Geany as Launcher, Bookmarks Manager, and Word Processor

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Puppus Dogfellow
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accidentally left out most of the geany stuff in nwp 192

#41 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

Puppus Dogfellow wrote:from installation of p5(jaewm)/u6(jaewm)/x7/nwp32/nwp-64
jaewms are updates to ~572.14 (making it p5--next version is 5p) and p6 (making it 6p--next version will be 6u (lamely sticking to p5/6 simply because of the following wallpaper):


eventually x7 will become 7x as a spin of xenialpup, but both the sfs and pet should work okay in all 5-8 series pups using jwm and rox except the newest slackos, which have been updated twice since 6.3.0 and possibly prove this assertion wrong. anyway, the pet doesn't affect jwm unless you activate it, which can be done in a number of ways, the easiest being entering /nwp/my1 (keycentric base config) or /nwp/my30 (regular default) into a terminal you can see the jaewm documentation in /nwp/c/installation-retro for more on how they differ. the same folder also has clickable installation options--you can preconfigure which trays show rather than use mae (entered in the shift plus spacebar launcher) or the root4 menu (alt plus 4 and 5, scroll up and down) to do it after the initial set of jwm config changes are in place. being updates, the jaewms don't install the dependencies (aemenu, xdotool, wmctrl)--the spins have it already, plus they've got the pets for transfer to either 64 or 32 bit in nwp/c. if you don't want to see the pet installed already error message, you can use that version to update an existing nwp installation. nwp32/64 contain just the dependencies and the nwp itself. installation is the same as with x7--either go to /nwp/c and pick and choose or enter /nwp/my19-my4) or /nwp/my30(-my49) into a terminal and wait for fixmenus and jwm -restart to run after the backups and swaps are made.





common but unlisted:

treesize, megasync, dropbox,


to enable the custom geany menu (ae menu gg in the launcher, root 2 menu) on your system, enter /nwp/c/geanytweak into a terminal or go to /nwp/c/ and click the geanytweak script.

i recommend the pets in general, the SFSes for testing.

p.dogfellow, 6/30/16


more dopiness:



known bugs: xenial won't let go of the blue active window title bars and xcalc crashes it (so don't use it unless you want to shut down). there's supposedly a fix (see xenial folder in puppy isos) for the broken mounted drive icons, but i haven't tried it yet--so already a pet or two i've left out and the upgrade path for x7 presents itself. the rox tweaks (letter shortcuts, etc) and jwm/gtk theme upgrades (to "official pux specs"...) don't have a nwp shortcut as yet--go to nwp/c to click the activation scripts (in the process of being phased out).

/nwp/mae in a terminal will also get you the installation menu after the pet or sfs is installed.

documentation updates:

launcher shortcuts
nwp keyboard shortcuts (jwm)

approximatic for most 32 bit pups:

x7 sfs
x7 pet
upgrade p6 to 6p:
u6 sfs
u6 pet
upgrade ~572.14 to p5:
p5 sfs
p5 pet
(sfs was mostly used to make the pet--it won't overwrite/update on an existing install in either the precise or the unicorn spin (or most any other existing installation of the jaewmie).

no helper pets, just the nwp folder, aemenu, xdotool, the pexec based launcehrs, and wmctrl:

nwp64 pet
nwp 64 sfs
nwp32 pet
nwp32 sfs
update fixes some documentation and (this time-- accidentally left it out of the earlier one/the one four in the vtg thread...) has the geany and geany plug-in update for ~...14.

Corvus' geany 125 pet and plugins separate from the p5 and x7 packages.

pets will update existing setups, the sfs won't unless you remove or rename your old nwp (you may want to rename it before the pet installation since merging of the contents may overwrite any customizing you've done).
from ... 183#910183, which also has onsite documentation for the included keyboard shortcuts.
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minor update for nwp.64 plus the 64bit versions of the geany

#42 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

update for the 64bit version of the posted earlier plus the necessary dependencies for the geanytweak script (in /nwp/c):

from here and here:
though now that i'm working on porting the customizations that define these spins to 64bit, there may be more forthcoming. for now, scroll back towards page one for some of the more minimal setups--pets and sfs versions of the approximatic (p5, u6, x7) require activation through the terminal (/nwp/my1 or /nwp/my30) on new installs, though rox /nwp/c will take you to the installation folder, which opens up some preconfiguration options (none of which will take the menu, tray, or key swapping features--you'll need to swap in from the my series for those). i will soon post an updated version of the 64 bit nwp--been playing around with it a bit in tahr64 (finally got it to boot on a worthy (6gb ram) machine).

Post subject: towards a 64bit version of the spins
Subject description: progress so far (and why i always try to include recoll) since few start with linux, it makes sense to me to allow users to easily search through their non linux created files--unfortunately nothing seems to be in the class of recoll, which isn't always convenient to install (these spins and the approximatic include a fairly old version of it (1.13), which works well enough that i'd be happy to be able to get it consistently working in 64bit, even if i needed to use a compatibility sfs to do so). had a go at getting the era-correct 1.17 to work in tahr64, but only succeeded one in three times. trick may have been to start with the bug fix, then first ppm-install recoll and its dependencies. other orders failed, but i'm not sure if that was necessarily due to sequencing.

anyway, the updated nwp.64 pet below works better than the one i posted earlier, at least in tahr64, but if you already installed the earlier one and want to try out what makes them different, apart from compression used by the somewhat disimilar utilities i used to make them, just install the following xdotoolpet:

here's the newer 64bit nwp:

and here are the geany plugins you'll need for the geanytweak script to work (and consequently the custom menus in set1 and/or the installation defaults) in 64bit:


if you've installed the newer 64bit nwp and want to give the older one a go, just try out this xdotool package (which to work well in slacko64, iirc):

speaking of slacko64 and what i said earlier about the jwm management--doesn't appear to be related to jwm desk or sticky jwm or any of that, but until i test the newest version, if you install the pet, manually play with jwm at your own risk (and be aware you may be playing around with the configuration quick switches at an even greater potential risk under that distro).

apart from the difficulties with recoll and the somewhat expected by now loss of some nwp funtions under 64, the tahr64 proto spin/insta-spin seems to have worked well. next reboot i'll test it under xenial64 and see if anything needs to be adjusted.

here's some of the rest (really all as of now but i expect it to grow/change) of the 64 bit spin/upgrade path:
files extracted from the post:
here's the newer 64bit nwp:
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nwp update improves config swapping and porting, navigation,

#43 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

update simplifies installation, customization, portability
Subject description: (your original configs become my39 in the launcher--full nwp and functions by default.

Puppus Dogfellow wrote:(but you can now uninstall aspects of it individually through the piecemeal submenu on mae (launcher code or in your applications folder) or the scripts in /nwp/c)
from minor nwp update (two lines on the pinstall script that lead
into this how-to on the jwm configuration quickswitches

only changes since the last batch are an update of the elp help file and the following two lines added to the pinstall scripts (that activate after the pet installation moves in the files you're adding to your system):

Code: Select all

cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal /nwp/root3/root39menu/jwmrc-personal 
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc /nwp/root3/root39menu/_root_.jwmrc
these lines make your current jwm configuration (current as of the time of this install) your my39 quickswitch (i.e. "my39" in the launcher activates that particular set of configuration files); my39r reverses it, but only to the previous configuration. this is to say, installing, playing around with the configuration switches, and then getting back to your preinstall config while leaving the rest of the functions in tact may lead to some unfortunate backtracking--making the originals a quickswitch avoids any headaches and brings up a point about customizing your own (or sets of your own) wm features--anything you do to the contents of the root#menus folders in /nwp/root3 and their associated files will stick as a quickswitch and the feature mod (the tray, key, and menu config files for the nine extra menus (x3), the 6 keycentric configs, the thirty or so trays are all there) will be a part of the swapped in customizations, but you must mod the files in nwp/root3/, not the ones in their system-active places in root/.jwm and /etc/xdg/templates to make them portable (though you could always run the above two lines adjusted to the destination folder of your choice (or drag and drop manually--rl in the launcher then c gets you there...there's a guess is alt plus j...(woo hoo)(rung is h for keys launcher, j for rox launcher, k for geany, l for leafpad)...---make changes, restart jwm to see if you like them, copy them to those folders in nwp/root3 if you want to make them swappable. the new menus on scroll up and down and mae (ae menu launched by that code in main launcher) have the quickswitches plus links to edit or activate the keys, trays, menus, etc. you can edit the files to include menus from elsewhere, but all the presets are fed from that folder. make a file of the above repeated for menus30-49 and you could vtg in your current settings at any time with a click of the cauliflower (etc).
from ... 193#920193:

for the 64 bit geanytweaks to work and match up with the jwm and aemenu menus, install the following plugins:

unlike prior updates, this version of the nwp (either 32 or 64 bit) will autoinstall the geany tweaks, rox tweaks, and keycentric configs (my1). pinstall script for 32 bit sets the syntax back to the old style for the unicorn and precise spins. will release pae mature (5p), pae new (7x), non pae (6u, the next version of the unicorn spin), and 64 bit--6t4, which will be based on tahr64. i've been using xenial 64 and 32 on somewhat equivalent machines, and now that i know rox being overloaded is what crashes 701 (and avoid it), i have to say i'm happy with the performance of both. my earlier complaints about 32bit when using over 4gig of ram doesn't seem to hold with this newest pup--going to make a xenial spin based on the earlier x7 package since it's got the light recoll. the 64 bit spin won't include it by default, but it will have most of the features of the 32 bit spins. ETP's get chrome64 package has been modded (as anubis,get(64bit) an attempt to add some semblance of unifying theme to pux and 6t4 (or 6d4, since the debian-using xenial707-64 also works well with the nwp); i think it's there. the Word Processor and Ultimatesque Utilities Pack (and the vtg) are the anubis folder...everything's a file, a folder... :lol: :roll: :wink: (...)

here's the contents of the geany64 plugin.xz's--127 is for xenial64, 125 is for tahr64 (and it should work in slacko64 as well, but you may need to add the jwm stuff manually--aemenus will work regardless):

(tree browser (included in tahr64) and extrasel are the only ones the menus require, though the spell-check dictionary in nwp/wp is there because of the above plugins and their 32 bit counterparts).

jaewm! documentation and keycuts cheat sheet have been updated both in the package and in the repo's support folder.
line's boldface because i'm about to post the updated launcher code list, and now that the keycentric configs are activated upon installation by default, that list too. also, since i've got a few keyboards that aren't quite as linux compatible as i'd like (microsoft ergo 400 or something, a logitech wireless that's got no middle button, another that's got at least a dozen currently useless multimedia and/or otherwise gummy buttons), i may post an additional keys insert file with the xev mapping for one or two of them. both time-saving lists are already on the ridiculous side of lengthy or approaching it. ...thing that looks like a light switch doesn't register at all...
Re: some new shortcuts
and the previous post summarized.

Puppus Dogfellow wrote:serf700 -- spit out serif 700 template
sans700 -- spit out sans 700 template
mono700 -- spit out mono 700 template

serl7 -- serif opened in leafpad, 700px viewport
serg7 -- serif opened in geany, 700px viewport
sanl7 -- sans opened in leafpad, 700px viewport
sang7 -- sans opened in geany, 700px viewport
monol7 -- mono opened in leafpad, 700px
monog7 -- mono opened in geany, 700px viewport
baek -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(rox), aefull as a submenu)
baekt -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(thunor), aefull as a submenu)
baekp -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(pcman), aefull as a submenu)
baeks -- bookmarks menu (/nwp and puppy bookmarks(spacefm), aefull as a submenu)
mklpx (in terminal) -- make leafpad 5x5 notetaking pad in working directory (through terminal rather than launcher--it's also now a rox right click > new function).

the viewport function makes the line breaking stuff from earlier more or less obsolete. these are the pw,n launcher versions of the newer templates jwm, aemenu and rox call.
from ... 662#918662

Puppus Dogfellow

fixed up some stuff in /root/.../rox..Templates, making the nwp work better as a right click utility in rox. tidying up that folder led me to condense the word processing templates to three, which are all new--they just add a help comment about the use of comments and add the viewport set to 700--Barry Kauler reported that worked well on his phone, and it's what the word processor FocusWriter also uses, and it seems to comfortably give documents a pdf layout that doesn't cut them at the margins, so it's the default, and it's now more easily accessible--the n, n1, n2, and n3 word processing menus (the latter two no longer labled as one another on the jwm and aemenus) all have the dual launchers (for simultaneous text editor plus browser viewing/work) and templates menus, and now so does rox's right click > new menu, and now they all have the 700px viewport by default option (it's a buried option in the templates > new folder--the wp folder now contains a folder of the panel frames, a set of the dual launchers, a set of templates, and a set of aemenu word processing and utilities menus--other than the pet making utilities (a new one added--it has a folder with a puppy skeleton and a drag and drop directory to pet converter), it's pretty much anything in the templates menu that could be construed as helping with word processing). the mcc make concurrent copies function has also undergone a similar cleanup--your customizations, if any, will be in the original folder as mcc-prev. i added a few more unextensioned options, plus a few for .bak and .~; the icons have been left out of the new version in the templates folder--the mc folder in /nwp still has them. all the aemenu functions are now on the baek menu (also a right click new option) as pop-off menus.

your old templates folder gets backed up as Templates-prev in its original location.
here's the new rox right click > new menu:

Puppus Dogfellow wrote:Image ... 1egwnb.gif

the pets don't install the right click options by default, but /nwp/c has some scripts that will swap out (and back up) your menu2 and .gtkrc (etc) files for those necessary to make the letter shortcuts (right side of screenshot) alterable--this has shown limited success for me on existing installations, always seems to work for remastered isos, sometimes works with merely killall and restarting rox, sometimes works after an x restart---it's not included by default for a reason or two, i guess. the templates for the folder of blank word processing templates, the base mono, serif, and sans set ones, those for config2pet and the menu-here items will be available via right click whether or not the keycuts take or even if no effort is made to install them--they're simply additions made to one of rox's templates folder (seems some pups have two (more?) distinct folders for this, others rely on symlinks...anyway, this tweak doesn't work as consistently as the ae or jwm implementations).

if you want the geany customization menus to function properly, you'll need the plugins installed and the geanytweak script clicked or activated (c/geanytweak in the launcher will activate it, c in the rox launcher (rl main launcher or use the new bookmarks menus) will take you to the folder so you can poke around (mostly install scripts and the location of configurations and customizations you store for future ports/installations through the port/store/configure submenus (mae in the launcher brings one up, but there are few floating around as various jwm submenus))--it swaps in the keyboard, gui, and plugin settings they're expecting.
Re: composite screeny, which may be deleted due to hugeness...
shows word processing items as rox right click options, jwm and ae bookmarks menus...
updated rox right click > new menu
(40.88 KiB) Downloaded 558 times
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Puppus Dogfellow
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menu and feature update: adapting keyboards and a menu fix

#44 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

Post subject: small update plus how to nwp your auxiliary and media keys
Subject description: partially remapping, for example, a windows natural ergonomic 4000 keyboard

Puppus Dogfellow wrote:so that you can better process words or do whatever you'd like to do. template below is very heavily modded for nwp functions, though it's got some program specific items (geany's vtg and custom menus) and some mods that should function globally (keyboard as is doesn't really allow you do undo, redo, save, etc, but the jwm file below animates those otherwise dead keys. i left the function lock alone and would have by choice (didn't mess with print screen simply because i like it as screen shot and you could add to it ala key 230 (which you'll soon see)), but i couldn't get xev to identify the light switch or the spell key. messed around with some logitech stuff and it seems to map similar. will test out adesso as well and see how much of the media assignments are universal--on the pups i've used, the volume toggles invariably work, but the browser home buttons are more often than not dead, i find (they work/generally are an unwelcomed shock in xenial64, though).

tems main template menu has been updated and given a prominet key, as have maybe too many nwp codes in general. use the cheat sheet if the function is not immediately clear. use the includes files below (or variations of it) for your own keys, but double check that things are the same with xev even if your keyboard has an envelope button, a house button, etc (identical models should behave the same and not require this step).

stock jwm config file has two keyboard shortcuts for default
browser; here's half a dozen for the vtg with potentially hundreds to spare

Code: Select all

<!--replace the mixer lines (or comment them out) and add 
this file saved as /nwp/root3/msnatkb with 
<Include>/nwp/root3/msnatkb<Include> in their place
<Key mask="ACS4" keycode="160">exec:amixer sset Master toggle</Key>
<Key mask="ACS4" keycode="176">exec:amixer sset Master 1+,1+</Key>
<Key mask="ACS4" keycode="174">exec:amixer sset Master 1-,1-</Key>
<Key mask="ACS4" keycode="178">exec:defaultbrowser</Key>
<Key mask="ACS4" keycode="176">exec:defaultbrowser</Key>
<Key keycode="160">exec:amixer sset Master toggle</Key>
<Key keycode="176">exec:amixer sset Master 1+,1+</Key>
<Key keycode="174">exec:amixer sset Master 1-,1-</Key>
<Key keycode="178">exec:/nwp/duals</Key>
<Key keycode="236">exec:defaultbrowser</Key>
<Key keycode="111">exec:defaultscreenshot</Key>

<Key keycode="178">exec:window</Key>
<Key keycode="229">exec:recoll</Key>
<Key keycode="236">exec:tem</Key>

