On the eve of war

For stuff that really doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Puppy
Bruce B

On the eve of war

#1 Post by Bruce B »

For moral a war, we need a Democrat. Even the media will not vilify him, because is choose right party, the one on the left.

Choose your poison.
  • Die by chemicals?

    Die by American weapons which will land where they are programmed to land and cut you up with shrapnel and burn 80% of you body?
(just kidding, they won't have a choice)

This might be premature to for me to start this topic. If so, it is not the first time I miscalculated the future. Apologies in advance.

Scared the who out of me when Saddam Hussein back in 1991 told us - Americans will run at the sight of their own blood. And don't us think that taking on Iraq (freeing Kuwait) will be like watching a Rambo movie.

Now of course I'm really scared. al-Assad rattles saber more frightening that the ones even Steve Ballmer liked to rattle.

( my goodness, how fun it was for me to speak of Steve Ballmer in the past tense )

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Karl Godt
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#2 Post by Karl Godt »

Both Bush Jr and Obama like to kick into the face when the opponent already is lying broken on the ground .

4 weeks of air raids with 10,000 deaths might be the same as the current body count .

The chemical things are kinda untrustworthy to me but lies have started few wars and the liars were successful the first half time .

What of course is disgusting : To start to think about the time after Damascus is controlled by US forces .
Bruce B

#3 Post by Bruce B »

Karl Godt wrote:Both Bush Jr and Obama like to kick into the face when the opponent already is lying broken on the ground.
How can you say that? Bush bad. Obama good.

Actually, I like you putting those two people in the same sentence.
Karl Godt wrote:4 weeks of air raids with 10,000 deaths might be the same as the current body count.
War matters.

The bodies can rot, be burned and/or buried. Importantly, we don't have to count them. Killing is sufficient.

War is what matters. We always have money for war.

The war machines are the fabric, indeed the very backbone of our economy.

War for the sake of war.

WAIT. Before putting heat on little me, I wish to say, the above statements do not reflect my wishes, desires, values or my sense of right and wrong. They represent how I think things are, not how I want them to be.
Karl Godt wrote:The chemical things are kinda untrustworthy to me but lies have started few wars and the liars were successful the first half time .

What of course is disgusting : To start to think about the time after Damascus is controlled by US forces .
Romney talked tough about Syria, Obama played tough also. He said the line for him is Assad using Chemicals.

Assad used them after the line was drawn. Then they were used in a way they cannot be ignored.

We cannot expect Obama to lose face and look weak after he so blatantly drew a line in the sand. He has not choice but to "stand his ground".

(some of what I wrote may have been dry humor, tongue in cheek, what would a peasant know when talking about the elite?)
Bruce B

#4 Post by Bruce B »

Just in 34 minutes ago.

Syria gas attack will spark 'strong signal,' Obama warns

And for icing on the cake, it is from a liberal news source, we can therefore know it is reliable and without bias or agenda.

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#5 Post by greengeek »

Can you clarify the facts for me please? As far as I can tell it is shaping up like this:

1) Civilians killed by dangerous gas
2) Israel says "we have proof that the Syrian government did it"
3) America and Britain say "very bad Syrians. We are bringing our war machine to your place now". (ps: "thanks Syria - this is good for the Western economy...")
4) Russia says "Syria didn't do it. Stay home Britain, Israel and America".

Sounds like a potential "world war" in the making.

Or is there something I missed?
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#6 Post by Karl Godt »

Seems to me that now there is the need for an explanation , to flare the focus on why not having interfered earlier .
Since the USA is a non clerical country , simple religious reasons can not be considered as Reason of War .

