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#1 Post by robwoj44 »

FFmpegYAG is an advanced GUI for the popular FFmpeg audio/video encoding tool.

The dependencies:
wxWidgets from http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 396#707396
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FFmpegYAG -- missing libraries

#2 Post by mikeslr »

Hi robwoj44,

From its description at sourceforge, especially the screenshots, FFmpegYAG appears to be a worthwhile tool for video editing as well as file format conversation. Unless I've read too much into the screenshots, it appears that FFmpegYag provides a GUI for cropping, deleting or splitting out portions of a vid.

Regretfully, it as wouldn't run in Precise 5.7.1, I examined it for missing dependencies by opening a terminal in /usr/bin and typing, Code:

ldd ffmpegyag

which generated, in part, the following

sh-4.3# ldd ffmpegyag
linux-gate.so.1 => (0xffffe000)
libwx_gtk2u_gl-2.8.so.0 => not found
libwx_gtk2u_adv-2.8.so.0 => not found
libwx_gtk2u_core-2.8.so.0 => not found
libwx_baseu-2.8.so.0 => not found

Before I go searching for such missing libs, in which Pup did you successfully run it?


Edit: I found I had some time on my hands so I didn't wait for your response. I unpacked your pet. It's specs suggest you built it in wary. As I was running Precise, vicmz's obprecise 5.7.1, I looked for the missing libs in ubuntu's precise repositories. The libwxgtk2.8-0 deb was found here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/libwxgtk2.8-0. Downloaded and extracted, it contained all the missing libs except libwx_baseu-2.8.so.0. That lib was found in the deb at http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/libwxbase2.8-0.
The downloaded debs contained other files, but I only used the missing ones, together with symlinks in the extracted packages which --by their names-- clearly pertained to them. I copied the missing libs and symlinks to /usr/lib. Typing "ffmpegyag" in a terminal opened it without reporting any other lib being absent.
On starting ffmpegyag locates both avconv and ffmpeg codecs and asks you to chose which you want to use. To load a vid click Add Task(s) which brings up a file-manager. After it is loaded, highlight it and move the scroll bar under the preview window. There is no "automatic play" tool. The preview window becomes acceptable for use when the application is maximized.
As yet I haven't succeeded in doing much with the application beyond loading a file, selecting segments to copy. It does appear to have the potential for trimming out only those sections of a video you don't want by creating a "play-list" of the desired section: similar to XP's cut-assistant if you're familiar with it. Unfortunately, as yet its only generated error reports and unplayable files. But then, I don't really know anything about codec selection so I'll assume that problem is me.
Sorry I can't provide a pet of the missing libs as it would exceed the forum's file size limitation. Anyone running a Lupu or Tahr based Pup can find a link to the libs required in their respective versions from either webpage cited above.


p.s. Yah, it's my ignorance of codecs. By accepting some defaults I was able to generate three vids, they being selected segments of a source vid. But my selection of concatenate failed with an error message. So, back to exploring.

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FFmpegyag for Tahrpup (maybe)

#3 Post by mikeslr »

Hi all,

After cobbling together an ffmpeg4vivid.sfs, and a pet of additional libraries and symlinks in order to get that to run under Tahrpup, http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 469#845469 only to discover that project might have been unnecessary [anticipated and accomplished by others] I decided to do something useful before ffmpeg's requirements got lost in the recesses of my mind: Build an ffmpegyag for Tahrpup.

After struggling for several hours to find the necessary libs to modify either robwoj44's version, or the modified one I had cobbled together for Precise, I was about to quit. Either it wouldn't work at all, or working partially it broke ffmpeg4vivid.

Then it occurred to me. Maybe the maker's of ffmpegyag, themselves, had done something I could use. Sure enough they had. They had published a new version. I suppose from its name it was for Linux Mint 17, which I understand is a debian-Ubuntu hybrid. You can download the deb from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ffmpegyag/. On that page you'll also find a link to their companion project, ffmpeg-hi. They recommend using it.

I downloaded both and used RSH's PaDS to combine them into an SFS. When loaded simultaneously with ffmpeg4vivid, and the aforementioned pet of libraries, it didn't break ffmpeg in Tahrpup.

It won't open in vividpup.

In Tahrpup, ffmpegyag opened and appeared reasonably functional. It might, in fact, be fully functional and its only I who haven't figured out how to configure it:

When it opens, it offers to use two versions of its own codes, plus those included in ffmpeg4vivid and the avconv codec built into Tahrpup. I haven't tried to use the avconv codec yet. I've been able to work with the ffmpeg codecs, but as yet haven't found a combination of ffmpegyag's own codec which worked.

Maximizing the application provides a realistic size preview screen to be used with its cut & trim function. To mark beginning and end points of sections you want to cut-out or use, you do not move what appears to be a slider. Rather, you just click it and then hold down the space-bar. When you reach a point you want to mark, you just release the space-bar and click the begin or end marker. After clicking the end marker you click the "Add" button. The interval between will be added to a play list. [I haven't yet experimented with the "delete" button or a combination of the two. As ffmpegyag simply uses the source file as a reference for creating a new video, I would expect "deletions" to be non-destructive of the source file].

At any rate, ffmpegyag only occupies 21 MB of hard-drive. Since it suggests that it may work with avconv, I'll have to see if it can be used without ffmpeg4vivid. If we can get it to function fully it may prove to be a very useful tool.


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ffmpegyag : XP portable runs under wine

#4 Post by mikeslr »

Hi All,

Decided to try cobbling together a version of ffmpegyag which would run under Lupu. Achieved the failure as under Tahrpup. So headed back to ffmpegyag's home page. Clicking "Browse All Files" revealed setups for Windows and Windows-portable. http://sourceforge.net/projects/ffmpegyag/files/

It's been my experience that portable Windows programs often run under Wine regardless of what Linux distribution invokes wine.

I downloaded the portable version which turned out to be a zip file. Extracting it produced a folder containing all its files including its executable. Somewhere while downloading ffmpegyag, itself, a link to its recommended ffmpeg-HI became apparent. So I downloaded it as well. It also turned out to be a zip file. I extracted it and moved its contents into the main ffmpegyag's folder.

Clicking its executable, it opened, offering to use the ffmpeg-hi or the default ffmpeg.

Tip 1: Maximizing the Window provides a reasonable size preview window for placing beginning and end points for those parts of the vid you want to add to your “copy

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#5 Post by musher0 »

Hi, mikesir.

I haven't read all your posts yet on this subject, but I can tell you right away that
< linux-gate.so.1 > is NOT a dependency. I don't know exactly why it's there, but it shows
up whenever you use ldd on any executable. (See capture below.)

Don't fuss over that one, it's not a real lib.

Bye for now.

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