
Themes, icons, wallpapers, etc.
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#61 Post by greengeek »

Thanks Nilson!
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#62 Post by Gobbi »

Anybody wants to use these icons is welcome :!:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzs0RC ... sp=sharing
MD5 : b509f97de7a2bee1ebaa74cbb5ff7b4e
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For my daughter, i choose Moeppy icons from japan.

#63 Post by Pelo »

For my daughter, i choose Moeppy icons from japan. and audio files too, for welcome and shutdown.
Only for Puppies rematerised for our tender wives, or daughters.
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#64 Post by solo »

Wasn't sure whether to post these, because they're not entirely up to standard (they miss the subtle gradient backround), but they might be useful to someone, so here it goes.

I use the shiny stickers iconset, but there were a couple of icons I felt needed to be added, so I made some myself.

Here they are.
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Re: For my daughter, i choose Moeppy icons from japan.

#65 Post by unicorn316386 »

Pelo wrote:For my daughter, i choose Moeppy icons from japan. and audio files too, for welcome and shutdown.
Only for Puppies rematerised for our tender wives, or daughters.
Nice. After a bit of searching, I found some Moeppy pink icons here: [url=http://moebuntu.wiki.fc2.com/wiki/Puppy ... 8%E5%8C%96]http://moebuntu.wiki.fc2.com/wiki/Puppy Linuxを

compass to enjoy desktop of south american peones

#66 Post by Pelo »

get your Puppy nice, with moeppy icons, for women, but for you too,
Pupjibaro technicals, or mechanics, as you like, used compass to enjoy desktop of south american peones or gauchos de Argentina.
Ask Don Joselp2424, better would be to upload his jessie Puppy. :!: Here below is a Vividpup 6.5, nice distro, but more lovely with coloured icons.
One could prefer Ardis as SVG icons, depends on weather, sometimes.
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moeppy themes

#67 Post by Pelo »

moeppy themes have been available since 2013 (click the blue). It's not too late to change your life in rose (pink) as Edith Piaf when she was in love.
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#68 Post by Mike Walsh »

Evening, all.

This is a bit of a departure for me, but I was getting rather tired of looking at the same old desktop drive icons in Precise 571.....so I decided to make up some new sets; and I think they've worked out rather nicely.

Rather than just posting icons, and leaving it to the individual to place them manually in the correct location, I've put together some .pets, so as to make the process a wee bit easier for a larger number of folks. These essentially over-write the existing drive icon states in /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps.....so I've put together a .pet of the originals, in case the newer versions don't impress! I would recommend that this be d/l'ed in addition to any you might wish to try. :)

These should also work fine in older versions of Precise, as well as any Precise-based Puplets. I've not only installed them into 571 itself, I've also installed them into ETP's 'Chromebook' Pup (v.1):-


...which is based on 571 with Openbox; and Slacko570 is happy with them, too......so there's every chance they should work with older Slackos. To that end, there's also a .pet of the original 570 drive icons. I haven't yet looked at Tahrpup 6.05, but unless Phil's broken with tradition and put them in a peculiar location, they'll probably work with that.....and any Tahr-based derivatives. :P

They're a bit of a mixture, but I've tried to cater for different tastes; if anybody fancies something different, let me know, and I'll see what I can do. I make no promises, mind..!

For anyone who fancies a change, the .pets can be found here:-

https://www.mediafire.com/folder/ashah0 ... rive_icons

.....and a 'flyer' for the currently available sets is below. When you've installed your .pet, no need for a re-boot.....just scan your cursor across the drive icons, and watch the change occur. Magic..!

I'll be adding to this folder from time to time, so keep an eye out if you haven't yet found what you're looking for.


Mike. :wink:

EDIT: Works in Tahrpup, too; so there's a .pet for Tahr's original drive icons as well.
Precise icon sets.png
Desktop drive icon sets
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Fractal puppy mascot

#69 Post by vovchik »

Dear all,

Not an icon set, but a fractal puppy mascot. :)

With kind regards
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Desktops are now very similar

#70 Post by Pelo »

Mike Walsh , bookmarked, i will come back and download.
Desktops are now very similar, nowadays. and flat, and sad. Merci à tous ceux qui enjolivent notre menu. Thanks people who try to keep to it nice,
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#71 Post by Mike Walsh »

Glad you like them, Pelo.

And guess where I worked on them? PhotoScape, of course! VERY versatile program.....which is why I like using it so much.

It's astonishing the difference it can make to the desktop's appearance just from changing the drive icons. I may make up a few more sets, when I get the time.....but I make no promises, mind you.

I've since discovered that merely by uninstalling the drive icon .pet, the original icons will re-appear simply by scanning across them again.


