Alexandra Video Library same as AMC, Ant Movie Catalog ?

Audio editors, music players, video players, burning software, etc.

XenialDog :Alexandra

#21 Post by Pelo »

XenialDog :Alexandra downloaded and serviceable in Multimedia Menu. XenialDog is under permanent improval by Devs, but users can yet use it for leasure.
Last edited by Pelo on Tue 26 Sep 2017, 15:46, edited 1 time in total.

ant movie catalog

#22 Post by Pelo »

ant movie catalog under Wine
But some Puppies should succeed to run it.. See that later. Video lovers went away off the Puppy Linux forum, our devs are not very fond of amusement apps.
Linux is the only pleasure you could get here. I can't get no satisfaction :evil: An OS is to run apps on a computer, not to be the goal itself.
I did not buy my car to learn how is made a car, but to drive it. Puppy should deal with applications, as in the past !
These applications Alexandra are for Linux, and mostly used by Windows users. Linux users dont'use, they linux. Roots are uderground. and they stay underground.

Ant Movie Catalog

#23 Post by Pelo »

Ant Movie Catalog with Trunkpup Slacko 5.3.3 equipped with Wine
Access to data saved when using AMC with Windows Seven : available, serviceable :)
Viva Trunkpup
(44.77 KiB) Downloaded 96 times

AMC . Available via Wine, upupBionic cispesz

#24 Post by hamoudoudou »

AMC . Available via Wine, upupBionic cispesz
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