<Key keycode="183">exec:/nwp/n1</Key>
<Key keycode="184">exec:/nwp/n3</Key>
<Key keycode="93">exec:/nwp/n2</Key>
<Key keycode="131">exec:/nwp/n</Key>
<Key keycode="247">exec:/nwp/baek</Key>

<Key keycode="160">exec:1</Key>
<Key keycode="174">exec:2</Key>
<Key keycode="176">exec:0</Key>
<!--^(single, double, and supplemental windows menus) -->

<Key keycode="162">exec:/nwp/aef</Key>
<Key keycode="161">exec:galculator</Key>
<!--<Key mask="A" keycode="162">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="161">window</Key>
^silver rung starting with 1--mag glass is now window button-->

<Key keycode="230">exec:/nwp/v</Key>

<Key mask="A" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/p</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/ch</Key>
<Key mask="S" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/gl</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/k</Key>
<Key mask="AC" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/ll</Key>
<Key mask="AS" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/rl</Key>
<Key mask="A4" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/pwns</Key>
<Key mask="CS" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/keys/2k</Key>
<Key mask="C4" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/keys/kch</Key>
<Key mask="S4" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/keys/kg</Key>
<Key mask="ACS" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/keys/kir</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/keys/kl</Key>
<Key mask="CS4" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/keys/kgi</Key>
<Key mask="ACS4" keycode="230">exec:/nwp/vtg5</Key>

<Key keycode="234">prev</Key>
<Key keycode="233">next</Key>

<Key mask="A" keycode="234">prev</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="233">next</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="234">prevstacked</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="233">nextstacked</Key>
<Key mask="S" keycode="234">sendl</Key>
<Key mask="S" keycode="233">sendr</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="234">ldesktop</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="233">rdesktop</Key>
<!--function rung:-->

<Key keycode="245">exec:/nwp/p</Key>
<Key keycode="135">exec:/nwp/keys/k/cz</Key>
<Key keycode="138">exec:/nwp/keys/k/cy</Key>
<Key keycode="137">exec:/nwp/keys/k/cn</Key>
<Key keycode="191">exec:/nwp/keys/k/co</Key>
<Key keycode="175">exec:/nwp/keys/k/cw</Key>
<Key keycode="228">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf16</Key>
<Key keycode="142">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf18</Key>
<Key keycode="218">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf17</Key>
<!--^set anchor, rectangular select to anchor, select to anchor-->
<Key keycode="213">exec:/nwp/keys/k/cs</Key>
<Key keycode="185">exec:/nwp/keys/k/cp</Key>
<Key keycode="78">exec:/nwp/lpx</Key>
<Key keycode="110">exec:/nwp/v</Key>

<Key keycode="157">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf15</Key>
<Key keycode="246">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf13</Key>
<Key keycode="251">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf14</Key>

<!--^move last, last used, move first-->

<Key mask="A" keycode="245">exec:/nwp/k</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="135">exec:/nwp/chab</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="138">exec:/nwp/chad</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="137">exec:/nwp/gab</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="191">exec:/nwp/gad</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="175">exec:/nwp/lab</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="228">exec:/nwp/lad</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="142">exec:/nwp/rab</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="218">exec:/nwp/rad</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="213">exec:/nwp/tem</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="185">exec:tas</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="78">exec:geany -i</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="110">exec:vtg5</Key>

<Key mask="A" keycode="157">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf16</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="246">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf18</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="251">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf17</Key>

<!--^set anchor, rectangular select to anchor, select to anchor-->
<Key mask="C" keycode="245">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="135">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="138">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="137">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="191">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="175">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="228">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="142">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="218">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="213">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="185">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="78">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="110">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="157">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="246">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C" keycode="251">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="245">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="135">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="138">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="137">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="191">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="175">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="228">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="142">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="218">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="213">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="185">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="78">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="110">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="157">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="246">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" keycode="251">exec:</Key>


wasn't able to post either the comment wondering how to post beneath one's attachment or anything below the attachment, but above is a very nwp/pwn anubis heavy jwm keyboard insert file that will get back and multiply the functionality of some aftermarket keyboards (this is set to the ms ergo keyboard above--i'll eventually do remaps for some logitech products i have--an ergo wireless keyboard, a new version that's slim and has a trackpad but had no middle click function, --i figure one set to highlight the word processor/utilities pack and another to just maximize customizability and functionality--just rows of blank templates like i did with the function keys (the physical ones, not those in /nwp/keys/k).

as the comment says,
<!--replace the mixer lines (or comment them out) and add
this file saved as /nwp/root3/msnatkb with
<Include>/nwp/root3/msnatkb<Include> in their place
this will get rid of your dublicate browser shortcuts, match up some (i didn't look into send or forward because i don't do that much--those have been remapped to set anchor, rectangular select to anchor, select to anchor) of the labels with reality, and make the nwp pretty easy to use. launcher code cheat sheet should explain program codes that otherwise seem cryptic.(many keys now launch aemenus).

keycuts for keycode 230 (the star button top middle) show how you can expand down on a key just about as easily or conveniently as across--just depends on what you can manage to arrange in a way that will make sense to you.

Post subject: reprogramming aftermarket keyboards 1: ms natural ergo 4000
Subject description: noopin' out a great natural/getting use out of some buttons

from ... wb0s0t.jpg, an image too big to considerately post, so the text bit:

keys marked with an asterisk (home, envelope, mute toggle, volume up, volume down) are premapped by the keyboard, the machine, or possibly your windows manager. in most cases, pressing a modifier key will reveal what key code is being used--most dedicated function keys seem to be modifiers plus regular keyboard keys. you can either start your modifications with those keys modified or you can remap the originals if possible--xev can't see them when they're pressed on their own, but most reveal the base key when a modifier is added. keys that don't work in this model are the light switch looking thing, the key marked "spell," and the key that toggles the function keys. home, mute, volume up and down are part of jwm's built ins (i intend to demote the original
functions to 4 modifiers. being labeled, they'll be easy to identify, and four is an easy enough number to remember.

Code: Select all

<Key keycode="251">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf14</Key>

for modified keys:
<Key mask="A" keycode="245">exec:/nwp/k</Key>
upcoming sample remap leaves a number of the global (but not in linux though many of the call codes are the same) labels active by calling their equivalent in nwp/keys/k, which is the location of the virtual keypad--cn (for control+n for the new key, co for open and the most of the rest of that row in manner called by that nwp subfolder and/or the k launcher) and similar is also a way to transfer your own oft-used keycuts to keyboard buttons. acsw=alt+control+shift+windows key. ACS4 is the jwm version of the same--seems most programs allow up to at least four modifiers...

the illustration bit:

forgot to update the tem (templates menu) last time around
save as /nwp/tempa2
menu "Individual Duals and The Dual Launchers Folder"
cmd "duals folder for drag and drop/batch launching" "/nwp/duals"
cmd "geany, chrome" "/nwp/ggc"
cmd "geany new instance, chrome" "/nwp/gigc"
cmd "geany new instance, opera" "/nwp/gio"
cmd "leafpad, chromium" "/nwp/lgc"
cmd "geany new instance, firefox" "/nwp/gif"
cmd "default text editor, default browser" "/nwp/def"
cmd "geany, firefox" "/nwp/gf"
cmd "default text editor, firefox" "/nwp/tef"
cmd "leafpad, firefox" "/nwp/lff"
cmd "geany, default browser" "/nwp/gb"
cmd "geany new instance, default browser" "/nwp/gib"
cmd "leafpad, default browser" "/nwp/leb"
cmd "leafpad, seamonkey" "/nwp/leafy"
cmd "leafpad, dillo" "/nwp/dlll"
cmd "geany, dillo" "/nwp/ged"
cmd "geany, seamonkey" "nwp/ges"
cmd "leafpad, opera" "/nwp/lop"
cmd "geany, palemoon" "/nwp/gep"
cmd "geany, chromium" "/nwp/gc"
cmd "geany new instance, palemoon" "/nwp/gip"
cmd "geany new instance, chromium" "/nwp/gic"
cmd "leafpad, palemoon" "/nwp/lep"
cmd "geany new instance, dillo" "/nwp/gid"
cmd "leafpad, chromium" "/nwp/lec"
cmd "geany new instance, seamonkey" "/nwp/gis"
cmd "geany new instance, slimjet" "/nwp/gij"
cmd "geany, slimjet" "/nwp/gj"
cmd "geany, netsurf" "/nwp/gn"
cmd "geany new instance, netsurf" "/nwp/gin"
cmd "leafpad, netsurf" "/nwp/lns"
cmd "leafpad, slimjet" "/nwp/lj"
cmd "Templates, Two Versions:" "templates: two versions"
cmd "1. Rebuild/Spit Template Code/Convert to NWP (html):" "rebuild/spit template code"
cmd " sans serif template" "/nwp/san1"
cmd " serif template" "/nwp/serf1"
cmd " mono template" "/nwp/mono1"
cmd "spit out serif 700 template" "/nwp/serf700"
cmd "spit out sans 700 template" "/nwp/sans700"
cmd "spit out mono 700 template" "/nwp/mono700"
cmd "2. Rename And Use:" "rename and use:"
cmd " mono  opened in geany" "/nwp/mono"
cmd " mono opened in leafpad" "/nwp/monol"
cmd " sans opened in geany" "/nwp/sans"
cmd " sans opened in leafpad" "/nwp/sansl"
cmd " serif opened in geany" "/nwp/serf"
cmd " serif opened in leafpad" "/nwp/serfl"
cmd "serif opened in leafpad, 700px viewport" "/nwp/serl7"
cmd "serif opened in geany, 700px viewport" "/nwp/serg7"
cmd "sans opened in leafpad, 700px viewport" "/nwp/sanl7"
cmd "sans opened in geany, 700px viewport" "/nwp/sang7"
cmd "mono opened in leafpad, 700px" "/nwp/monol7"
cmd "mono opened in geany, 700px viewport" "/nwp/monog7"
has the updated templates and doesn't need any permissions set. just save as /nwp/tempa2, overwriting your original.
here's a pic of the mapping on the nat ergo 4000:
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Puppus Dogfellow
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#45 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

from another nwp update (nwp32/64.4)
Subject description: fix for edpin script (don't use it without the fix)

Puppus Dogfellow wrote:from nwp32/64.4 --set run actions and icons for your files, some
more about the launchers and file generation, a bug fix that's a how-to for the newest one.
post is long enough but in short, the main feature of the upgrade is the ability to set run actions for your word processing files (or any other, though it was put together in part to a geany-vtg type start center). from the comments on a picture in a folder in my repo:

another use for the mcc (make concurrent copies) function is assigning text files to pairs of programs (browser-text editor) by having the copies carry an extension that will set them apart from everything else. right click in rox to set both a run action (pick something from the duals folder, to continue on the word processing bent, though that's not strictly necessary) and icon. screen shot shows...

Post subject: ~572.64.1/6t4.1: a 64 bit version based on tahrpup64_6.0.5
Subject description: 2 versions are essentially the same--something's up with something's compression settings somewhere
, which has no subtitle but is part of Rattlehead's set run action quickly thread):

Puppus Dogfellow wrote:

Code: Select all

echo application/x-def:*.mon >> /usr/share/mime/globs
echo 50:application/x-def:*.mon >> /usr/share/mime/globs2
echo application/x-def text/xml >> /usr/share/mime/subclasses
echo application/x-def >> /usr/share/mime/types
echo application/x-def:*.san >> /usr/share/mime/globs
echo 50:application/x-def:*.san >> /usr/share/mime/globs2
echo application/x-def:*.ser >> /usr/share/mime/globs
echo 50:application/x-def:*.ser >> /usr/share/mime/globs2
echo application/x-def:*.pwn >> /usr/share/mime/globs
echo 50:application/x-def:*.pwn >> /usr/share/mime/globs2
echo application/x-def:*.nwp >> /usr/share/mime/globs
echo 50:application/x-def:*.nwp >> /usr/share/mime/globs2
echo application/x-def:*.mono >> /usr/share/mime/globs
echo 50:application/x-def:*.mono >> /usr/share/mime/globs2
echo application/x-def:*.def >> /usr/share/mime/globs
echo 50:application/x-def:*.def >> /usr/share/mime/globs2
echo application/x-def2:*.def2 >> /usr/share/mime/globs
echo 50:application/x-def2:*.def2 >> /usr/share/mime/globs2
echo application/x-def2 text/xml >> /usr/share/mime/subclasses
echo application/x-def2 >> /usr/share/mime/types
echo application/x-def3:*.def3 >> /usr/share/mime/globs
echo 50:application/x-def3:*.def3 >> /usr/share/mime/globs2
echo application/x-def3 text/xml >> /usr/share/mime/subclasses
echo application/x-def3 >> /usr/share/mime/types
echo application/x-pwp:*.mons >> /usr/share/mime/globs
echo 50:application/x-pwp:*.mons >> /usr/share/mime/globs2
echo application/x-pwp text/xml >> /usr/share/mime/subclasses
echo application/x-pwp >> /usr/share/mime/types
echo application/x-pwp:*.sans >> /usr/share/mime/globs
echo 50:application/x-pwp:*.sans >> /usr/share/mime/globs2
echo application/x-pwp:*.sers >> /usr/share/mime/globs
echo 50:application/x-pwp:*.sers >> /usr/share/mime/globs2
#(copy in def pwp desktop files); fixmenus jwm -restart
#set run action:
mkdir -p /root/.config/
ln -s /usr/share/applications/pwp /root/.config/
ln -s /usr/share/applications/def /root/.config/
#set icon:
cp -f //usr/share/applications/icons-alt/inpare9.xpm /root/.config/
cp -f /usr/share/applications/icons-alt/p2e0.xpm  /root/.config/
had the names on the icons wrong for one thing (left out a -x), but that method of setting them works so inconsistently (or i confused something by repeatedly swapping back and forth so many times) i ended up putting an alt-icons folder in usr//share/applications just so i could easily right-click assign them--it's a useless part of the script. :lol:

maybe messing with that /root/.config/ file is a better way?()

anyway, i used it in a pinstall script for a pet that was making most of a remaster and the copies all have the four extensions register as unique entities that can get their own programs and icon assignments (which is cool/i'm over the disappointment and inconvenience). :D ... 025#923025

fixing a bug with the auxiliary launchers or keycuts
pruning or setting drive arrays

there's no reason to issue a pet fix for the edpin problem--just use the auxiliary launchers or built-in keycuts to fix it. method one: main launcher (shift+spacebar), gl (opens the file in geany; use ll if you want to open the file in leafpad), enter, edpin, enter.

this opens up "edpin" for editing (if the file didn't exist, it would make a blank file with that name for you to save in the location of choice--gl and ll are word processing functions at least as much as configuration and maintenance tools) and presents

Code: Select all

geany /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/Pup* 

to fix it, add a pound sign to or delete the last line, making it

Code: Select all

geany /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/Pup* 
#/nwp/edpin #--this was supposed to have been commented out
had i just left the /nwp/part off (comment mark would've made it the title), no real harm would've been done--it would've just made a file called "edpin" that had no set location for its contentlessness (beyond /root/edpin--root seems to be geany's default location for files made this way. the ones you create through the file > new dialog i believe get made in /tmp...). as it stood, the file as command continually reactivated itself as the last step. comment makes it back into a tile, and brings up another error, this time in documentation.

maybe i was still in shock at having to reboot (such a simple script (when done right) and geany is normally so reliable...), but i should've pointed out that the bare dual launcher codes need to be prefaced with their full path (/nwp/) because the codes aren't part of the PATH (those that are can be bare. i.e. geany -i /root/1 /etc/2 will open up those files when you activate the vtg (either through the keyboard (alt+z), the menus (vtg or the cauliflower), the tray (cauliflower)...)). so, for example, if you want geany and pale moon to open the files, use

Code: Select all

/nwp/gp /path/to/file /path(s)/to/file(s) 

default shortcuts for most recent spins/nwps use the above, so method two is alt+k (or l, if if you want the file opened in leafpad), add the pound sign, save. that will fix the script so that "edpin" in the launcher opens up the six new pins. (index finger gets k for key launcher because i at one time believed it would see more use, or, if used at all, would be used somewhat heavily). if you want driveless pins, or more control over their placement than normally holds in Puppy, look for the bit that has "args" in it. those are your drive icons (i.e. <icon x="32" y="836" label="sda1" args="drive ext4">/root/.pup_event/drive_sda1</icon>)

delete the lot for driveless, copy your extant set over from PuppyPin (no extra number) to have it on each of the alternate pins. since they are now frozen with the text file, they'll remain in (odd, if you so choose) position(s) even after the auto redrawing of icons that occurs at boot and X restarts.

if you want to automount all your drives, you could drag musher0's monter5 script out of quar in Startup. since alt plus spacebar is root, one of the first things i do on a new install is activate that shortcut, then navigate to startup adn /my-applications/bin and make those (by use of ctrl plus number) rox speed dials 2 and 3. if you want to automount at a click and your discretion, leave monter5 in /quar (alt+t spacebar then 2 to get to its parent folder if you followed the quick links howto above).

rox is cool. :D

(rl, the last launcher in that bank, is rox opened at /nwp/--the short names of the mostly blank directories are to provide quick cover for you and your creations--d plus enter in that one gets you a blank directory, nwp's version of My Documents, my-documents (though there's also a "docs"), etc).

