenus and jwm -restart to install the changes - one of the config menu options is to run those commands.

Nothing polished, just something that works for me and likely has some things that I don't use that don't work (vga upgrade and PPM etc I suspect are 'faulty').

A great thing about ram booting is that you can try things out (leave all HDD's unmounted) and perhaps trash the system - and simply reboot to get back to a clean working version again. With a full install puppy if you go to a dodgy web site that manages to crack into your system that could install something that remains resident across reboots (persistent), with a ram booted puppy that virus only remains present for that one single session.

Use at your own risk, make backup's first ...etc after all this is a weird one, a Slackware 13 series based puppy (slacko 5.3.3) with a series 14 kernel dropped in (sourced from slacko 5.7), so I've no idea what may or may not work with that. Fun trying things out and if they work great, if they don't then you may need to reboot.

The one thing that attracted me originally to Slacko is was that it was one of the very few that booted straight to desktop on my hardware - after having tried numerous others beforehand that didn't. So I've stayed with slacko since. The repositories might not be good, but I hunt and try out other choices - from any version. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't, being able to experiment and simply reboot out failures has made me more fond of having a read only core puppy. I'd be uncomfortable returning to a full install where one bad case can trash the system to a level where a full reinstall is required. The other factor is speed. When you get used to things being quick you're less inclined to move to slower alternatives. My son often mentions how his old hand-me-down rappy system is so much quicker than his winblows system.
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#102 Post by rufwoof »

The PXE server files/configuration in /root/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg currently has pointers (sym links) to where initrd.lzo and vmlinuz are expected to be stored. That initrd.lzo could equally have been a initrd.gz file - what is expected however is that puppy sfs is contained within that initrd file

To put puppy sfs into initrd.lzo you create a directory below where initrd.gz and puppy sfs are stored, cd to that directory and run the commands

zcat ../initrd.gz | cpio -id # which extracts the initrd.gz contents
cp ../pup*.sfs .# copy in puppy sfs
find | cpio -o -H newc | lzip -c1 >/somedir/initrd.lzo

where that last line forms the new larger initrd file with puppy sfs contained in that file.

Or if you prefer gzip (.gz) the first two lines are the same but the last line is

find | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -4 >/somedir/initrd.gz

Using lzo for larger initrd is nicer in my opinion as there's a clearer distinction between a small initrd.gz (that doesn't contain puppy sfs) and the larger initrd.lzo that does contain puppy sfs. If you use gzip for both then you end up with small initrd.gz and large initrd.gz where only the filesize is a indicator of whether the file contains puppy sfs or not.

In /root/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg you can create other files so as to serve up different boot choices to different PC's (MAC addresses)

For example for a Ethernet with address "88:99:AA:BB:CC:DD" it would search for the filename "01-88-99-aa-bb-cc-dd"

i.e. /root/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/01-88-99-aa-bb-cc-dd
might contain something like

label kevins
kernel kevins_vmlinuz
append initrd=kevins_initrd.lzo

What I haven't tried and that looks interesting is that it would appear possible to even specify remote choices i.e. I've seen references to using something like

LABEL linux-http
LINUX http://boot-server/boot/mykernel
APPEND initrd=http://boot-server/boot/myinitrd

Which implies that if you had some old computer running on your LAN (perhaps even something like a always on (low power) Raspberry pi) that ran a PXE server, and somewhere in the wider internet there was a vmlinuz and initrd that you trusted and wanted to boot, then any PC in your LAN could net boot to that. i.e. Windows PC with secure boot turned off, when first booted press F12 (netboot) [or repeatedly press <esc> until the menu comes up and then select the net boot option], which then accesses the Raspberry pi (or old PC's) PXE server configuration, which then loads up the vmlinuz and initrd.gz (or whatever) from and, which could be the latest puppy as provided by Micko or Barry or ... whoever.

If the puppy boots and runs entirely in ram/memory, and you used the cloud for document storage (google drive or whatever), then the Windows HDD's might never even need to be opened (mounted).

This may all be old hat stuff for some, but its interesting to a newbie like me.

