Installing Microsoft Core Web Fonts - SOLVED

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Installing Microsoft Core Web Fonts - SOLVED

#1 Post by Scoticus »

I would like to duplicate my Opera settings and according to the Opera forum I should install the core web fonts

I was using Arial, Arial Black, Courier New and Times New Roman to highlight toolbars and mail settings. Despite my cataract operation I still like the clarity of the old settings.

Can anyone guide me how I may install these fonts?

Thanking you in anticipation

Last edited by Scoticus on Sun 04 Mar 2007, 08:01, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by GuestToo »

do you have Windows also installed? ... is you do, you can just drag the /mnt/home/windows/fonts folder to /root with the middle mouse button to create a symlink, then rename the link ".fonts"

now all your Windows fonts will be available to Opera, Seamonkey, Firefox, Abiword, Open Office, etc etc

by the way, you can setup a virtual screen if you like ... for example, your monitor can be set to 800x600 but the desktop can be set to 1024x768 ... you would edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the "modes" line in the Section "Screen" to something like this:

Modes "800x600" "1024x768"

this should give you a 800x600 monitor and a 1024x768 desktop ... just move the mouse to pan the screen across the desktop

it is sort of like a magnifying glass
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Installing Microsoft Core Web Fonts

#3 Post by Scoticus »

I am sorry Guest Too but I am not following you this time.

I have XP on the system and was able to locate the fonts OK but after that confusion sets in. I use a scrolling mouse so when I depress the centre there shows on the screen a block which moves from fonts to the first item in the Windows file. Trying to move the item on to the desktop before attempting to take it forward root everything changed showing a different icon and I was scared to go further.

A google search told me what a symlink was but not what I should do to achieve as result.

Can you please clarify matters. Should I copy everything over or just the fonts I want to use ?

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#4 Post by GuestToo »

you can copy the files, but that uses up space in the Puppy file system

if you make a symlink, you have access to all the files, but they don't take up any space ... it's like copying just the name, not the whole file

you could just paste this in an rxvt console window, if you like:

ln -sfn /mnt/home/windows/fonts /root/.fonts


ln -sfn /mnt/home/windows/Fonts /root/.fonts

(Linux is case sensitive ... it matters whether letters are upper case or lower case)

to copy, select the text with the left mouse button ... to paste, click the middle mouse button (or the wheel) ... then press enter to execute the command

or i could make a dotpup that would make the link automatically for you
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Installing Microsoft Core Web Fonts

#5 Post by Scoticus »

Many thanks GuestToo

Can I please take you up on your offer of the dotpup as somehow or other I can not get the instruction to work when typing in the details.

There is no immediate hurry for this as specifically for my own use this is cosmetic. I was at some stage going to ask how Puppy deals with those individuals who have sight problems as my friend that I share the computer with has a degenerative sight problem.

Once I can get round Puppy and not be a pain in the nether region to others I intend to coach Brenda and bring her over to Puppy. When I do this I will be seeking more information on text sizes, screen resolutions etc etc.

I appreciate that you are up to your eyes in 2.15CE so even if you produce the dotput after the final issue of CE that will suit me.

Sorry to put you to this extra work


PS I am looking forward to seeing exactly what the final result will be. Looks good so far.
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#6 Post by mdisaster2 »

I just went through the Webcore fonts install in 2.14, so let me add my 2 cents:

- first, I downloaded the Webcore font package and extracted the .ttf files in the regular Puppy TTF font dir, as opposite to symlinking the Windows font directory as I usually do. The rational is that if the fonts directory is symlinked to Windows then some post-install activities on the linux side will create or alter files on the windows side. I never had problems with symlinking myself, but I only use FAT32 on Windows - NTFS may well be a different matter. Also with a symlink all the fonts in Windows will show up in Puppy, which is not necessarily good for graphic oriented people who have thousands of fonts installed.

- then I went through some tweaking, loosely based on what I could figure out reading these tutorials: ... 68&t=10576 ... tfonts.htm

The tutorials do look a bit intimidating, but you don't have to do it all. I only ran mkfontscale, mkfontdir, and fv-cache (please check out the tutorials for exact spelling and sequence), and I did the part where you physically measure your screen with a ruler, figure out the DPI, and put both screen size and DPI in the appropriate files (and/or in the Set Global Font Size applet). After I had done that all the fonts in Puppy looked gorgeous, especially the JVM menus, so I left alone Freetype and the font.conf files.

Last thing: if you use Opera then even after the tweaking some pages will still request ugly bitmapped fonts (ie Helvetica). This is how to tell Opera to always use scalable fonts.
- go into advanced preferences and assign your favorite TrueType fonts to all elements, in case Opera hasn't picked up them already.
- type opera:config in the address bar.
- open the "User Prefs" section and uncheck "Enable X Core Fonts".
- save the changes, then shutdown and restart Opera.
- enjoy :)
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#7 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

@Scoticus: here is a short, updated version of my tutorial's section on how to obtain the Microsoft core web fonts in Puppies 2.13-2.15:

1. Point your browser at:

and download to directory /tmp the file ... 1.3.tar.gz

2. Open RoxFiler, navigate up and over to the /tmp subdir.

Left-click on the .tar.gz file, this will bring it up in XArchive.