have fun with it.
not sure if this will help clarify things, or from where you need to enter the discussion to be in need of clarification, but this update and bugfix also seems to me to be a howto and an explanation of some more of the nwp's features.

further, while it does get documents created and saved and arguably sorted and stored, and all very quickly, the formatting is best kept for pasting into more proper word processors like google docs, libreoffice, or even notecase (which can also export to html (and therefore pdf)). the print view will give you a scalable interface, but lately isn't heeding the viewport, at least not in 64 bit. haven't tested on 32 bit lately, but it doesn't seem to work as consistently (is it a browser issue?) as i remembered. for my own use, i use the nwp((as in (A NWP/A NWPUS) primarily for document creation and modification and the utilities side of things. if i need to edit more formally, i paste into libre or google. i'll make a return to the minimal versions (under 50k) in a release or two, but these last two are relatively monstrous--14mb. there may be a weight reduction pet in the future to reduce this--there's some redundant documentation and many icons that can be autogenerated if needed...)
the newer tiny noop will be in at least two versions, both smaller than the original: ... 360#860360. i'm thinking at least one version should incorporate the new Quasi-Proprietary File Type feature, possibly as an offshoot of the mcc (make concurrent copies) feature.

mcc: ... 287#902287 (attachment at the end shows it being used for this purpose)

32/64.4 pet puts the alt-icons folder in your usr/share/applications diretory. it contains the drag and drop dual launchers for word processing use and some icons--right click a file to which you added one of those extensions (pwn, pwp, sans, ser, def3, def4, mons, mon...) to set an icon and run action for it. you've got four new categories, none of which have to be actually set for word processor use.


the six choices (pp1-6 in the launcher) are really the same 2 three times each. one's more minimal and the other's got some tools useful for getting you first set up, though it's hard for me to say which i'd choose to mod--easier to drag to one or delete from the other...

shown are some of the suggested icons for the word processor (or libre--i actually prefer that odt icon to the regular one as it sets it apart from the docx files better). [...]

a bit more on the pinboards
also a little more on the word processor

d a (nine over the original) menu set) Panels and Pins submenu will overwrite all six with your current pinboard's layout.

well, i'm pretty sure there are launcher codes to make 24 and/or 30 (both, i think) more pinboards, but i can't seem to find them at the moment.



from  nwp32/64.4 --set run actions and icons for your files, some
Subject description: more about the launchers and file generation, a bug fix that's a how-to for the newest one.

not sure if this will help clarify things, or from where you need to enter the discussion to be in need of clarification, but this update and bugfix also seems to me to be a howto and an explanation of some more of the nwp's features.

further, while it does get documents created and saved and arguably sorted and stored, and all very quickly, the formatting is best kept for pasting into more proper word processors like google docs, libreoffice, or even notecase (which can also export to html (and therefore pdf)). the print view will give you a scalable interface, but lately isn't heeding the viewport, at least not in 64 bit. haven't tested on 32 bit lately, but it doesn't seem to work as consistently (is it a browser issue?) as i remembered. for my own use, i use the nwp((as in (A NWP/A NWPUS) primarily for document creation and modification and the utilities side of things. if i need to edit more formally, i paste into libre or google. i'll make a return to the minimal versions (under 50k) in a release or two, but these last two are relatively monstrous--14mb. there may be a weight reduction pet in the future to reduce this--there's some redundant documentation and many icons that can be autogenerated if needed...)
the newer tiny noop will be in at least two versions, both smaller than the original: ... 360#860360. i'm thinking at least one version should incorporate the new Quasi-Proprietary File Type feature, possibly as an offshoot of the mcc (make concurrent copies) feature.

mcc: ... 287#902287 (attachment at the end shows it being used for this purpose)

will try to find a focuswriter that works in tahr64 without the need for the 32 bit compatibility sfs to further make up for the removal of abiword (and to bring it in line with the other spins). here's the gif using the mcc function:[/quote]

mk24 is the command for the 24 pinboards--it copies your first one and overwrites all the others, so make that the one you'd like to use as a basic template (if you actually want 24 pinboards). there appears to be no built in mk30, which would be cut with the trimming to come if it existed and i remembered. thinking of taking making the deps a separate package (tried out 64.4 just now in xenial64 and had to install the xdotool deps through the ppm--apparently that lib package never madr it in? was working on a windows partition (which i never do but got a new machine...) and certain packaging didn't go as smoothly as in the past. so, stop gap as this update is, the unfixed edpin can ruin your day (or at least force a shut-down) and is present in probably the last six or so noops.

so, an update, a bit of a howto, a bit of an overview.

and review.
(thing's become bloated and needs to be trimmed down somewhat--sub meg xz is now a 14 meg pet. notecase does html better...the file generation aspect's probably the pwp's (puppy word processor) strongest feature, and the vtg arguably does it better. run action/icon through the drag and drop below.
mimetype-icon_change (1).gif
mcc function (indirectly) setting run action (not shown) and icon
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Puppus Dogfellow
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#46 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

from ... 681#937681:

Puppus Dogfellow

from where things are, where it's at (,or maybe just what it is)
updates to the nwp and the workshop folder
Puppus Dogfellow wrote: will update the quick links and repost the updated launcher codes and keyboard stuff before the next release. new nwp cleans up the left click menu the same as the earlier firefox pet. when nwp.9 comes out i'll offer a patch pet for whatever the last version of 6t4 is at the time (other spins should just (back up your customizations or personal files first) reinstall the newer nwp over the older one (your old nwp configs will get ported by the new one, but personal files stored in the nwp file system should probably be petted or otherwise backed up when installing a new one. same goes for any scripts you've altered).

renaming the old nwp directory before petting in the new one is probably the fastest and easiest way to preserve your customizations (if there are many, the fastest and easiest way is probably to pet them back over the incoming rewrites (/nwp/pets, the rox right menu, and the mae menu have options for doing this).

launcher shortcuts
keyboard shortcuts

nwp+vtg support folder has the .7 sfses


working well in xenial 32 and 64 bit and tahr64--all i have running at the moment, but intend to try out quirky and slacko700 in the near or so (old people time--it really just seems to keep going faster and faster) future.
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Puppus Dogfellow
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add F13-F35/KP_F1-4 to your keyboard and enable mod3

#47 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

the geany menu the nwp installs (root2 and gg in the launcher) uses four modifiers and virtual keys to assign unobtrusive (can't interfere with something that in all likelihood doesn't exist--see sample jwm and ae menus below) keycuts to some geany functions, but you could also make those keys physical with the included pet. this would make accessing something like "rectangular select to anchor" or "open up a list of all the current geany documents itself as a geany document" (right click to use as a table of contents/bookmarks of sorts--control+shift+o will also open the document under the cursor) even faster than arrowing down to selection on the auxiliary menu or alt+h (key launcher's under the right index finger if you installed the nwp pet from earlier) plus acwff#. in fact, now that you can have an F39 (really KP_4, but the real fake F keys go up to 35) that's an actual key. here's a sample of the jwm geany menu and the ae version in its entirety:

#ae menu for geany shortcuts (deps xdotool)
cmd "vtg" "xdotool key ctrl+9 ctrl+8 Return F2 ctrl+7"
cmd "move first" "xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+super+F14"
cmd "last used" "xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+super+F13"
cmd "move last" "xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+super+F15"
cmd "set anchor" "xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+super+F16"
cmd "select to anchor" "xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+super+F17"
cmd "rectangular select to anchor" "xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+super+F18"
cmd "geany --new instance" "geany --new-instance"
cmd "geany --document list" "geany --list-documents > /tmp/glstd; geany /tmp/glstd"
cmd "bookmarks (gny)" "xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+super+F19"
cmd "documents (gny)" "xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+super+F20"
cmd "tree-file list (gny)" "xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+super+F21"
cmd "tree-path (gny)" "xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+super+F22"
cmd "scribble" "xdotool key F6"
cmd "focus editor (gny)" "xdotool key F2"
cmd "toggle message window (geany)" "xdotool key ctrl+7"

<Key mask="A" keycode="157">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf16</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="246">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf18</Key>
<Key mask="A" keycode="251">exec:/nwp/keys/k/acswf17</Key>

here's the pet that modifies your keyboard so that you can add F13-F35 and KP_1-KP_4:

here's the info/help file:
click to activate, edit the reset script to suit your layout, edit the runs scripts to suit your preferences, drag run script to startup to have one of the following active by default:

run8287 -- Caps_Lock is Modeswitch, Scroll_Lock is Caps_Lock; additional Function keys added to
Modeswitch+F1-F12 for second twelve and Modeswitch+ the number row for the 12 after that (F series only goes up to F35 but the key pad has an additional four (KP_F#) for a total of 39. "F37-F39" are Modeswitch p+ q,w, and e; Hypr_R is added as mod3 (works in JWM but not Rox) and the key put on Pause ond Escape; Modeswitch + Escape is Escape; Modeswitch + either Tab or Backspace is the Menu key. Menu, for keyboards that have it, is usually keycode 77 or 117 (and can be repurposed).

run82 -- Caps_Lock is Modeswitch, Pause is Caps_Lock, Menu is Modeswitch+q.

run82m -- Caps_Lock is Modeswitch, Pause is Hyper_R (mod 3), multimedia key under F2 (check your setup with xev) is Caps_Lock, Menu is Modeswitch+q.

run84 -- Caps_Lock is Modeswitch, Scroll_Lock is Caps_Lock, Menu is Modeswitch+q.

run84c -- Caps_Lock is Control_L, Pause is Modeswitch, Scroll_Lock is Caps_Lock

run84m -- Caps_Lock is Modeswitch, Pause is Hyper_R (mod 3), Scroll_Lock is Caps_Lock, Menu is Modeswitch+q.

run87 -- Caps_Lock is Modeswitch, Scroll_Lock is Caps_Lock

run87m -- Caps_Lock is Modeswitch, Pause is Hyper_R (mod 3), Scroll_Lock is Caps_Lock

you may need to disable or reassign some jwm defaults (like screen shot and the global volume controls, or the root and windows menus) to be able to customize the whole set (key often won't show up as a key or otherwise assignable entity if there's a windows manager function that grabs it first. use xev to check keycodes (these keysyms and keycodes are consistent on all my machines, but the multimedia keys almost never are).
(swap and experiment)
to /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
to be able to use the templates in no10m (all function keys and the alphabet plus a little more for mod3 on the larger of the two. mostly just the alphabet under mod3 for the other)

ktab ktabm kset kreset added as nwp shortcuts (open the key table in geany, open the modifier map in geany, open the xmodmap folder in /root/my-applications/, reset the keyboard (set for u.s. layout--edit to suit yours or copy to make (more) toggles)).

see more: ... 657#958657
here's the larger of the two jwm files (function keycut and mod3 templates):

<!-- mod three jwm template with it as only modifier. add individual lines to jwmrc.personal or one of your key config files. include the whole file with <Include>/root/my-applications/xmodmaps/no10m/jwmmod3</Include>
(swap and experiment)
added to that/those same file/s -->
<Key mask="3" key="F1">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="F2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="F3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="F4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="F5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="F6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="F7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="F8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="F9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="F10">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="F11">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="F12">exec:</Key>

<Key mask="3" key="1">exec:xdotool click 1</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="2">exec:xdotool click 2</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="3">exec:xdotool click 3</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="4">exec:xdotool click 4</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="5">exec:xdotool click 5</Key>

<!-- only these five are currently active. remove bookend arrows (<!-- -->) or move line outside the bookends to activate-->

<Key mask="3" key="6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="0">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="minus">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="equal">exec:</Key>

<Key mask="3" key="bracketleft">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="bracketright">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="backslash">exec:</Key>

<Key mask="3" key="semicolon">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="apostrophe">exec:</Key>

<Key mask="3" key="comma">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="period">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="slash">exec:</Key>

<Key mask="3" key="a">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="b">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="c">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="d">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="e">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="f">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="g">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="h">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="i">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="j">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="k">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="l">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="m">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="n">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="o">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="p">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="q">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="r">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="s">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="t">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="u">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="v">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="w">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="x">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="y">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="z">exec:</Key>

<Key mask="3" key="space">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key=""></Key>
<Key mask="3" key=""></Key>
<Key mask="3" key="">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="3" key="">exec:</Key>
<!--template for 39 function keys, both as masked with all available modifiers added as mask and as the bare key (uncomment and restart jwm to activate): -->

<!-- template for key plus five modifiers at once (4 is windows key and 5 is hyper_R. use search and replace on copies to make sets for any other combinations you need). windows functions generally take no "exec:" i.e. ...>window< to open the windows menu off the key, not "exec:window." same for minimize, maximize--some shutdown functions might need an exec, iirc.
use exec:xdotool ctrl+a(c,v,x) on a key to get select all(copy, paste, cut, etc)
remove lines/chunks from bracketing arrows to activate
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F12">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F11">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F10">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F1">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F12">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F11">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F10">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F9">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F8">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F7">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F6">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F5">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F4">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F3">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F2">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F1">exec:</Key>

<Key mask="ACS34" key="F24">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F23">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F22">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F21">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F20">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F19">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F18">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F17">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F16">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F15">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F14">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F13">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F24">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F23">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F22">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F21">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F20">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F19">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F18">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F17">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F16">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F15">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F14">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F13">exec:</Key>

<Key mask="ACS34" key="KP_F4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="KP_F3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="KP_F2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="KP_F1">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F35">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F34">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F33">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F32">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F31">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F30">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F29">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F28">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F27">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F26">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="ACS34" key="F25">exec:</Key>
<Key key="KP_F4">exec:</Key>
<Key key="KP_F3">exec:</Key>
<Key key="KP_F2">exec:</Key>
<Key key="KP_F1">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F35">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F34">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F33">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F32">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F31">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F30">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F29">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F28">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F27">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F26">exec:</Key>
<Key key="F25">exec:</Key>

here's the contents of the one preset (8287) that includes the function key mod. (you can copy that bit to any of the others):
! 35 function keys plus 4 kp function keys (plus 26+ moddable with the 3 mask(+))
! 8287
! caps lock becomes mode switch, scroll lock becomes caps lock
remove Lock = Caps_Lock
keycode 78 = Caps_Lock
! keycode 110 = Caps_Lock
! ^pause key (110) gets made Hyper_R below; this is here for boards with no scroll lock (swap the lead exclamation point between 78/110 lines to set choice). escape becomes modeshift plus escape and Hyper_R otherwise, so you can really use 110 for whatever you like)
keycode 66 = Mode_switch
add Lock = Caps_Lock

!function keys are modeswitch plus function row for second twelve and modeswitch plus the number row for the 12 after that (F series only goes up to F35 but the key pad has an additional four for a total of 39. "f37-f39" are modeswitch plus q,w, and e.

keycode 67 = F1 F1 F13 F13 F1 F1
keycode 68 = F2 F2 F14 F14 F2 F2
keycode 69 = F3 F3 F15 F15 F3 F3
keycode 70 = F4 F4 F16 F16 F4 F4
keycode 71 = F5 F5 F17 F17 F5 F5
keycode 72 = F6 F6 F18 F18 F6 F6
keycode 73 = F7 F7 F19 F19 F7 F7
keycode 74 = F8 F8 F20 F20 F8 F8
keycode 75 = F9 F9 F21 F21 F9 F9
keycode 76 = F10 F F22 F22 F10 F10
keycode 95 = F11 F F23 F23 F11 F11
keycode 96 = F12 F F24 F24 F12 F12

keycode 10 = 1 exclam F25 F25 exclam 1
keycode 11 = 2 at F26 F26 at 2
keycode 12 = 3 numbersign F27 F27 numbersign 3
keycode 13 = 4 dollar F28 F28 dollar 4
keycode 14 = 5 percent F29 F29 percent 5
keycode 15 = 6 asciicircum F30 F30 asciicircum 6
keycode 16 = 7 ampersand F31 F31 ampersand 7
keycode 17 = 8 asterisk F32 F32 asterisk 8
keycode 18 = 9 parenleft F33 F33 parenleft 9
keycode 19 = 0 parenright F34 F34 parenright 0
keycode 20 = minus underscore F35 F35 underscore minus underscore
keycode 21 = equal plus equal KP_F1 KP_F1 equal plus
keycode 24 = q Q KP_F2 KP_F2 q Q
keycode 25 = w W KP_F3 KP_F3 w W
keycode 26 = e E KP_F4 KP_F4 e E

! code below adds Hyper_R as mod 3 (works in jwm but not rox)
keycode 9 = Hyper_R NoSymbol Escape NoSymbol Escape
keycode 22 = BackSpace Terminate_Server Menu Terminate_Server BackSpace Terminate_Server
keycode 23 = Tab ISO_Left_Tab Menu ISO_Left_Tab Tab ISO_Left_Tab
! Menu "key" on modeshift (old caps lock) plus backspace and tab for boards without
keycode 110 = Hyper_R
add mod3 = Hyper_R
!Pause and Escape are Mod3(Hyper_R); Modeswitch is Caps_Lock, Caps_Lock is Scroll_Lock; Modeswitch plus Escape is Escape; Modeswitch plus either Tab or Backspace is the Menu key. Menu, for keyboards that have it, is usually keycode 77 (and can be repurposed)
! you may need to disable or reassign some jwm defaults (like screen shot and the global volume controls, or the root and windows menus) to be able to customize the whole set (key often won't show up as a key or otherwise assignable entity if there's a windows manager function that grabs it first.
as a reminder, the launchers off the main launcher also have keys assigned to them in jwm (with the nwp installed):
alt+h -- /nwp/k (virtual key launcher)
alt+j -- /nwp/rl (rox launcher)
alt+k -- /nwp/gl (geany launcher)
alt+l -- /nwp/ll (leafpad launcher)

reassign and/or put the menu codes on the Fkeys

here's a screenshot of the xmodmaps folder that the pet adds to /root/my-applications; open it with "kset" in the launcher or from the Utilities menu (the desktop file just opens a folder with a few tools and configuration files in it). click a choice to run, edit the rest button/script to suit your layout (set for u.s.), and link or copy your choice to Startup to have it active as default.
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Puppus Dogfellow
Posts: 1667
Joined: Tue 08 Jan 2013, 01:39
Location: nyc

19k mini word processor that uses the vtg as a start center

#48 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

earlier in the thread ( ... 364#860364) i go on about geany as a word processor, or at least start to make an issue of it. here's a version that's actually good enough to use (though in the end, most of your editing may end up being done in your browser windows, and the organization through your browsers' bookmarks).