Thin Slacko, the Puppy spirit

#103 Post by Pelo »

all that is in english, i shall read (... and translate it !) when not hurried. I like thin Slacko as it is, around 100MB. I understand that you are improving it. is that possible ?..
Thanks again to have done such a light Puppy.
Trains in ontario countryside as background, why not ? Les canadiens n'ont pas toujours de magnifiques forêts ou des chemins enneigés.
La question n'est pas pourquoi Slacko est si léger, la question est pourquoi les autres font plus !
ThinSlacko should be the standard, and other puppies ask them why they are so fat...
one would like to get abiword bigger ! no !
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#104 Post by Billtoo »

I did a manual frugal install of the newer ThinSlacko to a 16gb flash

video-info-glx 1.5.3 Sun 25 Jan 2015 on ThinSlacko Puppy 5.5.04 Linux 3.9.1-0 i686
0.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 1082 (rev a1)

X Server: Xorg Driver: nvidia
X.Org version: 1.12.4
dimensions: 3840x1080 pixels (1204x343 millimeters)
depth of root window: 24 planes

direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
server glx version string: 1.4
OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL renderer string: GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
OpenGL version string: 4.4.0 NVIDIA 340.65

# glxgears
Running synchronized to the vertical refresh. The framerate should be
approximately the same as the monitor refresh rate.
303 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.455 FPS
301 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.001 FPS
301 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.000 FPS
It's working well.
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#105 Post by Fossil »

As an aside. Regarding the train in the countryside. The picture is a bit too small to see clearly, but the coach livery (colouring) looks very much like the old LMS - London-Midland-Scottish.
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#106 Post by rufwoof »

For grub4dos Frugalers here's a Pup that takes around 20 seconds to remaster ... sp=sharing

puppy sfs is contained within initrd so you just need the two files vmlinuz and initrd

Quite a biggie initrd at around 264MB - as its uncompressed (compressed it drops down to around a 77MB pup).

To boot : my grub4dos menu.lst contains a entry of

title fast_remaster_pup
kernel (hd0,2)/pups/frm/vmlinuz pfix=ram,nocopy
initrd (hd0,2)/pups/frm/initrd

Rather than using savefiles, if you boot, make desired changes and then click the 'remaster' icon on the desktop that will create new copies of vmlinuz and initrd in the home directory (/root). You can change the content of INITRD_LOCATION file in /root to point to another directory where the new vmlinuz and initrd are created - such as where grub4dos looks to boot.

No ISO's or CD required for the remastering, its all integral.

Personally I don't use savefiles, I just reboot, make desired changes and remaster. I keep all data/docs outside of puppy space (on HDD) and use portable versions of Libre Office and Firefox (I also use online email), so after a few remasters and getting the core puppy how you like it there's little need for savefiles.

Best not to remaster after any sfs's have been loaded, and instead always reboot, make desired configuration changes and then remaster before loading any sfs's/pet's. That way they're kept outside of the core puppy and can be changed/replaced with later versions etc as and when desired.

Set up for a UK users (keyboard, country etc.), but just a matter of boot, run setup to configure you net connection, country, keyboard etc.... and then remaster, and copy (replace) the initrd and vmlinuz files where grub4dos looks with the new versions in /root

PS there's a firefox script in /root - that grabs a copy of the latest firefox direct from mozilla

#107 Post by unicorn316386 »

@rufwoof: Interesting idea. I played with your files and it remasters really fast. Would be neat to see a version of this based off Slacko 6.
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#108 Post by greengeek »

Sexy. I'm gonna try this.
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#109 Post by rufwoof »

Quite a simple concept. Keep the core puppy small with the intent to add in additional functions/apps via SFS loading. With Abi, gnumeric ...etc stripped out the core puppy is quite light, weighs in at around 77MB in size at higher levels of compression, 265MB without compression. In more modern PC's 256MB is pretty small nowadays and not using compression makes the remaster process more or less just a simple copy process (fast).

I changed the original remaster script to instead pick up on copies of initrd.gz (the small version) and vmlinuz that are contained within the puppy itself, so no need for a CD to remaster.

I've stored that all under /usr/sbin/REMASTER where there's a ISO-FILES folder that contains the small initrd.gz, vmlinuz etc (that are normally on CD), a remasterpup3 which is the reworked remaster script, and remaster excutable script that does the pre/post processing around calling remasterpup3 i.e. after remasterpup3 finishes the remaster script extracts the initrd, copies in puppy sfs, reforms the (larger) initrd ...etc.