Mike. :wink:
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#72 Post by Subito Piano »

...only over a year later - BUT nice work, Mike. I wanted an icon set that had unwanted drive icons and your work filled the bill. Thanks! :)
[color=green]"God is love" - [url=https://www.esv.org/1+John+4/]I John 4:12[/url][/color]
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#73 Post by battleshooter »

Subito Piano wrote:...only over a year later - BUT nice work, Mike. I wanted an icon set that had unwanted drive icons and your work filled the bill. Thanks! :)
Speaking of a year later...that's a really nice logo vovchik! :lol:

I'm definitely going to use that in a wallpaper sometime :D
[url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94580]LMMS 1.0.2[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94593]Ardour 3.5.389[/url], [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=94629]Kdenlive 0.9.8[/url]
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#74 Post by Mike Walsh »

Two 'new' additions to the drive icon sets:-


Set No. 6 has been in regular use in the kennels for not quite 18 months or so..... Kept meaning to post 'em, but kept forgetting! :oops:

https://www.mediafire.com/folder/ashah0 ... rive_icons


Mike. :wink:
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More coloured drive icons

#75 Post by davids45 »

G'day Mike,

As it's now getting cold and the inside life is becoming the lesser of two evils, I had a play with your icon sets (1-5) to make the mounted drives show up more.

I liked your coloured rim boxes around the drive images, much better than the standard drab Puppy drive icons where quickly seeing the mounted drive(s) is not so easy.

But going the next step, I thought to make each mounted drive really show up, I'd bucket-fill the transparent areas with an appropriate colour. Orange/yellow for the boot drive (amber = the caution colour) and blue or green for the mounted 'other' drives.

I've made a screen shot of the five modified sets (five Rox windows) for your perusal. The drive icons in actual use across the screen bottom use one of the modifies sets.

If I had a mediafire or similar account, I'd put up the pets I've made, but I don't.

I've downloaded some hard-drive, USB and optical drive images which I may try to turn into more icons, perhaps colouring the image itself as well as its border and background.

Just need the cold weather to stay around - it was less than 10C last night (well, 9.something C :lol: )!

Thanks for originally doing these enhanced icons some time ago.

David S.
coloured in the backgrounds of mounted drives to better show up on the pinboard
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#76 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hiya, David.

Well, I'm pleased to hear I've inspired you to do some of your own!

Like I said in the earlier post, I just got fed-up with looking at the same old icons (not that there's owt wrong wi' them), so I decided to flex my artistic muscles a wee bit, and come up with some I liked.

They're easy enough to do; the hardest part is making up the 'rims', since each straight edge has to be done separately in PhotoScape, then carefully aligned with the previous ones in a high-zoom shot (to get the alignment spot-on).

It's easy enough to open an Imgur account for images. For .pets, you can use DataFileHost; no registration, and things will remain up for around 6 months (longer if regularly accessed).


Be nice to share 'em!

Mike. :wink:
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#77 Post by Mike Walsh »

Morning, all.

Just thought I'd share a couple of 'different' takes on the MPlayer icon.....which I put together a coupla weeks ago for Racy 5.5.

As always; 'Rt-clk->Save image as...'

Mike. :wink:
MPlayer icon for desktop launcher...
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MPlayer icon for desktop launcher...
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Coloured icons for mounted drives

#78 Post by davids45 »


Thanks to forum member Subito Piano for hosting, downloadable pets are available for test and comment that I've made (with Gimp) of Mike Walsh's drive icon originals, modified to be more colourful for mounted drives. Coloured examples in each set are shown in the attachment.

Unmounted drive icons remain grey or at least relatively dull.

http://mysterdee.com/Puppy/Desktop-Driv ... et_1DS.pet

http://mysterdee.com/Puppy/Desktop-Driv ... et_2DS.pet

http://mysterdee.com/Puppy/Desktop-Driv ... et_3DS.pet

http://mysterdee.com/Puppy/Desktop-Driv ... et_4DS.pet

Install the pet then hover the cursor over the rows/columns of pinboard drive icons to see the result.

All being well, I'll add further pets using new drive images with colourful icons for mounted drives.

I'll also be reducing the size, slightly, of the unmounted drive icons to further enhance the visibility of the mounted drives.

I hope this will be useful for Pups on computers with many partitions and drives such that it's easier to find and click the drive wanted.

Comments and improvements most welcome.

David S.
colours of mounted drives in each pet set - unmounted drives (unshown) have no coloured border nor 'bucket-filled' background, to be less noticeable on the pinboard/desktop
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#79 Post by smokey01 »

The other day I was looking for some icon-sets for puppy. Some of my usual sources had disappeard so I hunted many packages down and uploaded them here:
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Smokey's Accumulation of Icon Themes (Illustrated)

#80 Post by mikeslr »

Hi smokey,

Thanks a lot for the hard work you put in. I was especially impressed in that your accumulation provides a display of each of the icons in the set.

For a while I was puzzled about how to download a set. Then I clicked on one icon in a set expecting to download only it and was pleased that the entire set downloaded.

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