But the Arabs are trying hard to enable
Genesis 15:18 In that day Yahweh made a covenant with Abram, saying, "To your seed I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates:
New American Standard Bible
so that the land will not spew you out, should you defile it, as it has spewed out the nation which has been before you.
(ps: "thanks Syria - this is good for the Western economy...")
Nope, that is a peanut war . Does not make much money . Iran with nukes would be a longer match . Syria purchases all it's weaponry , no big industry , their students go offshore to study .
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#7 Post by greengeek »

Karl Godt wrote:Nope, that is a peanut war . Does not make much money . Iran with nukes would be a longer match
Any war of this nature makes men like Dick Cheney very wealthy. Even if the enemy is weak it gives the government a good reason for pillaging more taxes from their own people, and bringing in further laws like the "patriot" act. And in this case there is a strong likelihood that Iran would eventually become involved and give Israel and the U.S.A "reasons" for extending the war.

Much money will be spent, and I am sure the outcome will be to provide a new basis for expansion of the US economy to recover from the GFC.

It will be very interesting to see if this kicks off a new cold war between the US and Russia - they both need to control the oil and gas gateways that run through this region.
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#8 Post by Karl Godt »

is a strong likelihood that Iran would eventually become involved
Don't think so .
Iran has a quite well functioning system to retire amok runners like "Hitlers" or "Ahmadinedschads" , like the "party based socialist " countries in opposite to "person based socialist" ones .
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#9 Post by greengeek »

Who do you think is more likely to come to the aid of the Syrians - Iran or Russia? Or will they both run with their tails between their legs?
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#10 Post by Karl Godt »

greengeek wrote:Who do you think is more likely to come to the aid of the Syrians - Iran or Russia? Or will they both run with their tails between their legs?

Russia did it with Serbia .
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Bruce B

#11 Post by Bruce B »

I could be wrong.

I think this is the lull before the storm.

The media has little to report. So they come up with things such as worse case scenerios. Who rattled what saber? How many emails were sent to whom.

The 'war room' is not giving the media much of anything.

Our greengeek said: 4) Russia says "Syria didn't do it. Stay home Britain, Israel and America".

This could be true (today). True tomorrow might be that's all Putin had to say.

I wonder if things could be so wicked that we don't need to justify war.

If there is no war, then people in control have to invent strong justification for why there is not a war! (and promise the powers that be not to worry, we will make war).

But then again, I admit, I've been losing faith in the Government for a while now.

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#12 Post by Karl Godt »

The whole again is no military operation but a police one to get both syrian sides unarmed ,
put up a new political system and get involved people clarified in juristic ways .
Many may end up like the Zimmerman case .
The current government people may have worse cards because they are better known than the rebels .

Guess Gaddafi was more a matter of "personal" disgust because of the Lockerbie incident than "ideological" or "humanitarian" .
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#13 Post by greengeek »

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#14 Post by Galbi »

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#15 Post by Karl Godt »

[quote]After Germany “made a strategic error
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#16 Post by greengeek »

Paul Craig Roberts is a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal.
Thanks Galbi, that is a powerful article written by someone who appears to have quite a respectable background.
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#17 Post by Galbi »

greengeek wrote:Paul Craig Roberts is a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal.

Thanks Galbi, that is a powerful article written by someone who appears to have quite a respectable background.
That' s exactly what I thought, I' ve been reading his articles since long

http://www.rebelion.org/mostrar.php?tip ... s&inicio=0
(They are in spanish, but at the end of each article there is the link to the original source in english).

Very strange to see this comments in a republican member.

This site, http://www.rebelion.org/ took my attention when Richard Stallman complained because it was excluded of Wikipedia.
Happy to see that is included now:
RMS won.
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#18 Post by Karl Godt »

Another historical point to consider :

Bruce B

#19 Post by Bruce B »

Karl Godt wrote:Another historical point to consider :

Fascinating history. I love history. It helps me understand the present.

The way I understand it is the Allied powers won the war. The victors draw new boundaries. Victors can do what they want. Draw lines in sand and who gives a shit how lines affect people?

Correct me if I'm wrong! 'Cause I don't actually know because I have not studied the Ottoman Empire (yet).
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#20 Post by Galbi »

...If intervene to protect and save lives it would be sufficient to "bomb" many African countries with tetra brick milk cartons instead of cluster bombs...

A very little extract of this article:


Google translate english version:

http://translate.google.com.ar/translat ... 60&act=url
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