Click Select All, click extract.

3. Now navigate to /tmp/webcore-fonts/fonts.

Open another Rox window, navigate up and over to subdir /usr/X11R7/lib/X11/fonts/TTF, move this window over to the right.

Go back to the /tmp/webcore-fonts/fonts subdir.

Copy all the .ttf files over to /usr/X11R7/lib/X11/fonts/TTF with drag'n'drop.

If you own a legal copy of Windows, I suggest you copy the tahoma .ttf files (tahoma.ttf and tahomabd.ttf) up from your /mnt/hda1/windows/fonts subdir as well, if these aren't already present.

4. Open an rxvt window (Puppy 2.13: Menu-Run-rxvt or, Puppy 2.14: Menu-Utility-Rxvt terminal editor) and issue these five commands (do not omit the dot at the end of the middle three commands):

cd /usr/X11R7/lib/X11/fonts/TTF
mkfontscale .
/usr/X11R7/bin/mkfontdir .
fc-cache -fv .
xset fp+ /usr/X11R7/lib/X11/fonts/TTF

Now you have the Microsoft core web fonts permanently available; whether your browser will use them or not, depends on its particular settings. Others perhaps can help you better here. For Opera, see the last paragraph of the previous post.

Last edited by Sit Heel Speak on Mon 26 Feb 2007, 03:36, edited 1 time in total.
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#8 Post by EdFromHouston »

I copied them from /mnt/home/i386/fonts. It's big but it is worth it for me because I'm not worried about size of my Puppy. It was in i386 because that is the FAT partition (D) which has the XP restore files on my HP PC and it only had the good core fonts.

Thanks for the tip. Now I have more fonts. :D
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Installing Microsoft Core Web Fonts - SOLVED

#9 Post by Scoticus »

I am pleased to say that I have been able to resolve this matter. I used GuestToo's guide after all having got brave and lucky both at the same time.

A word of warning to others when I dragged the Fonts file over to /root I made the mistake of accepting move before I renamed the file. Please ensure that you use copy as when I went back to XP to check all my font settings I was told that doz would not boot as there was a missing file. No prizes for guessing which one. I had to reverse the process and this time I used copy and status quo was maintained.

I think that GuestToo's offer of a dotput would still be valid for the use of others and ask if he would go ahead with this when convenient.

Once again many thanks to all who assisted

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#10 Post by GuestToo »

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Microsoft TT fonts

#11 Post by PeterB »

Thanks GuestToo for your very simple advice on installing fonts - simply put a symbolic link called '.fonts' in the /root directory pointing to the folder where the fonts are. Worked first time and the Microsoft core fonts are now available to all apps.

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msttcorefonts download

#12 Post by paulski »

I needed to download Microsoft Core Fonts to make a program work better in Wine.

A few searches took me to a debian package that I then turned into something that will work in puppy.
Essentially it is a script that searches the internet for the fonts where they are legally availble and downloads them, converts them with cabextract and puts them in the fonts folder.

I downloaded cabextract from somewhere (maybe
You can always use the slackware package and tgz2pet it.

Its another solution to the core fonts issues - combined with the previous replies it might help someone.
Microsoft Core Fonts Downloader
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Microsoft Core Web Fonts

#13 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Microsoft released the Core Web Fonts to the public domain back around 1994, they are free to use as you see fit.

I posted them here awhile back, in this now-obsolete thread. If my .pet package does not work in your Puppy, then you can simply untar it by opening Rox in whatever subdirectory you downloaded it to, then open a terminal window there and issue:

Code: Select all

tar -xvf
cd microsoft-core-ttf-webfonts-0.0.1/usr/share/fonts/default/TTF
and simply copy any or all of them into
/usr/share/fonts/default/TTF (or wherever your .ttf fonts are on your Puppy --use PFind Advanced and search through /usr for files named *.ttf, or use Searchmonkey).
Bruce B

#14 Post by Bruce B »

Sit Heel Speak wrote: 4. Open an rxvt window (Puppy 2.13: Menu-Run-rxvt or, Puppy 2.14: Menu-Utility-Rxvt terminal editor) and issue these five commands (do not omit the dot at the end of the middle three commands):

cd /usr/X11R7/lib/X11/fonts/TTF
mkfontscale .
/usr/X11R7/bin/mkfontdir .
fc-cache -fv .
xset fp+ /usr/X11R7/lib/X11/fonts/TTF
At least someone wants to do it right. Thanks SHS.

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