Styles,Scrap2/bwp help and info,
[...] an update to the bbwp/mcc-wp mini word processor, and another update of the mini word processor for more, but to possibly save you a click or two, or at least show you a somewhat practical use for the thing, here's most of the second half (the more vtg-heavy half) of that help file (same as spin update post above):
Puppus Dogfellow

more color, font, and special character options, more support (documentation) for the vtg (backups, launching variations of sets with multiple browsers, general review), and now you can launch the templates from the styles or box tabs. the Styles,Scrap2/bwp help and info in the vtg folder mentioned a post up attempts to explain the changes and how to further customize and use the bwp.

from Part Two of Styles,Scrap2/bwp help and info

added some special characters to the original styles sheet:

this may be the legacy styles sheet, but it's as good a place as any to offer more special characters for your copy and pasting enjoyment or needs:

yet another source:
(april update introduces colors and additional formatting options, as well as allowing for a reduced initial launch (bwp regulates some of it to the "box" files)).

and here's the newer

#bwp, a version of bbwp, a fragment of anuupus...
#right click templates for spell check and no spell check were backwards last time.
#updated version gives support for more fonts, colors, and paragraph alignment (through styles,scrap2; see the other styles sheet for credits and links. in short, you edit in a browser tab and save through your browser's file (html) and print (pdf) menus. bookmark individual files or folders as tabs or groups thereof. use the vtg and geany as additional means of launching or backing up your work. copy in formatting from the styles tabs to the spellcheck/no spellcheck blanks. default is left aligned serif.



most of the changes come from the box files/tabs, which now allow you to launch the templates from startup links (not all the links carry over with the copy-paste; the text box and upload functions unsurprisingly don't work from this document:


use the styles templates to grab (select or copy) formatting (colors, font, paragraph, etc) to paste
(ctrl+v) or middle click into your working document. copy the u, i, and b from the underline, bold, and
italics bits to have them available from the clipboard (less moving about between tabs to format your
document--those shortcuts vary by clipboard, but the cut, copy, paste, redo and undo all work as expected).
download your working template/s as html, open and bookmark it/them, and use the print menu to save your work as pdf.

thanks to http://https://thiscouldbebetter.wordpr ... javascrip/
for this page's download box, and thanks to this pcworld article for the editable tab code (data:text/html, <html contenteditable>)
the whole thing depends upon. (paste it (without the parentheses) into the address bar of your browser for a wider page view.

some of my related projects and threads down at what i find to be a friendly and helpful forum,



that's pretty much it. vtg'ing the launches through a start center (browserofchoice /paths/to/files as sessions) may be easier and allow more control in the long run.

p. dogfellow, 4/19/18


Part 3:

_ to 1--cleanup.
1 to 1.1 cleanup.


(think it's okay. only thing to add, which would be separate (so part three may as well've read epilogue), would be a vtg launch sheet of some kind (easier and faster to use and customize than a window manager menu or a browser interface)).


sample vtg entries (alt+z or click the cauliflower)(not part of base bwp, but you can always dump the codes you hone into a terminal if you haven't installed the full nwp)

geany /path/to/file /path/toooo/file (etc)

leafpad /file/6| leafpad /file/7| leafpad /file/8| leafpad /file/9| leafpad /file/10

geany -i /path/to/file /path/toooo/file (etc)

defaultbrowser /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/bbwp-1-spchk /root/my-applications/bbwp/html

rox /your/stuff_that's_here/ /and/there /etc/stuff

(copy and paste as templates and substitute your files and their locations; rearrange combinations, swap in other browsers (most will take the above syntax it seems. leafpad has to be asked as above rather than the more convenient way rox and geany can carry it out (you can grab your files by selecting them physically then pasting their highlight into a text document--instant batch launch for most everything except leafpad)...

anyway, like i said, apart from the basically separate issue vtg stuff (if it were part of the pinstall i'd just've noted the dual use in the comments), bwp1.1 is done and contains its own help file (the bulk of its size and also the way it handles your formatting choices).

bbwpe gives a sample of all the bwp's files set up for easy copy, paste, or launching:

geany -i /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/Styles,Scrap2.html /root/my-applications/bbwp//html/box1 /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/Untitled2 /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/Untitled1 /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/Styles /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/bbwp-1-spchk /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/bbwp-2-nospchk /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/box2.html /root/my-applications/bin/bwp


puppus dogfellow, 4/23/18

(gave a makeshift vtg launch sheet a shot)



upped 1.2. (insert tab support, more readable box content (box1 and 2 are both the same, and the old styles sheet grew from 17 to 82k, but the pet is still 19k). here's the description and the older folder's version of this file:

bwp to 1.1 cleaned mostly broken or misguided links. for the upcoming 1.2 box 1 and 2 are improved but identical (and so even more redundant (experiment with no fear!) given the copies that get made in usr/local and the nwp/wp (and the templates folder, now that i think of it--it's also just occurred to me i may not have mentioned the right click function version of the process in these pages--just right click it into existence, drag that file (or folder, if you chose the whole bwp-0 directory) to a browser, and you can run it from wherever you like, using the templates mostly for scrap (reload rather than save and you can start over til you get the hang of grabbing it the right way).

(i'm still kind of surprised it works this well).

vtg sheet will have backup functions via rsync -au and or cp -au (not that i know what the difference between au and a is--they both seem to work at least as well as cp -fRu, and update metadata better--not much experience or knowledge in this regard (and many others), but was using cp --fRu to update the nwp before i learned how to make pets. i think rsync is newer and cp is an ancient unix built-in that comes as a given with every kernel (which in my newbie state i take as the core of a current linux, with everything else on top being how developers make it usable for people who aren't developers) (and sometimes for those who are). you may not have rsync, but you probably do and it may be better. it's designed for networks, but
cp --help > /tmp/cph; geany /tmp/cph
rsync --help > /tmp/rsynch; geany /tmp/rsync
will give a sheet you can play around with as you learn more
(more vtg issue stuff, but you can always work out what you want from the help file and, once settled on the right code, dump it into the terminal for basically the same experience.)


so a little rambling to say i've updated the box scripts in the html folder (everything's got a newer date but i believe that's all i changed since the last upload).

bwp files, but google drive can't display the html the same way ibiblio (for example) does (or appears to to me).

might be easier to just install or extract the pet for a peek.

main change over bwp0 is the ability to call the templates from box tab itself.

more special characters and external links added (related projects).


p.dogfellow, 4/26

(original styles sheet updated to include variations on some of the formatting options in styles2 and some additional (mostly latin diacritic stuff) special characters) (also a really good link for that). it's in the online help folder as large,optional(82k), but it'll be the main version of the old styles/help/scrap sheet and the 17k version will be here for you to swap in if you like (backup code coming for the vtg will have something in it to automate this).


pet is 19k under the same compression i used before.

(now up)

, which i'll now link back to here and try to remember is defunct.



vtg stuff:

1. basic backups

change the /file/wp bit at the end of each line to a place on your system you'd like for the backups. this will make the copies at usr/local/bwp the bwp folder, the html folder is your stuff launched from /root/my-applications/bbwp, and your bbwp folder from nwp comes over with that name. this backup is on the same partition as the other stuff (unless you've symlinked up your system otherwise), so a safer place may be another drive entirely (for which you could also do cp -a /file/wp /path/and/folder/you/pick (use the mkdir -p command if it doesn't already exist).

mkdir -p /file/wp/
cp -au /root/my-applications/bbwp/html /usr/local/bwp/ /nwp/wp/bbwp/ /file/wp/

make versions of line above to use your start center to also run backups. similar to the [program] --help >/tmp/progh; geany /tmp/progh type command discussed earlier for cp and rsync, you can use it for tar, which may be a better vtg way of doing backups than makepet, which will force you to use the message window to complete the action (better/quicker to use the right click drag2pet for that, but the bit below below starts the process. use ctrl+7 to toggle in and out of the message window (terminal tab if you're doing it through the menus) to name or otherwise label your pet (you can just hit enter for all the questions and each new archive will overwrite the last. otherwise name them through the popup and window to preserve earlier versions)).
makepet /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/
makepet /nwp/wp/bbwp/
makepet /usr/local/bwp/

right clicking to make a template in a given location will give you access to the drag-to version of makepet. it'll pop open the same little gui (in this capacity, it's something to help you label the pets(backups) of the directories in your archives).

substitute the copy (cp -a) command for a file manager (in puppy, typically rox), and you can open the folders you're copying and fine tune a launch protocol with that:

rox /root/my-applications/bbwp/html /usr/local/bwp/ /nwp/wp/bbwp/ /file/wp/

if you select some of the files from the folders that opened and then middle click into a text editor with a mouse, you get something like these results for the bwp folder in /usr/local:

/usr/local/bwp/bbwp-1-spchk /usr/local/bwp/bbwp-2-nospchk /usr/local/bwp/box1 /usr/local/bwp/box2.html /usr/local/bwp/Styles /usr/local/bwp/Styles,Scrap2.html /usr/local/bwp/Untitled1 /usr/local/bwp/Untitled2

just add a launcher (browser or text editor) and a space before the list. add other files' whole paths to the list (separating each you add by a space--there's no limit, but you may want to divide your files and folders into more manageable (and possibly redundant (for convenience's sake, of course) chunks), and you've got a start center line. place the cursor, click the cauliflower, and your choices will launch. launch with more than one browser to keep versions of a live document available as you work on it. set up how you'll ultimately like your sessions ("bookmark all tabs" in most browsers) to be saved--it's much quicker than doing it one by one through the file-open dialog.

(snuck in 2 and 3, basic start center and vtg as an organizational tool)


NB: backup your stuff before installing any updates. most of this assumes a bbwp in the nwp folder (ignore this for non nwp installations, and ignore the vtg stuff for not vtg installations (though the former becomes a lesson on how to modify the box templates for your own stuff and the the latter is still relevant as "dump your stuff into the terminal instead of striking the cauliflower." (vtg=one line of code, click the cauliflower icon or alt+z; more than one line of code, highlight it then do the same. dumping into a terminal requires highlighting it in its entirety (regardless of how many lines it is) and then middle clicking it into a terminal (and sometimes hitting enter if it didn't automatically run/grab the last "carriage" return)).

highlight groups of files, paste them, arrange them, give them a launch command. that's the vtg start center for bwp, the browser word processor.

p. dogfellow 4/27/18

(this page has now become help, info, and development log).


more help and templates:

the difference between

geany -i /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/Styles,Scrap2.html /root/my-applications/bbwp//html/box1 /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/Untitled2 /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/Untitled1 /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/Styles /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/bbwp-1-spchk
/root/my-applications/bbwp/html/bbwp-2-nospchk /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/box2.html /root/my-applications/bin/bwp


geany /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/Styles,Scrap2.html /root/my-applications/bbwp//html/box1 /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/Untitled2 /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/Untitled1 /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/Styles /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/bbwp-1-spchk
/root/my-applications/bbwp/html/bbwp-2-nospchk /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/box2.html /root/my-applications/bin/bwp

is that the -i conveys you wish the files opened in a new instance of geany. for most things, the launch code is as i described, but as you'll see if you do the [program] --help >/tmp/progh; geany /tmp/progh bit for things like firefox and palemoon, there are usually many more options available. to use the vtg start sheet/center for libreoffice, use libreoffice6.0 --writer /paths/2 /your/files /yadda /shae or something similar.

this one's messed up because it's been installed on top of itself too many times--copy from your own actual file locations if you've got the nwp version of the bwp bbwp going.

firefox /nwp/wp/bbwp/html/html/bbwp-1-spchk /nwp/wp/bbwp/html/html/bbwp-2-nospchk /nwp/wp/bbwp/html/html/box1 /nwp/wp/bbwp/html/html/Styles /nwp/wp/bbwp/html/html/Styles,Scrap2.html /nwp/wp/bbwp/html/html/Styles,Scrap(2).html /nwp/wp/bbwp/html/html/Untitled1 /nwp/wp/bbwp/html/html/Untitled2

(the launch from nwp section of your box file may not work correctly even if you have the nwp installed because of this. on the bright side, it means if you're using the thing but keeping the default names for the blanks, or saving your work in the formatting styles sheets, it's less likely the last upgrade just overwrote your work).
(backup your stuff or rename the originals/these are the bits that will be a how to on customizing the box and styles tabs (basically look for the address bits, change those and the associated titles; look for the color bits, use gcolor2 (in most pups) or the geany color chooser to customize yours (queens and keyboards and six digit codes in the styles2 sheet); most things can be pasted in directly; fonts are tricky because just because your machine has it, doesn't mean your audience does on theirs. sizes are sizes, but serif supercalifragilistic may get rendered as plain serif in the end.))

never given a desktop file (the menu entry calls from /root/my apps/bin but is essentially):

defaultbrowser /usr/local/bwp/bbwp-1-spchk /usr/local/bwp/bbwp-2-nospchk /usr/local/bwp/box1 /usr/local/bwp/box2.html /usr/local/bwp/Styles /usr/local/bwp/Styles,Scrap2.html /usr/local/bwp/Untitled1 /usr/local/bwp/Untitled2

use the geany versions (the geany -i code is bbwpe in the terminal and on the menu) to change the tab titles or otherwise overhaul the files, templates, or boxes (there are a few things can't be edited through the editable window itself. alt+1 or n in the launcher in nwp installs gives you paste and place or highlight and select html codes you may find useful).

copy your own files or base your projects on these templates. check the desktop files in /usr/share/applications for an installed applications launch command if it's not the name itself (rare but happens).


(you could also launch music or hissing with the vtg if you like:

vlc /path/2/some_song (or playlist)
zensound; xdotool key f10 down down enter
(think the last bit is really F10 Down Down Return))

general tip: put quotation marks around paths that have spaces in them (prog "/path/2/spaced name").

here's an example of the color mod lines to look for (you're just replacing the D41B75 part with a six digit code you grabbed from one of the color wheels mentioned or some other of your choosing):

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%" align="justify"><font color="#D41B75">⌨</font></p>

you can also try swapping in fonts by duplicating any lines that name one and just changing that bit to something you know is an official font name (use gfontsel to pick some (the more common, the more likely your viewer will see what you think you're putting before them).

here's an example of the address/link lines in the file you can customize:

<a href="file:///nwp/wp/bbwp/html/bbwp-1-spchk" target="_blank">spchk</a><p>

use http:// instead of file:/// for web addresses. (this is also on the n and alt+1 menus as paste and place nwp commands (versions of link and table of contents entries)).

n menu refers to the shift plus spacebar popup menus (enter "n" in the p(wn) launcher). most of those formatting items have individual launch codes (check the lists above) assigned (which is generally a much faster way of getting them or doing most things).
short version: paste in formatting from the styles tabs and be sure to download your work to save it if using browser mode. edit the titles, customize the colors, and brainstorm in geany; fine tune stuff, type a tab space without jumping through a hoop (next version)--the main disadvantage of browser view mode is a slower save process.

it's light and quick and can be pared down further. middle click paste highlighted groups of files into a geany document to set up batch launches. launch from multiple sources to have many versions of a draft going at the same time. bookmark tabs as sessions. have fun.