In my own version I have a script that unloads/loads the sfs's I use before/after remastering. My remaster script calls the unload of those before running the remastering process, and reloads them again afterwards. I have a script that loads multiple sfs's in the blink of a eye such that the lag from unloading/reloading sfs's is almost unnoticeable.

load looks like

Code: Select all


for i in audacity-1M.sfs LibreOffice-4.2.3_en-US_xz-high-comp.sfs skype43-1M.sfs blender259-1M.sfs inkscape-1M.sfs openshot1.4-1M.sfs xvidcap1M.sfs; do
  f=`losetup -f`
  if [ ! -d /initrd/pup_$i ]; then
    mkdir -p /initrd/pup_$i
    losetup $f /initrd/pup_ro2/OFFICE/$i
    mount -r -t squashfs -o noatime $f /initrd/pup_$i
    busybox mount -t aufs -o remount,append:/initrd/pup_$i=ro unionfs /
nice fixmenus
# fire up libre tray icon (doesn't matter if restart as libre handles multi-calls ok
/opt/libreoffice4.2/program/soffice --quickstart &
nice jwm -reload
unload looks like

Code: Select all

# Kill libre tray icon
kill `ps | grep quickstart | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`
for i in audacity-1M.sfs LibreOffice-4.2.3_en-US_xz-high-comp.sfs skype43-1M.sfs blender259-1M.sfs inkscape-1M.sfs openshot1.4-1M.sfs xvidcap1M.sfs; do
  LOOPDEV=`losetup | grep -w $i | cut -d: -f 1`
  if [ "$LOOPDEV" != "" ]; then
     busybox mount -t aufs -o remount,del:/initrd/pup_$i unionfs /
     busybox umount $LOOPDEV
     #  losetup -d $LOOPDEV
     rmdir /initrd/pup_$i
nice fixmenus
nice jwm -reload
I actually drop the sfs's I use the most also into the initrd file as I PXE (netboot) some PC's on the LAN and having libre ..etc sfs's included makes things easier/neater, but does bloat the size of initrd up to around 450MB.

Assuming reasonably fast internet access speeds (broadband) then another choice would be like how firefox is loaded - a wget script to pull down sfs's from the cloud (internet server where the sfs's were stored). i.e. small core puppy, everything else loaded via sfs's retrieved remotely.

I absolutely love having a fixed puppy that boots to the exact same image each and every time as once other apps that work well together and with puppy have been identified and tied in then there's no risk of corruption/unwanted configuration changes etc when you use a fixed version of puppy. And if I do want to make a change then a reboot, make change, remaster locks in those changes. Everything else I keep outside of puppy space (on HDD/USB). No need for a savefile, only need to make sure backups of other stuff are periodically made.
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#110 Post by rufwoof »

Mozilla in their wisdom have two versions listed in their most recent 'latest version' folder and the Firefox (get firefox) script in the home directory was stalling due to having two filenames when expecting just one. I've added a sed '1!d' filter to the latest version detection script code so that it continues to run to completion as expected. That's a quick fix that picks up the preceding to latest version (41.0.1 instead of 41.0.2 currently) but I guess that will automatically be corrected when Mozilla again drop back to having just a single version listed in their latest version folder.

I've re-uploaded a remastered initrd (I've also added noscript and zoom addons to the home directory so that they're automatically installed whenever firefox is downloaded).

#111 Post by unicorn316386 »

rufwoof wrote:I absolutely love having a fixed puppy that boots to the exact same image each and every time as once other apps that work well together and with puppy have been identified and tied in then there's no risk of corruption/unwanted configuration changes etc when you use a fixed version of puppy.
Me too. I usually perfect my savefile right off the bat, then turn off saving, so it always boots the same image after, and there are no unwanted "surprises" the next morning. Being able to remaster the changes quickly into the original is a nice concept.

Thin Slacko.

#112 Post by Pelo »

remaster and save file is not the same. Remaster is permanent. You can choose your save file for the Puppy of the day. Like women can choose their dress.
Its not remaster or savefile, it can be remaster and savefiles (several)
The aim is to keep thin, thin slacko. Or Racy 5.3. A Puppy for 100 to 110 MB, browser included, is a real Puppy, in my opinion.
If you I need fat, load SFS on the fly.
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#113 Post by slavvo67 »

Light on pets but that's good. Let's you install what you want. Funny, the SNS did not pick up my wireless card but Frisbee did. That's been happening in a few puppies lately. Odd.....

