It allows to find and access any open window instantly and is designed as a supplement for JWM's tasklist.
May work with other window managers. Openbox users may not need it as Openbox already has a similar menu built in.
Key features:
- Lists all windows, even those not accessible from tasklist (e.g. confirmation dialogs)
- Allows to access or close windows via single-key shortcuts
- Additional context menu allows mouse-only operations
- Can be opened/closed with same desktop/keyboard shortcut.
- Look & feel similar to a JWM pop-up menu (No buttons, no menu bar, closes when clicked or focus lost)
- Adjusts its height dynamically depending on number of items
- Creates no config or temporary files
No particular installation needed. It's just 1 file so you may want to put it into /usr/bin.
To access the script easily and quickly, some care should be taken when choosing a suitable trigger.
Recommended: Tray button (see screenshot). Opens the menu neatly above the tray and avoids the "empty desktop" bug (see "Issues")
For placement at right edge of tray edit /root/.jwmrc-tray:
A keyboard shortcut (e.g. assigned to Windows key) may be the quickest way.<Clock format="%-H:%M:%S">minixcal</Clock>
<TrayButton label="WinSwitch" >exec:winswitcher</TrayButton>
wmctrl, gtkdialog4
- WinSwitcher may not open when triggered by a keyboard shortcut on an empty desktop. Seems to be a bug. Can be prevented by positioning mouse cursor over tray.
v.1.2: Added compatibility for puppies using bash versions <3.2 (e.g. Precise 5.6)
v.1.1: First release. Added context menu and help page
v.1.0: Unreleased version