--p. dogfellow
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bwp 1.3: some new backup and formatting shortcuts,

#49 Post by Puppus Dogfellow » upped.

if you're working in the default templates and styles/info/scrap sheets, run

Code: Select all

mkdir -p /file/wp/
cp -au /root/my-applications/bbwp/html /usr/local/bwp/ /nwp/wp/bbwp/ /file/wp/
or something similar before upgrading so your stuff doesn't get overwritten (it'll be in /file/wp as described below. change the locations to suit your preferences--code is also the new ark and arc nwp shortcuts (ll (or gl, since this is after all the geany thread version of all this) in main (p) launcher followed by the name of the file to quickly edit it after installation in full nwp installs).

more from that Styles,Scrap2/bwp help and info file:

will probably have 1.3 up by the morning (unless the mcc version ends up getting merged into it). here's the new pinstall script so far:

Code: Select all

#bwp, a version of bbwp, a fragment of anuupus...
#right click templates for spell check and no spell check were backwards last time.
#updated version gives support for more fonts, colors, and paragraph alignment (through styles,scrap2; see the other styles sheet for credits and links. in short, you edit in a browser tab and save through your browser's file (html) and print (pdf) menus. bookmark individual files or folders as tabs or groups thereof. use the vtg and geany as additional means of launching or backing up your work. copy in formatting from the styles tabs to the spellcheck/no spellcheck blanks. default is left aligned serif.
cp -f /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/bbwp-2-nospchk /root/.config/
cp -f /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/bbwp-1-spchk /root/.config/
cp -f /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/Styles,Scrap2.html /root/.config/,Scrap2.html
cp -fRu /root/my-applications/bbwp/html /root/.config/
#since i never made a /nwp/wp specific launcher, it makes more sense to call the codes from /nwp itself:
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/bbch /nwp/bbch
echo $'
defaultbrowser /nwp/bbwp/html/bbwp-1-spchk /nwp/bbwp/html/Styles,Scrap2.html /nwp/bbwp/html/bbwp-2-nospchk /nwp/bbwp/html/box1 /nwp/bbwp/html/Untitled2 /nwp/bbwp/html/Untitled1 /nwp/bbwp/html/Styles

' > /nwp/bbwp
chmod 755 /nwp/bbwp
#run line below to have the nwp call bbdef from my/apps-bin
#cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/bbdef /nwp/bbdef
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/bbfir /nwp/bbfir
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/bbg /nwp/bbg
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/bb-iron /nwp/bb-iron
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/bbpm /nwp/bbpm
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/bbwpe /nwp/bbwpe
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/bbwpr /nwp/bbwpr
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/dil2 /nwp/dil2
#add html folder to nwp/wp/bbwp---it's just missing the launchers (menu items call to ~/my-apps/bin)
#mkdir -p /nwp/wp/bbwp/
cp -fRu /root/my-applications/bbwp/html /nwp/wp/bbwp/
cp -fRu /root/my-applications/bbwp/html /usr/local/bwp/

#[...]the codes above (without the path) would work in either terminal or nwp/pwn launcher. you can also copy the desktop files and replace your default browser with a supplemental (possibly with its own sessions and folders of bookmarks to work with apart from your main bwp/bbwp setup).
#to activate in document (vtg/full nwp versions), place cursor at
#makepet path/to/document
#(give it a separate line, possibly with a mv line to save your backups elsewhere).
echo $'
exec makepet "$@"
' > /root/.config/
chmod 755 /root/.config/
#dragging a folder to the makepet script is a convenient way to make a quick archive/backup of it. if you're using the pet function for archiving, rename (and/or relocate) as you go because each new pet will overwrite the older one.
#also in the last version, but since this update should work as a standalone word processor, i included it so as not to offer an unnecessarily limited version.

#1.2 to 1.3 adds the following and makes better use of screen real estate (smaller margins and less padding. return line width to 60 and padding to 4 for the older look, something in between for something in between).

#arc and ark are backup utilities for the default folders and identical. modify one or both. run before each new bwp, bbwp, or mmcwp upgrade.
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mkdir -p /file/wp/
cp -au /root/my-applications/bbwp/html /usr/local/bwp/ /nwp/wp/bbwp/ /file/wp/
' > /nwp/ark
chmod 755 /nwp/ark
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mkdir -p /file/wp/
cp -au /root/my-applications/bbwp/html /usr/local/bwp/ /nwp/wp/bbwp/ /file/wp/
' > /nwp/ark
chmod 755 /nwp/arc
#launcher shortcuts for tab, en, em, and non breaking space
#when in text editor mode (faster saving is one benefit), entering line breaks, tab spaces, and blank space in general is non-intuitive. here are some launcher shortcuts to try and make up for that:
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool type "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
' > /nwp/tab
chmod 755 /nwp/tab
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool type " &nbsp;"
' > /nwp/spc
chmod 755 /nwp/spc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool type "&emsp;"
' > /nwp/em
chmod 755 /nwp/em
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool type "&ensp;"
' > /nwp/en
chmod 755 /nwp/en
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool type "<br>"
' > /nwp/br
chmod 755 /nwp/br
#repair broken horizontal rule shortcut. paw and pbw (to force page breaks (after and before) are also useful in text editor mode (but don't need repair--just mentioning them as a tip)).
echo $'
xdotool type \'<hr size="2" align="left" width="60%" color="grey">\'
' > /nwp/hrl
chmod 755 /nwp/hrl
#to do: add a version of the dual launchers folder for an mcc version of the upgrade
#(though it's already an upgrade of the word processor offered in that thread). run
#mkdir -p /file/wp/
#cp -au /root/my-applications/bbwp/html /usr/local/bwp/ /nwp/wp/bbwp/ /file/wp/
#first if you've been working in the files but haven't been renaming them.
#additional info: the same print window you use to download your work as pdf can also scale it,
#so using the default size plus the heading (h1-h5) tags rather than the font size choices to set relative text size may make more sense (it would also reduce the overall size of the package considerably).
#the wider editing view set in the browser window doesn't affect the print preview display--if you like post its and other files in the margins, set the line width to something even less than 60 ("column view").
jwm -reload
change in shade for the new stuff. as the comments say, run

Code: Select all

mkdir -p /file/wp/
cp -au /root/my-applications/bbwp/html /usr/local/bwp/ /nwp/wp/bbwp/ /file/wp/
#first if you've been working in the files but haven't been renaming them
(that's both arc and ark--two new (customizable) nwp launch codes (talking full nwp installs; after installation, gl or ll in the launcher and then either ark or arc in the next launcher (geany or leafpad) and you can edit the paths or set others for easy backups (a good place to add a "cp -au /file/wp /path/and/folder/you/pick #(use the mkdir -p command if it doesn't already exist)" as mentioned earlier.

the "duals" mentioned is just a folder of drag-to scripts for opening the bwp's (and earlier versions') files (individually or in batches) in a browser and text editor simultaneously. seems to fit with the drag to copy and drag to pet scripts it already has. anyway, it's just a dozen or so variations on:

Code: Select all

exec defaulttexteditor "$@"| exec defaultbrowser "$@"
the four possible variations for text editor part were the above, geany, geany -i, and leafpad. did a bunch of substitution in geany with the cnt code (

Code: Select all

echo $'
(content--script spits out a sample create-file-with-content template)
' > (path to file)
(see above for the fixed broken hrl tag version--it'll show you what to do if your 'content' has the symbols (& ') the code needs to use as the beginning and end of what you want it to make. if only single quotes (an apostrophe), use doubles (real quotes), or use backslashes any time you need to show a (ex:) \& or \' in what gets printed out to > .../(filename)

(i think you may need to \ \'s, but i'm not sure; it may be just a character without something to "escape.")(look up "escaping characters" for more).(in a search engine, not here).


and ended with with what appears to be about three dozen (i luckily have little
memory of doing it). as you can see, i gave the desktop files (never got through with making icons for all of them) the same cryptic names as the launcher shortcuts they also point to.
anything with a gi is going to have a new instance of geany launched. same for anything that's got a "geani" in it. defaults x2 is "def" in the launcher (you can drag the files to the running programs instead of the scripts), which is also you'd name them for vtg use. see the shortcuts list in any of the linked threads for more of that sort of stuff.

….seems i ranted myself away from some continuity regarding the screenshot below…

(newer version of the pinstall for 1.3 will add something like:

Code: Select all

#for now i'll just put copies of the drag2pet script and 2 of the
#simultaneous browser-text editor launch scripts in the bwp/bbwp and mcc folders (nwp and /root/my-apps)
#drag either gip or def to the make copies scripts to make a set of templates
#to fit your apps and preferences
echo $'#!/bin/sh
exec defaulttexteditor "$@"| exec defaultbrowser "$@"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/def
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/def
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/def /nwp/mc/mcc/def
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/def /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/def
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/def /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/def
echo $'#!/bin/sh
exec geany -i "$@"| exec palemoon "$@"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gip
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gip
cp -f /root/.config/ /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/drag2makepet
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/gip /nwp/mc/mcc/gip
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/gip /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/gip
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/gip /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/gip
cp -f /root/.config/ /nwp/mc/mcc/drag2makepet

here's that pic i mentioned:

here's the contents of that "to decryptify.." file:

one of the drawback to the quick launch codes is that sometimes they're a bit too cryptic to be of use.
here's what the things in the folder open:
(geany with an i indicates it will open a new instance of geany if there's already an instance (or more) running. leaf is leafpad. g by itself is geany. l by itself indicates leafpad is the text editor part of the dual launch. p is pale moon. ff is firefox. c is chromium (ll in leafpad if you're using chrome and you want to give it rather than chromium the quicker launch call.)

defaultsx2.desktop -- opens your default text editor and your default browser
leaf-dillo.desktop -- dillo leafpad
dlll.desktop -- dillo leafpad
ged.desktop -- geany dillo
leaf-slimjet.desktop -- leafpad slimjet
gc.desktop -- geany chromium
gep.desktop -- geany palemoon
leafy.desktop -- leafpad, seamonkey
geani-chrome.desktop -- chrome, geany new instance
ges.desktop -- geany seamonkey
lec.desktop -- leafpad chromium
geanifirefox.desktop -- geany new instance firefox
gib.desktop -- [seems as though i never actually made the file this one directs you to]
lep.desktop -- leafpad palemoon
geani-opera.desktop -- geany new instance
gic.desktop -- geany new instance
lff.desktop -- leafpad firefox
geany-chrome.desktop -- geany chrome
gid.desktop -- geany new instance
lop.desktop -- leafpad opera
geanydefbrowser.desktop -- geany default browser
gip.desktop -- geany new instance

geany-firefox.desktop -- geany firefox
gis.desktop -- geany new instance seamonkey
txt-ed-ff.desktop -- default text editor firefox
geany-jet.desktop -- geany slimjet
leaf-chrome.desktop -- leafpad google chrome

(still a little cross referencing to do, but this should make it easier (though not every browser listed (i.e. dillo, older operas, …) may be able to use the content editable code the browser view hinges upon.

some new launcher codes:

arc -- backup bwp
ark -- backup bwp (dup)
em -- type out html emspace
en -- type out html en space
tab -- type out html tab space
spc -- type out non breaking space (in text editor mode, html removes breaks and spaces you don't explicitly tag.)
br -- type out line break tags <br>

^(until you remember to remember it at least; <p> tags ("paragraph") are less reliable for this (as the name perhaps suggests. seems to work sometimes though).

if you don't have the nwp and the launch code cheat sheet it provides, and you want the benefits of the text editor's quick saves and text manipulation tools, you could always make a cheat sheet directly on the page and sandwich it with

Code: Select all

<!--  -->

(put all the tags and crib notes between arrows like that (cmt in the launcher) and you'll have something that only shows up in text editor view--neither the browser tab nor the print preview/output/pdf file show that as part of your content).

... now up. it's up to 23k (240 installed, most of it the original styles sheet copied three times).

contents/ingredients (tree -h):

├── [ 89] pet.specs
├── [6.7K]
├── [ 80] root
│ ├── [ 80] my-applications
│ │ ├── [ 60] bbwp
│ │ │ └── [ 200] html
│ │ │ ├── [ 589] bbwp-1-spchk
│ │ │ ├── [ 578] bbwp-2-nospchk
│ │ │ ├── [ 11K] box1
│ │ │ ├── [ 11K] box2.html
│ │ │ ├── [ 82K] Styles
│ │ │ ├── [ 37K] Styles,Scrap2.html
│ │ │ ├── [ 586] Untitled1
│ │ │ └── [ 582] Untitled2
│ │ └── [ 240] bin
│ │ ├── [ 366] bbch
│ │ ├── [ 371] bbdef
│ │ ├── [ 364] bbfir
│ │ ├── [ 370] bbg
│ │ ├── [ 361] bb-iron
│ │ ├── [ 364] bbpm
│ │ ├── [ 394] bbwpe
│ │ ├── [ 85] bbwpr
│ │ ├── [ 372] bwp
│ │ └── [ 244] dil2
│ └── [ 60] puppy-reference
│ └── [ 40] mini-icons
└── [ 60] usr
└── [ 60] share
└── [ 160] applications
├── [ 313] bbwp-conf2.desktop
├── [ 327] bbwp-conf.desktop
├── [ 279] bbwp-def2.desktop
├── [ 294] bbwp-def.desktop
├── [ 284] bbwp-geani.desktop
└── [ 276] bwp.desktop

10 directories, 26 files

conf2.desktop opens the folders containing the templates, which should help with dragging and dropping onto the dual launchers in bwp, mcc, nwp-wp, etc. (those folders are also the default location ark and arc look to backup).

if you're using the text editor to brainstorm and the browser view to add formatting (font faces and line breaks), make sure to hit refresh on the right windows and in the right order or you may end up overwriting some of your changes with some of your other changes (a second browser's window (separate program--bwp doesn't use much resources) with unrefreshed stages could help. alternately, doing something like \n for <br> in the search and replace boxes (with Use regular expressions ticked) will swap out all your natural line breaks for ones that will show in your pdf and in the browser view that more or less is the one that counts (you could send the pdf, the text file, or the html (i.e that same text file but understood by the machines to be opened in a browser tab), but only two are really comfortably readable for most people). if you want the views between the programs to be more consistent, you could instead substitute the line breaks for line breaks plus the break tag: \n for \n<br>
if the new browser view is too wide, adjust the line width back to 60 or whatever suits your preferences and habits best (you can view it as a thin column in between stacks of post it notes and the pdf/browser/ultimate layout isn't affected).

careful with the browser refreshes and geany reloads and the order you do them; a careless browser refresh can wipe out a lot of work, though backup views in other tabs, windows, or browsers (or geany windows for that matter) may add additional safeguards.

as always, enjoy, have fun, report problems.



after further consideration, i think the br substitution deal discussed above is a bit dopey (though perhaps useful in other scenarios). since pasting your natural (typed rather than coded) tab spaces, non breaking spaces, and line breaks from from a plain text file works with those empty spaces preserved, there's really no reason to fiddle with the matter in geany view. said another way, for brainstorming, plain text files (leafpad or geany) pasted into a master document of sorts (one of your browser view versions or templates) may make more sense and save time in the long run (and also produce more readable rough/text editor mode drafts); the browser window can handle the formatting more intuitively, the text windows save quicker and have better text manipulation tools available, and if you've already got the nwp or mcc pet installed, there's now makepet backup capability coming from the mcc drag to make copies folder, which can now also dual launch your template files (and you can deposit a bunch of those templates there or anywhere else on your system with a right click if you're using rox).
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#50 Post by nosystemdthanks »

hi to the op (original poster-- original puppy?) who was very helpful and friendly the previous time i was here--

this thread (geany as launcher) reminds me how you can always get fun ideas when you come here.

this place is full of fun ideas. its a very large collection of fun ideas. so thank you puppus, this is a fun idea-- and the second cool thing ive read about geany this week.
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#51 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

nosystemdthanks wrote:hi to the op (original poster-- original puppy?) who was very helpful and friendly the previous time i was here--

this thread (geany as launcher) reminds me how you can always get fun ideas when you come here.

this place is full of fun ideas. its a very large collection of fun ideas. so thank you puppus, this is a fun idea-- and the second cool thing ive read about geany this week.
cool and you're welcome, but what was the week's other cool geany idea? i won't take it as off topic, but if it's something the forum hasn't covered, you could always start a new topic for it (cool stuff's cool and sometimes appreciated/ 8) / :lol: / :oops:).