I installed it to a USB with Unetbootin. Video initially did not work properly; ran xorgwizard and now fine.


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#114 Post by rufwoof »

86.9MB ISO called s533t_with_integral_remaster currently being uploaded to ... sp=sharing

If you boot and before filling in any country etc details - just minimise that window (not close), and make any changes required/desired, and then navigate to /usr/sbin/REMASTER and click the 'remater' script, then that will remaster a new version of initrd in the /root directory (after a long, long wait as it uses extreme compression (very slow)).

That ISO has puppy sfs inserted into initrd. It also has a get_latest_firefox script in the home directory (/root) that will download/run the latest version of firefox from mozilla. I've dropped in a few addon's under /root so once downloaded that firefox will have NoScript, Zoom, have the default search engine set to DuckDuck (lite) and have downloads set to automatically prompt for where to save files to. It also has its home page set to that googledrive folder/directory, so you can grab other SFS's etc. I also included a couple of bookmarks, one to that download folder and another to this thread/board.

Personally I just download the ISO, extract vmlinuz and initrd and drop them into a folder on my HDD, and then update menu.lst (grub4dos) to point to those files.

After booting download what sfs's/pet's you desire and install those etc.

This version has frisbee and firewall already activated so I guess for many it will auto-connect on bootup.

If you do use a savefile (I don't) then firefox after being downloaded is stored under /root i.e. something like /root/firefox-41.0.2 folder. So to update to a later version as and when such becomes available just delete that folder and then click/execute the get_latest_firefox script.

If you find the remaster script too painfully slow then edit /usr/sbin/REMASTER/remasterpup3 script (make sure you right click 'Open as Text' to edit that file and not just click it, as that will execute it) and and search for RufWoof and you'll see some COPTIONS that are commented out. Uncomment one of those as you prefer for instance the -noI -noD ... one uses no compression so that really flies when remastering - but leaves you with a much bigger initrd. Personally I like the COPTIONS="-comp gzip -Xcompression-level 1" choice best myself, a little compression, but quick. A puppy created with that choice also seems to run much faster also.

... just finished uploading, the direct link to the file is ... sp=sharing
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#115 Post by sheldonisaac »

rufwoof wrote:86.9MB ISO called s533t_with_integral_remaster

Personally I just download the ISO, extract vmlinuz and initrd and drop them into a folder on my HDD, and then update menu.lst (grub4dos) to point to those files.
I did that, rebooted, and am in your new THINSlacko now.
This version has frisbee and firewall already activated so I guess for many it will auto-connect on bootup.
Yes, it found the Ethernet OK.
But I couldn't get the wireless adapter to work - is that because of iwlagn rather than iwlwifi ?
What should I do about that?

Thanks a lot for this.

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Re: s533t_with_integral_remaster

#116 Post by unicorn316386 »

sheldonisaac wrote:But I couldn't get the wireless adapter to work - is that because of iwlagn rather than iwlwifi ?
What should I do about that?
For me I ran Internet Connection Wizard (it was in the menu section with all the Magic Wands), then clicked the "Wired or Wireless LAN" icon, then the third (bottom) option Dougal's "Network Wizard", then picked the Eth# that said Wireless, then hit Auto DHCP, then Scan and picked my Wireless name, then picked WPA2 and replaced the "Provide key" line at the bottom with my password. I eventually got it to connect that way, as the buttons in the Connect icon (Frisbee) didn't seem to do anything.
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Re: s533t_with_integral_remaster

#117 Post by rufwoof »

sheldonisaac wrote:
rufwoof wrote:This version has frisbee and firewall already activated so I guess for many it will auto-connect on bootup.
Yes, it found the Ethernet OK.
But I couldn't get the wireless adapter to work - is that because of iwlagn rather than iwlwifi ?
What should I do about that?
Hi sheldonisaac, as Unicorn suggested. Click the SETUP desktop icon, Connect To Internet option ... and try the various options.

My main reason for opting for Thin Slacko around 18 months ago was because it loaded my display and connected using my wireless adapter - whilst I had difficulty with display or network connections with all of the other versions of puppy I tried. Some pup's might not work with your hardware and its just a matter of trial-and-error IME.