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a bit more on the bwp

#52 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

[…]if you don't have the nwp and the launch code cheat sheet it provides, and you want the benefits of the text editor's quick saves and text manipulation tools, you could always make a cheat sheet directly on the page and sandwich it with

Code: Select all

<!--  -->	

(put all the tags and crib notes between arrows like that (cmt in the launcher) and you'll have something that only shows up in text editor view--neither the browser tab nor the print preview/output/pdf file show that as part of your content).
careful with the browser refreshes and geany reloads and the order you do them; a careless browser refresh can wipe out a lot of work, though backup views in other tabs, windows, or browsers (or geany windows for that matter) may add additional safeguards.
if you've decided to work in the html document in geany mode rather than in browser view for the quick saves because you've discovered that putting your text between the arrows (

Code: Select all

<!-- (i.e. here and this can go on indefinitely and be repeated (i.e. additional sets of arrows placed elsewhere in the document) as often as you like) -->
) is a good way to have an invisible draft going while preserving your spaces and tabs and visual poetry for some later paste in, make sure to refresh the browser version before the paste in that turns the comments contents into the working/formattable/browser/pdf draft or the download will overwrite the (now presumably backup) comments and all the other changes made since the browser view was loaded or last refreshed (despite the saves you may have made in geany or leafpad in the interim--sometimes it's easy to lose track of the sometimes invisible content).


pasting in page breaks from either line below in html view is perhaps easier than grabbing the page break line in the styles2 sheet, so future word processing templates will likely include

Code: Select all

<par style="font-size: 11pt; color:white; page-break-after: always"></par>
<par style="font-size: 11pt; color:white; page-break-before: always"></par>

and something similar to this post as commented out comments on comments, saves, refreshes and reloads in the bwp.
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#53 Post by nosystemdthanks »

puppus: the other geany trick was using search and replace across documents.

it was implied (though i havent tried it) that you can use search and replace across every open tab at once if it pleases you to.
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#54 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

nosystemdthanks wrote:puppus: the other geany trick was using search and replace across documents.

it was implied (though i havent tried it) that you can use search and replace across every open tab at once if it pleases you to.
it works well--you just check session instead of document or selection.

using separate instances of geany (geany -i in a terminal) allows you to isolate groups of files fairly easily--only the tabs in the window you run it on are affected (i last used it a few days ago to flip a a few lines in the html directory mentioned above).
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Re: nwp32/64.8

#55 Post by s243a »

What does ns stand for? and should I try one of these pets or are you releasing a newer version with some of the stuff that you are exploring in this thread?
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Re: nwp32/64.8

#56 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

s243a wrote:
What does ns stand for? and should I try one of these pets or are you releasing a newer version with some of the stuff that you are exploring in this thread?
ns is newer (jwm) syntax, which is all 64 bit (jwm) pups but quirky pyro and easy, i think (found that out a bit late or there'd've been a 64 bit ns for .8 and .9 (which i'll try to dig up for you in a bit)).

mostly it's just the various mini word processors that've come out the project that get major updates--there's a .8 to .9 pet, and to be honest, the .9 pet was pretty half assed--it's the upgrade pet called from a folder in tmp along with .8 (and i wouldn't be surprised if it too was comprised of a call to other pets).

the xmod keyboard stuff and make concurrent copies functions have been updated, and there's automatic call to update a youtube downloading python script, but off the top of my head, those are the only real updates, and all updates were usually just scripts posted in the nwp thread (here's the never officially announced .9 update post: ... 459#986459

here's some on the keyboard stuff i think i meant to paste into this thread a while back: ... 915#965915

next overhaul will be to the original word processing templates--the new ones are so much better it's ridiculous to keep them i think (they're good place holders with assigned mime types/icons and don't take up too much room, so updating the new without replacing the old hasn't bothered me much yet).

was going to give up on this stuff for the night when i saw your post, so, yes, it's being updated, but i don't think that should deter you (any more than the strangeness of the cauliflower icons all over the place or my sloppy, newbie way of doing things, that is). "my39" in the launcher should get you back the default set up. my39r would reverse that...

newest word processing aspect updates: ... 763#990763

here's the smallest i was able to reduce the bwp (browser word processor)--it's one 3.5k file if you want to play around with it or add suggestions (it's also the next update to the Untitled1 and Untitled2 templates):



...the tahr64 i'm using used some of the geany plugins from my repo, but they were all available in from the ppm in the last few distros i tried so i don't bother to hunt them down anymore. the aemenu and jwm geany menus call treebrowser and extend select...i think everything else should work geany-wise, or does for me, but i've been running mostly xenial, tahr, and precise with the stuff. some things may need some adjustment...)

anyway, have fun/good luck.

(yes a new release, but i'm not sure when--probably some time after i figure out what to do with the original mon ser sans templates).
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thiswordprocessor.html updated as wordprocessor.html (6k).

#57 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

and use the other as the word processor's formatting buttons/options.

the internal name for the document below is "top one is title tag" and "ser1.5" is what will get displayed in the browser tab. you and geany would know it by its actual name (the one you gave it), or the original, wordprocessor.html. the ser 1.5 bit means it's set for serif at 1.5 line spacing. make a copy to swap in mono or sans (do a find and replace, serif by mono or sans or any other font you know would work (those two have been tested and work) for a basic font change, and replace 150 with 200 or 100 for double or single line spacing. it's gotten a bit larger, but i think it's improved for it.
(/micro anuupus/mini-bwp/Untitled0)


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/;charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="generator" content="Geany 1.25" />

<title>top one is tab tag</title>

<body style="font-size:2rem;font-family:serif;line-height:1.5;max-width:90rem;margin:0 auto;padding:2rem;" spellcheck="true" contenteditable="">

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="justify"><font face="serif">regular text<br><br>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="justify">justified area<br><br></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="center">centered<br><br></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="left">left aligned<br><br></p>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="right">right aligned<br><br></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="justify"><br><br>document as a whole is justified--delete the areas you don't need, copy and paste those you do where you need them. to use this document as a word processor (mini-bwp), open and bookmark it in a browser, download a copy to reopen as your working document, keeping the original to grab formatting from and mess around in. download/save as pdf (print menu) or html (file menu--html will let you use the browser (or a text editor--faster saves and you can change the names in the tabs, but it 's less intuitive overall) for further edits). <br><br>
<br>(Untitled 1 and 2 from the bwp have been upgraded and/or spun off from the bwp as the bwp2 and/or the mini-bwp/bwp-mini. as with the original (and bbwp before it), paste in formatting, links and other content. download to save. ctrl a,c,v,x,y,z and a few other keyboard shortcuts work in most browsers. link below can be deleted like any other text; use text editor view to paste in links to your files (tables of contents, etc)).<br><br>
p. dogfellow, 5/4/18<br>
<br>for more, see bbwp updated as bwp:<br>
<a href="http:///" target="_blank">http:// ... 597</a><br>
<!--use file:/// for your files (for tables of contents, long term convenience, etc) and http:// for websites (second occurence of path above is text that shows--could be anything, but use &gt: < to >< in plain text mode outside the comments (you can paste them into the browser view as you'd expect with a regular word processor, but it won't work in straight up html mode)).-->

<br>insert<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="left"><font color="#159A5E"><par style="font-size: 8pt; color:white; page-break-after: always"></par></font> <br><br>
in text editor view wherever you want to force a page break.
<h1>heading 1</h1>
<h2>heading 2</h2>
<h3>heading 3</h3>
<h4>heading 4</h4>
<h5>heading 5</h5>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="justify"><br><br>
<!--this is a comment. anything between arrows like these is hidden in browser and pdf download/print preview mode. -->

this is another comment. you can have as many as you like and they can go on indefinitely.
(you can type here and paste into browser view for the faster saves and more natural typing environment, but remember to keep track of your reloads and refreshes as well as your saves so you don't end up undoing what you've done)

<!-- get rid of the html in the title if the text editor has color coding for code and you find it annoying

Puppus Dogfellow, 5/5/18.
<!--teach yourself html and more:

alter this document as make copies for backup. search and swap/find and replace 150 for 200 or 100 to change spacing from 1.5 to 2 or 1. do the same with serif to change font (mono and sans are two that work in testing).

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="justify">to stick to working with (mostly) regular text files, paste your text into the word processor file for print preview, setting the formatting, and downloading either the html or pdf version of that stage. browser window text is scalable, but for reference, here's some nonscalable text: <br>
<p style="font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:normal; font-family: serif">your serif 12 text here</p><br>
<p style="font-size: 12pt; color:#5126D2; font-weight:normal; font-family: mono">your mono 12 text here</p><br>
<p style="font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:normal; font-family: sans">your sans 12 text here</p><br>

<!-- <br><br>

see the commented out bits (they'll be between arrows like these) in text editor mode for more tips (they're not visible in browser mode. change the name that appears in the tab and the internal document name while you're there).

to focus more on browser use than text editor mode, make a copy of the appropriate template and rename it as your working document. open both with a browser and bookmark. reload the template if you've made a mess of the formatting or preferred the way it was before you started to get the hang of things.
<span style="font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:normal; font-family: serif">
12 point serif

<span style="font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:regular condensed; font-family: sans">

12point sans

<span style="font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:regular condensed; font-family: mono">

12 pt mono (no illustration of custom color code this time--use gcolor2 or your text editor's color picker to customize via the six digit code that follows the <i>color:</i> bit(s) you find in the html version(s)).



Puppus Dogfellow wrote:[...]
newest word processing aspect updates: ... 763#990763

here's the smallest i was able to reduce the bwp (browser word processor)--it's one 3.5k file if you want to play around with it or add suggestions (it's also the next update to the Untitled1 and Untitled2 templates):


Puppus Dogfellow wrote:
nosystemdthanks wrote:puppus: the other geany trick was using search and replace across documents.

it was implied (though i havent tried it) that you can use search and replace across every open tab at once if it pleases you to.
it works well--you just check session instead of document or selection.

using separate instances of geany (geany -i in a terminal) allows you to isolate groups of files fairly easily--only the tabs in the window you run it on are affected (i last used it a few days ago to flip a a few lines in the html directory mentioned above).
save the file above and open in a new instance of geany. rename it as its backup or something you prefer (or you could start by copying and opening, or cloning the original. at some point you have two copies of the file posted above opened in geany....takes longer to describe than do. could make nine copies with the mcc function and work on those simultaneously. anyway, ...). open both those up renamed as something that designates a mono font and close the original two. find and replace serif for mono. save and then save the two as something that designates a sans font. find and replace mono for sans. save and then open the four you closed earlier. replace 150 with 200 and rename the lot something to show they are now double spaced. save all. find and replace (again, in session) 200 for 100 and rename the now red-in-the-title files something to show they're now single spaced templates. your original template is now serif 1.5 and has the names you gave them, and the others fill out the basic template set. (you can copy and paste between them).

there are other ways to go about this (sehd in the launcher prints out a sed cheat sheet that would make doing it from one file with a little copying pretty easy and less...wordy, but i think the cnt command (can generate/sandwich html files like these without any escaping necessary--just add your mods and paths) is better in terms of letting users customize more, though a good thing about a script version to generate it is that it becomes easy to restore even templates that have been saved broken...and you can easily put your choices on the jwm menus...and generate variations more easily maybe)...probably coming soon.


you don't need to see the geany view for the commented out tips--they're the ones in upgrade will probably drop the .html and/or improve/simplify the mcc version; next version for this thread will probably be a script that generates it and the desktop files for a few choices.

(...apologies for thinking out loud--)


---- in a browser, cut and paste formatting, save as html or pdf. work in browser or editor...paste in text from xpad or leafpad if you like...paste in anything and see what sticks...

User avatar
Puppus Dogfellow
Posts: 1667
Joined: Tue 08 Jan 2013, 01:39
Location: nyc

three versions of template generator script

#58 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

scripts make a 1.5 line spaced template similar to wordprocessor.html above in your choice of serif (, mono (, or sans ( it then copies that for the two working template method described above, makes a single and double spaced version (one each, but you can add or eliminate by adjusting the script), adds two drag2launch2 scripts (default editor and browser at the same time is "def," palemoon and a new instance of geany is "gip."--add, adjust, remove). the internal and tag titles are changed when the script is run and can be set before hand. they're basically versions of the above, but now you don't have to worry about ruining a template and you can customize the sets before they're made (adjust titles and fonts by adjusting the little sed bit (labeled in the comments) at the ends of the scripts. here's

Code: Select all


echo $'

  (/micro anuupus/mini-bwp/Untitled0)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/;charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="generator" content="Geany 1.25" />

<title>top one is tab tag</title>

<body style="font-size:2rem;font-family:serif;line-height:1.5;max-width:90rem;margin:0 auto;padding:2rem;" spellcheck="true" contenteditable="">

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="justify"><font face="serif">regular text<br><br>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="justify">justified area<br><br></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="center">centered<br><br></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="left">left aligned<br><br></p>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="right">right aligned<br><br></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="justify"><br><br>document as a whole is justified--delete the areas you don\'t need, copy and paste those you do where you need them. to use this document as a word processor (mini-bwp), open and bookmark it in a browser, download a copy to reopen as your working document, keeping the original to grab formatting from and mess around in. download/save as pdf (print menu) or html (file menu--html will let you use the browser (or a text editor--faster saves and you can change the names in the tabs, but it \'s less intuitive overall) for further edits). <br><br>
<br>(Untitled 1 and 2 from the bwp have been upgraded and/or spun off from the bwp as the bwp2 and/or the mini-bwp/bwp-mini. as with the original (and bbwp before it), paste in formatting, links and other content. download to save. ctrl a,c,v,x,y,z and a few other keyboard shortcuts work in most browsers. link below can be deleted like any other text; use text editor view to paste in links to your files (tables of contents, etc)).<br><br>
p. dogfellow, 5/4/18<br>
<br>for more, see bbwp updated as bwp:<br>
<a href="http:///" target="_blank">http://</a><br>
<!--use file:/// for your files (for tables of contents, long term convenience, etc) and http:// for websites  (second occurence of path above is text that shows--could be anything, but use &gt: < to >< in plain text mode outside the comments (you can paste them into the browser view as you\'d expect with a regular word processor, but it won\'t work in straight up html mode.)-->

<br>insert<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="left"><font color="#159A5E"><par style="font-size: 8pt; color:white; page-break-after: always"></par></font> <br><br>
in text editor view wherever you want to force a page break.
<h1>heading 1</h1>
<h2>heading 2</h2>
<h3>heading 3</h3>
<h4>heading 4</h4>
<h5>heading 5</h5>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="justify"><br><br>
<!--this is a comment. anything between arrows like these is hidden in browser and pdf download/print preview mode. -->

this is another comment. you can have as many as you like and they can go on indefinitely.
(you can type here and paste into browser view for the faster saves and more natural typing environment, but remember to keep track of your reloads and refreshes as well as your saves so you don\'t end up undoing what you\'ve done)

<!--  get rid of the html in the title if the text editor has color coding for code and you find it annoying

Puppus Dogfellow, 5/5/18.
<!--teach yourself html and more:

alter this document as make copies for backup. search and swap/find and replace 150 for 200 or 100 to change spacing from 1.5 to 2 or 1. do the same with serif to change font (mono and sans are two that work in testing). 

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="justify">to stick to working with (mostly) regular text files, paste your text into the word processor file for print preview, setting the formatting, and downloading either the html or pdf version of that stage. browser window text is scalable, but for reference, here\'s some nonscalable text: <br>
 <p style="font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:normal; font-family: serif">your serif 12 text here</p><br>
 <p style="font-size: 12pt; color:#5126D2; font-weight:normal; font-family: mono">your mono 12 text here</p><br>
 <p style="font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:normal; font-family: sans">your sans 12 text here</p><br>

<!-- <br><br>

see the commented out bits (they\'ll be between arrows like these) in text editor mode for more tips (they\'re not visible in browser mode. change the name that appears in the tab and the internal document name while you\'re there).

to focus more on browser use than text editor mode, make a copy of the appropriate template and rename it as your working document. open both with a browser and bookmark. reload the template if you\'ve made a mess of the formatting or preferred the way it was before you started to get the hang of things.
<span style="font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:normal; font-family: serif">
12 point serif

<span style="font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:regular condensed; font-family: sans">

12point sans

<span style="font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:regular condensed; font-family: mono">

12 pt mono (no illustration of custom color code this time--use gcolor2 or your text editor\'s color picker to customize via the six digit code that follows the <i>color:</i> bit(s) you find in the html version(s)).



' > ./ser
#make three copies of base template: working, line spacing at 1 and 2:
cp -f ./ser ./ser1.5
cp -f ./ser ./ser1
cp -f ./ser ./ser2
#have the line spacing of ser1 and ser2 reflect their names:
sed -i '/150/ s//100/g' ./ser1
sed -i '/150/ s//200/g' ./ser2
#swap out the title tags for the templates:
sed -i '/ser1.5/ s//Untitled00/g' ./ser1.5
sed -i '/ser1.5/ s//Untitled0/g' ./ser
sed -i '/ser1.5/ s//Sing/g' ./ser1
sed -i '/ser1.5/ s//Dub/g' ./ser2
#swap out the internal name
#(some versions wound up as ser1.5, some as bwp2
#(line will just fail if n.a.))
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//Untitled00/g' ./ser1.5
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//Untitled0/g' ./ser
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//Sing/g' ./ser1
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//Dub/g' ./ser2

sed -i '/top one is tab tag/ s//newinternal/g' ./ser
sed -i '/top one is tab tag/ s//newinternal/g' ./ser1.5
sed -i '/top one is tab tag/ s//newinternal/g' ./ser1
sed -i '/top one is tab tag/ s//newinternal/g' ./ser2

#dual launchers (copy and adjust):
echo $'#!/bin/sh 
exec defaulttexteditor "$@"| exec defaultbrowser "$@"
' > ./def
chmod 755 ./def
echo $'#!/bin/sh 
exec geany -i "$@"| exec palemoon "$@"
' > ./gip
chmod 755 ./gip

Code: Select all

here's the one for mono:

echo $'

  (/micro anuupus/mini-bwp/Untitled0)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/;charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="generator" content="Geany 1.25" />

<title>top one is tab tag</title>

<body style="font-size:2rem;font-family:mono;line-height:1.5;max-width:90rem;margin:0 auto;padding:2rem;" spellcheck="true" contenteditable="">

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="justify"><font face="mono">regular text<br><br>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="justify">justified area<br><br></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="center">centered<br><br></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="left">left aligned<br><br></p>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="right">right aligned<br><br></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="justify"><br><br>document as a whole is justified--delete the areas you don\'t need, copy and paste those you do where you need them. to use this document as a word processor (mini-bwp), open and bookmark it in a browser, download a copy to reopen as your working document, keeping the original to grab formatting from and mess around in. download/save as pdf (print menu) or html (file menu--html will let you use the browser (or a text editor--faster saves and you can change the names in the tabs, but it \'s less intuitive overall) for further edits). <br><br>
<br>(Untitled 1 and 2 from the bwp have been upgraded and/or spun off from the bwp as the bwp2 and/or the mini-bwp/bwp-mini. as with the original (and bbwp before it), paste in formatting, links and other content. download to save. ctrl a,c,v,x,y,z and a few other keyboard shortcuts work in most browsers. link below can be deleted like any other text; use text editor view to paste in links to your files (tables of contents, etc)).<br><br>
p. dogfellow, 5/4/18<br>
<br>for more, see bbwp updated as bwp:<br>
<a href="http:///" target="_blank">http://</a><br>
<!--use file:/// for your files (for tables of contents, long term convenience, etc) and http:// for websites  (second occurence of path above is text that shows--could be anything, but use &gt: < to >< in plain text mode outside the comments (you can paste them into the browser view as you\'d expect with a regular word processor, but it won\'t work in straight up html mode.)-->

<br>insert<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="left"><font color="#159A5E"><par style="font-size: 8pt; color:white; page-break-after: always"></par></font> <br><br>
in text editor view wherever you want to force a page break.
<h1>heading 1</h1>
<h2>heading 2</h2>
<h3>heading 3</h3>
<h4>heading 4</h4>
<h5>heading 5</h5>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="justify"><br><br>
<!--this is a comment. anything between arrows like these is hidden in browser and pdf download/print preview mode. -->

this is another comment. you can have as many as you like and they can go on indefinitely.
(you can type here and paste into browser view for the faster saves and more natural typing environment, but remember to keep track of your reloads and refreshes as well as your saves so you don\'t end up undoing what you\'ve done)

<!--  get rid of the html in the title if the text editor has color coding for code and you find it annoying

Puppus Dogfellow, 5/5/18.
<!--teach yourself html and more:

alter this document as make copies for backup. search and swap/find and replace 150 for 200 or 100 to change spacing from 1.5 to 2 or 1. do the same with serif to change font (mono and sans are two that work in testing). 

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="justify">to stick to working with (mostly) regular text files, paste your text into the word processor file for print preview, setting the formatting, and downloading either the html or pdf version of that stage. browser window text is scalable, but for reference, here\'s some nonscalable text: <br>
 <p style="font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:normal; font-family: serif">your serif 12 text here</p><br>
 <p style="font-size: 12pt; color:#5126D2; font-weight:normal; font-family: mono">your mono 12 text here</p><br>
 <p style="font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:normal; font-family: sans">your sans 12 text here</p><br>

<!-- <br><br>

see the commented out bits (they\'ll be between arrows like these) in text editor mode for more tips (they\'re not visible in browser mode. change the name that appears in the tab and the internal document name while you\'re there).

to focus more on browser use than text editor mode, make a copy of the appropriate template and rename it as your working document. open both with a browser and bookmark. reload the template if you\'ve made a mess of the formatting or preferred the way it was before you started to get the hang of things.
<span style="font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:normal; font-family: serif">
12 point serif

<span style="font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:regular condensed; font-family: sans">

12point sans

<span style="font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:regular condensed; font-family: mono">

12 pt mono (no illustration of custom color code this time--use gcolor2 or your text editor\'s color picker to customize via the six digit code that follows the <i>color:</i> bit(s) you find in the html version(s)).



' > ./mon
#make three copies of base template: working, line spacing at 1 and 2:
cp -f ./mon ./mon1.5
cp -f ./mon ./mon1
cp -f ./mon ./mon2
#have the line spacing of mon1 and mon2 reflect their names:
sed -i '/150/ s//100/g' ./mon1
sed -i '/150/ s//200/g' ./mon2
#swap out the title tags:
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//m00/g' ./mon1.5
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//m0/g' ./mon
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//mSing/g' ./mon1
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//mDub/g' ./mon2
#you can also use this section (rerun the script from a folder by clicking on it
#as you modify it in a text editor) to swap fonts (make more copies and rename them by 
#altering duplicates of cp -f line a dozen or so up)
#swap out the internal name
sed -i '/top one is tab tag/ s//newinternal/g' ./mon
sed -i '/top one is tab tag/ s//newinternal/g' ./mon1.5
sed -i '/top one is tab tag/ s//newinternal/g' ./mon1
sed -i '/top one is tab tag/ s//newinternal/g' ./mon2


Code: Select all


echo $'

  (/micro anuupus/mini-bwp/Untitled0)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/;charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="generator" content="Geany 1.25" />

<title>top one is tab tag</title>

<body style="font-size:2rem;font-family:sans;line-height:1.5;max-width:90rem;margin:0 auto;padding:2rem;" spellcheck="true" contenteditable="">

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="justify"><font face="sans">regular text<br><br>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="justify">justified area<br><br></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="center">centered<br><br></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="left">left aligned<br><br></p>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="right">right aligned<br><br></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="justify"><br><br>document as a whole is justified--delete the areas you don\'t need, copy and paste those you do where you need them. to use this document as a word processor (mini-bwp), open and bookmark it in a browser, download a copy to reopen as your working document, keeping the original to grab formatting from and mess around in. download/save as pdf (print menu) or html (file menu--html will let you use the browser (or a text editor--faster saves and you can change the names in the tabs, but it \'s less intuitive overall) for further edits). <br><br>
<br>(Untitled 1 and 2 from the bwp have been upgraded and/or spun off from the bwp as the bwp2 and/or the mini-bwp/bwp-mini. as with the original (and bbwp before it), paste in formatting, links and other content. download to save. ctrl a,c,v,x,y,z and a few other keyboard shortcuts work in most browsers. link below can be deleted like any other text; use text editor view to paste in links to your files (tables of contents, etc)).<br><br>
p. dogfellow, 5/4/18<br>
<br>for more, see bbwp updated as bwp:<br>
<a href="http:///" target="_blank">http://</a><br>
<!--use file:/// for your files (for tables of contents, long term convenience, etc) and http:// for websites  (second occurrence of path above is text that shows--could be anything, but use &gt: < to >< in plain text mode outside the comments (you can paste them into the browser view as you\'d expect with a regular word processor, but it won\'t work in straight up html mode.)-->

<br>insert<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="left"><font color="#159A5E"><par style="font-size: 8pt; color:white; page-break-after: always"></par></font> <br><br>
in text editor view wherever you want to force a page break.
<h1>heading 1</h1>
<h2>heading 2</h2>
<h3>heading 3</h3>
<h4>heading 4</h4>
<h5>heading 5</h5>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="justify"><br><br>
<!--this is a comment. anything between arrows like these is hidden in browser and pdf download/print preview mode. -->

this is another comment. you can have as many as you like and they can go on indefinitely.
(you can type here and paste into browser view for the faster saves and more natural typing environment, but remember to keep track of your reloads and refreshes as well as your saves so you don\'t end up undoing what you\'ve done)

<!--  get rid of the html in the title if the text editor has color coding for code and you find it annoying

Puppus Dogfellow, 5/5/18.
<!--teach yourself html and more:

alter this document as make copies for backup. search and swap/find and replace 150 for 200 or 100 to change spacing from 1.5 to 2 or 1. do the same with serif to change font (mono and sans are two that work in testing). 

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%" align="justify">to stick to working with (mostly) regular text files, paste your text into the word processor file for print preview, setting the formatting, and downloading either the html or pdf version of that stage. browser window text is scalable, but for reference, here\'s some nonscalable text: <br>
 <p style="font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:normal; font-family: serif">your serif 12 text here</p><br>
 <p style="font-size: 12pt; color:#5126D2; font-weight:normal; font-family: mono">your mono 12 text here</p><br>
 <p style="font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:normal; font-family: sans">your sans 12 text here</p><br>

<!-- <br><br>

see the commented out bits (they\'ll be between arrows like these) in text editor mode for more tips (they\'re not visible in browser mode. change the name that appears in the tab and the internal document name while you\'re there).

to focus more on browser use than text editor mode, make a copy of the appropriate template and rename it as your working document. open both with a browser and bookmark. reload the template if you\'ve made a mess of the formatting or preferred the way it was before you started to get the hang of things.
<span style="font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:normal; font-family: serif">
12 point serif

<span style="font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:regular condensed; font-family: sans">

12point sans

<span style="font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:regular condensed; font-family: mono">

12 pt mono (no illustration of custom color code this time--use gcolor2 or your text editor\'s color picker to customize via the six digit code that follows the <i>color:</i> bit(s) you find in the html version(s)).



' > ./san
#make three copies of base template: working, line spacing at 1 and 2:
cp -f ./san ./san1.5
cp -f ./san ./san1
cp -f ./san ./san2
#have the line spacing of san1 and san2 reflect their names:
sed -i '/150/ s//100/g' ./san1
sed -i '/150/ s//200/g' ./san2
#swap out the title tags for the templates:
#sed -i '/ser1.5/ s//Untitled00/g' ./ser1.5
#sed -i '/ser1.5/ s//Untitled0/g' ./ser
#sed -i '/ser1.5/ s//Sing/g' ./ser1
#sed -i '/ser1.5/ s//Dub/g' ./ser2
#swap out the internal name
#(some versions wound up as ser1.5, some as bwp2):
#you can also use this section (rerun the script from a folder by clicking on it
#as you modify it in a text editor) to swap fonts (make more copies and rename them by 
#altering duplicates of cp -f line a dozen or so up)
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//s00/g' ./san1.5
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//s0/g' ./san
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//sSing/g' ./san1
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//sDub/g' ./san2
sed -i '/top one is tab tag/ s//newinternal/g' ./san
sed -i '/top one is tab tag/ s//newinternal/g' ./san1.5
sed -i '/top one is tab tag/ s//newinternal/g' ./san1
sed -i '/top one is tab tag/ s//newinternal/g' ./san2
sed -i '/top one is tab tag/ s//newinternal/g' ./mon2
if you're reusing the code to alter and the templates of files that you just made (sometimes the vtg is easier for this sort of stuff--make a copy of the script, make a mess of it, take notes on it, run only the parts you like or that still work...--it's a good way to test out things, but in this instance, it's just an easy way to change the name fields inside the document, or swap in superserif for serif (you can really do it for any of the templates and make an overall font change that way)).

bwp1.4 will probably have these scripts as a right click utility, though i may offer those just as plain html files and/or a folder of templates (you could do it yourself with these or your own custom versions by putting them in /root/.config/ adjust the where and why off the fonts and alignment, and have it ready to go at click.

so now it's easier to have the templates where you want, access them through the browser, adjust them in groups, and replace them when they're lost or broken.

the two dual launchers are tiny and get generated along with the templates. run all the scripts in the same folder and you'll have the three font faces at single, double, and one and a half line spacing, with an extra copy of each being made at what i find most readable in pdf and browser view (1.5--you can adjust what if any template gets an auto-double in the scripts since duplicating a tab's not a tremendous effort and i perhaps overstated it as part of a recommended protocol...there really isn't one).

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Puppus Dogfellow
Posts: 1667
Joined: Tue 08 Jan 2013, 01:39
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bwp template maker update. use "bwpt" in terminal to make

#59 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

this is a version that makes an improved version of the bwper from a post or so ago. it'll do all three versions with some improvements. default location for the templates are the right click menu (./root/.config/ and the make concurrent copies parent folder (/root/my-applications/mc--at one point i ran into problems with a script and a directory sharing the same name--but seeing as how it's empty apart from the folder of drag-tos and some auxiliary icons, i've decided to use it for a bit more (and swap back out the xmod and bbwp as non-included add-ins). save and click or dump into a terminal:

Code: Select all


echo $"

mkdir -p ./bwp1
#mkdir -p ./tasks
echo $'
  (/micro anuupuus/mini-bwp/Untitled0)
 file as word processor template maker
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\"
<html xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\">
<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/;charset=utf-8\" />
<meta name=\"generator\" content=\"Geany 1.25\" />

<title>top one is tab tag</title>

<body style=\"font-size:2rem;font-family:serif;line-height:1.5;max-width:90rem;margin:0 auto;padding:2rem;\" spellcheck=\"true\" contenteditable=\"\">

<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%\" align=\"justify\"><font face=\"serif\">regular text<br><br>

<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%\" align=\"justify\">justified area<br><br></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%\" align=\"center\">centered<br><br></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%\" align=\"left\">left aligned<br><br></p>

<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%\" align=\"right\">right aligned<br><br></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%\" align=\"justify\"><br><br>document as a whole is justified--delete the areas you don\'t need, copy and paste those you do where you need them. to use this document as a word processor (mini-bwp), open and bookmark it in a browser, download a copy to reopen as your working document, keeping the original to grab formatting from and mess around in. download/save as pdf (print menu) or html (file menu--html will let you use the browser (or a text editor--faster saves and you can change the names in the tabs, but it \'s less intuitive overall) for further edits). <br><br>
<br>(Untitled 1 and 2 from the bwp have been upgraded and/or spun off from the bwp as the bwp2 and/or the mini-bwp/bwp-mini. as with the original (and bbwp before it), paste in formatting, links and other content. download to save. ctrl a,c,v,x,y,z and a few other keyboard shortcuts work in most browsers. link below can be deleted like any other text; use text editor view to paste in links to your files (tables of contents, etc)).<br><br>
p. dogfellow, 5/4/18<br>
<br>for more, see bbwp updated as bwp:<br>
<a href=\"http:///\" target=\"_blank\">http://</a><br>
<!--use file:/// for your files (for tables of contents, long term convenience, etc) and http:// for websites  (second occurence of path above is text that shows--could be anything, but use &gt: < to >< in plain text mode outside the comments (you can paste them into the browser view as you\'d expect with a regular word processor, but it won\'t work in straight up html mode.)-->

<br>insert<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%\" align=\"left\"><font color=\"#159A5E\"><par style=\"font-size: 8pt; color:white; page-break-after: always\"></par></font> <br><br>
in text editor view wherever you want to force a page break.
<h1>heading 1</h1>
<h2>heading 2</h2>
<h3>heading 3</h3>
<h4>heading 4</h4>
<h5>heading 5</h5>

<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%\" align=\"justify\"><br><br>
<!--this is a comment. anything between arrows like these is hidden in browser and pdf download/print preview mode. -->

this is another comment. you can have as many as you like and they can go on indefinitely.
(you can type here and paste into browser view for the faster saves and more natural typing environment, but remember to keep track of your reloads and refreshes as well as your saves so you don\'t end up undoing what you\'ve done)

<!--  get rid of the html in the title if the text editor has color coding for code and you find it annoying

Puppus Dogfellow, 5/5/18.
<!--teach yourself html and more:

alter this document as a new base template and/or make copies for backup. search and swap/find and replace 150 for 200 or 100 to change spacing from 1.5 to 2 or 1. do the same with serif to change font (mono and sans are two that work in testing).

<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%\" align=\"justify\">to stick to working with (mostly) regular text files, paste your text into the word processor file for print preview, setting the formatting, and downloading either the html or pdf version of that stage. browser window text is scalable, but for reference, here\'s some nonscalable text: <br>
 <p style=\"font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:normal; font-family: serif\">your serif 12 text here</p><br>
 <p style=\"font-size: 12pt; color:#5126D2; font-weight:normal; font-family: mono\">your mono 12 text here</p><br>
 <p style=\"font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:normal; font-family: sans\">your sans 12 text here</p><br>

<!-- <br><br>

see the commented out bits (they\'ll be between arrows like these) in text editor mode for more tips (they\'re not visible in browser mode. change the name that appears in the tab and the internal document name while you\'re there).

to focus more on browser use than text editor mode, make a copy of the appropriate template and rename it as your working document. open both with a browser and bookmark. reload the template if you\'ve made a mess of the formatting or preferred the way it was before you started to get the hang of things.
<span style=\"font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:normal; font-family: serif\">
12 point serif

<span style=\"font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:regular condensed; font-family: sans\">

12point sans

<span style=\"font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:regular condensed; font-family: mono\">

12 pt mono (no illustration of custom color code this time--use gcolor2 or your text editor\'s color picker to customize via the six digit code that follows the <i>color:</i> bit(s) you find in the html version(s)).


your <a href=\"file:///root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/\" target=\"_blank\">templates are here</a> and  <a href=\"file:///root/.config/\" target=\"_blank\">here if you\'ve </a>installed (a/some version/s of) thiswordprocessor.html through mccwp-bwp (or its terminal dump-in post/s).