From a foundation of Thin Slacko I tend to just tweak things as I like, screen and menu font sizes, drag my portable firefox (on HDD) onto the desktop so its easily accessed etc. Set up time synchronisation. Load up AdBlock (Menu/Internet/Pup Ad Block) and then sfs load the sfs's I commonly use, Skype, Libre Office, Master PDF editor, and Nvidia for my graphics card. I then configure each of those to how I like, usually loading qt_all sfs to set font size (i.e. for skype and master pdf editor) and then sfs unloading qt_all once font sizes have been configured .... and then remaster so that those core sfs's are then part of the core puppy. Thereafter I don't use a savefile.

For online banking I just reboot and use get_latest_firefox to grab a clean version of firefox (rather than using portable firefox which has a cache of everywhere its been in the past and could have a virus) and use that to do online banking, rebooting afterwards (to ensure everythings cleared from memory).

For everything else I tend to just load sfs's as and when required and don't bother saving when I shutdown (so those sfs's are not loaded at the next boot). I don't save any docs...etc in puppy, only on HDD and use a online email account that's accessed via firefox.

With nvidia, libre, skype, master pdf editor sfs's loaded and those programs configured, and /usr/sbin/REMASTER/remasterpup3 changed to use

COPTIONS="-comp gzip -Xcompression-level 1

as the compression option, remastering produces a initrd that is 434MB in size, boots and remasters reasonable quickly and is pretty quick in general use. Something to be wary of is that once initrd gets to above around 465MB is may not boot due to initrd and BIOS limits (that I don't fully understand), so if you're initrd is up anwhere near/above that then you have to use a higher compression method in remasterpup3 to (ideally) reduce the initrd filesize down to below 465MB levels.

A trick I use for more infrequently loaded sfs's is to boot freshly, load that sfs, tweak the configuration of the associated program to how I like, unload the sfs and remaster (using /usr/sbin/REMASTER/remaster), as that will keep the configuration for that program in the newly remastered version, such that when you next reload that sfs its already configured to how you like. i.e. most program configuration files tend to be small and are stored somewhere under /root.
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#118 Post by rufwoof »

For libre I like to add a script into /root/Startup that loads the libre launcher to the puppy tray
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Re: s533t_with_integral_remaster

#119 Post by sheldonisaac »

rufwoof wrote:
sheldonisaac wrote:
rufwoof wrote:This version has frisbee and firewall already activated so I guess for many it will auto-connect on bootup.
Yes, it found the Ethernet OK.
But I couldn't get the wireless adapter to work - is that because of iwlagn rather than iwlwifi ?
What should I do about that?
Hi sheldonisaac, as Unicorn suggested. Click the SETUP desktop icon, Connect To Internet option ... and try the various options.
rufwoof, thanks a lot for such a fast response.

I followed that suggestion, but it still couldn't connect to the wireless.

I had changed the original Broadcom card for an Intel, hoping it would work with LibrePuppy; it doesn't.

I'm back in SuperLuPu now.

Code: Select all

lspci -nnk | grep -i net
00:19.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation 82577LM Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10ea] (rev 05)
02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6205 [Taylor Peak] [8086:0085] (rev 34)

Code: Select all

lsmod | grep -i iwl
iwlwifi               139181  0 
mac80211              138394  1 iwlwifi
cfg80211              116254  2 iwlwifi,mac80211
If I can get a module (from where) for the Intel card which works in THINslacko, need I blacklist the iwlagn ?
How do I do that?
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#120 Post by rufwoof »

Master PDF is a relatively new addition to the sfs's I keep loaded at all times. You have to change the default text font to one that puppy has otherwise it will complain, but thereafter its great as both a reader and composer. The only shortfall IME is that there's no spell checking option, so a case of creating documents in Libre, saving as PDF and then loading the PDF into Master PDF so that you can add attachments etc.

For instance I do a lot of spreadsheets and rather than having the associated text documents separate but linked, saving the text documents as a PDF and including the spreadsheet(s) as attachment(s) in that PDF keeps everything together in a single file.

Like skype however the default menu font sizes were too small for my liking/eyes, so qt_all has to be loaded and the font size increased for greater visual comfort IME. Once tweaked using qt_all, you can unload the qt_all sfs file as those changes will still be preserved.
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