' > ./bwp1/ser
#prep ser as as mon and san:
cp -f ./bwp1/ser ./bwp1/mon
cp -f ./bwp1/ser ./bwp1/san
sed -i 's/serif/sans/1' ./bwp1/san
sed -i 's/serif/sans/1' ./bwp1/san
sed -i 's/serif/mono/1' ./bwp1/mon
sed -i 's/serif/mono/1' ./bwp1/mon
#make three copies (x3) of base template: working, line spacing at 1 and 2:
cp -f ./bwp1/ser ./bwp1/ser1.5
cp -f ./bwp1/ser ./bwp1/ser1
cp -f ./bwp1/ser ./bwp1/ser2
cp -f ./bwp1/mon ./bwp1/mon1.5
cp -f ./bwp1/mon ./bwp1/mon1
cp -f ./bwp1/mon ./bwp1/mon2
cp -f ./bwp1/san ./bwp1/san1.5
cp -f ./bwp1/san ./bwp1/san1
cp -f ./bwp1/san ./bwp1/san2
#have the line spacing of ser1 and ser2 (etc) reflect their names:
sed -i '/150/ s//100/g' ./bwp1/ser1
sed -i '/150/ s//200/g' ./bwp1/ser2
sed -i '/150/ s//100/g' ./bwp1/mon1
sed -i '/150/ s//200/g' ./bwp1/mon2
sed -i '/150/ s//100/g' ./bwp1/san1
sed -i '/150/ s//200/g' ./bwp1/san2

#swap out the title tags:
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//m00/1' ./bwp1/mon1.5
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//m0/1' ./bwp1/mon
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//mSing/1' ./bwp1/mon1
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//mDub/1' ./bwp1/mon2
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//Untitled00/1' ./bwp1/ser1.5
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//Untitled0/1' ./bwp1/ser
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//Sing/1' ./bwp1/ser1
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//Dub/1' ./bwp1/ser2
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//s00/1' ./bwp1/san1.5
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//s0/1' ./bwp1/san
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//sSing/1' ./bwp1/san1
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//sDub/1' ./bwp1/san2

#swap out the internal name 
#adjust for file and name (and remove the #):
#sed -i '/top one is tab tag/ s//newinternal/1' ./bwp1/san
#sed -i '/top one is tab tag/ s//newinternal/1' ./bwp1/san1.5
#sed -i '/top one is tab tag/ s//newinternal/1' ./bwp1/san1
#sed -i '/top one is tab tag/ s//newinternal/1' ./bwp1/san2	

#dual launchers (copy and adjust):
echo $'#!/bin/sh
exec defaulttexteditor \"\$@\"| exec defaultbrowser \"\$@\"
' > ./bwp1/def
chmod 755 ./bwp1/def
echo $'#!/bin/sh
exec geany -i \"\$@\"| exec palemoon \"\$@\"
' > ./bwp1/gip
chmod 755 ./bwp1/gip 
" >  /root/my-applications/bin/bwpt
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/bwpt
#create base template directory in and ...Templates, add a single template
#to the right click to go with the whole set option...adjust to suit your needs
#right click available, and terminal command to make full set 
#in a given dir. is now "bwpt" 
#script's an update/plugin for the mini word processor in the mcc utillity (as opposed to 
#the one in nwp or the one in usr/local/bwp or the one in root/my-apps/bbwp), but with the
#directory that houses the drag2 scripts to make copies on your machine, you can use this
#as a stand alone:
mkdir -p /root/my-applications/mc 
cd /root/my-applications/mc
cd /root/.config/
cp -f /root/.config/ /root/.config/ 

the following will make a geany vtg sheet for it (with some general tips and explanation):
echo $'

right click or ctrl+shift+o in geany to use this document as a set of links/table of contents.


if you\'ve got the nwp or vtg installed, click the cauliflower or alt+z (or v in launcher) with cursor
on a line below will launch that command

open all in geany:
geany /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/def /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/gip /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon1 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon1.5 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon2 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san1 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san1.5 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san2 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser1 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser1.5 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser2

open all in a new instance of geany:
geany -i /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/def /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/gip /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon1 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon1.5 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon2 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san1 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san1.5 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san2 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser1 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser1.5 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser2

open all in default browser:

open the rox folder:
rox /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/def /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/gip /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon1 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon1.5 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon2 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san1 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san1.5 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san2 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser1 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser1.5 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser2

open a given file from /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ in leafpad:

leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/def
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/gip
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon1
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon1.5
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon2
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san1
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san1.5
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san2
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser1
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser1.5
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser2

open all in palemoon:
palemoon /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/def /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/gip /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon1 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon1.5 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon2 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san1 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san1.5 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san2 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser1 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser1.5 /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser2

to get a table of contents/clickable index of these files for a browser launch, use their base directory:

defaultbrowser /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/
palemoon /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/
defaultbrowser /root/.config/ /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/
palemoon /root/.config/ /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/
firefox /root/.config/
palemoon /root/.config/

(highlight groups of files and paste in their paths, use space (literally type a space--i don\'t know off hand the regex for space...\s?...and substitute it with a \n in the find and replace boxes to swap what you get so it looks like the leafpad arrangement above (i used extend select and typed leafpad after that). most programs will respond to vtging the way the selection deposits it in a file (space rather than line delimited. i.e. usually selecting, middle clicking, and then adding the program followed by a space at the beginning of the line is enough "programming"/arranging of text.

' > /root/my-applications/mc/bwp4vtg
the vtg sheet being made is a plain text file mostly for a set location, but it's not difficult to do the equivalent for others (sheet took a few minutes to make and a few more to turn into content-generated-by-script (cnt commant, scz command, and using a bunch of backslashes (\) to undo my habit of using apostrophes in the comments...dollar signs also need it...things got sandwiched by the command so i had to also do it for quotation that needed to be run three times, but overall it's a fairly quick process (and if you want, getting the commands on the jwm menus takes a little copying and editing of a few .desktop files and the jwm -reload command (i usually make little scripts for the stuff in the nwp folder (ll defaults to making stuff there, ch defaults to setting permissions there, but start with scz to make a plain file a script).

ll = leafpad launcher in the shift plus spacebar (main, p, pwn) launcher
gl = geany
(^give a title to your command)
scz = print out the shebang
ch = set permissions for it

(more on that in another post).


i'll probably post the non generated generator version (the bwpt script that's made by mccwp-bwp (what that first script is called on my machine at the moment) and makes the bwp1 folder of templates ) at some point since it's easier to edit and read--there was supposed to be an "auxer" to go with the previous version, but it got shelved a bit so that i can "bwpt" a directory...(and it's basically just a slightly preset version of copying vtg commands to files so you can launch them with desktop files and optionally send them to the windows manager menus like i hinted at with the gl ll scz ch stuff above).
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Puppus Dogfellow
Posts: 1667
Joined: Tue 08 Jan 2013, 01:39
Location: nyc

wasn't previously a problem, but now unlabled html files are

#60 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

script and vtg sheet above apparently need the files made marked as html for some of the browsers at least some of the time, so i'll reup the two files from above with the fixes. to do it manually (if you've noticed the content is suddenly not editable), it's a bunch of swap and replaces...end lines (\n) for .html\n
...and [fontname][space]...---be back in a bit. sorry for the inconvenience.

here's the first bit:

Code: Select all


echo $"

mkdir -p ./bwp1
#mkdir -p ./tasks
echo $'
  (/micro anuupuus/mini-bwp/Untitled0)
 file as word processor template maker
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\"
<html xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\">
<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/;charset=utf-8\" />
<meta name=\"generator\" content=\"Geany 1.25\" />

<title>top one is tab tag</title>

<body style=\"font-size:2rem;font-family:serif;line-height:1.5;max-width:90rem;margin:0 auto;padding:2rem;\" spellcheck=\"true\" contenteditable=\"\">

<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%\" align=\"justify\"><font face=\"serif\">regular text<br><br>

<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%\" align=\"justify\">justified area<br><br></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%\" align=\"center\">centered<br><br></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%\" align=\"left\">left aligned<br><br></p>

<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%\" align=\"right\">right aligned<br><br></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%\" align=\"justify\"><br><br>document as a whole is justified--delete the areas you don\'t need, copy and paste those you do where you need them. to use this document as a word processor (mini-bwp), open and bookmark it in a browser, download a copy to reopen as your working document, keeping the original to grab formatting from and mess around in. download/save as pdf (print menu) or html (file menu--html will let you use the browser (or a text editor--faster saves and you can change the names in the tabs, but it \'s less intuitive overall) for further edits). <br><br>
<br>(Untitled 1 and 2 from the bwp have been upgraded and/or spun off from the bwp as the bwp2 and/or the mini-bwp/bwp-mini. as with the original (and bbwp before it), paste in formatting, links and other content. download to save. ctrl a,c,v,x,y,z and a few other keyboard shortcuts work in most browsers. link below can be deleted like any other text; use text editor view to paste in links to your files (tables of contents, etc)).<br><br>
p. dogfellow, 5/4/18<br>
<br>for more, see bbwp updated as bwp:<br>
<a href=\"http:///\" target=\"_blank\">http://</a><br>
<!--use file:/// for your files (for tables of contents, long term convenience, etc) and http:// for websites  (second occurence of path above is text that shows--could be anything, but use &gt: < to >< in plain text mode outside the comments (you can paste them into the browser view as you\'d expect with a regular word processor, but it won\'t work in straight up html mode.)-->

<br>insert<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%\" align=\"left\"><font color=\"#159A5E\"><par style=\"font-size: 8pt; color:white; page-break-after: always\"></par></font> <br><br>
in text editor view wherever you want to force a page break.
<h1>heading 1</h1>
<h2>heading 2</h2>
<h3>heading 3</h3>
<h4>heading 4</h4>
<h5>heading 5</h5>

<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%\" align=\"justify\"><br><br>
<!--this is a comment. anything between arrows like these is hidden in browser and pdf download/print preview mode. -->

this is another comment. you can have as many as you like and they can go on indefinitely.
(you can type here and paste into browser view for the faster saves and more natural typing environment, but remember to keep track of your reloads and refreshes as well as your saves so you don\'t end up undoing what you\'ve done)

<!--  get rid of the html in the title if the text editor has color coding for code and you find it annoying

Puppus Dogfellow, 5/5/18.
<!--teach yourself html and more:

alter this document as a new base template and/or make copies for backup. search and swap/find and replace 150 for 200 or 100 to change spacing from 1.5 to 2 or 1. do the same with serif to change font (mono and sans are two that work in testing).

<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%\" align=\"justify\">to stick to working with (mostly) regular text files, paste your text into the word processor file for print preview, setting the formatting, and downloading either the html or pdf version of that stage. browser window text is scalable, but for reference, here\'s some nonscalable text: <br>
 <p style=\"font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:normal; font-family: serif\">your serif 12 text here</p><br>
 <p style=\"font-size: 12pt; color:#5126D2; font-weight:normal; font-family: mono\">your mono 12 text here</p><br>
 <p style=\"font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:normal; font-family: sans\">your sans 12 text here</p><br>

<!-- <br><br>

see the commented out bits (they\'ll be between arrows like these) in text editor mode for more tips (they\'re not visible in browser mode. change the name that appears in the tab and the internal document name while you\'re there).

to focus more on browser use than text editor mode, make a copy of the appropriate template and rename it as your working document. open both with a browser and bookmark. reload the template if you\'ve made a mess of the formatting or preferred the way it was before you started to get the hang of things.
<span style=\"font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:normal; font-family: serif\">
12 point serif

<span style=\"font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:regular condensed; font-family: sans\">

12point sans

<span style=\"font-size: 12pt; color:black; font-weight:regular condensed; font-family: mono\">

12 pt mono (no illustration of custom color code this time--use gcolor2 or your text editor\'s color picker to customize via the six digit code that follows the <i>color:</i> bit(s) you find in the html version(s)).


your <a href=\"file:///root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/\" target=\"_blank\">templates are here</a> and  <a href=\"file:///root/.config/\" target=\"_blank\">here if you\'ve </a>installed (a/some version/s of) thiswordprocessor.html through mccwp-bwp (or its terminal dump-in post/s).


' > ./bwp1/ser.html
#prep ser as as mon and san:
cp -f ./bwp1/ser ./bwp1/mon.html
cp -f ./bwp1/ser ./bwp1/san.html
sed -i 's/serif/sans/1' ./bwp1/san.html
sed -i 's/serif/sans/1' ./bwp1/san.html
sed -i 's/serif/mono/1' ./bwp1/mon.html
sed -i 's/serif/mono/1' ./bwp1/mon.html
#make three copies (x3) of base template: working, line spacing at 1 and 2:
cp -f ./bwp1/ser.html ./bwp1/ser1.5.html
cp -f ./bwp1/ser.html ./bwp1/ser1.html
cp -f ./bwp1/ser.html ./bwp1/ser2.html
cp -f ./bwp1/mon.html ./bwp1/mon1.5.html
cp -f ./bwp1/mon.html ./bwp1/mon1.html
cp -f ./bwp1/mon.html ./bwp1/mon2.html
cp -f ./bwp1/san.html ./bwp1/san1.5.html
cp -f ./bwp1/san.html ./bwp1/san1.html
cp -f ./bwp1/san.html ./bwp1/san2.html
#have the line spacing of ser1 and ser2 (etc) reflect their names:
sed -i '/150/ s//100/g' ./bwp1/ser1.html
sed -i '/150/ s//200/g' ./bwp1/ser2.html
sed -i '/150/ s//100/g' ./bwp1/mon1.html
sed -i '/150/ s//200/g' ./bwp1/mon2.html
sed -i '/150/ s//100/g' ./bwp1/san1.html
sed -i '/150/ s//200/g' ./bwp1/san2.html

#swap out the title tags:
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//m00/1' ./bwp1/mon1.5.html
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//m0/1' ./bwp1/mon.html
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//mSing/1' ./bwp1/mon1.html
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//mDub/1' ./bwp1/mon2.html
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//Untitled00/1' ./bwp1/ser1.5.html
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//Untitled0/1' ./bwp1/ser.html
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//Sing/1' ./bwp1/ser1.html
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//Dub/1' ./bwp1/ser2.html
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//s00/1' ./bwp1/san1.5.html
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//s0/1' ./bwp1/san.html
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//sSing/1' ./bwp1/san1.html
sed -i '/bwp2/ s//sDub/1' ./bwp1/san2.html

#swap out the internal name
#adjust for file and name (and remove the #):
#sed -i '/top one is tab tag/ s//newinternal/1' ./bwp1/san.html
#sed -i '/top one is tab tag/ s//newinternal/1' ./bwp1/san1.5.html
#sed -i '/top one is tab tag/ s//newinternal/1' ./bwp1/san1.html
#sed -i '/top one is tab tag/ s//newinternal/1' ./bwp1/san2   .html

#dual launchers (copy and adjust):
echo $'#!/bin/sh
exec defaulttexteditor \"\$@\"| exec defaultbrowser \"\$@\"
' > ./bwp1/def
chmod 755 ./bwp1/def
echo $'#!/bin/sh
exec geany -i \"\$@\"| exec palemoon \"\$@\"
' > ./bwp1/gip
chmod 755 ./bwp1/gip
" >  /root/my-applications/bin/bwpt
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/bwpt
#create base template directory in and ...Templates, add a single template
#to the right click to go with the whole set option...adjust to suit your needs
#right click available, and terminal command to make full set
#in a given dir. is now "bwpt"
#script's an update/plugin for the mini word processor in the mcc utillity (as opposed to
#the one in nwp or the one in usr/local/bwp or the one in root/my-apps/bbwp), but with the
#directory that houses the drag2 scripts to make copies on your machine, you can use this
#as a stand alone:
mkdir -p /root/my-applications/mc
cd /root/my-applications/mc
cd /root/.config/
cp -f /root/.config/ /root/.config/

and here's the second bit:

echo $'

right click or ctrl+shift+o in geany to use this document as a set of links/table of contents.


if you\'ve got the nwp or vtg installed, click the cauliflower or alt+z (or v in launcher) with cursor
on a line below will launch that command

open all in geany:
geany /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/def /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/gip /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon1.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon1.5.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon2.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san1.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san1.5.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san2.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser1.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser1.5.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser2.html

open all in a new instance of geany:
geany -i /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/def /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/gip /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon1.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon1.5.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon2.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san1.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san1.5.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san2.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser1.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser1.5.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser2.html

open all in default browser:

open the rox folder:
rox /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/def /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/gip /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon1.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon1.5.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon2.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san1.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san1.5.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san2.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser1.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser1.5.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser2.html

open a given file from /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ in leafpad:

leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/def
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/gip
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon.html
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon1.html
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon1.5.html
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon2.html
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san.html
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san1.html
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san1.5.html
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san2.html
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser.html
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser1.html
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser1.5.html
leafpad /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser2.html

open all in palemoon:
palemoon /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/def /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/gip /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon1.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon1.5.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/mon2.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san1.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san1.5.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/san2.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser1.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser1.5.html /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/ser2.html
to get a table of contents/clickable index of these files for a browser launch, use their base directory:

defaultbrowser /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/
palemoon /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/
defaultbrowser /root/.config/ /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/
palemoon /root/.config/ /root/my-applications/mc/bwp1/
firefox /root/.config/
palemoon /root/.config/

(highlight groups of files and paste in their paths, use space (literally type a space--i don\'t know off hand the regex for space...\s?...and substitute it with a \n in the find and replace boxes to swap what you get so it looks like the leafpad arrangement above (i used extend select and typed leafpad after that). most programs will respond to vtging the way the selection deposits it in a file (space rather than line delimited. i.e. usually selecting, middle clicking, and then adding the program followed by a space at the beginning of the line is enough "programming"/arranging of text.

' > /root/my-applications/mc/bwp4vtg
to do it manually (if you've noticed the content is suddenly not editable), it's a bunch of swap and replaces...end lines (\n) for .html\n
...and [fontname][space]...

for the first chunk, that was accurate except for an extend select and typing of .html to get at some text that was nicely aligned to begin with. in the second chunk i had to do the same thing but there was more of it and they weren't nicely aligned, so i had to substitute space for line break, line break for .html plus line break, and then back out the line breaks for spaces.

...which reminds me--if you don't make the "\n" in the vtg sheet "\\n" (i.e. "escape it")it will break the line and remove itself from the text displayed.
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